Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, October 5, 1968 The Coo By ROBIN WRIGHT Jim Wilhite lives in a Peter Pan world. He doesn't want to grow up or be complicated. His only worry is about getting too involved in things that'll "hang him up." But his sensitivity, and built-in warmth get him too in- volved in other people's problems. Available at any hour to deliv- er the sick or injured to health service, he gets especially wrap- ped up in helping the underdog- Out for a snack\ one night, he saw a guy on the street resist an arrest attempt by two cops. When two onlookers jumped the cops, Wilhite got so upset that he went out on the street and took the 'heavies' off the cops' back and banged t h e i r heads together to prevent further trouble.' But he still is like a little kid. He loves peppermint - in any form - from ice cream to mouth- wash - and hates to have to keep still. "If I were locked in a room , casua with nothing to do for 24 hours, I'd probably die. I have to be on the move, but I like to do different stuff. It's a real challenge to find something different to do all the time, but I'm willing to try any- thing once." Proud of the fact that he's dif- ferent, he prefers to eat salad and French fries with his fingers "'cause using a fork takes too long. Besides, I hate to eat cause it takes too much time, but if I don't eat I'll get too skinny. And that scares me, so I eat - the easy way. But it works out all right because I'm an uncomplicat- ed eater. I just learned to like salad dressing a year ago.' Characterized by friends as good-natured and full of smiles, Wilhite is noted for several idio- synrancies such as hating locked doors. He became so frustrated with a locked door one evening that he knocked it down. Another set of'eccentricities in- volve his radio and shoes. H i s : world oJim not realizing the impact of some of his remarks. When he met a Michigan alum in his fraternity house, Wilhite asked if the visitor was an old Phi Psi. The alum replied that he $ h4was an SAE, at which point 'Wil- hite commented casually, "well, I guess that's the breaks." Another ' episode involved a roommate that had left school - ;for two years to become a Mor- man missionary. When discussing the job and the Morman faith with the friend, Wilhite quite honestly said he couldn't hack that type of thing, that "it was too much like being a traveling salesman."~ Full of contradictions, Wilhite can at one moment be hardwork- ing and proud, and at next glance S:; be carefree and lazy. During a test mile run WhichI was to be followed by an intensive practice, Wilhite ran the fastest' in his group with a record of 4:56. A teammate described h i m as, "never doing something only half way. He always puts as much of himself forth as he can. "His enthusiasm and effort are IM WILHITE comparable only to Captain Ron' Johnson - who's t h e greatest roommate explained, "Wilhite has leader the team's ever had." to have the radio on a nalf hour Another prime example involves' before b e d, otherwise he wor't organization - although he lives sleep well. If the electricity was by it for football, he hates to be turned off, he just wouldn't go to organized himself. He keeps track bed, of his personal items by a "cof-' "And if water buffalo sandals fee can" system. Each labeled tin went out of style he might not holds different stuff, there's one wear shoes at all. Sometimes, he ! for toiletries, another for food and even wears those things in the another for school supplies, etc. winter." Cleanliness is another prime concern for Wilhite. If he gets up for an 8 o'clock and feels like a long shower, chances are he'll nev- er make that class because he'll stay in the shower too long, doing pull-ups on the curtain rod and z using up the hot water. Innocently sincere and straight- forward, Wilhite has a habit of Withite But overall, friends Qescribe him as restless, playful and aim- less to the point of appearing lazy. Wilhite admits, "I don't know what I want to do with my life yet- If it weren't for the draft and football I'd like to linger my edv- cation over several years.