Wednesday, October 2, 1968
Paae Three
Wednesday, October 2, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Paae Three
China toenarge
purge of party'
TOKYO (R5) - Red China marked its 19th anniversary yesterday
with an announcement that'Mao Tse-tung's 26-month-old purge is to
be widened and deepend to "purify" the 17 million members of the
Chinese Communist party.
Mao's top aide and heir-apparent, Defense Minister Lin Piao, told
a half million cheering Chinese in Peking's Tien An Men-Gate of
Heavenly Peace-Square at the height of nationwide celebrations: "We
definitely will liberate Taiwan, Formosa, and are ready at all times to
Fort as
backers fail
in Senate cloture
new strike
NEW YORK VP) -The teachers'
union threatened yesterday to call
another city-wide strike of the 1.1
million-pupil school system un-
less the Board of Education en-
forces an agreement that red to a
settlement over. the weekend of
the teachers' three-week strike.
The board of the Ocean Hill-
Brownsville experimental school
district, which set off the first
strike, ignored key elements in the
peace pact yesterday and a brief
clash between parents, pupils, tea-
chers and police erupted at police
barricades outside one school.
Another school in the district Was
closed because of trouble.'
"The possibility of another
strike should not be ignored," Al-
bert -Shanker, president of the
AFL-CIO United Federation of
Teachers said at a news confer-
ence. "It is very real. We don't
want it. But our patience is run-
ning out."
Under the agreement, that end-
ed the strike, teachers were to re-
turn to their jobs in. Ocean Hill-
Brownsville. The local board in
Ocean Hill said it would defy the
%wipe out all enemies who dare to
invade us."
Despite these tough words
broadcast from Peking, the accent
was more on the internal politics
of the proletarian cultural revolu-
tion than on the oft-repeated fear
of an American attack as Mao and
his associates reviewed the annual
parade through the huge square.
Japanese correspondents report-
ed workers and peasants dominat-
ed the march, reflecting Mao's new
priorities for these classes. The
fanatic Red Guards-stars of last
year's show-bi'ought up the rear,
evidence they have been down-,
Army troops carried no weap-
In' a National Day joint edito-
rial, the People's Daily, Liberation
Army Daily a n d Theoretical
Journal Red Flag. said the purge-
which has been concentrated at
the top - will now "lay the basis
for the work of consolidating and
building the party by conscien-'
tiously purifying the class ranks."
The objective is to shake up the
party's now predominantly intel-
lectual-military structure to in-
clude "advanced elements among,
the industrial workers" - t h e
class Mao has decreed shall hence-
forth lead the cultural revolution.
The editorial also advocated
making room in the "party's bas-
ic organizations and t h e party
committees at all levels" for Com-
munists who have "stood firmly"
by Mao's line. This presumably
would include activists such as
Mao's wife, Chiang Ching; Lin's
wife, Yeh Chun; and others.
Delas foiht
ate refused yesterday to cut off a
filibuster against Abe Fortas' no-
°' rmination to be chief justice and
Ithe appointment was put aside at
least temporarily.
:On motion of Majority Leader
Mike Mansfield, D-Mont., the Sen-
ate took up the defense appropria-
tion bill after the anti-filibuster
vote fell 14 short of the required
two-thirds majority.
The vote to halt debate on a
motion to take up President'John-
son's nomination of Fortas was 45
for and 43 against.
Voting for cloture-that is, to
ompi n' nChicago close off debate-were 35 Demo-
crats and 10 Republicans. Against
Chicago police came to grips with a black youth yesterday during disturbances at the Waller High j were 19 Democrats and 24 Repub-
School over a black history course. licans.
SHanoi'denounces HHH pledge'
b A DTO (lM A, 'ATr v 1- STw n rin _
if nlnntnrl nrncirinvtt 1,%tiit ^"lta if hn .
rIS( V") - A Norn viewa1- 1 eiecteu presuiue, uut uxuny i ne bev
mese spokesman rejected yester- saw "evidence of Communist will- dipJ
day Hubert H. Humphrey's quali- ingness to restore the demilitariz- he's
fied bomb-halt pledge as "abso- ed zone between North and South C
lutely nothing new." Vietnam." gati
"It's still the same demand for The North Vietnamese have of-on
reciprocity, which we reject," said fered verbal assurance that "posi- orde
Hanoi Politburo member Le Duc tive effects" would follow an un-
Tho, who is one of the North Viet- conditional American 'bombing A
namese delegates at the Paris stop but sources close to Commun- Yor
peace talks. ist authorities said Humphrey's fron
Humphrey made the qualified pledge was by no means uncondi- the
pledge to halt the bombing in a tional. - vers
campaign speech Monday. "This looks suspiciously like an by
Humphrey said in that speech instance on the principle of reci-
he vould stop bombing the North procity which Hanoi in the past Lu
has had nothing to do with," said "a
one informant. "And it looks sus- con
piciously like the position of Pre-
sident Johnson's administration inr
spite of its new formulation."
The Soviet news agency Tabs
echoed this skepticism, saying "no
new approach' could be detected
in Humphrey's announcement.
It said Humphrey's speech was
"clearly calculated to win over to
his side the numerous voters reso-
lutely denouncing the dirty war
OCTOBER 1-13 in Vietnam and demanding that it
be ended."
Some foreign diplomats feel,
however, that Hanoi might sur-
prise its Moscow supporters, as it
did when it accepted President
Johnson's offer of preliminary
peace talks in Paris.
