i1le £irIyigan Paitu Seventy-eight years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under authority of Board in Control of Student Publications 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Doily exp ress the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1968 NIGHT EDITOR: JIM HECK AAUP report: Attempt at sanity ONE OF THE major ironies of univer- sity management is an historical in- ability to develop rational planning to meet educational needs and objectives. That malaise is superbly presented in the current report of the American Associa- tion of University Professors (AAUP) an- alyzing public support of higher educa- tion in the state. The state 'AAUP documents a host of ills in the condition.of the state's higher education system. Among them: an inex- cusably low level of support for top rank- ing professors, a feudal state appropria- tions system which delivers money to the fiefdom with the- best PR team, an emas- culated Board V of Education hobbling along without resources necessary to ful- fill its responsibilities, an acceptance of low quality in all but a few of its univer- sities, and a tax commitment totally out of proportion with the state's economic ability. BUT MORE IMPORTANT t h a n all of" these is the central thrust of the re= port's argument: namely, that there is. no, consistent reliable instrument by which the state can measure its educa- tional needs. Even worse, as far as any competent educational analyst can determine, neith- er the Department of Finance nor the governor nor the Legislature nor the De- partment of Education begin their think- ing about education appropriation with a notion of what the real needs are. In- stead, we find each institution offering up its requests through all of these. de- partments come budget time and then scurrying about from hallway to hearing room in lobby for its own interest. The alternative to such ad hoc political baiting -- as the AAUP quite soundly points out - is a carefully worked out method among the state's colleges and universities and the Board of Education for determining just the state's higher education needs. Once those needs have been identified, the objectives set, and the priorities laid down, then it is pos- sible to assess just what level of support each institution needs for the programs it has to offer. IN ITS REPORT the AAUP committee suggest, a formula which it believes would provide both equitable and ade- quate support for the state colleges and universities. While better than the pres- ent chaotic appropriation, the report fails to take into account an extremely impor- tant principle in devising means for de- termining sufficient educational support. For an institution to request support for specific levels of instruction (lower division, upper division, master's and doctoral) is still relatively meaningless until that institution determines the na- ture and expenses of its programs. There is no very good reason to give compar- able sums of money to two colleges whose programs have variable costs attached, to them. Its internal weakness notwithstanding, the AAUP's re p o r t is still basically a sound attempt to introduce sanity into the management of an activity whose pri- mary purpose has been the exercise of Reason. -FRANK BROWNING x/ L0w rli AAr ~1't I Kr URBAN LEHNER President Fleming an rotes t.dance rs PRESIDENT ROBBEN FLEMING, his urbane Midwestern dignity intact, strode to the podium in Rackham Assembly Hall Monday night to deliver for the benefit of the faculty there gathered his "state of the University" address. The President is a labor mediator of national reputation whom the Regents hired at least partly for his demonstra d ability to anticipate and smooth over the sources of student discontent. He is not afraid to speak to crowds of howling, hostile students. Probably the last thing he expected as he began his remarks was dancing in the lobby. Admittedly the actors in this protest over no readily apparent issue did more than just dance. Several later congregated in the rear aisle of the Assembly Hall and made a few embarrassing but not particular- ly strenuous (or effective) attempts to heckle during Fleming's speech. 