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October 03, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-10-03

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Sir i6F Cau

Dali I

Lo Nv-.i1
Cloudy, much cooler;
chanice of shower's

VoL LXXIX No 30 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, October 3, 1968 Ten Cents

Ten Pages




committee exica n

to evaluate ed school
The names of five members of ;on the school by mid-December Ecommittee is reviewing nominees
a "blue-ribbon" committee to the vice president said. The report for the deanship and compiling a
evaluate and report on the status will be considered along with the list of candidates.
and future needs of the school of evaluations of the school's pro- The selection committee search-
education were announced yester- grams and methods already under- ing for a new dean is composed
day by Arthur Ross, University taken by the faculty. of six faculty and two student

bloody r




r f

vice president for state relations The examination of the School members who have narrowed a
and planning. of Education was prompted by the list of 120 suggested candidates to
The committee was created to retirement of Dean Willard C. 30 persons.
determine "what are the most im- Olson. Ross explained that Olson's University President Robben
portant tasks for 2 a first-class retirement provided a chance to Fleming will select the dean from
School of Education at the Uni- consider new structures for the a panel of five to seven candidates
versity in the 1970's and '$O's," school before bringing in new per- recommended by the committee,
Ross explained. sonnel to fill positions.I subect to approval of the Re-
The committee will file a report Meanwhile, a faculty-student gents.
The five members of the "blue-f
ribbon" committee are: Samuel M.
Brownell, former Detroit Super-
StudBelh s t' a intendent of Schools and former
St d nr pidU.S. Commissioner of 'Education;
John I. Goodlad, dean of the
v t r estt oGraduate School of Education at
vo te r is t a to n the University of California, Los
Angeles, and director of research
and development for the Institute
By PHILIP BLOCK for Development of Educational
Activities; Alvin C. ,Eurich. presi-.
A move to appeal a State Supreme Court decision on dent of the Academy for Educa-I
student voting rights may add to the registration problems tional Development and vicepres- -
confronting the city clerk's office, ident of Educational Facilities
Laboratories, ,Inc.; Harold L.
The registration deadline for the November elections is Enarson, president of ClevelandI
8:00 p.m. Friday. State University; Robert J





Yesterday three students previously denied permission to
register in Ann Arbor by City Clerk John Bentley and Circuit
Court Judge James R. Breakey, Jr. filed for "immediate con-
sideration" by the State Supreme Court in Lansing for a rul-
-- - - ing on their/suit against the

Schaefer, dean of Teacherst
lege at Columbia University,


former assistant dean of Harvard's
Graduate School of Education.
The five consultants will confer
with faculty members and stu-
dents in the education school and
twith a mini rt rtnn nx wilhl


city clerk.

l wail annsazors. T ney will al- j
P1On August 23, Breakey upheld so meet with Michigan school
.the city clerk's refusal to register superintendents, representatives of
the students on the grounds that the Michigan Education Associa-
co si er They were not residents of Ann th ihgnEuatoKsoi.
pdrsbrpoetion, and others with an interest
,c n i e srbor for voting proe. in the future of the school.
In his decision, Breakey sup- Among questions which ther
ported the present criteria now be- school's faculty has already con-
ing used by the clerk's office of sidered and on which the out-'
residency, idependence from pa- siders' advice will be sought are:
rental economic support and resi- --What should be the school's'
A meeting of faculty members dence i Ann Arbor for reasons objectives in the next 10 years.
of the economics 1epartmentwith other than schoolng, and what kinds of programs and.
economics major wound up last The-three students, Sally Wilk- courses should be added or drop-
night with the students calling for ins, Jeanne D'Haem, and Kenneth ped to achieve them?
an organizational meeting next W. Jendryka filed an appeal on -How many students should
Wednesday to form a representa- their case Sept. 24 with the Mich- the school enroll year by year
tive body of students. igan Court of Appeals. over the decade. and what quali-
They applied for the immediate fications should they have? The
T d bmeeting was originally consideration by State Supreme school now has 1,403 undergrad-
cale by economics department Court prior to consideration by the uate and 1,942 graduate students,
Chairman Harvey Brazer to, dis- Appeal Court on grounds that -What kind of faculty should
cuss possible points of disagree- "Unless this court acts promptly, be developed? How much and
nts teen t aculy and su- students will be denied the right what kind of research should it
dents. to vote in the November, 1968 undertake? How should the re-
After a discussion period be- elections." search be financed?
tween faculty and students con- The three also claim that the Similar studies of other Uni-
cerning the nature of past stu- state's law regarding the residency versity schools and colleges may
dent involvement in departmental of persons attending institutions of be undertaken in the future, Ross
affairs, most of the faculty mem- higher learning does not apply to said.
bers present left the meeting to electors registering for the first
allow, the students to choose a time.
plan of action. The request comes at a time I 1