They reason that Hanoi could
calculate Humphrey will prove
easier to deal with 4han any of
his rivals. Following this logic, the
North Vietnamese might decide to
make a response to his speech,
thus hoping to ease his way into
the White House.
Ellis Rabb "The North Vietnamese would'
pad Susa
taking a risk," said one Western
lomat, "just like Humphrey said
s ready to take a risk."
)fficials in the U.S. peace dele-
ion here declined all comment
Humphrey's speech, obeying
ers to steer clear of the presi.-
tial election campaign.
.t the United Nations in New
k, visiting foreign ministers
m the Philippines and The Ne-
rlands demonstrated the di-
se overseas reactions sparked
Humphrey's pledge. JM.A-H.
ns of The Netherlands called if
real concession" and "a very
structive proposal.''
Mansfield said he would an-
nounce in the next two or three
days whether another attempt
would be made to win Senate con-
firmation of Fortas.
In the meantime, while the
Senate returns to legislative busi-
ness, he said the nomination will
remain the pending business on
the executive calendar.
"The Senate has refused to face
squarely the issue of the nomina- C
tion of Mr. Fortas," Mansfield said
after the vote defeating the mover -
to put the Senate's debate-limiting T r
cloture rule into effect. IRT
Mrs. Fortas was in the visitors
gallery for the vote.
The vote came on the fifth da'y
of a filibuster against a motion by
Majority Leader Mike Mansfield,
D-Mont., to take the Fortas no-
mination up for consideration.
Fortas' chances for nomination W 1
suffered setbacks within Congress
last week. i'' WASH
Senate Republican Leader Ever- terday pen
ett M. Dirksen, once an outspoken dissented f
supporter of confirmation, said
Friday he would not vote to shut Cardin
off a filibuster against the nomi- District of
nation and said he was now un- "absolutely
decided on whether to back For- posed upon
tas. this archdi
Dirksen said he switched posi-
tion because of new information The c
which he did not disclose. cyclical ba
There "are things that still don't and the c
meet the eye," Dirksen said. openlysup
At the same time, the president In a st
of the American Bar Association, I t
which endorsed Fortas, said the Archdioces
ABA's committee on federal judge- dinal O'Bc
ships did not have all the facts dissenting
when it backed the nomination. cyclical bu
"I do recognize that all of the qualifying
facts were not before the commit- The seni
tee," .said William Gossett. "Some said: "Spa
of the facts brought about by the decide acc
Senate committee were not pre- conscience
sent before it voted." ception in
Gossett, however, said any move permissible
to take a new look at endorsing to preserve
Fortas would have to be made by and sacred
the chairman of the ABA com- The card
mtitee, Albert Jenner of Chicago. the encyc
Jenner could not be reached im- Father ma
mediately. soever for;
Dirksen's reversal was hailed by The autl
the leader of Senate opposition to tain priest:
Fortas as "very significant." drawn fron
Michigan Republican Robert P. ing fromt
Griffin also said he expects the fessions to
switch to prompt other defection. to' teach.
f ,justice nominee Abe, Fortas
rrdinal 1putnishes
ashington priests
INGTON (,)-Patrick Cardinal O'Boyle announced yes-
nalties for 39 priests of the Washington area who have
rom his view on the birth control issue.
nal O'Boyle, who is Roman Catholic Archbishop of the
Columbia and part of Maryland said his action was
y necessary if I am to fulfill the solemn obligations im-
Ln me as the shepherd and teacher of all, Catholics in
ocese. I had no other choice."
ontroversy involves full acceptance of Pope Paul's en-
anning artificial birth control. Some priests dissented,
ontroversy received public notice, with some parishioners
porting their dissenting priests.
A Contemporary Approach to
S peareS
atement issued by the
e of Washington, Car-
oyle said some of the
priests accept the en-
ut insist on adding a
hence which he quoted
ouses may responsibly
ording to their own
that artificial contra-
some circumstances is
and indeed necessary
and foster the values
ness of marriage."
inal said: "Nowhere in
lical does the Holy
ke any provision what-
such an exception."
,ority to exercise cer-
ly functions was with--
m the 39 priests, rang-
the right to hear con-
the right to preach and
"As Now as a Nehru Jackett"
... Los Angeles Times
Directed by
Music by Can
Sv atican asks
tican appealed yesterday to Ro-
man Catholics to join with other
Christians and members of all
faiths in an international program
of contacts with atheists to help
make the world "more human'.
The appeal, issued in apolicy-
making locument by the Vatican's
Secretariat for non-Believers, said
such a program of dialogue was
not intended to convert people but
to express "brotherly love" and to
meet the needs of "a humanity,
come of age,"
Such dialogue, said the deu-
ment, would by "every form f
meeting and communication be-
tween individuals, groups and,
* mmunities to bring about a
greater grasp of the truth and to
achieve better human relations in
a spirit of sincerity, respect for
persons, and mutual trust."
Communists w er e included
among the nonbelievers. The
Vatican recommended that all
types of atheists should be met in
contacts and discussions a't the
local, national and international
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LONDON {P) - Fifty-five
Roman Catholic priests signed
a letter published in the Times
today to warn their bishops
they could not loyally o b e y
Pope Paul's teaching on con-
Among the signers w e r e,
Father Paul ;Weir, assistant
priest who was suspended for,
speaking out publicly against
the Papal encyclical, and
Father Kenneth Allan, a parish
priest in the same diocese.
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