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October 01, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-10-01

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Vol. LXXIX, No. 28

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, October 1, 1968

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages


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Detroit blasts
Ann Arbor Police Chief Walter
Krasny said last night there is. an
"increasing possibility" that the
bombing of the Ann Arbor Central
Intelligence Agency office late-
Sunday night is connectd with six
similar incidents which have oc-
curred in Detroit since Aug. 30.
After conferring with men from
the special investigation squad of.
the Detroit Police Department,
Krasny said that all seven inci-
dents "appear to have the same
type of operations."
The explosion of the four to six
sticks of dynamite placed in front
of the CIA office at 450 S. Main'
St. occurred at about 11:30 p.m.;
The blast shattered all of the
building's front windows, over-
turned furniture inside the build-
ing, dug a three-inch hole in the
cement outside the CIA office, and
shattered windows in neighboring
The blast was reported to be
heard as far as two miles away.
Krasny said the bombing "look-
ed very professional," explainingt
that there were no traces of the
bomber Sunday night. "He was
apparently long-gone after "the
blast," Krasny said.
Rough estimates available last
night placed external damage be-
tween $3,000 and $5,000 and in-
ternal damage between $1,000 and

Fleming speech
meets protests
University President Robben W. Fleming last night called
for greater student participation and condemned student
"violence, coercion, and threats," while over 100 protesters
demonstrated against his State of the University Address.
Fleming spoke at the annual Faculty-Staff Convocation
in Rackham Lecture Hall before a crowd of 800 faculty

members and their wives, and
sity students.
The demonstrators, some of
whom were members and support-
ers of "The Jesse James Gang," a
faction of Students for a Demo-
cratic Society, wandered in and
out of the auditorium while Flem-
ing's speech was going on. They
did not enter as a group until five
minutes before the conclusion of
the program, when they began to
punctuate the president's remarks
with applause and calls of "More
research," and "What about Thai-
"I take a stand in favor of
greater student participation in
the workings of the University,#
but violence, coercion, and intimi-
dation are not part of that stand."
saidtFleming. He added thatstu-
-? dents should study t the lessonj

nearly 150 uninvited Univer-
cited for
Twelve University faculty menj-
bers were presented $9,000 in
awards for "distinguished teach-
ing, scholarship and service" at
the Faculty-Staff Convocation last
night in Rackham Aud,
\Two of the five $1.000 awards to
senior faculty in recogiiition of

-Daily-Larry Robbins
JIM MELLON CONFRONTS Prof. Kenneth Liesenring of the mathematics dept. last night at Rack-
ham Lecture Hall after President Fleming's State of the University message. About 100 people pro-
tested the speech.


learned at German Universities outstanding teaching and research

Administrato rs
AA UP funding


before World War II: violence
led to their destruction.
"Presidents like myself come
and go, but the University must
Outlining his view of the state
of the University, Fleming said
the two major problems confront-
ing the University. now and in

were received by Prof. Marston
Bates of the zoology department,
cited for "transcending narrow
specialization" in teaching; anid
Prof. Raymond Waggoner, chair-
man of the psychiatry department
and director of the Neuro-Psy-
chiatry Institute, cited for bring-
ing his department into "national
I r ntarnatnt~i. ti~nt ironn "

n s~

Paul H. Stoddard, special De-
-Daily-Richard Lee troit Federal Bureau of Investiga-
FBI AGENTS examine damage to the CIA office on South Main tion officer in charge of the in-
following an explosion there Sunday night. Officials believe the vestigation, confirmed last night
bombing may be connected with similar explosions in Detroit. the FBI had sent two bomb spe-
-- - -.. .___... .>cialist from Washington to in-

Humphey willing
to stp bobn

vestigate the blast.
Stoddard refused to give anyl
details of the investigation, but
said, "we will pursue this as far
as possible."
Bomb specialists from the Detroit
Police Department were also help-
ing in the investigation earlier in
the day. They were looking for
similarities between this incident
and six Detroit blasts.


