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October 05, 1968 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1968-10-05

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Saturday, October 5, 1968


Poo Seven

Be ngals favored as Series moves to Detroit :

Pooe <;ven

DETROIT (P)-Topcoat weath-l
er and frost warnings greeted thet
aroused Detroit Tigers and still
confident St. Louis Cardinals yes-,
terday as they tuned up for to-l
day's third World Series game, alll
even at one victory each.
/ Earl Wilson, a power threat with
33 career homers to his credit,
will pitch for the Tigers Against'
Ray Washburn, a 14-8 performer{
for the Cardinals. Wilson, 33,E
wound up with a 13-12 record des-
pite a series of injuries.
The matchup f o r tomorrows
0 fourth game will be anotherPo-
frontation between Bob Gibson,'
who struck out a record 17 in the1
Wednesday opener, and Denny
McLain, Detroit's 31-game %On-
On the strength of their rousing
0 8-1 shelling of Nelson Briles in
the second game and the return
to their homhe park, the Tigers;
were slight favorites - 11-10 - to
win the third game. St. Louis,,
however, remained a 13-10 choice
to take the Series.
Mayo.Smith, manager of the Ti-
* gers, had toyed with the idea of

pitching Wilson in St. Louis but
decided to hold h i m for Tiger
Stadium where the home run dis-
tances are more to his liking. The
power alleys at Tiger Stadium in
left center and right center are,
from 15 to 20 feet closer than at
Busch Stadium.
"We're built for this park," said
Smith while the Tigers worked
out on the open date in the sch-
edule. "We have to out-homer the
other club to win. Psychologically
it's a lift to us to come home."
An enthusiastic crowd of some
3,000 'greeted the Tigers Thursday
night at the airport as they re-
turned from St. Louis.

Louis the measurements will remain at short. Smith was with eight complete games and
feet down each line, 414 enthusiastic about his play. four shutouts despite a dry no-win
center and 386 to left cen- "Mickey has done a fine job in spell from April 30 to June 16.
right center, the power both games," he said. "He made Red Schoendienst, manager of
ger Stadium is 340 to left, the key play to start the big dou- the Cardinals, planned to return
ight and 440 to center but ble play in the second game. He to his first game lineup after mak-
to left center and 370 to is more relaxed now. No, I don't ing a batting order shift and one
nter. As the Tigers hit 185 expect to make it permanent. He'll personnel change against a left-
to the Card's 73 in eegular I be back in the outfield next year." handed pitcher in the second
nd slammed three to the RUNNING FOR RECORD game. Roger Maris, playing his
ne in St. Louis, anything .UNNIlast Series before retirement, will
ps the power hitter has to Despite a jammed shoulder, Lou return to r i g h t field lacing
'oit. After two games the Brock, the Cards' speedy bullet, ren Da ighnt il
roi.. fte tw gaes hehas stolen th r ee bases in two IRon Davis against Wilson
re batting .261, the Cards
games and is well within range of # FOOTBALL WEATHER
the record seven he stole last year After Gibson tangles with Mc-
['S PARK! against BostonLiagnintmro'gme
n usually pitches better s Lain again in tomorrow's game,
park," said Smith. "That guy like that gets on base," said the Cards probably will come right
es going on the 1967 rec- Smith. "He's always a threat but back with Nelson Briles, second
S year has to be discount- you don't let him disrupt t h e game victim of three home run
ase of his injuries. But the pitcher. I tell the pitcher to just balls, for the fifth game Monday.
En threat did have a lot to work on the hitter unless it's a Unless somebody wins three in a
deciding to pitch him in tight one-or-two-run game. Youl
d game. can't say the stolen bases are all row here, they will be back in St.
e he's not as fast as he Bill Freehan's fault. The fault is Louis next Wednesday :nd pos-
be with Boston but he has partly .with the pitchers." sibly Thursday to finish it up.
eaking stuff and is a real COMEBACK FOR WASHBURN The weatherman warned of
or." Washburn is a 30-year-old frost danger at night but said it
Stanley, the center right-hander whose future was in wouldb nyerIi tmht fotal
doubt after he suffered an injury would be sunny w I t h football
who has moved to short- I'to his right shoulder in 1963. He weather between 50 and 55 de-
bt days before the Series, has just completed his best year grees for today's game.



fielder w
stop eigh

-Associated Press
TODAY'S TIGER STARTER, Earl Wilson, welcomes St. Louis pitcher Ray Washburn to Tiger
Stadium as the Series moves to Detroit for the next three games. Washburn (14-8), who has just
completed his best season in the major leagues, will go against Wilson in the third game. The
return to the home ballpark and the smaller outfield both contributed to making the Tigers 'a
slight favorite in the third game.

