/ Seventy-eight years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under authority of Board in Control of Student Publications Under the banner of 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily exp ress the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. By STEVE ANZALONE ACADEMIC REFORM of some sort seems likely to be ushered in this year. That is, at least, the tacit assumption made by various campus groups, both radical and otherwise. Few are asking if this is the right time; there is a gen- eral consensus that it is. The questions that department forums and radical groups are asking are, "What is to be done?" and "How are we to do it?" If reform does occur, it is prob- ably a safe assumption that it will proceed on both the depart-' mental and college levels. It would be a mistake to postulate that the various channels of academic re- form will operate independently of each other. But it would also be a mistake not to delineate the im- plications of possible reform meas- ures for both academia and the student groups lobbying for change. THE BANNER of departmental reform is being carried by stu- dents on one end and faculty on the other. The history department was the first out of the blocks with the initiation of the faculty- student department forums to be- gin to stake out the areas of pos- sible, change. The philosophy, economics and math depa have begun to follow suit These departmental refo grams can lead to mea changes in curricula and and direction of the depar But the important feature departments is the fact t faculty and students can f a program together. On the college-wid though,-specifically the college-someone else will rying the banner. The actio will come not from facu dent co-operation as in1 partments, but from sour ternal to the traditional ac SATURDAY, OCTQBER 5, 1968 NIGHT EDITOR: DAVID MANN E sdept. ,reform: For upperclassmen only "Hey, mister! Your band turned right at" the last corner!" THE ENGLISH DEPARTMENT is about to undergo a long needed revision of its incredibly outmoded curriculum. And since. the present situation is such that almost any change would represent a, significant improvement, the depart- ment should be commended for finally planniIng some action. At long last they have perceived the total irrelevance of the existing fresh- man composition course. And they are be- ginning to discover the inadequacy of senseless, surveys which supposedly give students a broad overview of vast amounts of material. The student gains few deep insights into any of the ma- terial and the teacher cannot be expect- ed to treat all of it with the same ex- pert'ise and enthusiasm. The major intent of new department chairman Russel Fraser's proposals-to impiove the concentration and graduate programs and reduce the faculty teach- ing burden-is laudable. In particular, the introduction of 40-man studies cours- es will significantly *improve the non- honors concentration-program. CURRENTLY, FRESHMEN and sopho- mores, generally oppressed by large lecture courses in which professors and teaching fellows seem to conspire to over- whelm them in a break-neck race to cov- era wealth'of material, are able to take small discussion courses in English at te 20 evel Speculation1" JNFbRMED SOURCES speculate that in few days the President will submit to the Seate 'a new nomination for the half-=vacan post of Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. The President is epected to nominate great public servant, an eminent Tex- an,, ancd a lifelong friend of iHomer Thornberry-one Lyndon Baines Johnson of Johnson City,. Texas. S'The nomination will be propelled through the Senate by the telling argu- ament that opposition will give aid and comfort to the North Vietnamese an'd thereby endanger our war effort. Once approved, Johnson will resign as President and thereby give Hubert Hora- tio Humphrey his lifelong dream of be- ing President-at least .until the Nixon ihauguration in January. Johnson's motives are crystal clear. For if the Court is as powerful as Spiro Agnew claims, who, wants to waste his political life merely being president?' -W. S. '1 Second class postage paid at An Arbor; Mihigan, 420 Maynard St., xAnn Arbor, Michigan, 48104. Daily except Monday during regular academic school year. Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular summer session. The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and collegiate Press Service. Fall and winter subscription rate $5.00 per term by carrier $5.50 y mail); $9.00 for regular 'academic school year ($10 by mail). Many students have felt that these courses were among the best which they had at the University. A substantial num- ber of English majors make their com- mittment to the department on the basis of these exp riences. Naturally, one can always point out1 that some mass lecture courses are good and that some smaller discussion classes1 fail miserably to create the interaction between student and professor - which they are supposed to., But these excep-' tions should never be used to justify a generally bad rule. NOW THE DEPARTMENT is seriously considering eliminating this vestige of humanized education and consigning the underclassmen to the same kind of mass torture which most introductory courses have become. The English department is not en- tirely to blame for this. In the Univer- sity as a whole, the administration is un- willing to commit adequate funds for freshman and sophomore courses, oper- ating under the facile assumption that until a student has survived for two years and made a committment to sbme spec- ialized field of study; he is expendable. Probably the best solution to this dilemma would