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October 05, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-10-05

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No chance of rain;
a good day for the gridiron

Vol. LXXIX, No. 32 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, October 5, 1968 Ten Cents

Eight Pages

Disorder disrupts HUAC
inquiry; probe postponed


weigh s


demonstrators and a t t o r n e y s
staged another walkout yesterday
as House hearings on the stormyI
street battles at the Democratic
convention sputtered toward a
halt without testimony from key,
protest leaders.
Rep. Richard Ichord (D-Mo),
chairman of the, House subcom-
mittee on un-Aferican activities,
said the hearings would be re-
cessed until December.
Ichord voiced charges that
Communists inspired end planned
the peace protests that led to
four nights of bloody clashes with
police in Chicago. He didn't cite
any names.
Jerry Rubin, the bearded, bead-,
ed leader of the Youth Inter-1
national Party Yippies walked out
of the hearings along with David
Dellinger, the pacifist who led the
1967 protest march on the Penta-
gon, and 11 other persons in a dis-
pute over ouster of an attorney.
Police evicted lawyer. Gerald
Lefcourt when he complained to
Ichord that authorities were still'
holding Yippie leader Abbie Hoff-
man, arrested T h ur s d a y on
charges of defacing the American!
>flag as he tried to enter the build-
ing wearing a stars-and-stripes
Robert Greenblatt, an organizer"

Harvey probe
Committee to report
to Supervisors Tuesday
A special three-man committee of the County Board of
Supervisors investigating alleged mismanagement of the
sheriff's office refused last night to comment on speculation
that a grand jury investigation will be called.
The Ypsilanti Press published an article yesterday hint-
ing that the special committee will recommend the board ask
the County Circuit Court judges to call a grand jury'Jnvesti-
Supervisor Neil Mast, a member of the committee, refused
to disctiss the story last night and said only the committee
will recommend specific ac- +-
tion be taken by the board at
its next meeting Tuesday. Sf o
"We will have absolutely no re-
port until Tuesday," he said.
A possible grand jury investi-
gation into Sheriff Douglas Har- ; 11-i1n1l sh
vey's activities was shoved into the
background in August when Atty.
Gen. Frank Kelley issued a pre-
liminary report suggesting the Er o
board was better suited than a U.U.U.k)
grand jury to probe the activities
of the sheriff's office. Enlglish department chairman
But at that time, presiding Cir- Russel F r a s e r yesterday an-
cuit Court Judge James Breakey n ounced 'a meeting for English

rc iitecture tower: i. CX4 (level o p uiii s

A&D classes to relocate;
temporary sites planned

-Associated Press
RubiM on the warpath

Photography classes will descend
f r o m their perilous perch in a
condemned tower as the crowded
School of Architecture and Design
overflows into a mnotlev assortme t

there too," says William Lewis,.; oratories may be moved to t h e
associate dean of the school. building's third floor.

rrl 4- + --- -- - -4. - - V - -

EMU eitorial hi~ts
" il
president's power ;
A "tongue in cheek" editorial issued Thursday by Eastern
Michigan University's local of the Michigan Association for
Higher Education,- unbraided the centralization of power in
the university president.
i Without mentioning EMU President Harold E. Sponberg,
the unsigned editorial in the second issue of The Faculty{
Observer listed 17 points from the new Faculty Handbook{
which invest almost ultimate authority in the president.
Robert Blume, professor of education and editor of The
Conference, says, the editorial "was not attacking any indi-

Vv11V~ 11V 11vly dsr nlel
of the stormy antiwar protests at of temporary facilities.
the Democratic National Conven- The school has at least three
ion testified he went behind the years to wait until its new build-
Crong Cuan to metth ietr ing on North Campus is complet-
Congagents two months before ed. Preliminary design for t h e
the Chicago disorders, building has just begun.
His testimony came just before University President Robben
the subcommittee broke off its Fleming announced at the Sep-
hearings on the disorders until tember Regents meeting that the
December. architect, Swanson Associates, has
The protest leader told the sub- been approved by the state. The
committe he met with North Viet- entire building project will be fi-
namese negotiators in Paris, talk- nanced by the state under Public
ed with Viet Cong officials in Act 124, and all plans must be ap-
Prague, and spoke at a meeting in proved by state officials.
Cyprus attended by Communists. Meanwhile, architecture and de-
The trip in June took place sign is taking over a former auto-
while Greenblatt said he was help- mobile agency building on Wash-
ing plan the Chicago protests. ington St. which 'the University '
ingrelate Cico prest. ahas purchased. The entire ceram-
Greenblatt did not mention any ics department is moving into this
discussion of the protests with the 10,000 square foot facility.