Wolverines hope to scuttle Navy, even series


None of the Midshipmen were
allowed to come up for the Michi-
gan-Navy clash today, so the Bri-
gade will be represented only by
their 'football team.
Something about not wanting to
hurt the Middies morale. Maybe
they should have kept the team
at home, too.
Their last two times out have
ended in 31-6 and 49-15 losses,
while the Michigan gridders un-
derwent a Cinderella transforma-
tion between their first two
But the memory of the Wolver-
ines' closing minutes loss to Navy
last year must serve as a damper
to Michigan's hopes for an "easy"
Neither Navy's offensive attack
nor their defense has shown much
flash in their previous two, out-
Against Penn State their run-
ning game totaled a puny seven
yards, while five1 of quarterback
Mike McNallen's passes were in-
Improvement was forthcoming
in the Boston College game with
Navy gaining 203 yards on the
ground, but their defensive de-
ployment could not hold the Ea-
gles and they lost 49-15.
With the performance against
Duke of Ron Johnson and' Garvie
Craw looming before 'them, Navy's
Adefense Ail be facing a tougher
assignment than in either of its
other games.
Halfbacks Charley Pittman of'
Penn State and Dave Bennett of
Boston College each carried for
more than 150 yards against Navy.
Last year Wolverine halfback
Johnson cracked the Middies' de-
fense for 270 yards, practically
twice as much as Pittman or Ben-
nett. This year he may be going
for a perfect 300 game.
The opposition has scored 80,
points against Navy since the sea-
son's kick-off, which is hardly an
Impressive statistic to carry into
a game. Coach Bill Elias'' predic-
tion that "we have some unsettl-
ing problems to solve" could not
have been more prophetic.







Height, riots, threats---but Games go on

MEXICO tCITY (P) - Mexico's against the government. Thursday criticism-and so 'another hurdle
Olympics, due to open Oct. 12, will night the students and police was taken.
go down in history as the Problem clashed and reports of dead varied Suddenly-out of the blue-
Games. from 20 to 40. came even more complications.
Ever since the International The riots affected no athletes South Africa's entry was ques-
Olympic Committee gave the I who awoke this morning to hear tioned because of that country's
games to this high altitude city about the troubles. apartheid policy. The Soviet Union
one problem has piled on top of But the IOC called a special threatened to pull out of the
another. meeting to talk the thing out and Games if South Africa was al-
Altitude appeared to be the big then announced: "The Games will lowed entry.
talking point when Mexico City go on as scheduled." Eventually that obstacle was
got the games at Baden Baden, I Avery Brundage, prd of cleared by throwing South Africa
Germany, in 1963. esiet out of the Mexico Games.
the IOC, said Mexican authorities Thtseedohaeordou
Nobody on the IOC at that time had assured the IOC that noth- That seemed to have sorted out
thought about riots. ing will interfere with the peace- most of the problems for this
But riots Mexico City has had ful progress of the Games. hassle-ridden Games.
in pent ovr te lat fw weksBut it was only to start of the
in plenty over the last r few weeks I So Mexico got over another troubles.
with s tudents demonstratinghurdle. American Negroes threatened to
Tl;e country has survived so boycott the Games in support of
many over the last five years that their policies at home. That, too,!
'd even the most patriotic Mexican wasclearedup.
14must be left wondering what is Then Russia invaded Czecho-j
Bi Iboan on ohpe et
'Lgoing to happen next. slovakia and some countries called
Look back to Baden Baden, Ger- for a ban on the Soviet Union in
M^;i a i:: l 't " = many, where Mexico was given the Mexico City.
The Michigan Rugby Club will , Games. Again that hurdle was taken as'
play two games on Wines Field Mexico got the nod on the first - -
tomorrow against the Pittsburgh ballot against strong claims from ; - --. -
tomor.oTheaistthesitsbrgh Buenos Aires, Detroit and Lyons,
club. The first contest starts at France. t,~ 7'Io w
3:30 p.m. with the second fol-
lwing imniediat ss There is There were some hard words
nochreframsin said by Detroit's delegation at ,
a dis that time about Mexico's canvass-
The Student Olympic Com- h
The tudnt lympc Cin- Nevertheless, Mexico City won.
mittee will sponsor a collection The Mexicans got the G me
drive next Wednesday and with 30 votes on the first baot
Thursday, Oct. 9 and 10, to help Detroit was the nearest challengr
the United States Olympic team with 14. S enENK
in Mexico City. Members will Then came the world-widedis- 310 East s&.
be collecting in the Fishbowl. cussion on the affect the altitude 5ast -8637
* * --7,300 feet above sea level-would*Serviceentrance on th Ave.
The newly established Univer- have on Olympic athletes.
sity of Michigan Paddle Ball Medical commissions studied the ~~_~_
Club invites anyone interested in business in Mexico City. Teams I
membership to contact Sandy traveled to the country with their
Morris (761-5861) or to sign up doctors and tests were carried out,
on a list posted in the main Thousands of dollars ,were spent
lobby of the Intramural Build- on research.
ing, Still Mexico City survived all
-Put Your (ar On A Dirt-Free Diet
You know it's clean because you do it yourself I' '