be a complete revision of the freshman and sophomore ciurriculum. Instead of subjecting students to two years of assorted watered-down 'intro- ductory courses, students and teachers should be allowed to determine together the material they will study within a giv- en. discipline. This might also be a better alternative to the freshman composition course than imposing Shakespeare on all of the freshmen.. A :one-semester Shakespeare course cannot be expected tR completely compensate for any student's cultural deprivation. Neither, unfortunately, is it fair to expect the freshmen to be unani- mously enthusiastic 'about having this great "literature forced upon them. An attempt should be made to accom- modate individual freshmen interests as much as possible and to make the most of the skills and interests of those faculty who teach freshmen. IN GENERAL, the trend to abolish im- possibly broad ranging survey courses and allow faculty interests to shape the curriculum should be applied to more areas of the department than just the regular prograhi for undergraduate ma- jors. ' But nonetheless it is crucial that the English department, hopefully aided by additional funds from the literary col- lege, maintain the fine program it nas for unperclassmen .at the 200 level. con- version of these courses to mass lectures would be a distressing blow to quality education. Furthermore, it :must be made clear that student participation and a deep concern for their educational needs must be made, an integral part of any move- ment to reshape the English department. -ANN MUNSTER, K A -,r AVA ."f academic. rtments structu: e. The conflict the e ill t. be imbedded closely into the fom n im pro- of campus politics-into the i ei ms aningful of Voice and Student Governme-t' control Council. rtments. There seem to be a few distinct for the avenues of reform there with vary- hat the ing degrees of political implica- orge out tions for the campus. The first, and simplest, approach e scale to reform within the literary col- literary lege centers on the distribution re- be car- quirements-especially language. n there That is the program being plan- lty-stu- ned by both Voice and SGC. This the de- one issue could probably draw the ces ex- greatest student support because cademic of the annoyance that so many students find there. The political implications and motivations of, the removal and adjustment of the distribution re- quirements are obvious. For SGC, the prospect of leading a fight against distribution requirements promises a boost to the sagging. legitimacy of SGC in the minds of, many grateful students. For Voice, the language require- ment serves as a rallying point for mobilizing normally apolitical students. Voice needs such sup- port for it is the'only way they can bargain effectively with the administration. Voice has, in fact, organized their campaign around this issue. But they are also attempting to work in the departments. Two committees were established at their last meeting: one to circulate a petition demanding an end to all distribution requirements and the other to seek to make changes in the various departments. The Voice program is in large part' the position of the Voice establishment, 'the Radical Cau- cus. While not meeting any serious opposition from the Jesse James Gang (known none too affection- ately to the Voice establishment as "the crazies"), they do not necessarily subscribetoythat ap- proach. The James gang's 'approach is known here and elsewhere as "radicalization" of education. The gang's concern is not with the exercise of student power in aca- demic affairs, but with reshaping the University to make it a tool to be used in their re-construction of society. This won't be done through the abolition of language xequire- ments but through the "liberation of classrboms" -- taking them over and discussing with students what the gang considers more im- re orm lortant. such as classified re- search. By this classroom con- frontation. they feel, student sup- port for radical politics could be enlarged. While more closely attuned to their goals, the gang's approach seems unlikely to meet with much success. It can easily be tested, however. although at some cost in their standing, and if unsuccess- ful, alternate means will be sought. An approach only slightly dif- ferent is to have members of the class themselves disrupt the teaching to tell the instructor they did not like what was being done. They would then proceed to en- list support from among their classmates, but once again success seems unlikely. ANOTHER VARIATION, cen- tering on the graduate level, alms for a reconsideration of course content. This involves the writing of "radical sociology" or "radi- cal history" to compete with the traditional disciplines. This is limited first by the scope of radi- calization - it. could only apply to those with a clearly political content - and the demands it makes - the definitionand writ- ing of radical disciplines is no minor task. The problem of enlisting sup- port is probably even greater here than in the cases cited previously. Graduate students are much more committed to their departments fnd especially their 'disciplines than are undergraduates. And al- though there are encouraging prospects, such as in the recent conventions of the national politi- cal science and sociology associa- tions, they still remain dim. The last likely avenue of re- form lies in structure, not con- tent, in the organization and run- ning of classes, not what is taught. The advocates of this type of re- form seek smaller classes and in- creased contact with professors, Although ,currently being dealt with by groups aiming at campus- wide reform, this will most likely be handled on the departmental level through student and faculty co-operation. And so the various avenues , leading to academic reform are not mutually exclusive. The dif- ferent methods will be operating at the same time. What the Uni- versity's curricula may look like next year could very well be a combination of different ideas, fought for under different ban- ners, sought for different snotiva- tions. 