I "We're gonna make history, Hubert . .. ! " ., (T e rtidigan ]-Daily Seventy-eight years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under authority of Board in Control of Student Publications I - --- P- .1 .. , oe e 7 .o ,-, -.9- ~4-*'$ .7 'p ~'*' ':;~ / <~ 7 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily exp ress the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. rj SATURDAY; SEPTEMBER 28, 1968 NIGHT EDITOR: JILL CRABTREE b Finding the 'real world' at Ann Arbor High THE CURRENT controversy at Ann Ar- bor High School involving the sus- pension of three students because of the length of their hair should be viewed as part of a much larger struggle which is rapidly upsetting many high schools across the country. To be sure, the issue of personal hair styles is far from-a critical one, but ad- ministrators here have been unyielding, recognizing the issue really encompasses a movement for freer curricula, student decision-making and greater personal civil liberties., Furthermore the question of the circu- lation of underground newspapers a n d the right of free expression are at the heart of the, dispute, as school officials made clear this week when they suspend- ed two more students for distributing lit- erature which had not been "approved" by the administration. jT HAS BEEN the wont of most all high school administratiors to attempt to stifle any devient or activist tendencies among their students. Administrators usually do not carry out this policy as part of any personal crusade, but rather, they act as a function of the institution which they serve. Today the entire educational process is a form of indoctrination into the norms of adult society. But the patronizing rigidity of this pro- cess is almost frightfully enervating when contrasted'to the growing sophistication of today's high school students. Many telling arguments against just these abuses of spirit were brought forth at the "Open Forum" at Ann Arbor High' School yesterday. ONE STUDENT argued that the admin- istration was right in regulating the length of hair and the nature of personal attire because when the student later en- ters the "real world" he would be con- fronted by the disapproving eye of society and thereby couldn't "succeed." When most of the other students groan- ed at this comment, it was in sympathy for a speaker who had been so indoctrin- ed that he could never understand what the controversy really was about. And it was clear from the ensuing re- marks that t h e indoctrination process had failed abysmally and students were' no longer content to blindly "go to col- lege," wear their hair like everyone else,x and avoid all risks in striving to "suc- ceed." ONE STUDENT responded that "we are in the 'real world.' I'm not going to wait to start living. I am living right now." But school officials would like to post- pone this kind of life for a while. They, know how easy it is to teach and manage school in which students are urfiformally conventional, From this vantage point the school ad- ministration sincerely wants to solve the problem. They w i s h that all students would quietly cut their hair and save any. potentially hostile actions until after they have gone college, or better yet, until they have "succeeded." BUT SCHOOL officials are faced with an ever-growing problem. At Ann.Arbor High School there is already a movement afoot to establish a free-wheeling, un- structured "student union" which would potentially be able to swing some coer- cive power of its own. Underneath it all, there is really no need for these costly confrontations in the high schools. There is, for example, a new administration at Ann Arbor High. School which potentially has the ability to make thorough-going and long-over- due changes which could transform the way high schools are run. But if the, administrators tend to lag behind, attempting to submerge all pol- icy differences in the magical doctrine of "don't make waves," they will discover that many of the young faculty members will not side with them. HOWEVER, if the school officials take the lead and attempt to initiate mean- ingful reforms they can move to avoid many unnecessary and unpleasant scenes. Otherwise these same administrators will have to be pushed and pressured by their maturing students until they are truly willing to face the "real world" of the American high school. -BILL LAV.LY I - -N------------nrt.---A-- --4 . pyr ".a ky r ry.