Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, September 28, 1968 Page EIght THE MICHIGAN DAILY Soturdoy, September 28, 1968 Detroit convention to stress Dem unity DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ...n{ .. ....i: :.... 1r" ia.. c c ,i r _ IF :E (Continued from Page 1) tion. However, he expects the or- ganization will probably not en- dorse any candidate but concen- trate on post-November plans. The McCarthy write-in move- ment met with favorable responses in a number of residential a eas that have been canvassed, accord- ing to Prof. Mark Ross of the Reaetor, raiates peace (Continued from Page 1) fected chicken meat to check for sterilization. Prof. T. V. Buttrey of the clas- sical studies department used the neutrons streaming from the re- physics department. In Royal Oak and Ann Arbor, a majority of people contacted have accepted leaflets with attached stickers containing the names of Sen. Eugene McCarthy and 21 electors. Michigan has 21 votes in the electoral college; votes cast for Vice President Humphrey or Rich- ard Nixon count only as votes for the 21 Democratic or Republican, electors. The McCarthy write-in stickers. have electors' names because tVeI deadline for registration with the state has already passed, accord- ing .to Marvin Marshak, Grad. The Attorney General's office leas not ruled yet on- whether the: write-in votes will be counted. Zolton A. Ferency, former state Democratic chairman, appears on both the write-in slate and the Iregular Democratic Party elec- tors. The Attorney General still' has not ruled on whether Feren- The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editor- ial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3528 L.S.&A, Bldg. before 2 p.m of the day preceding publi- cation and by 2 pm. Friday for Saturday and Sunday. General No- tices may be published a maximum of two times on request; Day Cal- endar items appear only once. Stu- dent organizationanotices are not accepted for publication. For more information call 764-9270. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 fPay Calendar Cinema Guild: Marlon Brando and Anna Magnani in The Fugitive King (from Hennessee Willianms' Orpheus De- scending): Architecture Auditorium, 7:00 and 9:05 p.m. Professional Theatre Program: APA Repertory Company in Moliere's The Misanthrope: Lydia Mendelssohn Thea- ter, 8:00 p.m. School of Music Concert: Contein- porary Directions-George Balch Wil- son, Musical Director: Rackham Lec- ture Hall. 8:00 mm lespie. Sunday 1:30 p.m. Martin Lu- cal Sci. Administrator, degree, pref. ther King - "Sermon on Peace", a adj., and 3 years min. exper. Supv. repeat broadcast of the CBC Massey Materials Engr., degree and 3 years in Lectures recorded by Dr. King before elastomer and coating material. Supv. his death. Aerospace Engr., degree, and spec. in TV Center Program: On Sunday, ramjet. Apply before Oct. 14. Sept. 29 the following program pro- Monsanto Company, near Spfld, Mass. duced by the TV Center will have its - Personnel and Communications Asst. Initial telecast in Detroit: 12:00 Noon, MBA, indust. rel. bekrnd. 0-4 years ex- WWJ-TV, Channel 4: "in-Out-Rouand- per. communic., community relations. About: Happenings." "The Once and public rel. work.S Group" of Ann Arbor discuss the gen- Dept. of Health Educ. and Welfare, eral field of happenings and perform Lansing, Mich. - Auditors, severalr a portion of their work. trainee positions with fed,. fovn't ins Lansing, openings at different grades, dep. on exper and qual, min. 24 hours Doct ralin acctg. pref. exper. Salem Free Public Library, Salem. ExaminaLtio s N.J. - Services to County, exchange service, certificate cred. necess under N.J. rules, exper not necess. William Lee Gekoski, Psychology, Dis- Committee to Promote Action, (CO.I sertation: "Associative and Translation PACT), Flint, iMch. - Accountant, de-t Habils of Bilinguals as a Function of gree and 2 years, min, 1 year supv.. Language Acquisition Contexts," at 9 public acctg, or exper with govn't is a.m., Saturday, September 28, in Room ;desired, or adv. degree in acctg. 