0 fe J __ _ ..n_ _. - . 1 Letters: Peggy Collins in her own defense To the Editor: WAS THE subject of an article written by Chris Steele which graced the editorial page of the Sept. 26 issue of 'The Daily. I am amazed at Steele's articles I don't know whether his article is an ex- ample of inept writing or a deli- berate attempt to make me look bad. In addition, he took three weeks to interview me, and he still got many facts fouled up. Steele said that both my father and I appeared on the platform with Governor Wallace. This is not true. Although I did appear on the platform for a few minutes with Governor! Wallace, my father was not even in town the night of' Governor Wallace's speech. Steele said that my father has not been to church since he walk- ed out on a serrmon by a priest who said that people need not fol- low the Ten Commandments. This is not true. Several years ago a priest did say this at a Mass at- tended by my father, but my father did not walk out. Last year, my father did walk out of a Mass at St. Mary's here in Ann Arbor when the priest said we could learn to love from the Hippies. Of late, my father has not at- tended Mass at home because he must work on Sunday. Somehow, Steele mixed these facts together and the result is a totally untrue statement. I DO NOT CLAIM to be a real strong Catholic, just as Steele, says. However, his article said I date non-Catholic boys. Period. What Chris Steele failed to men- tion is that I have dated a Catho- lic boy very steadily for a year and attend church with him each Sunday. Steele says that I learned the proper use of drugs 'during my so- journ in the College of Pharmacy (not Pharmacology). I did not take a course" in chemistry past Chem. 106. I think any freshman could agree that the proper use of morphine, heroin, and LSD is not taught in Chem. 106. Steele said that an Afro-Amer- ican friend of mine left "with a terribIe question in his eyes" when I told him that I was supporting Wallace. Upon reading Steel's ar- ticle, my friend said Steele was badly mistaken. I also do not see how Steele could tell by the look on my face that I was going to show him something. The object of a news- paper interview is to repoit what a person says on issues, not to try and interpret the looks on his face or the expression tin his eyes. Before I consented to the inter- view with Steele, I requested that he let me see the final article be- fore it was printed. He said, "May- be." So I went ahead with the interview, thinking he would prob- ably let met see it if I decided I had a strong desire to. During the span of three weeks, I literally hounded him to let me see it. The night before the interview was to be printed, he flatly refused to let me see the article before it went to press. I realize that I wouldn't have been able to change Steel's opin- ions about what I said, but at least I could have demanded that the erroneous statements I have point- ed out be corrected, I WANT TO clarify the reasons why I am supporting George Wal- lace. I realize that some Amer- icans have been denied their rights, but rioting is certainly no answer to the problem. Anyone who participates in a riot is a criminal and should be treated as such by the police. Furthermore, rioting has only served to worsen racq relations. The best way to end the Viet- nam war is to win it. Five months of negotiations in Paris have net- ted only adamant refusals by the Communists to make any conces'- sions, and the war could go on for many more years if we continue to figsht .a holding action as we are now. I feel that employment, school- ing and housing programs can be more effectively administered at the local rather than federal level. On the basis of my views 'in these areas I do support Governor Wal- lace. -Peggy Collins, '69Ed Sept. 29 SACUA To the Editor: WE IN THE Senate Advisory Committee on University Af- fairs and in the Senate Assembly have been eminently pleased with the coverage accorded faculty activities by The Daily. However, I should like to correct two items that appeared in your article on SACUA in The Daily Thursday, Oct. 3. No one knows what per cent salary increases will be received by the non-academic University employes who are currently nego- tiating contracts with the Univer- sity. SACUA in particular does not know, and it is not in any position to make a prediction about the outcome of those negqtiations. We do not predict 15 per cent in- creases and to the best of my re- collection we, did not predict 15 or any other per cent in our conver- sation with your reporter last Wednesday evening. The second matter requiring correction is the reference to "the declining reputation of the Uni- versity." What SACUA did say, and is willing to repeat, is that if the salary scale for the instruc- tio74al staff is not raised, the Uni- versity will not be able to attract or to retain those distinguished teachers upon whose reputations the reputation of the University ultimately depends. To estimate the present reputation of a uni- versity is an enormously difficult and complicated task. I have no idea whether the University's repu- tation today is higher or lower than it was one or five years ago, I believe it is still a, great uni- versity with a magnificent