In addition, the School of Edu-
cation has offered the art depart-
ment some space in the basement
of the education building. The ed-
ucation school and architecture
and design already share the use
of an old house on Hill and E.
The architecture department is
also negotiating with the School
of Natural Resources for use of
the Wood Technology Laboratory
- what Lewis calls "an old shanty
full of equipment very valuable to
architecture students.",
The lab building is located im
back of the Medical Center near
the Huron River.
With all these widespread moves
planned,, the school will expand
the sculpture shop into the form-
er ceramics area.
In addition, the buildil is six-
story tower -- condemned by the
University P 1 a n t Department
nearly 2' years ago as a, firetra;
- will finally be vacated.
Lewis says the photograuhy lab-


That tower wasn t usea I o r said the court would retain rul- concentrators and graduate stu-
anything but storage for years,"' ing on a petition asking for a dents Oct. 16 to discuss proposed
Lewis explains. The architecture grand jury investigation of the changes in curriculum.
building is more than 40 years old. sheriff's activities. "We are very interested in stu-
The Plant Dept. called the tower The , board then initiated a dent comments on the proposed
"unsatisfactory for human occu- "question and answer" investiga- restructuring," Fraser explained.
pancy." Art students on the lower tion, submitting to Harvey written "We don't want to do anything
floors of the tower use flammable questions he was to answer within final without considering student
paints and solvents, while the pho- given periods of time. But Harvey reaction."
to labs on the sixth floor require refused to answer all the ques- The comprehensive curriculum
an assortment of chemicals. tions, and several weeks ago com- restructuring plan was presented
Lewis says financing for t h . mittee member Fred Lunde s a i d yesterday before a special closed
series of moves has come from the the answers were "highly unsatis- English faculty hearing.
University administration, factory." Observers said reaction was
Enrollment in both the art and Harvey is being questioned con- mixed but that faculty members
architecture departments has been ,erning his publication of a safety expressed a willingness to further
at. maximum level for several -- consider the proposals.
years because of crowded condi- Fraser said once a consensus is
tions. The admissions office of the BULLETIN reached among English depart-
school rejects three of every four Prof. James K. Pollack, who ment faculty members, the new
freshmen applicants and seven out retired in June as the James proposals will be contsidered in
of eight graduates. Orin Murfin professor of poli- greater detail by the department's
In adc the scool is utible tical science at the University; executive committee. The new
to accept many students from the. died asi'iight in St. Joseph programs would then go to the
literary c o 1 e g e for elective Mercy Hospital. He was 70. He literary college's curriculum com-
courses. At present, there are only had suffered a stroke Tuesday mittee for approval.
six or eight electives and special night or Wednesday morning. The proposal must be approved
students, and they must wait un- Prof. Pollack, who first join- by mid-November -in order to take
til all architecture and design stu- ed the University faculty in effect next fall.
dents have registered before they 1925, was chairman of the The p r op o s e d curriculum
can enter classes. political science department for changes are intended to improve
The University's art department 14 years until stepping down concentration and graduate pro-
is the only facility in the state in 1961 to return to research grams and relieve faculty teaching
university system which is accred- and teaching. burdens. However, lower level
ited by the National Association of freshman-sophomore courses are
hard hit in the restructuring.
Schools of Art. Only 36 schools guide, extradition of prisoners, Therevisions include six major
throughout the country are ac- and operation of a prisoner's com- reforms:
credited. missary.