University administrators voic-
ed support yesterday for a report
issued by the American Associa-
tion of University Professors
(AAUP) critical of state funding
of higher education.
Arthur Ross, vice president for
state relations and planning, call-
ed the report "useful" and com-

mended the Michigan AAUP com-
mittee which prepared it.
The 21-page document ctiarged
support of public higher education
in Michigan lacks "equity, reason.
and adequacy."
"The position that general sup-
port of higher education must be
more adequate is quite in line with
our own thinking at the Univer -
sity," Ross explained.

5 coming years, are growth, and aniineial proinence
the financing of growth. Also receiving senior faculty
"This year, for the first time in awards were Prof. George Ka-
He concurred with .he com- the history of this University, the tona, economist and psychologist,
mittee in its criticism of a straight president said, "we were not able director of the Survey Research
student headcount as reoresenta- to admit all the Michigan stu- Center's program of consumer
tive of a major university s ope- dents who meet our standards of studies; Prof. Harold E. Wethy of
rating costs. "The idea of a form- admission." He explained this will the art history department, spe-
ula approach (offered as an al- cause an even greater problem in cialist in the arts of Spain and
ternative means of establishing defending the University's present Latin America, and specially cited
costs) is interesting, but it has to level of out-of-state enrollment, ;for teaching graduate students;

Huichier walks out
during H1C dispute

SALT LAKE CITY WP) - Hu- The Vice President, however, All the Detroit bombings have
bert H. Humphrey - dramatically added that in "weighing the risk" involved federal or municipal
moving his presidential campaign and "before taking action"as pres- property. Military installations
from the shadow of the Johnson ident he would place key import- and police cars have been targets
Administration war policy - said ance on evidence, "direct or in- included in the dynamite bomb-
yesterday night he would be will- direct, and by deed or word" of ings.
ing to stop the bombing of North Communist willingness to restore The FBI has not aided the in-'
Vietnam "as an acceptable risk the demilitarized zone between vestigations of the Detroit bomb-
for peace. the North and South. ings because it has no jurisdictionj
Humphrey, in a nationwide tele- "If the government of North in police departments or military
vision speech on foreign policy, Vietnam were to show bad faith' installations.
expressed belief a bombing halt he added, "I would reserve t h ei
could lead "to success in the right to resume the bombing." John F. Forrester. the CIA
negotiations and a shorter war." In Washington, the White agent in charge of recruiting in
negotiations and a shorter war." House declined comment on . Ann Arbor and manager of the'
"This," Humphrey added in his. Humphrey's change of course. 450 S. Main St. office, refused to
prepared remarks, "would be the Humphrey was said to believe speak with newsmen last night.
best protection for our troops." his statement was a significant Forrester had said earlier in the
- -..-. -departurme from Administration day that 'his office handles pro-
policy. spective operatives and agentsj
The Vice President, trailing his from the University and Michi-
opponent Richard M. Nixon iii gan State University.
thepolshas been urged by many Though the office was estab-
supporters to take a stand on lished almost nine yeas ago, it is
Vietnam independent of the Ad- ithod a nme ars arely
ministration to, show he is his
,own man" and to attract the open. When persons have entered,
anti-war group within the Demo- the office, the secretary informs
cratic Party. them that the manager is "out ofj
H Humphrey said he was paying town." -

Je stu aea very careiu yL ODe
sure that it is fair to all institu-
tions." Ross added.
Specifically, the report outlined
a formula for "equity" whicn
would assess the cost of individual
instruction at each of four differ-
ent levels: lower division, upper
division, masters, and doctoral -
professional students.
James Lesch, assistant vice
president for academic affairs,
also praised the report as "gen-
erally sound work," but, he cau-
tioned, "Equity is not the question.
First, you make up your n i n d
about what you're trying to do,
and then you try to fund it."
The distinction, as he describes
it. is between simply asking for a

a level legislators have long con-
sidered excessive.
Fleming speculated that in the;
future the University might have
to adopt the model of organiza-
tion employed at the University
of California, which has many
campuses across the state. A stu-
dent applies to the university as
a whole, and although he may
state a preference, he is not as-
sured that if accepted, he will be
able to go to the campus of his
Fleming then considered the
financial status of the University,
indicating the University faced a
period when competition for state
dollars was tougher than ever.
Added to the fact that there is a