Daiily--Richard Lee
Scrub -a-du[b
Polishing the glass surface of Ann Arbor's only 26 story tower, workmen take the long way down the
superstructure. For over a year, the building has been mounting the city-scape, displacing Burton
Tower as the symbol of Ann Arbor.

15 sororities to



for policies


By LISA STEPHENS the maximum allowed under Pan-
Possible loss of rushing privi- hel's constitution, be levied imme-
leges and a fine will be recoin- diately against the 15 houses.
mended by the Panhellenic Asso- If the sororities do not 'then
citation's Membership Committee employ one of the three anti-dis-
for 15 sororities which did not re- crimination guidelines listed in
turn signed anti-discrimination the report, they may face loss of
statements by the Sept. 1 dead- rushing privileges, beginning Jan.,
line. 1970.
In a report prepared for the The 15 houses affected by the
Oct. 9 Panhel President's Council report are: Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha
meeting, the membership commit- Epsilon Phi, Alpha Gamma Delta,
tee will-recommend fines of $100, Alpha Phi, Alpha Xi Delta, Chi

Omega, Delta Delta Delta, Delta
Gamma, Gamma Phi Beta, Kappa
Alpha Theta, Kappa Delta, Kappa
Kappa Gamma, Pi Beta Phi,
Sigma Kappa, and Zeta Tau Al-
The discrimination issue cent-
ers around the alumni recommen-!
dation, required to accept pledges.
Alumni can block the acceptance
of a pledge without stating rea-
sons, and normally women with-
out, an alumni recommendation
cannot join.
The prepared report offers three
options to houses who have not
signed thehanti-discrimination
statement circulated by Panhel
last Jan.:
-Sign and immediately return
the original anti-discriminationj
statement prepared by Panhel last

