Saturday, October 5, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three Satuday Octber5, 168 HE MCHIAN DILY Pooe Three 0 OPPOSITION UNORGANIZED: Peruvian military keeps control following coup Czechs, Soviets agree to treaty LIMA, Peru (P) - Denunciation of the military overthrow of Presi- dent Fernando Belaunde Terry erupted.from many quarters yes-! terday, but the generals appeared firmly in control of their n e w "revolutionary government." In Santiago, Chile, a surging mob of 2,000 students in solidarity with Peruvians who oppose the coup hurled stones a n d broke windows at the U.S. Consulate. Police stopped the demonstration with tear gas and night sticks. The Communist party newspa- per in Chile, E1 Siglo, claimed the United States was responsible for military leaders coming to power in the three countries bordering Chile, Peru, Argentina and Bolivia. The students apparently attack- ed the U.S. Consulate on t h i s premise. In Peru opposition to Thursday's coup is widespread, but disorga- nized and appears to have little chance of moving effectively against Peru's powerful armed forces. Eleven. members of a Cabinet sworn in only 14 hours before the coup were placed under house ar- rest as they attempted to draft a communique calling for rebellion. A similar call came from Ar- mando Villaneuva, chief of the: powerful Aprista party, hated by the military. The Aprista paper La Tribuna came out with a spec- ial edition Thursday calling for; the ouster of the "coup makers." Backing the Apristas was the powerful CTP labor union and a. large segment of the student movement- Rumors spread that a general strike might be called. Belaunde, who was flown to ex-; ile in Buenos Aires at the outset of the coup, was reported offered political asylum by the govern- ments of both Argentina and Bo- livia. A dispatch f r o mn La Paz quoted Foreign Ministry sources there as saying the 55-year-old former president had asked for asylum in Bolivia. After a night of violence inj which at least one student was killed in skirmishes with police, L i m a returned to near normal yesterday. Municipal employes, were cleaning up the debris; shoppers crowded the streets. Almost all shops were open, but storekeepers had their heavy pro- tective metal screens lowered Pact provides for temporary lodging of occupation troops MOSCOW (R - Two days of critical Soviet-Czechoslovak talks ended here yesterday on agreement of the Prague chiefs to sign a treaty for "temporary stationing" of Warsaw Pact troops in their country. They also agreed to put Czechoslova- kia's once free press "to the service .of socialism." But a joint communique only reiterated earlier pledges about eventual withdrawal by stages of the Soviet led forces that invaded Czechoslovakia Aug. 20. It did not say when they would be pulled out nor how many would go. Despite Communist efforts to avert U.N. debate on the Czechoslovak question, Pakistan and the Netherlands joined Wilson fails to unite - British Labor Party -Associated Press Weary Mexican soldiers rest during calm after riot Mexilco riots subside: BLACKPOOL, England (;P) - Britain's ruling Laborites wound up their annual convention with a show of unity yesterday, but the party was deeply divinled on a host of issues. The delegates were 'in revolt against the economic policy of Prime Minister Harold Wilson's government. They repudiated by an overwhelming margin Monday the core of that policy-an attempt to limit wage increases to 3.5 per cent until the end of next year. Wilson appealed to' the dele gates in a closing speech for party unity and voiced a demand for support of the government. He told delegates he ,would take note of their opposition 'to some of his policies "as a warning to the gov- ernment, a warning, not an in- struction." "Your government will stand by the policies which must be carried through to secure economic strength," he said. No threat to Wilson's leadership developed during the five days of the conference but the opposition to some of his government's poli- cies was broad and far-reaching. The conference rejected r his economic policy Monday. Thurs- day, it condemned the Soviet in- vasion of nCzechoslovakia, but came within 163,000 votes of more than six million bloc votes cast' of demanding a reduction in Britain's commitment to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Delegates charged NATO was de- fending capitalism in Europe, not the working classes. The convention voted unani- mously to demand that the gov- ernment cease supplying arms to federal Nigeria for use against Biafra, and directed the govern- ment