Wednesday, October 2, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Wednesday, October 2, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Longshoremen By The Associated Press The government obtained a fed- eral court order last night direct- ing 75,000 striking longshoremen to return to work at idle East and Gulf coast ports. Union officials said they sent a back-to-work order to their members at struck ports, but such a recall usually takes 24 hours. Work probably would not resume until tomorrow morning, they said. The dockworkers had walked off the job from Maineto Texas ear- lier in the day when their master contract expired. The temporary restraining or- der, signed by Judge Sylvester J Ryan in U.S. District Court, was a preliminary move to securing an 80-day cooling off period under the Taft-Hartley Act. Ryan ordered the shipping com- pany representatives and the longshore union to appear for a hearing on a motion to halt the strike and proceed with bargain- ing. In Washington, President John- son announced that he had asked Atty. Gen. Ramsey blark to seek the Taft-Hartley injunction.' The White House, announcing Johnson's directive to Clark, said he also asked his three-man medi- ation team to work with the par- ordered ties to try to settle the dispute during the injunction period. The mediators had met during the day in New York to determine if a settlement was likely. Docks in Puerto Rico were quiet as well as those along Atlantic and Gulf coasts as the New York headquarters of the AFL-CIO In- ternational Longshoremen's As- sociation turned down appeals from island longshoremen to con- tinue working some ships. The government has invoked the injunction provision of Taft'- Hartley seven times in the last 21 years against the longshore- men. No new contract has been back qr v reached without such injunction in that period. Several of those times the in- junction has gone unheaded. Long shoremen have, for the most part, respected the injunction. There was no threat of a pos- sible showdown with the govern- ment this time, as the steelers had announced they would not go ahead with walkout plans if an injunction were received. They had argued, however, that a strike would not have any noticeable affect on the security of the coun- try. In issuing the injunction, the' government apparently felt other- wise. to work Thomas W. Gleason, president of the ILA, denied there was a national emergency. Military cargo was not affected by the strike, he said, and West Coast and Great Lakes ports were open. 'CAMPUS REPORTS: College curriculums add Afro- American studies President Johnson said, how- ever, that the strike by the 75,000 dockers would have "severe im- plications" for the balance of payments problem. About 160 ships were tied up in ports from Searsport, Maine, to Brownsville, Tex., but many had been unloaded before the walkout began at midnight Mon- day. College Press Service W.E.B. DuBois, LeRoi Jones andI Malcolm X are being read along with William Faulkner, Erich Fromm and Paul Samuelson in classrooms across the country this fall, as colleges and universities integrate their curriculum as well as their campuses. Ever since last spring and the uproars in many schools follow- ing the assassination of Dr. Mar- tin Luther King, professors and administrators at countless insti- tutions have organized courses and some departments in Afro-Ameri- can studies. Much of their activity is directly traceable to pressure last spring from student groups who felt that in presenting only white American history and sociology and litera- ture, colleges were ignoring or downplaying an important facet i . tat . i4 Gordon's Michigan Grade 1 Breakfast link Sasage c . 78c ...'"t BacksAttach-d U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF CENTER BLADE' CHUCK c locks Attached Fryer egs.. .44 . U.D.A. CHOICE NEW ENGLAND STYLE BONELESS 51fF ROAST Rolled & Tied Chuck c c of the nation's culture. Professors, who decided that America's racial crisis necessitated a deeper and more diverse knowledge of Ameri- can minorities than present scho- larship made possible, joined the fight. Previous study of black civiliza- tion had been limited almost en- tirely to the history or geography of Africa. Now, students wanted to learn about the Negro in America -his history and his contributions to their society, his political and intellectual evolution from slave into militant. Most of the courses in black studies deal with Negro literature (writers like LeRoi Jones, James Baldwin), Negro American history (on which DuBois and historian Staughton Lynd have written), and music and folklore. Also com- mon are courses on poverty, race relations and other sociology courses. Even schools who enroll sub- stantial numbers of black students are expanding their black cur- ricula. Many of them are adding Swahili to their language courses; universities in New York City and Chicago have done the same. Northwestern University offers courses in four African languages. Some of the courses are more sophisticated. Illinois University's Focus ,.program offers "Political Economy of Discrimination"; Cor- nell University is introducing "Economic Development of the Urban Ghetto"; Northeastern Il- linois State College offers a "Sem- inar in Inner City School Prob- lems." Plan OSA commirittees (Continued from Page 1) The acting vice president ex- pects to get student committee members using SGC as a liason. SGC President Michael Koeneke has agreed to cooperate with Mrs. Newell in the creation of the com- mittee structure, but says he will "ionly talk about it on a temporary basis." Koeneke expects revisions in the Regent's Bylaws to change the of- fice, including the formation of the proposed Executive Board. However, Koeneke is not Oatis- fied either with the scope or com- position of the board. He says he will ask that the policy-making group be composed solely of stu- dents and that other similarly composed executive boards be created for each of the vice presi- dents. The ad hoc committee revising the Regent's Bylaws has yet to aet on the proposed restructuring of GSA. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 8) CHEMISTRY PLACEMENT SERVICE 2035 Chen. - Pharm. Bldg. 764-7317 October 2 (Wednesday) Ethyl Corporation. BS: General; MS & PhD: Analytical, Inorganic, Organic, Physical Chemistry. U.S. Citizens OR permanent entry visa. Research & De- velopment. Men. Locations: Detroit, Michigan and Baton Rouge, Louis- lana. October 3 (Thursday) Kellogg Company: BS: Analytical, General, Inorganic, Organic and PhD's in Organic. Location: Battle Creek. U.S. Citizens. Quality Assurance. Summer Employment: Sign up on regular schedule. October 3 & 4 (Thurs. & Fri.) American Oil & Amoco Chemical Company: All fields of Chemistry. E. I. DuPont De Nemours: Ph.D:' All fields of Chemistry. U.S. Citizenship not required - J Visa Difficult, F Visa All Right. Chemistry Engineering Re- search, Interviewing PhD students for summer work. Make own arrangements. October 3 (Thursday) Smith, Klein, & French:' PhD: Bio- chemistry, Microbiology, Pharmacy, An- alytical and Organic Chemistry. U.S. Citizenship is Not Required - Only Aliens already approved for employ- ment for permanent U.S. Residency. Research and Development. ENGINEERING PLACEMENT . SERVICE . 128 H, West Engrg. Bldg. October 2, 1968 Make interview appointment at Room 128 H, West Engrg. Bldg. unless other- wise specified. October 9, 1968 Argonne National Lab. Atlantic Richfield Co. Burroughs Corp. E. I. du Pont de NEMOURS & CO. Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. - Mfg., Tech., Financial General Dynamics Corp. - Liquid Carbonic Div. General Foods Corp. Kelsey-Hayes Co. Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co. Raytheon Co. Sperry Rand oCrp. - Sperry F l i g h t Systems Div. Standard Oil Co. (N.J.) Humble, Esso Res., Esso Math & Systems, Esso Prod. Res & other affil. of Standard Oil Co. Union Carbide Corp. Chem. & Plastics Div. lhe lb. Oscar Mayer 1-lb. Pkg' 57c Skinless Wieners 78c W fuciul Tis e . . . .3 r pkiS .12.s Prices effective thr Saturday, Oct. ,1968. Rights reserved to limit quantities.