4 A most, quotable Series HHH says nothing new U HUBERT HORATIO HUMPHREY wants to be President. , We might have guessed at this before, of cpurse, but his widely 1 a u d e d pro- nouncement on the Vietnam War Mon- day night eliminates all doubt. It does lit- tle else. Couched in the language usually re- served for his dovish opponents, Humph- rey promised he would end the bombing of North Vietnam as "an acceptable risk for peace" if he were elected. But then, a. second later, c a m e the catch - and it sounded woefully familiar. Before initiating the bombing hilt, Humphrey said he would weigh indica- tions that North Vietnam was willing "to restore the demilitarized zone." DOES THIS POSITION constitute the much awaited break w i t h President Johnson's Vietnam policy? Hardly. The conditions for complete cessation of bombing which Humphrey laid down -Monday are, if anything, more stringent than the more general requirement for reciprocity made by the President in his March 31 speech. With this in m i n d, it becomes clear that Humphrey's speech will do little to heal the split within the Democratic Par- ty over the war, and is unlikely to draw dovish students of U.S. policy in Vietnam to the Vice President's side. HE CAREFULLY summarized his domino theory ideology and neatly reviewed the U.S. "commitment" to the S o u t h. When he was through it seemed as though nothing had changed., But something had changed f o r the body of the American people. Just as the Vice President hoped, the media inter- preted the speech as a break with John- son on the war. Many of those who read just the head- lines yesterday morning, or heard a two minute newscast may now be quite satis- fied in voting for Humphrey next month. Their ignorance, however blissful it may be in this no-choice year, constitutes another example of the desparation with which the public seeks a leader who can extract us from the quagmire of blood in Southeast Asia. -MARTIN HIRSCHMAN NOW 'THAT the World Series is finally here, we can get down to the nitty-gritty things. There are those that say that Mayo Smith is a computer, that Mickey Stanley is a shortstop anid that Denny McLain is a jackass. And there are those who say we all are. Notwithstanding, The Daily polled several of America's fore- most thinkers yesterday on- the issue of the Series: H. Horatio Humphrey : "I don't likei t but what can I do about it?" I. MILHOUS NIXON: "I've al- ready made policy statements on 217 other major issues. Why do you reporters keep badgering me? (Aside to Spiro: "Don't let them shove you around.")" T. Spiro Agnew: "Once again we see here the two greatest evils in America today. The Tigers are soft on hitting and the Cardinals are soft 'on pitching. I think the only way we can restore balance to the game is to look up their bats and balls and let them settle this man-to-man, toe-to-toe.sNov don't quote me out of context." L. BAINES JOHNSON: "You all know that my fondest hope is for the peace and happiness of all men. But I say we have to for- tify one side so it will be able to chart its own course. And if the other side won't fight then let it be damned." Lil' Sherri Funn (Diamond Ex- pert)": Even if I don't like it I'll go. Ta-dot-ta-dot-ta-do-da." Robben Fleming: "Direct con- frontation like this scares me. I think we'd all benefit if we sat down acid talked it out." Jesse James Gang: "We say that the spitball should be legalized." Sheriff Douglas Harvey: "If we didn't have guns who would pro- tect them?" Drew Pearson: "If they don't take bribes who will write about them?"Tf Strom Thurmond : "If they don't show dirty pictures who will go to see them?" BUMP ELLIOTT: "If they aren't tough and they aren't ready, we could probably beat them." Francie Gottfried (43-26-37): "Anything they can do I can do better." J. Fred Muggs: By the way, whatever happened to J. Fred Muggs?) Johnny Carson: "What can I say? I've never said anything yet." Red Schoendist: "If I didn't know better, I'd think you were putting me on." aside from scattered catcalls the plot of this grotesque melo- consisted of a few half-hearted terpischorean gestures in the m. The Jesse James Gang and assorted sympathizeres danced leming talked. TEMPTING TO DISCERN the significance of these rituals left f us who stood and watched more than a little confused. The n was akin to the injured pride of being unable to penetrate eric work of literature that one's more literarily competent are discussing with apparent intelligence and comprehension. one yet knows exactly what this group of mostly hip-looking oped to accomplish, and their own reticence does not abet tion. At least some of them have apparently concluded that e, communication, education and persuasion have failed. Ob- who asked questions received speechless, disbelieving stares that to imply, "If you're not hip to it now we can't help you." r does thumbing through the catalogue of possible motives yield nment. Any of a number of other tactics would have been more e in achieving any of the conceivable desired effects .than this e attempt at guerrilla choreography. [f it was to have been radicalizing confrontation even the least Ive oracle could confidently have predicted its failure. Those each the failure of "education" as a radicalizing tactic and instead immediate confrontation do so on the assumption that s are imbued with some kind of dormant radical consciousness cited through confrontation Even the most astigmatic of these es would not credit the University's faculty with a parallel sub- us radicalism. Since the audience at Rackham was composed elmingly of faculty members, who was- to be