to refuse independence to rebel Rhodesia until majority rule has been granted the African pop- ulation. country half-way, so the shop could be closed at a moment's notice in MEXICO CITY (IA) - An un-} nnea cnSof vlan.,,. reains tense ported between 1,000 and 1,500 ar- guard inside its office. The Olym- rested. pic teams of several nations or- Gen. Marcelino Garcia Barra- dered curfews for their athletes. gan, secretary of defense, said the; Soldiers stood guard at some high rate of casualties among civi- lians was the result of their "con- Olympic sites. fusion." The Olympic games still were case of vioence. Generals in the new government complained because teachers and school superintendents failed to reopen classes. They believe school officials are leftist and want stu- dents on the street to incite vio- lence. This crisis followed a dispute over the signing of a new contract w i t h International Petroleum C o r p. a subsidiary of Standard Oil of- New Jersey. The military leaders issued a manifesto charg- ing that there had been "deceit- ful" use of executive power in the agreement with International Pe- troleum. easy calm prevailed here yester- day after two days of fighting that left at least 44 persons dead. A leaflet distributed to news- men announced the formation of a "Constitutionalist Army of Li- beration" to fight the "criminal government" of President Gus- tavo Diaz Ordaz. A count of casualties at hospi- tals and police stations showed at least 27 persons had been killed in Wednesday night's fighting. Most were civilians. There was no official estimate of the number wounded, but it appeared to be in the hundreds. Various sources re- r f U Wednesday thru Saturday OCTOBER 2-5, World news roundup; r'rr'i:% "': 't .}?$J.S. 5$.:::ytv!y{:;ih + .;;}s, ',,.:;:;}:}:;}::s; }?t:%> }1 iTk 'SFr}'}: t .. F.... :"%\ '. }'l. i}:"}::::::};:":i:?'(%:tir <;:;<:.. r. tiro: v .y. : v:}.i:'i.Y f{v:::$::: }::4:.;?"t~":::titiS{i'.:{i:{S4)".JV:.}i:{4ir::$j>%:f: :< ................... r} : v } F::?^:::: -- $+{{:fi;{$i.}::}'4{:$i'1:=: i" :::::::: v:v: ": rf "::: v: F"ti-::::.::.-.}}'r:::": }.{-i:"T.r":v:"}:S4}".i .;:: w:::: r .4{.t, ;: :r.,,;:y :.{5;;;:,yr. $::{"}:4::;;x:,;af::;.%c>T:$f:=32i i:4$o-r.">i:;'."i%"}+"r}':}}}}w:?{:.;;:k::::"a,?"}::::.;; "r.,tt :"$$s;^.} ".' :: A%:{';:;{+r:; ?:":o:",""}'.$::"ti,;To- :;J,::";?" ' ,::. J;::S.>;$r. ,{:$:^:<{4rT:.;ft:":%>R:i:::;4"-':.r4;".;{ :.;$;:::.:.$;t {«" tti.. ? ?4}:J: "}J}: "" X.t%"s;.r":v:+ $i1>ir{{. } :"Xl.":... $"": %:"::{I:": }}::' $: T r ... "... ..}.r "c:X?.:::.:>-" J."f.{ }>: iT:{{"T:.tasT"n." .{.:::r : :4^n. 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'.X{.}.,}.v , v: "::4$:4X4: F.}...{ 4;'ifi}:.}:: "i{:;t.;{"}v;ri; ;.v,.;}tJ' v$}Q'F,.$'-+"$>:ii" T:tr4;:{;i?{: 77t:" :SJ}. r. "4:";{?}?.n ,;.!}"" ............ ..14 {+{"rpv By The Associated Press LOS ANGELES - The defense proposed yesterday postponing un- til after Christmas and New Year's holidays the Nov. 1 trial of Sirhan Bishara Sirhan, charged with murdering Sen. Robert F. Ken- nedy. Attorney Russell E. Parsons, representing the 24-year-old Jor- danian, told a court he will argue the postponement motion at a hearing Oct. 14. * * * PARIS - Red China has quiet- ly withdrawn thousands of tech- nical and military support people from North Vietnam in recent months, qualified Western diplo- mats reported last night. The sources said their infor- mation was based on material re- ceived and pooled by more than one Western government. Informants said up to about 401 per cent of the 55,000 Chinese in N. Vietnam pulled out in the sum- mer. OTTAWA -Ontario farmers, incensed at the collapse of corn prices, staged a "tractor march" on Parliament Hill yesterday and shouted down attempts by Agri- culture Minister H. A. Olson to explain the economic imbalance.I Some of the demonstrators vow- ed they would remain in Ottawa until winter, if need be, to get satisfaction. About 70 tractors and a score of buses and trucks swarmed into the capital filled with angry farm- ers and their wives protesting that low-cost corn imports from the 'United States are pulling down Canadian prices. Wednesday night's battle was the second serious eruption. Fif- teen persons were killed Sept. 23 when police and students battled with guns, knives, clubs and Molo- tov cocktails. No injuries were reported in Thursday's incidents where stu- dents burned three streetcars in front of the Aztec Stadium and fled before police made any ar- rests. Hit-and-run gunmen fired apparently random sprays of bul- lets in various sections of the city. A noise bomb, which did no