* A physical education major, Wilhite figures teaching may well have some part in his life. "I love to have people around me all the time. Teaching or coaching would be great as it would allow me to be involved with different types of people all the time. "I guess it's because I val-e friendships more than anything else. If someone I know doesn't recognize me or say 'hi' to me or, the diag, I really feel slighted. You've gotta be careful when peo- ple stop smiling." Wilhite comes from a very close-knit family. The younger brother of former Michigan end Clayt Wilhite, he feels they're "so much alike, we don't need to com- municate. But he ought to be shot for starting everyone calling me 'Jimmy.' I hate it." A pragmatist, Wilhite proposes a new guideline for electing the president. Although he supports Nixon, he'd like to see each of the serious candidates given a "trial and error" term as President. "That way the public could see what each would actually do while J in office. It'd be much more ef- fective than just talking to people VV about vague programs for a cou- h ple of hours on a campaign tour." as DANCING FRI DAY and SA TURDA Y NIGH TS 211 N. Main Phn NO 3-7758 ow Open: 11 A.M.-2 A.M. Above Ad Worth 25c toward Dinner (One per Customer) Order Your Daily Now- Phone 764-0558 UKNIOR DEFENSIVE TACKLE Jim Wilhite (92) bears down on a California 'ball carrier in the Xolverines' opening contest of the 1968 season. Wilhite's determination and effort on the gridiron, owever, are not exactly typical of his personality; his langorous mannerisms characterize him s being friendly and easy-going among friends. Pi Beta Phi FotOpeni House SATURDAY, OCT. 5 4-6 P.M. 836 Tappan WEATHER GODS SMILE: Today's football menu: surny-side up By FRED LaBOUR you ask, could be a better yard- igan State, fresh from their won- ious horseshoe-shaped stadium, "Who among you has yet to stick than the weather? derful victory over a hapless Bay- the Buckeyes will meet the Oregon see, a football game played in Over in Iowa City for example, for eleven last weekend in East Ducks in a classic tilt which has 90 degrees?" hapless Iowa takes on Notre Lansing, will take on Hapless yet to capture the fancy of the na- -H. Darner Dame. The weather there is going Wisconsin, a team that has yet to tion. Today's Big Ten football games to be partly cloudy with a chance win a game this year, and almost Some rough-and-ready football will be run acfording to thes of late afternoon thundershowers the same thing goes for last year. should be played there this week- weather, and hence, the winner or and a temperature of 70 degrees. Big Ten prognosticators see this end, under skies that will be most- loser will be decided by the same. Notre Dame, as you might re- as an easy game for the Green ly sunny and a temperature that member, is trying to bounce back Giants. will be 61 d For the weather is a veritable after a poor showing against Pur- The weather in radical Madison yardstick that we can use to pre- due last week and Iowa appears will be partly sunny and 621 de- So that about wraps it up for dict football fortunes. to be headed for a loss. grees. Big Ten football this weekend. It Take Wake Forest at Minnesota Here is lovely Ann Arbor, our Another Big Ten clash will take looks like we can all look for- for example. Here is a terrible very own Wolverines are meeting place in Bloomington, with the ward to a lot of nice weather, the team against a good one, and the the Middies from Navy and the power-hungry Illini meeting the herald of autumn, and a lot of one that will win should depend weather will probably be mostly Indiana Hoosiers in their first tilt wonderful football. on the fact that the weather will sunny and 60 degrees. This game of the year between each other. Taking up some of the football be partly sunny and 57 degrees. is rated a toss-up by some, while The weather promises to be nearly slack this year, has been the mar- Such facts may not mean much Wolverine and Middie partisans neutral with the forecast being velous sport of baseball. to you, the average football buff, are predicting a win and a loss, mostly sunny and 65 degrees of . but to those of us who know the respectively. temperature. In this year's World Series, the old pigskin sport inside out, it is In some of the first intra-Big , Indiana has split their first fabulous Detroit Tigers have beat- highly significant. Ten action of the season, the Boil- two games and Illinois has drop- en the wonderful St. Louis Cards If it's hot for instance, one ermakers of Purdue meet the ped a pair, and it looks like In- one game out of two, losing also team might get too hot. The same Wildcats of Northwestern in diana, with their out-of-sight I one game out of two. things holds true if it's cold. Evanston, where the weather is backfield, going all the way. Starting pitchers for the Tigers For football finds itself in the en- expected to be partly sunny and' The last game involving Big Ten were Denny McLain in the first viable position as being the diver- 62 degrees. ' 'teams should probably take place game and Mickey Lolich in the sion of a nation, be it pro, college, In Madison, Wisconsin, on the in Columbus, Ohio, the Buckeye second, the former gaining a loss or lowly high school. What then, other hand, the Spartans of Mich- state. There, in Ohio State's spac- I and the latter a win, as it were. Schwaben Stage Band I 9!f 0~ ill WORSHIP *1 PACKARD ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH Southern Baptist Convention 1131 Church St.' 761-0441 Rev. Tom Bloxam 9:45 a.m.