Inagazine page ULberating the THE RECENT confrontation between the wel- fate mothers and the power structure in Washtenaw County clearly illustrates two sig- nificant changes in the politics of poverty: -The politicization of the poor has become a reality. The time has passed when welfare recipients will allow a group of "uptight stu- dent activists" and hypocritical upper middle class "liberals" to dominate the welfare rights movement. -The inability of the Ann Arbor liberal es- tablishment to shake off its benevolent pater- nalism is also now quite clear. September's crisis over emergency clothing allowances has finally exposed the insincerity of liberals in the community. It has demon- strated that liberals are only willing to sup- port a welfare cause when they are allowed to assume its leadership and when the demands themselves are even less substantial than the recent request for school clothing allowances based on each child's individual needs. The $70-per-child that the tiny band of welfare mothers managed to extract from the recalcitrant supervisors is in itself an unim- only justifiable, but is in fact part of a nation- wide movement. They have decided to throw off these would-be benevolent oppressors completely. On the other hand, the self-proclaimed "li- beral" organizations of the middle class have finally proven themselves unwilling to support a humanitarian cause when the material de- mands become too loud and too clear. They cannot accept a simple request for more mon- ey when it does not involve programs to send the mothers back to work or get the children out of their present "bad" environment. Representatives of the middle class benevo- lent societies were conspicuously absent from the County Building during the period of con- frontation. Those who accompanied the wel- fare mothers to jail, with very few exceptions, were students who were willing to follow their lead. THE APPARENTLY sudden and miraculous transformation of a small band of ADC mothers into a hard core of militant activists is the culmination of a long'trend of develop- ments. To some extent, the group gained inspira- tion from the nationwide campaign of welfare recipients for a decent standard of living in the midst of this otherwise affluent society. It demonstrated a more adamant refusal to ac- cept compromises foisted upon them by the middle class. Welfare recipients have formed their own organizations throughout the coun- try because they are grossly dissatisfied with the efforts of middle class groups composed of social workers and professors, supposedly to improve welfare services. And they have be- come impatient with the volume of middle class rhetoric which surrounds guaranteed an- nual income proposals. Middle class and professional organizations have never -seriously tried to incorporate the welfare recipients' wishes into their formula- tion of strategy. The mass of recipient discon- tent which sprang up across the country as a result of this led to the formation of the Na- tional Welfare Rights' Organization (NWRO), a decentralized association of local welfare rights groups. In Washtenaw County, the fledgling wel- fare rights movement was almost exclusively the property of the middle class until Septem- ber's clothing crisis. According to Mrs. Kate Emerson, one of the area's first welfare rights leaders, it was bogged down by a preponder- ance of "ministers and nice, polite middle class ladies." "The mothers from the beginning have wanted their own group," says Mrs. Emerson, who helped to start Humanizing Existing Wel- fare (HEW) late in 1966, one of the first re- cipients' groups to be organized in the recent demonstrations. But always before it had been stymied by trying to work with the mid- dle class. FURTHERMORE, the ability of benevolent members of the middle class to grasp the problems which beset welfare recipients has always been appalling. It has longassumed that poverty is merely the result of poor work habits and general lack of skill in dealing with the problems of day-to-day living. Some of the efforts by the middle class to alleviate this situation have been ludicrous. Mrs. Emerson relates: "the middle class wo- men were always telling the mothers how to buy food. They told us not to buy chicken un- til It got down to 27 cents a pound and then to store it in our deep freezes." The fact that people on welfare might not be able to afford deep freezes seemed to be a difficult concept for middle class housewives in Ann Arbor. Another attempt at charity by these early middle class benefactors was a series of mo- dern dance classes for the welfare mothers. They also organized day care centers for the children so that the mothers could work and the children could get out of their "un- healthy" environment. welfare movement By Ann Munster The welfare mothers have always felt that their most pressing n'eeds are more basic than these-needs which the middle class has nev- er been able to comnprehend. The middle class has consistently thought of welfare as a form of charity-a dole which they could always discontinue if the mothers. got "uppity". But the welfare mothers are undertaking a serious campaign to reform the system, which for them is a life-and-death struggle. They stress that the middle class simply does not seem to realize that the en- tire welfare system functions in a wholly ir- rational and chaotic fashion and that thereby the mothers' source of income is continually threatened. "The rules can be interpreted in a thous- and different ways, and there are all sorts of conflicting regulations," Mrs. Emerson says. "Somehow the welfare people always seem to pick the harshest.'' THE DEMANDS of the welfare mothers in this area have never been, by any stretch of, the imagination, radical ones. Many of them have been simply clear-sighted reme- dies to problems. which stem largely from the basically slap-dash efforts of a guilt-ridden and neurotic upper middle class to pacify the internal leadership. No really momentous strides had been made. But events since the spring of 1967 clearly show that however quiescent the movement may have become, it always possessed the potential for coherence and vitality. In addi- tion, local welfare rights workers were also acquainted with state and national organizers. And much of their recent activity has focused on issues of state and national scope. This fall there was also an influx of new people, primarily from Ypsilanti, who were less concerned with middle class values than many of the Ann Arbor welfare mothers. The fact that this time middle class people and welfare mothers with a middle class outlook were not the leaders of the movement wrought a transformation in tactics. Virtu- ally all previous efforts had been directed at achieving highly specific goals, ,completely obscuring .the issue of fundamental change for the system: A CLASSIC EXAMPLE was the sso-called Fair Play for People Coalition formed last spring to block (successfully) the movement of /county welfare department offices to an extremely inconvenient office on N. Main. When the welfare department agreed not to the Fair Play for