damage, exploded on the eastern' side of the city, so far untouched by the sporadic violence. Trouble started when students went 'on strike two months ago, charging government repression and police brutality. The new constitutional army said its actions will be "military" ones including the formation of urban and rural guerrilla groups like those already functioning in the states of Guerro, Sonora, andI Chihuahua. The Defense Ministry has ac- knowledged thatnsuchrguerrillas are operating in Chihuahua State to. the north and last month an- nounced that four, involved in burning a sawmill, were killed in{ a fight with soldiers. Besides armored cars parked in' front of the Plaza of Three Cul- tures there were other signs of continued tension. The Mexican Olympic organiz- ing committee placed a police Phone 434-0130 xaas CARPENTER RD OPEN 7:00 P.M. Color by De Luxe o a S m ARTSI's E n iowcT,0 AND. .. SHUTTERED FROM WARNERBROS.-SEVENARMS IS COLOR set to open a week from Satur- day. "As guests of Mexico, we have full confidence that the Mexican people will join the participants and spectators inbcelebrating the games, a veritable oasis in a troubled world," said Avery Brun- dage, president of the Interna- tional Olympic Committee, after an emergency meeting of the com- mittee, Although many students, per- haps a large majority, now ap- pear ready to abandon their strike, a hard core of strikers still is pressing for answers to its de- mands, which include the aboli- tion of Mexico's riot police.. While Mexican youth are rebel- ling, 7,000 athletes from more than 200 nations are coming to the Mexican capital for what Brundage called "a friendly gath- ering of the youth of the world in amicable competition." t in a growing demand t hat Soviet troops be withdrawn as soon as possible from Czecho- slovak territory. Netherlands Foreign Minister J.M.A. Luns asserted in the Gen- eral Assembly that the Russians had shattered hopes for East- West good will by "clamping an armed fist on Eastern Europe." Czechoslovak sources estimate the number of occupation troops at 500,000. Reports have circulat- ed in Prague that the Kremlin insists on keeping at least 100,- 000 men near the West German border. "Insecurity" of that bord- er was one of the major reasons advancednby thehSoviets for mov- ing on on Prague's liberal-Com- munist government. The communique published by the official Tass news agency also indicated that Czechoslovak Com- munist party chief Alexander Dubcek and his delegation agreed to further measures aimed at re- storing Soviet-style rule in Czech- oslovakia. The delegation, the communi- que said, committed the Prague government to "step up efforts to' increase the leading role of the Communist party and to intensify the struggle against anti-Socialist anti-Communist forces." Further, it said, the Czechoslo- vak government will take the "ne- cessary measures" to insure ad- herance to positions of Marxism- Leninism and proletarian interna- tionalism. Both sides said the governments would consider and sign a treaty on the temporary stationing of al- lied troops in Czechosl6vakia. However, no date was given for signing the treaty. The communique appeared to express Soviet views exclusively. There did not seem to be any con- cessions to Dubcek. LBJ may not name, 'new judge WASHINGTON (1) - With the Congressional adjournment drive in full swimng, doubt grew among senators yesterday that President Johnson plans to submit another nomination for chief justice of the United States. Johnson formally notified the Senate of his withdrawal of the nomination of Associate Justice Abe Fortas but dids'not propose another nominee to succeed Earl Warren. Warren had notified the President last June of his inten- tion to retire "at your pleasure." At the White House, press secre- tary George Christian told report- ers that no rdecision has been made by Johnson yet on what, if any- 'thing, he will do. The President withdrew Fortas's nomination at the jurist's request after the Sen- ate refused to e n d a filibuster against confirming his appoint- ment. Speculation has centered on the possibility. 'that Johnson would nominate a senator as chief jts- tice, in' the belief that the Senate would not turn down one of its own members. Sen. Robert P. Griffin (R- Mich.), who led the fight against the nomination of Abe Fortas as chief justice of the Supreme Court, asked President Johnson Thursday night not to submit an- other candidate for the post to the Senate., ..f..:.$..?. :":.:": ...t.. a: ...... ...r; "::..:.:.. .:.. :::. 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