Mayor Wendell

INER of the Mayor to reappoint Rev.
SENTIIAL Russel Fuller to the HRC. After
the meeting, Councilman Ernest L.
E. Hulcher Quenon, (D-2nd Ward) stated that

walked utUof01lastnimght'sA niRev. Fuller was the "only really'
Arbor City Council meeting fol- hard recommendation given by'
lowing a verbal attack on his per- the Dempcrats."
sonal integrity by Councilman H. a
C. Curry (D-lst Ward) concerning In other business, Council ap- t
!Hulcher's nomination of six new proved the Ann Arbor Transit
Humchergts omation Hsx nCorporation's contract with the'
Human Rights Commission (HRC) Teamsters Union. The corporation'
members. handles the new city-subsidized
Curry reacted to Hulcher's bus system. Council also discussed
action with the charge that the, possible subsidization of the city's
Mayor was "neglecting to honest- school bus system. After much de-
ly serve the people of Ann Arbor." bate, the matter was referred until
Hulcher, after presenting the the results of a current survey on
factors and criteria involved in his bus service are complete.
selections, slated Cedric S. Morris, The Ann Arbor Democratic
Rev. Terry Smith, Mrs. Stanley Party addressed Council with a
Thayer, Paul Wassom, Ralph J. request for a bipartisan merit'
Young, and Rev. Fred Holtfreter plan for the appointment of mem-
for the commission. bers to boards and commissions.'
Curry vehemently charged that The Democratic spokesman, Char-!
the Mayor had removed honest les Benton, explained that this
people from the commission, and would limit the use of partisan
that he was "sick of it." criteria, and insure that the meriti
It was apparent that the heated system would be effectively carried
controversy was about the failure out.'


comparable amount of money great demand for tax dollars, the
among universities and determin- president said the state's tax
ing support based on intended revenue is unlikely to meet the
programs. "For example you can't demands of the next few years.
compare the cost of a liberal arts When asked about the protests,
doctoral program with one in en- Fleming. commented later, "It
gineering," he explained. wasn't so bad; I had been afraid
But he conceded that the AAUP that 'they weren't going to let me
equity formula "is better t h a n speak."
what we've got now." The demonstrators broke up in-
Although he hadn't s e e n the to small groups at the end of ther
AAUP report, Dr. James Miller, speech and made no attempt to
who directs the Center for the disrupt the president's reception
Study of Higher Education, sharp- for the faculty, which was held at
ly criticized the state's level and the League following the speech.
method of support for higher eda- The demonstrators were appar-
cation- ently protesting what they con-
"The present system is chaotic; sidered to be a one-sided presen-
it operates from a dearth of in- tation of the "state of the univer-
formation about programs, needs, sity," although they made no spe-
or costs," he said. cific statement on the speech.

History Forum
The second meeting of the
History Department Forum on
Academic Reform will be held
today from 2 - 4 p.m. in Aud.
A in Angell Hall. The meeting
is restricted to students.
and Prof. L. Hart Wright of the
law school, specialist on federal
taxation. d
Distinguished Services Awards
for instructors and assistant pro-
fessors were presented to Brice
Carnahan, assistant professor of
biostatistics and of chemical
metallurgical engineering; C. Wil-
liam Colburn, assistant professor
of speech; Reed Leroy Detar, in-
structor in physiology; Charles
Gould Morris, assistant professor
of psychology; Donald Jacques
Munro, assistant professor of phi-
losophy; and 'Aram A. Yengoyan,
assistant professor of anthro-
Prof. Austin Warren of the Eng-
lish department received the Uni-
versity Press Book Award for "The
New England Conscience." His
book is a study of the New Eng-
land Transcendentalists, particu-
larly Emerson and Thoreau. The
award is presented annually to the
faculty author of the most distin-
guished book published in the pre-
ceding year by the University

lk-/ N-IV -M AL T -ML %--/ qw %-/ vi.