330 Nickels Arcade, Chairman: K. F. Physics International Company, San Riegel. Leandro, Calif. - Engineers and Phy- sicsits for pulsed power and electron beam technology and dynamic high- ' Ptlacem en. pressure studies. Personnel Services, client in Chicagoy a~rea- Director of ellrsonnel and In-' dus.trial Relations for manufacturer of custom desig;ned heavy mtachinery wvith .cales i area I $70 m'ililion, prx 2,000 employees. Bristol Township Sclool Distriwt, Bris- tol, Pa. - Writer for writer-in residence programn in high school. 6 mno. Dec. 68-May 69. time on own work, and 1, tume with students and teachers in small, non-classroom groups. SUMMER PLACE31ENT' SERVICE 212 S.A.B., Lower Level Officially open Oct. 1. Come in and register for thousands of summer jobs. Interview Visits: October 2 The Naval Underwater Weapons Re- sea lh Company. Rhode Island, -v i ll1 talk with BS MS students in Chem and engineering fields interested in summer work with this organization on Tuesday, October 2. If you are in- terested please contact S.P.S. at 212 S.A.B., on or before that date ENGINEERING PLACEMENT SERVICE Make interview at Room 128 II, West Engrg Bldg. unless otherwise specified. October 7: Aluminum Co. of America (Alcoa) Commonwealth Associates Inc. Factory Mutual Engineering Assoc. Ford Motor Co. Lord Corp. City of Milwaukee. Wis. The Toledo Edison Co. The Trane Co. U.S. Gov't. - Naval Ordnance Station i MIXER Iost SATURDAY, SEPT. 9-12 P.M. Guys 5Cc 28 h Gi rls free i i I with The LEAVES of GRASS IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR THANOS r gta rIi, u ~i cy's votes may be totaled, perhaps-- giving him an electoral vote cve G e l No if Nixon carries the state by a IfGe eral otice narrow margin. r {f I actor to analyze ancient and med- Ferency was certified as a Dein- Broadcasting Service: WUOM-FM ra-i leval coins. ocratic elector even though he re- io (91.7 Me.) 11 a m. to 11 p, daily; fuse to ake n oah oflo~slty11 a nm, to 6 p.m. Sunday, Saturday 1:45e Leonard Greenbaum, assistant fused to take an oath of lryalty p.m., /Football - The U-M vs. Duke,I director of the Phoenix Project, to the nominee, Humphrey. He 'with Tom Hemingway giving the play- says faculty members, 65 graduate maintains that he is uncommitted by-play report from Durham, N. C.5:00t p.m. Jazz Revisited - Hazen Schu- students, and, 15 undergraduate and if sent to the electoral Iollege macher presents Latin-American In- students are doing iesearch using .will "vote my conscience." fluence: 'woody Herman and Dizzy Gil- the reactor.- :. :" ,YC;i""i:?;-bbi::" ":"ii'. :'r nSX4{;."v Funds for the Project come froin..: the University, the AEC, and pri- " vate donors. The Ford Motor Co.,/1 ORGANIZATION NOTICES Detroit Edison, and Westinghouse are long-time contributors. na "Private donors are increasing- .: ly hard to come by," Greenbaum Bach Club meeting, Thursday, Octo- 28, 3:00 p.m. Guild House: Organiza- says, "especially for unrestricted her 3, 8:00 pm.; Guild House, 802 tional rehearsal and meeting. Bring in- ,Monroe. Speaker: Dr. Thomas Taylor, strument, stand, and music. More in- inoney. "Mozart's 'Band Music' ". Jelly donuts formation call 764-3015. He said the Project itself will and conversation afterwards. For fur- * grant about $60,000 for research ther information call 769-2922 or 769- Psychologists for Action and Social this fiscal year. 0995. , . Responsibility Meeting Friday, Septem- "We have a small'*eactor build- n * ber 27, 12:00 noon, Room 3D Michigan "W h s- University Lutheran Chapel: 1511Union. Purpose: Discuss specific pro- ing," Martin says, glancing from Washtenaw: Sunday Services, Septem- ject and plan how to implement them. the pool to the control booth," but her 29, at 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Rev. * we are not hampered." Alfred Scheips, Pastor; Sermon, "hod's Hillel Foundation, 1429 Hill Street. Promissory Notes" Communion at 11:00 