welfare recipients away'from seeking "liberals' and the tivists. People organization, local have turned completely the support of middle class leadership of student ac- "The politicization of the poor has become a reality. The time has passed when welfare recipients will allow a group of 'uptight s t u d e n t activists' and hypocritical upper middle class 'liberals' to dominate the welfare movement." In tune with the nationwide trend -which gave rise to NWRO they are trying to form a strong organization composed solely of recip- ients which will keep its own members con- stantly mobilized, defy the middle class "sup- port groups" if it has to, and keep the student activists under control. Moreover, the overwhelming white upper middle class community of Ann Arbor is soon going to have to recognize that it is surround- ed by communities such as Ypsilanti with much denser concentrations of. poor blacks who are even more acutely aware of their op- pression. And their organizational efforts are not being hindered by geographical dispersal or by the oppression of a strong middle class and student community. However, there is now some hope that a small segment of the middle class has finally awakened to the need for independent recipi- ents' organizations and the necessity that it play^ only a supporting role in the struggle for welfare rights. One group, the Washtenaw County Poor-People's Support Committee, has complied with the recipients' wishes in sup- plying only the kind of support they: have requested. There is even some talk of organizing the .welfare caseworkers, many of whom are sym- pathetic to the recipients' cause but are al- most as terrified of the oppressive welfare sys- tem as the recipients themselves. However, the relatively small scope of the welfare sys- tem in this area will probably necessitate deferring this more difficult kind of action for a while. JN THE MEANTIME, a polarization is de- veloping around the welfare issue. Those who have always scorned welfare recipients as a "bunch of freeloaders" have become more vociferous in reaction to the recent demon- *tration. Welfare recipients who have always resented the system are bolstering their cour- age and have begun to seriously assert them- selves. Although middle class attempts to reform the welfare system were doomed by narrow and eroneous conceptions of the poverty prob- lem, they were a necessary starting point. From now on, welfare recipients, and anyone who will support them, will be making an all-out effort tordemonstrate that the entire welfare system is ludicrous and that a totally different alternative must be devised. Daily-Andy Sacks pressive achievement. Thus it is exceedingly unlikely that the welfare rights struggle in this area is going to stop, having attained this one particular goal. Of far greater importance than the large number of arrests and the massive student mobilization is that the welfare mothers have at last taken the .leadership of the welfare rights ' movement in this area away from the students and the middle class. All the groups which have participated in the welfare rights movement up to now - recipients, students, and middle class support groups - are begin- ning to learn their proper roles. The students consistently took their cues from the vanguard of 40 welfare mothers. Al- though many of them undoubtedly were con- tributing only their physical presence to the fight against oppression, they have at least begun to realize that they can no longer ex- pect to 'exploit with impunity every movement to fulfill their own psychological needs or po- litical goals. Several of the mothers have emerged as dynamic leaders. They now realize that they no longer need to meekly follow the lead of the middle class support groups. And they have begun to see that their own adherence to false middle class values has hindered them from pursuing their fight for justice in the welfare system. They also see that their uneasiness over working with middle class groups is not blacks and the poor without jeopardizing. their own position. For example, the city several years ago decided to bus children from the Jones School area to other schools in higher income areas of the city to achieve a racial balance in the school system. Unfortunately this effort com- pletely subordinated the educational needs of the low-income children, who were placed at extreme disadvantage in competing with more affluent, white classmates. Although the school board eventually started a pre- school program for these children, it neglected to provide adequate funds to operate the pro- gram or to supply transportation for the children. This was by no means an isolated exam- ple of problems created by poorly conceived middle class programs. Several years ago, fed- eral work training programs were started in this area which neglected to provide adequate, transportation funds for the mothers. And the small training allowance which was pro- vided "justified" the welfare department to cut the mothers off the welfare roles. After a,struggle, they were reinstated. In the early' stages of the welfare rights movement in this area, recipients concen- trated much of their effort on the simple-day- to-day struggle against the manifold injus- tices perpetrated by the welfare department. This effort centered primarily around the resolution of grievances which arose because of the welfare department's tendency to cut recipients' allocations on false charges. There was also an energetic campaign to get financial aid for those mothers who wanted to resume their education. Surprising- ly enough, this met a great deal of resistance from the educated middle class. "Middle class people have theoretical, complicated notions which incapacitate them from doing anything n about anything," says Mrs. Emerson, the first welfare mother from this area to attend col- lege. She managed to do this only after a drawn-out struggle with some of the groups whose supposed function is to help the poor. The situation has improved considerably, however, in the last few years. There are now over half a dozen welfare mothers taking move, the white support groups thought the job was done. The mobilization of welfare re- cipients in defense of' their own interests ceased because they had never been allowed to participate and because plans for an on- going reform effort were, never formulated. "Before Fair Play for People, welfare recip- ients just didn't know, for the most part, what they wanted," Mrs.' Emerson says. But the recipients continued to neet regularly among themselves. And there were enough issues to keep a lot of them at least partially mobilized., But, says Mrs. Emerson, "A coalition can't work when a part of it isn't organized." And' the overwhelming domination of Fair Play for People by the middle class support groups and students demonstrated clearly .to the recipients that their basic inclination toward having an organization of their own was en- tirely correct. Since that time, the laborious process of building local welfare rights organizations has been proceding steadily. With the demise of .. .., .: ::; I