See editorial page
Partial chance
of rain
Vol. LXXIX, No. 29
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, October 2, 1968
Ten Cents
Twelve Pages
Voice factions
shelve disputes
Expected feud fails to erupt;
third group announces split
Feature Editor
A direct confrontation between leaders of the two war-
ring factions of Voice-SDS failed to materialize last night
at the organization's third meeting of the year.
Arguments concerning the basic differences between the
"Radical Caucus" and the dissident "Jesse James Gang" oc-
casionally surfaced in discussion of specific programs and
actions. However, resolution of the conflict which arose at
last week's meeting was not attained.
Special To The Daily
sho t near
YPS 1.t
Ypsi high
University Hospital surgeons
operated for several hours last
night on one of three Willow Run
High School students shot by an-
other student.
One student, '16-year-old Smitty
Burnet received chest and abdo-
minal wounds, and is listed in
'fair' condition.
Two other students, 15-year-old
Karen Hickman and 15-year-old
Dennis Wilson, were both shot in
the left elbow and are listed in
good' condition- All three students
A third group, identifying it-
self as "Phoenix," announced its
withdrawal from Voice and its af-I
filiation with national Students
for a Democratic Society as as
separate University chapter.
Mary Frohman, a leader of the
Phoenix group, claimed a mem-
bership of close to 30 individuals,
and announce~d that it would have
its first general meeting in the
}Union at 5:00 p.m. Thursday.
The James Gang has a meetingI
scheduled in the Union at the
same time. The Radical Caucus
is meeting in the SAB at 4:00 p.m.
A statement condemning bothI
of the other factions was signed
by 13 persons affiliated with
Earlier in the day, members of
the James Gang (whose size is es-
timated at between 30 and' 501
members met in caucus and post-
poned indefinitely any plan for
directly fighting the Radical
Caucus on points of organizational
-Daily-Jay L. Cassidy
THlE LARGEST crowd to date to greet a presden tial candidate crowded stadiums in Flint, Grand
Rapids, Kalamazoo and Lansing yesterday to see former Governor George Wallace.
Protesterf.s rmoe
WASHINGTON (A --- Police
evicted 14 antiwar protesters and
lawyers yesterday when they tried
to disrupt a hearing by a House
are from Ypsilanti. At last week's general meeting, subcommittee on un-American
The three students were taken considerable heckling prompted activities probing the bloody Chi-
to the hospital yesterday after- members of the "Radical Caucus" cago street battles at the Demo-
noon after they were shot just to threaten the use of sergeants- cratic National convention.
outside of the high school. at-arms should the problem arise Yippie leader Jerry Rubin, a
aat-rm were notably au emajor figure in the demonstra-
custody and are withholding his geant s-a-ams notably ab- tions, was led from the House Of-
name. During discussion of programs , fice Building by police for the'
The pistol shooting occurred as at last night's meeting Eric Ches- second time, in one day. He was
school ended yesterday. ter of nt' meting Erc Che- 'victed earlier when he tried to
te fthe Radical Caucus pro-
A fourth student is thought to posed the formation of two edu- enter the hearings wearing a,
have been hit by a richochet bul- cational reform committees. The bandolier ribbed with live bullets.
let, but reportedly received only membership approved the com- The subcommittee ordered the
superficial wounds. mittees, one charged with circu- protest leaders and their attorn-
State Police arived within 10 lating petitions demanding an end eys ousted from the room when
minutes of the shooting and to distribution requirements, the they stood to stage a silent protest
Washtenaw County Sheriff's depu- second committee with seeking against the hearings.
ties arrived shortly after. methods of affecting cirruculum The attorneys charged the sub-
State Police would not release ' changes within individual depart- committee was "raping" the Con-
information on a possible motive ments.
stitution under the armed
of police lining the hearin
by refusing to allow th
crossexamine the witnesses
"Maybe there are those
who want a confrontation
the committee. We don't w
We've done everything to
it," Ashbrook said.
Police ushered them ou
out resistance in contrast
stormy clashes in 1966 whe
in and 50 other demon
were ejected from a hear
the parent committee.
Sguard No immediate arrests we
g room made. although the subcommitt
em to chairman, Rep. Richard 'Icho
(D-Mo.) warned the protest
present they could be charged with tryi
n with to disrupt Congress. He told th
cant it. attorneys they could be cited i
avoid contempt.
"We'll be back Thursday," sa
t with- Rubin, who has been subpoena
to the to testify when the hearingsr
n Rub- sume after a one-day pause.
strators The subcommitte is investiga
'ing by ing alleged Communist invol
ment in the Chicago protests.
FLINT -Presidential candidate "
George C. Wallace swept through *
the state yesterday drawing the f
largest crowds of any presidential *
contender to date.