for a half-hour of prime television

time in order to tell the voters
A jury of wo men and four "my story, uninterrupted by pro-
A juryefte ound nieor I testers and demonstrators," or
women yesterday found Umver- by, "second-hand interpretation."
sity student Daniel Biber guilty Humphrey noted that President
of trespassing during the Sept. 6
sit-in at the County Bldg. The Johnson will hold the power of
jury took less than 25 minutes of the presidency - as well as the
deliberation to reach A, verdict. authority for making decisions in
4Biber was "one of 192 persons Vietnam until January 20, and
arrested Sept. 6 as they staged a he added:
sit-in demonstration in support of The voice at the negotiating
welfare mothers seeking emer- table must be his..I shall not com-
gency funds to clothe their chil- pete with that voice. I shall co-
dren for school. operate and help."
Immediately following the ver- Humphrey added that when the
dict, Municipal Court Judge Sam- pesident made his decisions on
S uel J. Elden accepted plea charges :Vietnam, "I have supported
by 24 University students who also them."
took part in the Sept. 6 demon- But Humphrey said that in 112
stration. The students changed days there would be a new Pres-
their pleas from not guilty to nolb ident and new advisers, and, as he
contendre. The nolo contendre said in his acceptance speech,
plea means the defendant does not "The policies of tomorrow n e ed
believe he is guilty of the alleged not be limited by the policies of
crime but will not contest the yesterday."
charge. Humphrey said he would not
Elden set Nov. 1 as the sentenc- undertake a unilateral withdraw-
ing date for Biber and the other al of American troops, which he
24 students. Maximum penalty for said "would be an open invitation
trespassing is $50 fine and 30 days to more violence, more aggression,
in jail or' both. more instability."
In instructing the jury in Biber's Nor, added Humphrey, would
.trial, Elden had told the jurors to he "escalate the level of violence
consider only three questions of in either North or South Vietnam.
fact in making their decision - We must seek to de-escalate."
was Biber in the County Bldg., Humphrey also outlined what
was he ordered to leave, and did else he would do in addition to a
he leave. willingness to stop the bombing:
Elden reminded the jurors what- -Move toward "de-Americani-

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land sur
have m,
ica sell:
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of stud
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lot of fu
is ready
when h
set in t5
that the
often p
nice ]no

ce cordon has closed-off
ing and the half-acre of
rounding it since Sunday


Ken Chatters.

38 years. of-

editorial freedom

e tell Kenneth L. Chatters he might
jade one of the largest fortunes in Amer-
ing ice boxes to Eskimos. But instead
s devoted the wealth of his talents to
chigan Daily.
e retiring yesterday as superintendent
ent ptiblications, Chatters spent 38 years
ntly making hight deadlines. "I have to
that it has been confusing and frus-
at times, always working to make a dead-
hatters says. "But it is gratifying and a
in some of the time."
short, trim superintendent grins that he
to "rest up," but his fingers still twitch
.e sees an advertisement waiting to be
ype. "You always have to be on the alert,"
s says, scrupulously scouring the ads
e student business staff sends him for ap-
and final clieck.
ugh the technical nature of his work
roves "aggravating," the superintendent
one of his pleasures is to "figure out a
irino- od laou±t-aea hu'otiful nipe of t.v-

and professional newspapers of comparable size."
Cooperider says Chatters is a master of work-
ing "with and for ,a constantly changing cadre
of students."
Arch Gamm, who is inheriting Chatter's posi-
tion, says his predecessor was "born with The
Daily," and has been committed ever since to
the improvement of the paper.
In 1930, Chatters began working for the Ann
Arbor Press, an independent publishing firm
that formerly printed The Daily.
When The Daily moved to its present home
in the Student Publications Bldg. in 1932, Chat-
ters started grooming the new shop. He has
secured five linotype machines, and has replaced
the slow-paced original flat bed press with one
that runs nearly 30,000 copies per hour.
Gamin explains Chatters' latest works have
included an FM radio "to make the cows give
more milk," and soon to be installed air con-
Scaning his years with The Daily, Chatters
recalls the paper was "on thin ice several times,
t ily. fllo o nrnli i . t z -in-arm - P-T nn

19> 1 !,'K i'

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