Saturday, September 28, Traditional Laboratories'in a building on- a.m, service. Services at 9:00 a.m. nected to the reactor have rooms * for high radiation work, a com- Gamma Dalta - Lutheran Student Hillel Foundation, 1429 Hill Street. prehensive library, and life-science Organization. Supper Program at 1511 Sunday, September 29, Deli House Washtenaw, Sept. 29, at 6:00 p.m. (Delicatessen) at 6:00 p.m.' laboratories. Speaker: Mr. Donald Busarow (min-*& * A visitor to the facilities is first ister of music at Outer Drive F a i t h University of Michigan Amateur Ra- given a film badge to measure the Lutheran Church in Detroit) on jazz dio Club meeting, Wednesday, October a and folk masses. 4, 7:00 p.m., Room 2084 East Engineer. adgen dentalX-ra yn fnim. tE Bach Club Ensemble, Saturday, Sept. ing Bldg. badge is dental X-ray film. Em- .®.__--- ployees wear the badge at all times and change the film once a month. Walking through the lab into the ;reactor building the visitor passes an orange door that can be sealed in event of a radiation DANCING emergency. "But there has never been a radiation emergency," lab- FRIDAY " .SA TURDAY . oratory supervisor John Jones says.'N G T After peering into the pool, you.hr3- may go to the bottom on the out- side where six-foot thick concrete Open: 11 A.M.-2 A.M. walls effectively shiela you from Above Ad Worth 25c toward Dinner (One per Customer) fatal dosages.I 3200 S.A.B. GENERAL DIVISION 3200 S.A.B. GENERAL DIVISION Current Position Openings received by General Division by mail and phone, please call 764-7460 for further informa- tion: Management Consultants: positions in iMch, Ohio, and Ill. areas - Indus- trial Counselor for plants in S.W. Mich,! engrg. courses, and pref. in Bus. Ad., Psych, Indust Voc. Guid. Couns. bckrnd helpful. Numerous posi- tions in finance with companies in midwest, most require degrees with spec, in acctg., cost, budget areas, and a few years exper, some trainee posi- tions. Aerospace Research Laboratories, Wright-Patterson, AFB, Ohio - Physi- STUDENT GOVERNMENT TIELINE A Representative of SGC Will Discuss Incorporation. Listeners Are Invited to Call and Be on the Air. '11 at the NEW THANOS LAMPL I GHTER 412 E. Li berty COME AND SEE US! Our Chow is as good as at Thanos place. In you will find him 4 WCBN 650 761-3500 i tk _ d s "I I - - ---.- ~ - #f " M t a "Working with company presidents' is part of the job' * 4 0 Hours of Uninterrupted Listening Enjoyment Angel RtICO**$ Pre-Recorded Tapes at 712 I PS and 3e1PS *4 0 0 "I'm pretty much the IBM Corporation in' learn. That gives you confidence. You're Prices equivalent to stereo records 2, 3, 4 and more complete stereo the eyes of my customers," says Andy Moran. "That kind of responsibility's not bad for an engineer just two years out of school." Andy earned his B.S.E.E. in 1966. Today, he's a Marketing Representative with IBM, involved in the planning, selling and installa- tion of data processing systems. Plenty of business experience "Engineering was my first love," Andy says, "but I still wanted good business experience." 0- nr .m-, %a r -ar!Wtn~izimarSinvnov d helping him solve his problem. With his working partner, the data proc- essing Systems Engineer, Andy has helped many customers solve their information handling problems. "I get a broad overview of business because I run into every kind of problem going. Sometimes I know the solu- tions from experience. Other times I need help from my manager. "That's one of the best things. My manager is more of a backup than a boss. He's there when I need him. Usuall. I pretty much call They not only sell data processing equiprment as Andy does, but also IBM office products and information records systems. Many of the more technically inclined are data processing Systems Engineers. records on one reel AVAILABLE AT Visit your placement office Sign up at your place- ment office for an nter- view with IBM. Or send C a letter or resume to Irv Pfeiffer, IBM, Dept. C, 100 South1 DR CAMPUS OCT I 17,18 I