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October 03, 1968 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1968-10-03

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Page Ten


Thursday, October 3, 1968


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A message for MBA's and other
Graduate Business students from
the multi-faceted

The Daily Official Bulletin is an Seminar: Walter E. Stumpf, Assistant Institute of Science and Technology
official publication of the Univer- Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Lecture: Professor W. S. Broecker, Co-I
sity of Michigan for which The University of Chicago, "Localization of lumbia University, "Causes of Pleisto-
Michigan Daily assumes no editor- Hormones and Drugs in the Brain and cene Climate Oscillations," 8:00 p.m."
tal responsibility. Notices should be in the Pituitary by Autoradiography": Rackham Amphitheatre.
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to 1057 Mental Health Research.
Room 3528 L.S.&A. Bldg. before 2 Physical Chemistry Seminar: Prof. A.
p.m of the day preceding publi- A. Gordus, "New Solutions to Old Prob- Gteneral No ices
cation and by 2 pm. Friday for lems: Neutron Activation Analysis of
Saturday and Sunday. General No- Aneent Coins, Artifacts and Paint Pig-
tices may be published a maximum ments," 4 p.m., 1200 Chemistry Bldg. Broadcasting Service: WUOM Radio
of two times on request; Day Cal- Botany Seminar: Dr. E. E. C. Cle- (91.7 Mc.) 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily.
endr toanizati n noi esonce. Sa bsch, University of Tennessee w il l Thursday 11 a.m. The Circumstance of
accepted for publication. For more speak on "Ecology of the Great Smoky Science - "Science and Society", first
information call 764-0270. Mountains", Thurs., Oct. 3, 1968 at of a series produced at MSU on the
+ r t,4 7 '4:15 p.m. at Botanical Gardens. responsibility of modern science toward
THURSDAY, OCTOBER fDepartment of History Lecture Series: society. Thursday 1:00 p.m. Peace, Love,
TU DAY, C EAspects of Negro American History: Creativity: Hope of Mankind - "The
Hollis Lynch. Professor, University of Creative Eye", with Prof. Peter Finge-
Buffalo,"The Pan-African Impulse sten, Pace College. Friday, 11 a.m. The
Day Calendar AmongAfro-Americans in the Nine- Eleventh Hour (repeated at 7 p.m.) Ed
teenth Century": Auditorium A, Angell Burrows hosts an hour of news and
Hall, 4:15 p.m. conversation about the arts and litera-
Flu Shots: There will be a Flu Clinic Cinema Guild Luchino Visconti's ture. Guests: Mrs. Grant Otis discuss-
at the Health Service, Thursday, Oc- e : chi i ing the Jackson Arts Festival; Sara
tober 3, 1968, from 8-11 a.m. and 1-4:30 La Terra Trema: Architecture Auditor- Germain on the newly formed Friends
p.m. The charge is $1.50 for students ium, 7:00 and 9:05 p.m. of the Museum of Art. Friday 1:00 p.m.
and spouses who have had a Flu Shot Departments of Chemical Engineering From the Midway - "Computer Tech-
since 1964 need only one this year. and Biostatistics Lecture Series: Brice nology: A Potential ,Threat to Personal
Bureau of Industrial Relations Sem- Carnahan, Associate Professor of Chem- Privacy", with U-M Prof. Arthur R.
inar: "Management of Marjagers, Pro- ical Engineering and Biostatistics, "The Miller. 9:45 p.m. 1968 Cardlina Sympos-
gram No. 69": North Campus Com- Fortran-TV Programming Language- ium: Red China and the West - Dr.
cnons, 8:15 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 II": Natural Science Auditorium, 7:30 Han Suyin, author of books on Main-
to 9:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. I land China, including A Many Splen-
Fellowship Information Meeting: For Professional Theatre Program: APA dored Thing, on "Cultural Confronta-
College Seniors, Graduate students and Repertory Company in Shakespeare's tion".
others interested in the availability of Hamlet: Lydia Mendelssohn Theater, 1967 University of Michigan Biblio-
fellowships and traineeships for grad- 8:00 p.m. graphy: Forms requesting entries for
uate study in 1969-70,3-5 p.m., Rack- University Players (Department of the University of Michigan Bibliogra-
ham Lecture Hall. Speech) - Euripides' The Bacchae: phy were mailed to faculty and staff
Mental Health .Research Institute Trueblood Theatre, 8:00 p.m. members in March, 1968. Any Univer-
sity employee who has publications to


The Mead Corp.
Mississippi Valley Structural Steel
C Co.