More than 11,000 supporters
crowded the Flint Atwood Sta-
dium last night as factories in theK:'
Flint' area were reportedly shut-
ting down because of a lack of
workers who were apparently at-
tending the rallies.
Earlier, 12,000 in Grand Rapids
listened to the former Alabama
governor lambast the Supreme
Court; 6,000 jammed the east
grounds of the state house in
S Lansing as he defied Gov. George
Romney's refusal to host him dur-
ing his tour; and 6,000 greeted
him at Kalamazoo as he told a
bearded protester, "You'd better
have your say now, because when
I become president you will be all
through in this country."
Throughout the state he re-
ceived warm welcomes, except in
Kalamazoo where a large portion
of the 6.000 in the crowd, jeered
Capping his stormy, one-day
tour of the state, the American
Independent Party candidate told
ere the Flint audience last night, "The
tee Kerner Commission report says
rd that our society is sick, that the
ers American people are sick. Well,
ng I'll tell you, it's the Supreme
eir Court in Washington that's sick!"
for Wallace, delivering the same
istock speech in each of the four
aid cities, harshlynattacked the Su-
ed preme Court and "federal bureau-
re- , cracy"in general. He particularly.-gaiy-Jay L.Cassidy
condemned open housing and WALLACE ATTACKED the Supreme Court and "federal bureau-
at- praised state control of domestic cracy in general" during his state tour here yesterday.
ve- programs. --
"Our government and the lead- N O.
ers of both political parties who rntCeuUEo:
now run it, have succumbed to the
blackmail of the gangs of an-
archists who have roamed our '
streets," he said. They have "de-{ F
stroyed the. adage that a man's' B I 'seeksckey
home is his castle.
"When you elect me president,
the first thing I'll do is to ask
ith Congress to repeal the open hous-
led ing law," he promised. Wallace Sunday blast
Las also denounced federal interven-
ed tion in the field of public educa- By DAVE SPURR
sed "You and I are both sick and Ann Arbor police and FBI investigators continued through
et- tired of our domestic institutions their second day of probing the Sunday bombing of the
ble being controlled by Washington," downtown Cenftral Intelligence Agency office with no ap-
he sai. ~'~oarent1 oitive olues that might lead tn an arr'st
History students picl
interim committee
in the shooting. A proposal by Bert Garskof, the
The principal of the school, Ed- I New Politics Party candidate for
ward Nelson., refused comment, Congress, was adopted establish-
saying that the incident is still ing a committee to attack "com-
under investigation and that a petition in the classroom" and to
press conference will be held this make education a more co-opera-
morning. tive venture among students. Gar-
Classes will be held at the usual skof's motion specifically called
time today, Nelson said. for the committee to investigate.
Elkins Bruce, Community Rela- radical reformation of the educa-
tions Director for Willow Run tional process itself.
Schools, said that he did not Some members of the Radical
think that the incident had racial Caucus objected to this motion.
overtones, although it did involve Chester said that he felt that it
both black and white students. gave the committee a "blank
The student that did the shoot- check"' to operate without being
ing is reported to be a black. The subject to the general meeting of
three wounded students are white. Voice. SGC member Sharon Low-
Superintendent of Willow Run en objected to the motion be-
Schools Edwin Gray said last cause, "it taught students to get
night he will make a statement ' around the system" instead of
this morning concerning the doing away with such things as
incident. examinations.
A caucus of history studentsG
yesterday selected a 12-man in-
to be presented at a meeting wi
the faculty tentatively schedul
for Oct. 15. The committee h
Studentlf(, W His
Three departments in t h e
literary college -- economics,
mathematics and philosophy--
have called forums for stu-
dents andhfaculty similar to
the one held two weeks ago
by the history department. The
schedule is:
Economics --7:30 tonight in
101 Economics Bldg.
Mathematics -- 7:30 p.m. tp-
morrow in 2235 Angell Hall.
Philosophy -- A meeting has
been scheduled for next week.
The details were not available
last night.
terim steering committee for its asked that the meeting be mov
history students union and slated - back one week.
its next all-student meeting for The proposals will be discuss
Oct. 14. and voted on at the Oct. 14 meE
The caucus, attended by about ing. They will be made availal
100 students, was called as a re- to all students in the history d
sult of an open forum of history + partment before the meeting.
department students and faculty All students within the histc
held Sept. 20. students union - all undergra
held Sept. 20. At that time the uate history majors and gradu
students decided to form a repre- students in history - will be co
sentative organization and to de- tacted by letter informing th
velop their position of various is-' of the coming meeting.
sues. Proposals for the memberst
Similar forums have been call- structure of the student u n ic
ed by the economics, mathematics ranged from a union with or
and philosophy departments. history majors and graduate st
The steering committee was in- dents in history to all "interest
vested with the responsibility of students." The proposal accepi
formulating preliminary proposals unanimously by the caucus
graduates and undergraduates
history- is temporary.