vidual at the present
Faculty fo,
a CBveretl
BERKELEY, ) - A re
w criticizing the University
fornia regents and aski
Eldridge Cleaver, Black
information minister, be
to lecture on the Berkeley
has won overwhelming su
the university's Academic
By 'a 668 to 114 vote,
'abstentions, the Senate
Thursday night a six-par
tion in favor of proceedi
plans to hold the course
off the campus" with Clea
ing his proposed 10 lectu
The resolution directs "t
mittee on courses to takea
tp encourage course an
status for that program."
The regents voted to Ii
militant black, an ex-con
one lecture in a class fore
After the resolution wa
duced, University Presiden
les Hitch warned the faculi
that confrontation with1
gents might "destroy the
sity as we have known it

time. We are attacking the general North Vietnamese or Viet Cong
structure of the university, during his testimony.
"Of course, you can't disso-;
ciate the president from that
"he agrees with it or he would
iii change it. But we aren't at- "
tackingthe president directly C lt '1i it
at this time." l
Sam Moore, also a professor of
education and a member of The By LORNA CHEROT
esolution Observer's editorial board, ex- The Northwood IV married stu-
of Cali- plained the editorial was "a way dent housing complex, which was
ng that of raising questions." slated for completion last month,
Panther Insisting the problems involved is now expected to be six months
allowed "pre-dated Sponberg's association late, and provide insufficient fa-
campus with the university," Moore linked cilities to meet the demand when
pport of the editorial to the faculty's "need finished in late Spring.
Senate. for collective bargaining" with Of the 400 units, only 50 will be
with 21 university administrators. completed by October 15, with the
witd 21The "bargaining" would involve possibility of another 50 by the
adopted faculty in the "locus of power," middle of November.
resolu- Moore explains. In his view, power Even if Northwood IV had been
ng with should be divided among faculty, ready for capacity occupancy in
"on or administrators, regents and stu- September, as was scheduled, there
ver giv- dents. would have been 100 applicants
ires on Although Sponberg has not re- turned away because of lack of
plied to the editorial, Blume in- space.
he com- dicated reaction has varied froml Approximately 800 students who
all steps "great" to "you're going too far." had- planned on moving into the
i credit "Dedicated to the reshaping of the complex this fall, have been forc-
political process in higher educa- ed to find alternative housing, at
mit the tion," the bi-monthly newsletter least on a temporary basis. The
"vict, to will probably continue its critical alternative housing is consider-
credit. stance, Blume said. ably less attractive than the Uni-
s intro- Meanwhile, Sponberg released versity-owned Northwood IV.
it Char- yesterday a policy statement George Ostafin of the Office of
ty group threatening police action against Off-Campus Housing attributed
the re- dissent which poses " . . a threat the delay to the three month
univer- to the freedom and openness and trade workers' strike last spring,
. effectiveness of our university." which affected the construction tof
all University buildings.
Ostafin said "as soon as it be-
came apparent" that Northwood
IV would not be finished by the
beginning of the school term, no-
tices were sent explaining the rea-
sons for the delay, and offering
a map of alternative housing pos-
..... ::: 1sibilities. .
When asked how the students
solved their problem, Mrs. Norma
Kraker, superintendent of the off-
campus housing office, said she
assumed "they found housing
somewhere else, since no one has
come back,"
The alternative solutions reach -
eby the displaced students,, had
to have been found among Ann
Arbor's private landlords, who
have been slow in answering stu-
dents' demands. These include a
shorter lease, adjusted to the aca-
demic year, better maintenance
service, better construction, and
increased parking facilities.

"We'll probably move the grad-
uate painting department d o w n

dconstructio delay
S to housing problems
In addition, the University Res- perty. The land must be of a rea-
idence Halls estimate that more sonable cost, a central location
than 500 residence hall applicants to shopping centers, and of a
were turned away because of the favorable terrain to town house
increased demand for University style construction.
housing. This rules out the possibility of
There are currently 924 mar- ouilding married units on Central
ried units, excluding Northwood Campus. Edward Sallowitz, assist-
IV, open to married students on ant director of University housing,
University property. In order to said that this would be undesir-
meet increased demands for such able due to the high cost of land,
housing, another project, North- lack of parking facilities, and the
wood V is being planned. necessity of building high r i s e
However, with the drying up of /apartments, which are not pre-
funds to finance the project, ferred by the students.
housing 'officials emphasize that Exactly how and where t h e
Northwood V is merely in the needs for student housing will be
talking stage, and that such hous- met is a question still confront-
ing would not be available until ing University housing authorities,
the fall of 1970 or 1971. now that most of North Campus
The major obstacle in such a residential land has been de-
project is the acquisition of pro- veloped.