many wounde
MEXICO CITY ( --- Students bttled troops and police
in downtoWn Mexico City last night in the bloodiest outbreak
in nine weeks of struggle against the government of President
Gustavo Diaz Ordaz.
News correspondents and other witnesses at the battle
scene reported at least a score of persons killed and hufdreds
wounded. The newspaper Excelsior said its count during the
fighting -was 16 dead.
Gen. Marcelino Garcia Barragan, the defense secretary,
said he had orders to crush the student uprising at any cost.
Troops in armored cars opened up with machine guns on
student snipers, and gangs of youths roamed streets shooting
and throwing gasoline bombs.
Thousands of persons were said
to have been arrested.
The student-army crossfire sent A
residents of the area and passers-S ;
by fleeing, screaming for cover.
Some students were reported -us-
ing automatic weapons. t roI e
The violence cast a shadow over
the approaching opening of the
1968 Olympic Games in the Mexi-
can capital Oct. 12. Student rebels1
have pledged to disrupt the games.salar e
Last night's disorders, which
lasted more than three hours, By ROB BEATTIE
broke out afterstudent leaders, The Senate 'Advsory Commit-
faced \vith a massive deployment tee on University Affairs referred
of federal troops and armor, called investigation of faculty salary lev-
off a scheduled protest march els to two Faculty Assembly com-
against the administration of mittees yesterday.
President Ordaz. I Following yesterday afternoon's
Thel battle area was in the closed meeting, SACUA members
downtown section of, the capital, expressed concern that faculty
several miles from the Olympic have not been given opportunity to
site. outline their financial needs to
Reports from the scene said the the administration. Considering
shooting was touched off by stu- recent 15 per cent salary increa-
dents firing .22-caliber pistols es to nonacademic University em-
from apartment windows. An ployes, 'ompared to 6 per cent
army truck pulled up and soldiers increases for faculty, SAUA
moved into the building. Then members determined faculty
armored cars moved in with ma- should establish a firmer bargain-
chine guns blazing. ing position with the adiiiinistra-
Snipers also were reported fir- tion.
ing from windows around the "We do not begrudge the non-
Plaza of the Three Cultures, where academic employes their increas-
protesters had gathered earlier for es," Prof. Irving Copi, SACUA
the march that was canceled. chairman said. "They probably
Earlier, rain and a heavy .con- deserved everything they got. But
centration of troops, helicopters we are concerned that these in-
and armored vehicles had dis- creases might be made at the ex-
suaded students from holding pense of faculty salaries."
their march. Student leaders told Last year's drop from an A to a
a gathering of more than 5,000 B salary ranking for full profes-
persons: "We will try again at an sors in the American Association
opportune time." of University Professors ratings,
has also aroused SACUA. Copi ex-
-lained the drop reflected not only
W all ce to the amount received by the facul-
ty, but also the declining reputa-
tion of the University.
/SACUA concluded faculty sal-
aries should be .made more uni-
form throughout the University's
PITTSBURGH (P)-Third party 17 schools &nd colleges and within
presidential candidate George C schools where differentials exist.
Wallce aid estrdayhe oul "We decided differentials should
,Wallace said yesterday, he .would be reduced bw raising salaries at
name his running mate at a news lower levels more than those at
conference here today, and ,n- the top," Copi -said.
formed sources said the, former He stressed higher salaries
Alabama governor had chosen re- should not-be reduced to' raise
tired Air Force Gen. Curtis Le- those that are lower. Jherd allr
May. salaries should be brought to a
LeMay 61, refused to talk to more uniform, equitable level.
newsmen, but Wallace aides said The salary questions have been
he was the governor's choice. referred to the assembly's Econ-
The father of the Strategic Air omic Status of the Faculty Com-
Command, LeMay has advocated mittee and Educationl Policies
a military solution in -Vietnam Committee. The two bodies are
and a buildup of air and nuclear charged with examining salary
power. levels,
f crisisatMSU

1 7 "

Before leaving, Brazer suggest-
ed to the students that they pat-
tern their activities after the new-
ly formed graduate student so-
ciety of the department.
The society has formed com-
mittees parallel to the faculty's
various intradepartmental com-
mittees which advise faculty on,
various issues.

when the clerk's office is being;
flooded with new applications for
registration. At the beginning of
the week only two clerks were
handling long lines of applicants.
The office has remained open
extra hours during the past week
and an additional location was set
up at the Community Center.
According to Bentley, much of
the diffien~ty alt icPC frnm hic ffi

'liuzeu rnobiize to support
unionization0 o grape pickers

'Anad oc ommtte wa fom- th umcuny arises irom nis oiiice
dAn ad hoc committee was form- changeover to an IBM system of ,
ed by the students to promote recording registrationnaires.
next Wednesday's organizateional Many of the new registrants are
meeting and to propose possible students prompted by the various
areas of action for economics stu- reitrto diebin hld i
dentsregistration drives being held in
Ann Arbor.
Many of the approximately 40 Mrs. Cecily Becker, head of the!
students present felt that the Young Dems campaign, predicted
small number at the meeting pre- that over 200 of ' the new regis-
vented them from taking any trants are students. "Adding the
steps to form a representative new student voters to those al-'
body of economics . students on ready registered,, there are ap-
their own. There are- nearly 400 proximately between 800 to 1000
economics majors in the literary student voters in the city," she
college. said.