reputa- tion. But I am aware that unless the salary level for professors is brought back up to the A level on the AAUP scale the University cannot help but decline, both in fact and reputation. -Irving A. Copi Chairman, Senate Assembly and SACUA Oct. 3 ,, '*1 How the f ic Carthy Studebaker keeps running along By RICK PERLOFF IT MAY NOT appear to be get-, ting anywhere, but the trusty old McCarthy Studebaker refuses to call 'it quits and head for the political junkyard. Many thought the "Impossible Dream" had come to an end in the streets of Daley's Chicago in late August. But in Michigan and sev- eral other key states determined bands of McCarthy diehards are now organizing presidential write- in campaigns aimed at November and beyond. In Michigan four weeks before election day the McCarthy 'people headquartered in Ann Arbor would be lucky to get as much as three per cent of the vote compared to an estimated almost 20 per cent for Wallace. Probably as many as half the people on campus who formed the nucleus of the McCarthy legions elast spring aren't participating In the current write-in effort. But the other half hasn't stopped at people in Ann Arbor held another organizational meeting. This time most of the discussion centered on developing a rationale for the Mc-. Carthy write-in. And people there weren't any surer of the whys at . 10:30 p.m. than they were at eight. 4bout 50 people showed up, but" only 25 agreed to do canvassing. The discussion at the meeting was by no means unified. It was apt to turn dramatically from the po- litical+ issues at hand, like when one man wanted to know what the possibilities were for organizing a coffee house that would dish out sandwiches and seminars. For the first time all evening the meeting came alive. There was excited talk about those legendary Berkley coffee houses and every- one agreed that someone should look into the coffee house situa- tion. That was three weeks ago and since then things have livened up a bit. There was a canvassing at- tempt in Oak Park last week to pass out the tiny stickers neces- IT SEEMS APPARENT that the McCarthyites h a v e withdrawn from the hard realities of primary' campaigns into a cocoon woven of question marks, disillusionment and unenthusiasm. The effort has stopped concentrating on reaching masses of people with a kind of "You take Elm Street to Hickory and I'll take the rest" routine. Now they focus on areas where support is pretty much expected- forlorn outposts of liberalism like Jewish suburbs and college towns. The disenchanted veterans of the whole McCarthy campaign can now be classed, perhaps too neat- ly, into three groups - the ambi- valents, the drop-outs and tha en- thusiasts. Dr. Ed Pierce, Mayor Wendell Hulcher's Democratic opponent last time out, is an ambivalent. He says he's glad the write-in exists, but his ho-hum voice gives hin away. He sees no chance for the write- in movement and figures the whole thing is just a waste of time. Last _mino ha m orh 'Pr ha .ia 4_nn . nesota senator endorsed Humph- rey he might just'change his mind. JERRY DuPONT who ran un- successfully against Vivian in' the Democratic congressional primary in August, is a McCarthy drop- out. Previously a staunch support-= er, he is now a man extremely dis- gusted with politics in general fol- lowing his own defeat and the Chicago deluge. He will be devoting his energies to the county board of supervisors race, but Dupont sees little hope for t h e write-in campaign, al- though he respects what they're doing. "Ten months is enough for any- one," he explains. Enthusiasts like Prof. Mark Ross of the physics department don't see it like that at all. Des- pite all their talk about ridding themselves of the system, they are captives of the same political pro- cess they loathe. Their hero, Eugene McCarthy. for all his heretical tendencies is definitely a man of the system. see the candidates as carboned copies of law, order and militar- ism. They won't help HHH. Nor will they sit back and gawk. Ross argues that the McCarthy write-in is the first step toward the development of a new party. If McCarthy can still tap the reservoir of 'support he accumulat- ed in his fight for the nomination maybe he's got a chance to roll up a sizeable vote, the enthusiasts reason. They like to snag 10 per cent of the vote. They realize "this is Michigan" but they figure it's worth a try. "If we don't undertake this write-in, President Nixon will see it as a tempest in a teapot," a leader .of the write-in drive ex- plains. "But if we do get some votes, maybe he'll pause and fig- ure if he wants to stay in for eignt years, he'd better reckon with us." McCARTHY'S NAME provides another reason for the electoral campaign. Some of his supporters find him "so lovely a candidate" that they want him to continue in They really believe they have a chance, feel their efforts have meaning, and just can't give Mc- Carthy up, ever. For to stop the campaign would mean stopping a why of life. It would mean stopping the spirit of the canvassing across the country, it' would mean ending the coffee and coordination &latches every Sunday at two. McLUHAN SAYS the message is the medium and he may just be right. Because for these people the process is what is important. For the McCarthy enthusiasts the joys of campaigning are so acute that long ago they lost sight of exactly what they are fighting for. The campaigning itself stole much of the sharpness from the war and the problems of the ur- ban ghettoes. The bitterness and tragic disaff~ciion of a year ago were transformed into the victory celebrations after the Wisconsin landslide. No wonder the students t o 1 d Mare Ross the spring of the pri- I