Nalco Chemical Co. - Res. Ctr,
3G30E S.A.B. Radiation Inc.
GENERAL DIVISION Standard Oil Co. (N.J.}
I Current Position Openings received Humble, Ess C . Es.Jh
E by General Division by mail or phone, Sumble, EssoRod. Res Esso Math
please call 764-7460 for further in- Silems, s Prod O C&other
formation: Union Carbide Cor. - Linde Div.
Auto Specialties Manufacturing Cow- Ust VirginiaPlC&r p er
pany, St. Joseph, Mich.: Metallurgist. Bleached Board Div.
BSE, for jack and brake products.
National Standard Company, Niles, :
Mich.: Chemist, Chemical Engineer and
Metallurgist, 3 years and degree, willO GIZA TIO N
consider new grads with proper spec-
ialties, powder metallurgy, reductions.
milling and particle size.
Local Agency: Girl friday/media ex-t NOTICES
pert/some secretarial/ some office,
small ad. agency, 5 persons, many as- { '.\.. ',,.:
pects of the business, prefer woman Ba
_ t Bch Club M~eetin. Thurs. Oct. 3rd.



with BA in journ., some adv. exper
Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los,
Alamos. New Mexico - Physicist, all
degree levels, particularly PhD., BSI
MS mathematicians for sci. program-
ming of computer syst. work, PhD for
: theoretical and applied math. Engineer-
ing openings in EE, ME, all levels.
Wage & Salary Dept. seeks Traineej
Compensation Analyst.
New York State, throughout state:
j Employment Counselor, and trainee
position, BA/MA, MA for Sr. position,
in psych., voc. guid., pers. admin.,
educ., soc. sci, need also min. of 15E
couns. related courses.I
Civilian job opportunities with the
Navy: Booklet with positions mostly in
Wash. D.C. area, both technical and
: -in c^'hnira^'

nanII lrig, llr., VC. Oo
8:00 p.m. Guild House, 802 Monroe St.
Speaker: Dr. Thomas Taylor, "Mozart's
'Band Music,'." Jelly donuts and con-
versation afterwards. For further in-
formation call 769-2922For 769-0995.
UM Scottish Country Dance Society.
Dance meeting Weds., 8:00 - 10:30 p.m.
W.A.B. lounge. Instruction given. Be-
ginners welcome.
Hillel Foundation, 1429 Hill St., Fri.,
Oct. 4th. Traditional Services at 6:00
p.m., Hillel Student Services at 7:15
p.m.; Sat., Oct. 5th, Traditional serv-
ices at 9:00 a.m., Sunday, Oct. 6th, Suc-
cah Decorating Party at 1:30 p.m. No
Deli House.
Christian Science Organization Meet-
ing, Thurs., 7:30 p.m. Room 3545 SAB.
cl, drlrnA ADC

report for the calendar year 1967 and
who has not received the form is re-
quested to call the ORA Editorial Of-
face, 764-4277,
The University of Michigan Student
Relations Committee: .Open meeting on
Thursday, October 3, 1968. 3:00 p.m.
SAB Bldg., Council Room. Agenda: I.
1Recommendations for a University bail$
fund. 2. Office of Student Affairs Dis-
I closure Report. 3. Discussion of plans
for redrafting Chapter 7 - Regents By-
Applications for LS. & A. Scholar-
ships: for the Winter, Spring-Summer
and Summer Terms 1969 are now avail-1
able in room 1220 Angell. Hall. Com-4
pleted applications will be due no later
than November 1, 1968. Applicants must
have had at least one full term of resi-
dence in this College at the time of
award. For an L.S. & A. Scholarship,
need is the primary consideration, but;
applicants must have a scholastic aver-
age of 3.0 or higher in L.S. & A.


Open: 11 A.M.-2 A.M.
Above Ad Worth 25c toward Dinner (One per Customer)

2035 Chem. - Pharm. Bldg
764-7317 sit-i- continues
October 3 (Thursday)
Kellogg Company: BS: Analytical. PONTIAC WP A sit-in demon-
General. Inorganic, Organic and PhD'sbenga-
in Organic. Location: Battle Creek. U.S. stration by mothers receiving aid-
Citizens. Quality Assurance. Summer to-dependent children entered its
Employment: Sign up on regular second week . yesterday in t h e
schedule. basement of the Oakland County
October 3 & 4 (Thurs, & Fri.)baentofheOkndCuy
Anferican 'Oil & Amoco Chemical welfare offices at Pontiac.
Company: All fields of Chemistry. o cl. .-
October 3 & 4 (Thurs. & Fri.) County officials called the sit-in
E. I DuPont De Nemours: Ph.D: All a "walk-in, walk-out affair." An
fields of Chemistry. U.S. Citizenship opposition group, calling itself
not required - J Visa Difficult, F Visa "Taxpayers' Voice," began circu-
All Right. Chemistry Engineering Re-
search, Interviewing PhD students for' lating petitions proposing changes
summer work. Make own arrangements. n state welfare programs.
October 3 (Thursday)
Smith, Klein, & French: PhD: Bio- Daniel T. Murphy, chairman of
chemistry, Microbiology. Pharmacy, An- the Oakland oCunty Board of
alytical and Organic Chemistry. U.S. the
Citizenship is Not Required - OnlyoAuditors, told
aliens already approved for employ- who had been seeking increased
ment for permanent U.S. Residency. welfare payments, that doors to
Research and Development. ten wihp In n A
theL'. buJi.A.dinJ.J. Wud be'. K".. ked~t'A U X