-Sunday School 11:00 a.m.-Morning Worship 6:30 p.m.-Training Union 7:30 p.m.-Evening Worship FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH On the Campus- Corner State and William Sts. Terry N. Smith, Minister Ronald C. Phillips, Assistant' World-Wide Communion Service, broadcasting at 11:00 a.m. over WPAG. Church School through Sixth Grade UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL 1511 Washtenaw Ave. (The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod) Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor Sunday at 9:30 and 11:00 a.m.-The Rev, Donald Fredrick, Guest Preacher. (Com- munion in 9:30 Service.) Sunday at 6:00 p.m.-Gamma Delta, Supper- Program. Mr. Donald Kell, "The Mission of the Church." Wednesday at 8:30 p.m.-Chapel Assembly. Wednesday at 10:00 p.m.-Midweek Service. Thursday at 7:30 p.m.-Old Testament Course. Friday at 6:30 p.m.--Choir Rehearsal. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1432 Washtenaw Ave. Phone 662-4466 SUNDAY Service-World-Wide Communion Service. Presbyterian Campus Center located at the Church Preacher-the Reverend Paul R. Dotson, Di- rector, President and Ecumenical Center. HURON HILLS BAPTIST CHURCH P'resently meeting at the YM-YWCA Affiliated with the Baptist General Conf. 761-6749 Rev. Charles Johnson 9:30 a.m.-Coffee. 9:45 a.m.-U Fellowship Bible Discussion. 11 :00a.m. - "Variety-Not Stereotype-in Conversion." 7:00 p.m.-U faculty and students plus mes- sage: "Philosophy and Intellectualism- Spurs or Spoilers?!" 8:30 p.m.-Campus and Careers fellowship and refreshments. FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH 1917 Washtenaw Ave. Dr. Erwin A Goede, Minister Phyllis St. Louis, Minister of Education 9:20 and 11:00 a.m.-"The City: Sacred and Secular." 2:00 p.m. - Student Religious Liberals - picnic. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 1833 Washtenow Ave. SUNDAY FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH and WESLEY FOUNDATION At State and Huron Streets Church-662-4536 Wesley-668-6881 Hoover Rupert, Minister r Bartlett Beavin, Campus Minister SUNDAY 9:00 and 11:15 a.m.-World-Wide Com= munion Sunday. "Is the Church for Real?", Dr. Rupert. 6:00 p.m.-Fellowship Supper, Pine Room. 7:00 p.m:-Program in the Sanctuary. "Be- tween Tyranny and! Chaos," Dr. Peter Berger from New York speaking. WEDNESDAY 7:00 a.m.-Holy Communion, Chapel. 7:30 a.m.-Breakfast,' Pine Room. Out in time for 8:00 classes. 6:00 p.m.-Wesley Grads. Dinner and Pro- gram.A THURSDAY 12:00 noon-Luncheon and Discussion, Room. "A Church for the Twentieth tury," Mr. Beavin. Out in time for classes. Pine Cen- 1:00 BETHLEHEM UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 423 S. Fourth Ave. Telephone 665-6149 Pastors: H. G. Kroehler, A. C. Bizer, W. C. Wright 9:30 a.m.-Worship Service 9:30 a.m.-Church School ST. ANDREW'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 306 N. Division 8:00 a.m.-Holy Communion 9:00 a.m.-Holy Communion and Sermon 11:00 a.m.-Morning Prayer and Sermon SATURDAY 11:30 a.m.-Football Luncheon with MSU Wesley. 4:00 p.m.-Cider and Donuts in the Lounge. LUTHERAN STUDENT CENTER AND CHAPEL National Lutheran Council Hill St. at S. Forest Ave. The Reverend Fred Holtfretoer SUNDAY 11 :00 a.m.-Worship Service. ST. AIDEN'S EPISCOPAL CHAPEL (North Campus) 1 679 Broadway 10:00 o.m.--Discussion Group. 1 '1 :00 a.m.-Service. THE CHURCH OF CHRIST W. Stadium at Edgewood Across from Ann Arbor High John M. Hamilton, Minister SUNDAY 10:00 a.m.-Bible School 11:00 a.m.-Regular Worship 6:00 p.m.-Evening Worship' WAFrnlcXrnAV Mr 10:30 a.m.-Worship Services, Sunday School (2-20 years) WEDNESDAY 8:00 p.m.-Testimony Meeting Infants room available Sunday and Wednesday Public Reading Room, 306 E. Liberty St. - Mon. 10-9, Tues.-Sat. 10-5. Closed Sun- days and Holidays. "The Bible Speaks to You," Radio WAAM 1600, Sunday, 8:00 a.m. For transnortation call 663-7321 11 I I I I