Excess grapes are being hauled'
into Ann Arbor from California,
and local citizens, clergy, students;
and faculty are mobilizing to keep'
them out.
Pickets will patrol the A&P
supermarket on Huron near State
today as part of a drive to boy-
cott the sale of California grapes
and support -the unionization ef-
forts of migrant agriculturall
workers on the West coast.
The nation-wide boycott, sup-
ported by the late Sen. RobertI
Kennedy, Sen. Eugene McCarthy,
Vice President Hubert Humphrey,I
New' York City Mayor John Lind-
say and Detroit Mayor Jerome

Cavanagh, is directed to aid Cesa
Chavez and his United Farn
Workers (AFL-CIO) win recog
nition and collective bargainin
privileges from California's tab
grape farms.
Chavez and his supporters an
fighting for higher wages and bet
ter working conditions, The aver
age income for a migrant farn
worker in California is $1,500
The growers are feeling pressur
from the boycott. Sales are of
more than 25 per cent in the big
ger cities. The growers are no'
rerouting their excess grapes t
smaller cities, such as Ann Arbor
The UFW began their strik

ar against wine grape growers more

n than three years ago in Septem- -Voluntarily submit a state-
- ber. 1965. Although they appar- ment to Student Government
g ently represented a majority of Council with their Sept. 30 mem-
le the workers, the growers refused bership lists saying that the house1
to --ecognize the union and re- does not use a binding alumni re-"
'e fused to hold union elections, cornmendation in the selection of 4
t- The union was, and is, unable new members or
- to take advantage of the protec- -Assume total responsibility
m tion of the National Labor Rela- for membership selection.
a tions Act because farm workers Assuming total responsibility
are specifically excluded from its would deprive a house of Pan-
e coverage. hel's support in attempting to
f The union soon discovered that change .membership policies of
their strike was not hurting the national organizations.I
w companies because of the cheap Should the report's recommend-
o and plentiful supply of migrant ations be turned down by Panhel's
r. and Mexican labor in Southern president's council, Jan Phlegar,,
e California. '69, said "I would hope that
They then changed their tactics Student Government Council wills
and launched a nation-wide boy- step in and take action."
cott of the struck wines. The wine ga n
weight of adverse publicity and
sharp losses and at least 10 ,of the
largest now recognize and nego-
tiate with the union.
The union's major activity is
currently directed against Gui-
marra Vineyards, the largest
grower of table grapes in the By MARTIN HIRSCHMAN
L. country with sales of at least $12 Daily News Analysis
million a year and 2500 workers For generally placid Michigan
at peak harvest.Fr ena pad h n

Cards sock



Tigers: 4-0

Special To The Daily
ST. LOUIS-T is for Tigers.
T is also for tight.
C is for Cardinals; also for coo:
The tight Tigers and the coo
Cards. Guess who won.
Yesterday, the St. Louis Car-
dinals did, and in grand style. The
fnal result was 4-0 in favor of the
Mississippi River ballplayers, led
by their ace pitcher, Bob Gibson,
This first game of the 1968
World Series was billed as the
battle of the decade with Detroit'
31-game winner Denny McLain,
pitted against Gibson, the top
pitcher in the National League.
Gibson pitched the entire nine


App ointee
Cedric S. Moirris, recommended
by Mayor Wendell Hulcher for
appointment to the 12-member
city Human Relations Commission
withdrew himsel f f fr-m,-,'r a

State University, the past few,
months have been characterized
by unprecedented turmoil.
With the fall semester less
than two weeks old, MSU is ex-
periencing a bitter controversy
between students and faculty on
one side and administrators and
the Board of Trustees on the
The controversy centers
i around aresolutionn nased hby

mend the trustees revoke it at'
this month's meeting-
The suspension announce-
plent was made under consider-
able pressure. At a special ses-
sion last Saturday, the exeu-'
tive board of MSU's chapter of
the American Association of
University Professors censured
the trustees' action, calling it a
violation of "basic principles of
due process as well as the letter.
and the spirit of the Academic
Freedom Report."
Then, on Monday, some 1500
students rallied to protest the
suspension r e s o l u t i o n and

by involvement of campus police
in the arrests of several MSU
students charged with sale and
possession of marijuana.
The demonstrations, w h i c h
took place durigag the last days
of the spring term final exami-
nation period, subsided and the
campus was quiet. Moststudents
left East Lansinlg for the sum-
Some students stayed behind,
however. A radical Student Lib-
eration Alliance, the group
which led Monday's demonstra-
tion,. was formed.
It has become apparent at

t. ..xSC


I I,

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