* Jersey Standard has contributed to the
development of many nations by providing
capital and adapting modern business
techniques and organization to, a great
variety of cultuies.
N The Company's affiliates around the
world have also assisted in the establish-
ment of training centers, medical clinics
and hospitals, in the provision of adequate
housing and the building of roads. They
have supported local cultural efforts. They
are active in the field of public health. In
harmony with the broad Jersey concept of
corporate citizenship, affiliates are pur-
suing a wide variety of pograms in support
of education. The Esso Education Founda-
tion has made grants of more than $24
million to institutions of higher learning in
the United States.

* The contribution of Standard Oil Com-'
pany (N.J.) & its affiliates thus extends
far beyond the basic economic function of
supplying energy from petroleum and other
products essential to modern civilization.
Jersey seeks t6 exemplify both at home
and abroad the creative social awareness
expected of a modern corporation in ful-
\filling its multiple responsibilities to share-
holders, customers, employees, govern-.
ment and the general public.
* isn't something like this really what
you've been preparing for?
Make it a point to see the Jersey Stan-
dard representatives when they visit your
campus-and talk over the various manage-
m'ent opportunities in our world-wide family
of companies.
Jersey representatives will be here on


\ r
will be in our Sweater Department Fri-
day and Saturday, October 4 and 5 to
help you choose or answer questions
concerning men's sweaters.
1109 South University
Campus Village

Der Ling Tseng, Nuclear Science, Dis- SERVICE
sertation: "Niobium Hyperfine Struc- 128 H, West Engrg. Bldg.
ture in Crystal Calcium Tungstate," on Make interview appointment at Room
Thursday, October 3 at 10 a.m. in 128 H, West Engr. Bldg. unless other-
Conference Room, Auto Lab, North wise specified.
Campus., Chairman: C. Kikuchi. October 10, 1968:
Edward Essex Kilbourn, Medicinal Arthur Andersen & Co.
Chemistry, Dissertation: "Synthesis of Bell System
Analogs of Lucanthone," on Thursday, Brunswick 'Corp.
Oct. 3 at 3 p.m. in Room 2525 Chem- Cooper Tire & Rubber Co.
istry-Pharmacy Mldg. Chairman: J. H. Dow Corning Corp.
Burckhalter. E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.

MleWluigC l Leumuover-
night from 5 p.m. to 8 a.m. He
said anyone would be able to leave
but no one could enter during
those hours.
"If they're interested in t h e
cause of sitting in, they ought to
be interested in staying and notj
making a club room out of the
office," he said.
In a related development, Mrs.
Charles LaVeque of Pontiac, has
started a petition drive seeking
more emphasis on the job place-
inept and an end to ADO pay-
ments to women bearing children
10 months after going on the wel-
fare rolls.

I -




and affiliates: Humble Oil A Refining Company, Enjay Chemical Company, Esso International Inc.,
Esso Mathematics & Systems Inc., Esso Research and Engineering Company, Esso Standard Eastern, Inc.


Mrs. LeVequa said
opposed the demand
payment, preferring1
supplying of clothing
cash payment.

her group
for higher
the direct
without a


An Equal Oppoi4 unity Employer






Speed Your Way
Better Pay
Educational Institutions Large Research
Establishments, Government Agencies,
and Many Small Businesses
are in constant need of:
9 Executive Secretaries * Stenographers
* Office Machine Operators 9 Receptionists
* Clerk-Typists * IBM-Key Punch Operators
Hamilton Business College can quickly prepare you
for these high-paying positions. Exclusive Speedwrit-
ing shorthand will allow you to master the shorthand
skill'in just a few weeks. Call today at 769-4507.
Evening Classes
Begin Oct. 7th

arkets nobody
else knew were there
mde Mustang and Thunderbird
a success..
x w Help wanted:
Does the growing
youthmak etofer.
oumrofa new potntial?
Situation: By 1972, 46% of the U.6. Populatin will be
unrder the age of 25. If this is a new market with
substantial potential, should we base our product
conceit on economy or performance characteristics?
Consideration: The under 25 market poses some interesting
opportunities. For one, today 142% more young
people work toward advanced college degrees than
did the youth market of 10 years ago. That would
seem to indicate a need for a new car based on
economy of purchase and operation.
But, market affluence and the increasing number of
multiple car households could indicate that-_a
new vehicle should be developed around high style
and high performance.
.Need the facts and your analysis of this
assignment for a meeting with management
next month. Thanks.

* 1


8 an4peanumamglowe


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