The steeringmcommittee ise
pected to make proposals concer
ing franchise at the next meeti
a The problem of membershipr
M gff Pt~ volved around which group
students hadda "sufficient cor
mittment" to the history depai
ment. Students in the vario
t his nine department heads form area studies programs - who a
roups. required to take from four to
only a few of-these commitees I hours in history and studer
d and by last fall only one-the in the introductory courses we
--- .... ~ . ...~considered. The caucus decidE
With the Wallace campaign or-
ganization were various labor lead-
ers, celebrities, and a five-piece
band. At the beginning of each
speech Wallace introduced the
labor leaders to the crowd saying,
"I want you to know that I have
always been the nriend of the
working man, and am proud to
See WALLACE, Page 6
ItA AlE"
Although it is believed dynamite was the explosive that
wrecked between $4,000 and $7,000 worth of building equip-
ment and space at 450 S. Main St., not even that fact has been
firmly established.
In the absence of Police Chief Walter Krasny, who left
town yesterday, Senior Capt. Harold Olson is coordinating
the local investigation. In addition, an FBI agent from Wash-
ington is checking, "foot by foot," the shattered debris before
sections of 'the building are
- released to tenants,.
AAH to readmit
'long-haired students'
Before leaving for a convention
in Hawaii yesterday, Krasny
claimed that the bombing may be
the work of "anti-establishment
militants" at the University. He
sai'd "hippies of college age"pare
a major focus in the investigation.
Consider new OSA
Acting Vice President for Student Affairs
Barbara Newell is moving ahead with plans
which would fulfill much of the spirit-if
not the letter--of the Hatcher Commission
The Hatcher Commission report com-
pleted last March urged increased participa-
tion of students in the office, including the
formation of a student-controlled "Executive
Board" which would assist the vice president
and act as the office's policy making group.
Mrs. Newell's plans include the creation
of a network of "operating committees"
which would assist the directors of the nine
divisions of the Office of Student Affairs
in navrina' nut the funtion of their dep.
heavily on Faculty Assembly's Student Re-
lations Committee (SRC) for advice on po-
licy decisions of the office.
At present, for example, SRC is consider-
ing the problems of the use of the Univer-
sity's bail fund and of the maintenance and
use of OSA records.
Though essentially a faculty group, SRC
includes representatives of Student Govern-
ment Council and Graduate Assembly, None-
theless, Mrs. Newell expects to initiate
further contact with students through con-
sultations with a student advisory com-
A system of student advisory committees.
for the University vice presidents was form-
request tha
advisory gr
ever forme
The last of the three Ann Arbor'
High School students suspended
for their long hair will be read-
mitted today according to a Mon-
day announcement by Pioneer
High PiincipalTheodore Ro-
Rokicki said the administration
Student Housing Advisory committee--was
still functioning.
Mrs. Newell's plans constitute a rebirth
of Cutler's system, but the acting vice presi-
dent is expected to take more care in the
actual formation of the committees through
.consultations with SRC and the directors
Mrs. Newell says she hopes to see commit-
tees formed first in the divisions "where
there happens to be an urgent need."
She points especially to the Office of
Religious Affairs where a search committee
however, only to allow these had decided to temporarily sus-
groups "at this time" to attend pend the grooming and dress rule
meetings and join discussions, but until it could be reviewed by a!
not to vote. soon to be appointed ad hoc com-
Considerable confusion arose as mittee.
to what the relationship should be The committee, to be made up
between both the interim and fu- of administrators, faculty, Parent-1
ture permanent steering commit- Teacher Organization members,
tees and the total student union..
The rule finally established yes-
terday outlines a two-way rela- , 1 U t
tionship: the steering committee is kis , U tat
to act on suggestions and propo-
sals from the campus and formu- .n n+.rern An bdnt E
and students, is expected to de- Lt. Eugene Staudenmeier, though
liver its recommendation to the said, "There is no overt investi-
Ann Arbor Board of Education be- gation of any individual student
fore the end of October. activists at the University-"
Tonight, the board will be pre- Citing a recent bombing of a
student council of both Huron and military installation near Berke-
stuentcoucilofbot Huon ndley, Calif., Krasny commented.
Pioneer High School asking for "We know there's a pretty good
more freedom for the student Inetwork between these univer-
newspapers and for the lifting of sities."
the ban on literature which has Olson said that four of his men
not received authorization from who attended a "bomb" school
the administration. instruction program in Grand
Two students were suspended Rapids are working with FBI men.
and later re-admitted last week The blast, which occurred late
after distributing unauthorized Sunday night, shattered all of the
literature on school grounds. building's front windows and left
The suspensions of the t h r e e a three-inch hole in the cement
students last week nearly resulted outside.
in a student walkout last Thurs- I Krasny said Monday there was
day and brought a stormy protest "increasing possibility" that the