radicalized? ly a thoroughly disruptive demonstration requiring police inter- could have attracted sufficient numbers of dormantly radical s to the scene of the brutality and produced the kind of faculty needed to generate future confrontation situations. If the idea was to challenge the legitimacy of the administra- tuthority there; why a dance? Louder, more determined, more catcals would have been in order. argument can be made that the dance was spontaneous unless ponent is willinig simultaneously to argue that the tape recorder- system appeared spontaneously. If the dance was intended as a dramatization of the irrelevance proceedings inside the hall by juxtaposing the real world of in the lobby outside, then the failure of the execution was t. Certainly the show inside was pretty pedestian fare. But d the faculty members had an opportunity to witness the real >assing by in the lobby, the sad. spectacle of two or three un- I dancing couples circled by a few dozen spectators leaning the wall like.eighth graders at the prom only served to highlight lenvance of dancing. d for entertainment value one could point with justifiable nce to last winter's Voice classified research performance at g's student tea. EN THE SPORADIC heckling from jhe rear aisle only gave the nt an opportunity to display his not inconsiderable skills of g hostile audiences. Hubert Humnphrey might have spent Monday more profitably in Ann Arbor taking pointers from Robben g instead of hedging'his bombing halt bets on national television. tradition of disruptive heckling was firmly established at this ity two years ago with the celebrated Hart-Ford incident and ced last fall when Karen Daenzer went to Admiral Browh's Both of these inpidents caused deep faculty resentment and ed clandestine facultyand administration maneuvers to prevent currence. e very silliness and ineffectuality of Monday night's hollow ego I probably save it from the dubious honor of unblocking another le of precarious faculty phobias. For radical politics at this ity, nothing fails like failure. aug ent..r 4 Whatever happened to J. Fred Muggs? Letters: Counselors, A need to register FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4 marks the closing day of voter registration for the up- coming general election. Although the sad set of candidates running for President has prompted many to bypass the regis- tration process and the possibility of vot- ing, this is not the time to forget these rights. The race between Humphrey, Nixon and Wallace causes one to ignore the choice for President. T h i s disenchantment should not, however, discourage the voter from voting at all. The Presidential race is only one of the contests on the ballot. Included with it are a number of local contests which offer the voters very im- portant choices. Of particular interest to Ann A r b o r voters in this fall's election are the con- gressional race and the contests for cpun- ty sheriff and county board of supervis- ors. INCUMBENT Congressman Marvin Esch faces a rematch with former Congress- man Weston Vivian,' whom Esch turned out of Congress by a very slim margin two years ago. Competing with these men is Bert Garskof of the New Politics party. In county races voters have a chance to pass judgment on the actions of Sheriff Douglas Harvey and for the first time, elect a board of supervisors. These local contests are vital enough to voters to merit their registering and voting. Choice exists in these races which may not be found in the Presidential con- test. All those concerned with the actions of local officials -- and recent activity, indicates that there is plenty of interest on the county level ,- have the oppor- tunity to express their electoral prefer- ence in the upcoming election. MEANS ARE ALSO available within the' voting process to express dissent in the Presidential race. A blank in the Presi- dential ballot box is an effective protest, if not more so, as an uncast ballot. The New Politics party, successful in getting its slate of candidates on .the state ballot, offers Eldridge Cleaver as a Presidential alternative. The McCarthy write-in effort provides another alterna- tive. This is not a year to bypass voting, par- ticularly in Ann Arbor. Local contests To the Editor: I AM RESPONDING' to Sunday's article and Rick Perloff's edi- torial (Oct. 1) concerning the stu- dent conselling program. As a former student counselor, and one of the overseers of the pro- ject, I was appalled by the lack of mention ofwhat I feel to be the g r e a t e-s t potential (and achievement) of this project. The student counselors span the "generation gap" in the student- faculty relationship by providing fresh insights and suggesting new directions for the education ofun- dergraduates. This is achieved by counseling students with both academic and non-academic prob- lems, and by gathering and prob- ing specific and generalized com- plaints