Two years ago the association The Ypsilanti Press also report-
re-evaluated the art department's ed yesterday the state auditor
accreditation and recommended general's office completed and
alleviation of space and facilities sent to the circuit court judges a
crowding, says Robert Inglehart, report of financial affairs in the
chairman of the department. sheriff's office. The contents of
The new architecture and design the report allegedly prompted
building will occupy a 21-acre site board chairman Robert Harrison
in the east area of North Campus. to call the special meeting last
"We'll be the first major unit in night.
that district," Lewis says. But Breakey said, "I haven't
The school's planning commit- seen the, report and the o t h e r
tee has worked for years to draw judges have not indicated to me
up preliminary plans which have they have seen it."
been accepted and turned over to The Tuesday board meeting is
the pmoject architects. the last meeting of the 39 super-
Another state appropriation will visors before the November elec-
be needed for detailed designing tion. For the first time supervisors
of the new building, Lewis says. will be elected.,
The school hopes to receive the Several of the supervisors up
additional planning money some- for election are reportedly anxious
time next spring, probably in April to clear up the Harvey matter as
or May soon as possible.

-Lowering of the teaching load
to six hours per semester.
-Redistribution of administra-
tive responsibilities throughout
the department to prevent grant-
ing of teaching loads below the
six-hour. minimum.
-Conversion of most 200 level
courses into lecture-recitation
sections instead of current.30-man
discussion sections.
-Restructuring of the English
survey and major authors courses
into surveys covering six literary
periods. Forty-man studies courses
limited only to a general literary
period would also be introduced.
-Replacement of English 123
by a composition course based on
-Easing certain requirements
through independent study and
comprehensive examinations.


West Quad

A less quaddie quad, a true
"living-learning experience," is
what more and more residents
are envisioning for next years'
West Quadrangle.
"As the quad functions now,"
explains Michigan House resi-
dent director, Eugene Steele,
"80 per cent of the boys leave
after freshman year. The dorm
,simply offers nothing as an ex-
citing alternative to off-campus
housing. Lots of us would like
to see that situation changed."
Major proposals include per-
mnanent classes taught right in
houses lounges by students-se-
lected resident professors, with
possibly an even distribution of
girls. Hopefully such an ar-
rangement would make classes
and quad life simultaneously
much more stimulating.

teacher barriers by a
them to "share casual
ences uncommon to the
room." The letter stres
need for extroverted part
who would mix active]
A similar project was
with tutors in which g
students or young teach
in the dormitories as bo
sonal and academic stud
To a limited extent, tl
grams have beensuccess
though few regular
members have applied.
are eight visiting facul
eight tutors now living
dent dorms.
Two of the most exemp
the visiting faculty a-
Khoo. conductor of the
dren's Symphony of Sin

envisions living changes
allowing ally they are newlyweds who .: : i:<"+'?k-"'f :;-" ""
experi- understandably seek seclusion
class- Tutors, too, often have 'their
sed the own work to do and speak only
icipants w hen spoken to. "" "':." ..".".. . ::
ly with The solution West Quad has
been experimenting with is ex-
started tending its own invitation from;:rk{v {
raduate individual houses to professors;;::
ers live of the students' choice who are
th per- willing to lead an organized
ent ad- academic activity or teach a
course for credit.
he pro- A young English teacher from f "f}
ful. Al- Eastern Michigan University ac-
faculty cepted an invitation from Win-
There ley House this semester to move
ty and in and teach a three-hour course
in stu- in freshman English.
The instructor, John Corm-
)lary of ican, who doubles as a Univer-
re Mr. sity graduate student, was al-
e Chil- most too successfull. "He spent fF
gapore, so much time casually counsel- .


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