time healed wounds, and there
were no more threats against
The Mexican students-agitators
many people call them-decided it
was their turn to take a hand.
They rioted against the govern-
ment and ran into bloody gun
battles with the police.
At one time it appeared the stu-
dents had agreed that nothing
would ichappen to disrupt the
Thursday night however, 'came
another pitched battle involving
many dead-estimates vary from
20 to 40.
No athletes were involved.
The Marquess of Exeter, Eng-
land's representative on the IOC
Executive Committee, said: "'Uese
riots are riot against the Okfimpics.
It's a case of student kieking
against their government."
Other top men on the IOC Ex-
ecutive Committee agreed.

HALFBACK JERI BALSLY (left) and Captain and tight end M~ike Clark lead Navy into today's
game with Michigan at Ann Arbor. Balsly rushed for 86 yards and a touchdown in last year's game
with the Wolverines, which Navy won, 26-21. Clark, who caught two passes for 49 yards against
Michigan last year, is the leading Middie receiver thus far in 1968. However, the rest of the passing
corps, both throwers and catchers, was lost through graduation.

We Have Them Al
ig and Small
State S'
Soled -I '71-IJfvsiw St. t


Michigan's loss of guard Bob
Baumgartner -- he made the Na-
vy All-Opponent Team last year-
will not console the Middies' de-
fense. and if Michigan can repeat
their Duke performance, Navy wil
have enough to worry about.
Graduation robbed Navy of its
two best receivers, split end Rob
Taylor and flanker Terry Murray,
who scored the winning touch-
down over Michigan last y e a r.
And it took the other end of the
passing combination too, quarter-
back John Cartwright.
The five interceptions and four
fumbles recorded in the Penn
State game indicate the inexper-
ience plaguing Navy. Their best
returning receiver, senior captain
Mike Clark has gained 99\yards in
10 catches. But the entire left side
of the offensive line was wiped
out through graduation.
'Senior halfback Roland Lauren-
zo had the finest afternoon of his
career during the otherwise dis-
mal Boston College clash, carry-
ing the ball for 92 yards in 13
tries. And sophomore Karl Sch-I
welm caught three passes for 90
yards in his debut as a N ay
flanker which gives the Wolver-
ine defense some statistics to mull
Before the game this afternoon,
Navy is share holder in an elite
group. Only three; teams in the
country have an edge over Micbi-
gan in series competition. Army
and Cornell are two of them and
Navy holds tenuous claim as the
third with a 5-4-1 record.
A loss would drop them from the
list. Maybe that's why none of the
Midshipmen could come to soday's




Jim Mandich
Bob Penksa
Dick Caldarazzo
Dave Denzin
Stan Broadnax
Dan Dierdorf
Jerry Imsland
Dennis Brown'
Paul Staroba.
Ron Johnson
Garvie Craw



Scott Monson
Jeff Krstich
Mike Hecomovich
Jim Gierucki
John Gantley
Tom Burbage
Mike Clark
Mike McNallen
Bill Newton
Jeri Balsly
Tom Daley


r' Lose

4th are.

Mets after Philhies' A lien;
swap for Ryan possibe
PHILADELPHIA (UP)-The New! Kelly said that ". . Allen, ac-
York Mets are trying to land ' cording to confidential sources, is
Philadelphia Phillies' slugger Rich the one big hitter the -Mets think
Allen in a multiple-player deal,| they need to move into the Na-.
the Evening Bulletin said in its tional League's first division." I
Friday edition. -


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_', - ,

"The groudwork was laid for the
deal in St. Louis on Wednesday
when Mets' officials met with
Phillies' General Manager John
Juinn," said baseball writer Ray
Kelly. "In an unprecedented move,
the Mets brought in M. Donald
Grand, chairman of the board, for
the discussion, alongwithNew'
York General Manager Johnny
Kelly speculated the Mets are
offering pitcher Dick Selma, out-
fielder Ron Swoboda and infielder
Ken Boswell for Allen, one of the
game's top home run hitters.
There also was talk that Nolan
Ryan or another Mets' pitcher
might be included," Kelly said.




Union Ballroom

the Middies remember

Monday, October 7


_ _____

Go to Blaises. 'Hearty Post
Game Bufet. Beverage is
included. And as much cider



SUN PAY, Oct. 6, 7 P.M.

Methodist Church Wesley
the corner of Huron and State






Author: Invitation to Sociology (a Human-
Perspective) ; The Noise of Solemn Assem-
blies; The Precarious Vision; and The Sacred
Canopy (elements of a Sociological Theory
of Religion). Cou-author, with Thomas Luck-

Joint Judiciary Council



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