of students, and propos- ing changes in the structure of the University. ALTHOUGH this program was not conceived with such lofty aims in mind, several weeks of coun- seling alienated undergraduates with a slew of unimaginable prob- lems showed us (the Honors Steer- ing Committee) the areas of greatest need. Granted, the re- duction in the rush for faculty autographs at preregistr~.tion would free them to spend time with students with problems, but we also found that many problems a r e more freely discussed with APPOINTMENTS are made with students whose academic back- grounds are amenable to the counselor's questions or prob- lems. For people with problems involving choice of concentration, it is helpful to speak with coun- sellors from several different aca- demic areas. We hope to m a k e conceneration a pursuing of one's academic interests in depth, rath- er than a task of fulfilling some department's requirements. It is for this reason that we weretac- tive in developing the interdisci- plinary major. No, Mr. Perloff, the student counselors: do not "substitute for faculty advisors" - we augment them. No, Mr. Perloff, the student counselors are not ignoring those lost and aimless undergraduates - they are our best customers. -Michael Liepman Chm. Honors Steering Committee (1967-68) Oct. 1 Peggy Collins To the Editor: l WOULD LIKE to add my sup- port to the charge by Julie Winters (Letters.Sept. 28 that Chris Steele's article "Peggy Col- lins Stand Up for America" (Daily, Sept. 26) is irrelevant, sen- sationalistic, and cruel. ' IT IS ONE thing to make snide and cutting remarks about Wal- lace who entered the political arena willingly, knowing that such attacks would immediately be forthcoming, giving the causes he espouses and the state of the American press. However, it is quite another matter to utilize such tactics against the young lady who has only done what The Daily so often exhorts the stu- dents to do-become involved in the political process. Steele's points could have been made without holdingbMiss 901- lins up for ridicule because she happens to have convictions con- trary to his. If The Daily cannot refrain from being biased, unfair, in slanting its news; the least it could do is refrain from being un- necessarily cruel. -Don Racheter' Sept. 30 RC worth To the Editor: H AVING READ the letter of Professor Thomas M. Dunn in Saturday's (Sept. 28) Daily, I feel inclined to write an answer. Pro- fessor Dunn is correct when, he states that a Residential College education cost more, but he is wrong when he says that we are receiving basically the same edu- cation as a student in LS.&A. ness" of these indistinct and-, in- separable activities. Sitting in a classroom is not the only time a, student learns, and what is discussed in a class is carried far beyond the room's walls. Every experience the stu- dent has increasesrhis knowledge, and one of the affects of the R.C. atmosphere is to make him aware of this. THLE INDIVIDUAL is important to the R.C. His seminars are un- structured, allowing him to pursue a topic which he deems relevant i.e., violence, radical politics, phil- osophy, etc. Independent research land study are an integral parts of his work. This independence con- tinues into his living where the student is not only the sole judge, of his personal morals and ethics, but also a policy-maker in the, school's decisions. Eventually this typehof educa- tion may prove to be the solution to the problems of being a student in a megaversity. -Roann Barris Sept. 30 Exploitation To the Editor: T HIS PAST SUNDAY, the mem- bers of Delta Sigma Theta, an all black sorority,tparticipated jointly in a reception with the Lawuver's lubx honoring the Black ually. The Lawyer's Club received 125 invitations, ,Delta Sigma Theta received 125, and UAC re- ceived 50. At least these were the proportions given out at the plan- ning meeting.- In actuality, this was not what happened. While the members of Delta Sigma Thetaturned away their black brothers and: sisters, UAC let in their executive board, last year's officers, and any other so-called important people, all without invitations. The Lawyer's Club, in turn, let in any law stu- dents anddates on one invitation, which, gave them twice the num- ber of previously planned people at the reception. IN ESSENCE, Delta Sigma Theta was used merely as a front so that it would appear that a black organization was sponsoring the reception. Our money and the use of 'our melnbers to serve the punch and coffee were the extent of our usefulness, while the "big bosses" of UAC ran the entire show. We are not putting the blame solely on UAC and the Lawyer's Club. It is our mistake thatwe did not recognize that our black brothers and sisters, by all rights, should have been the first ones to get in to meet the speak- ers: we would like to apologize to all those who are black and were turned away, while whites with