}r y{ y EPTI i ! J 7 ยข.. ..l . ....k . ..n.4.V. Labor's proper candidate ~~J AM ES W EC HS LE R Thne ADA and Humphe IT IS SYMPTOMATIC of the bleakness of Hubert Humphrey's campaign journey that a meeting of the national board of Ameri- cans for Democratic Action, scheduled for this weekend, has been quietly postponed until Oct. 5. Actually, the original plan had called for a board session immediately after the Democratic convention. The assumption was that, despite the previous preponderance of sen- timent for Eugene MeCarthy, an overwhelming iajority would be prepared to endorse Humphrey if and when he won the Democratic nomination. But as the Chicago assemblage neared. ADA chief John Kenneth Galbraith and others agreed that a.cooling-off period would be desirable. Now, in the aftermath of the emotions stirred by Daley's debacle and Humphrey's faltering response, another two-week delay has been decided upon with the acquiescense of Humphrey's supporters. While confident they could push through a pro-Humphrey resolution, they privately acknowledged that its language would -be so modified-and its impact to diluted by the resistance of such key 'chapters as Cali- fornia-that the news would have largely negative overtones.-, "We're hoping the climate will have changed a lot after-a couiple of more weeks of this campaign," a Humphrey adherent said yesterday. But will it? "Manana" has be- a come the sad battle-cry of the, , Humohrey forces in many places. ANYONE WHO forecast four-. years ago that Hubert Humphrey' , would encounter any difficulty in securing a clear-cut, rousing ADA * testimonial in a Presidential con- test with Richard Nixon (and George Walace) would have been a village idiot. The strong prob- ability remains that an endorse- ment will finally be forthcoming in some fashion. But -there could be no clearer measure of the di- mensions of Humphrey's -travail than the hesitancy within ADA over enlistment in his battle against Nixon. Disaffection in ADA is only one of Humphrpy's mounting problems, but it is tinged with unusually significant symbolism. For the manner in which he deals with it will reveal whether he has chosen to face the key decision of his campaign that he has so far evaded. THAT DECISION is whether to wage ajlast-ditch might to recap- ture the allegiance of liberals and independents-the traditional "swing note"-or to blur such efforts by gestures of abject appeasement to both Lyndon Johnson's foreign policy and the "law-and-order" frenzy permeating blue-collar territory. So far Humphrey has, to borrow his own characteriztion of Nixon, wobbled and wiggled. It is an open secret that some of his influential advisers still cling to the- view that the dissidents will end up in his camp and that a large share of his campaign must be addressed to the rising right as well as to the sedation of the watchful President. But his attempt to speak in several voices has produced a spec- tacle of ineptitude,.and indecision. To those who have ever been ,eposed to Humphrey's intelligence and sure-footedness, he has been an almost unrecognizable figure in his first; humbling campaigxi phase; in Buf- falo he subjected himself to new caricature by offering the astonishing observation that he had never read the "dove" minority plank pre- sented at Chicago before declaring that he could have embraced it. He sounded like a man whom Lyndon Johnson had threatened ;,with exile to Siberia unless he atoned for his earlierindiscretion. CONCEIVABLY Humphrey, is a man. doomed by accident and circumstance to dismal defeat. He carries the burden 'of a war that he did not begin and cannot himself resolve before Election Day. Prejudice is fanned by paranoia in many areas; affluene has trans- formed crusading laborites into jealous men of property; a new mysticism captivates some offended by materialism. Any 'unpredictable event may alter the outlook, but he cannot rely on history's benevolence. More likely, only a dramatic act of his oWn can change the atmosphere. Outright resignation from the Vice Presidency raises the problem, it has been pointed out, that President Johnson would be required -under the 25th Amendment to name an interim successor; that could create new, diversionary trouble. But Humphrey could announce that, to avoid any conflict of interest and intent, he was abdicating all executive and policymakin roles-uch as membership on the ;National Sechity Council and: participation in Cabinet meetings-while continuing to fulfill his Constitutional duty as president of the Senate. No one is proposing that he herald suh a step with an aggressively, adversary posture toward the President. What is proposed is that he escape.'from his present bondage of responsibility-without-authority, and achieve the psycho- logical liberation obviously crucial to this campaign. Then many of us might ascertain whether the Humphrey we knew in brighter days was still alive and well. isI a 'HERE IS the immediate finger and wrath of God in George Meany's alarmed discovery that members of the AFL-CIO are lurching toward George Wallace. George Wallace is closer to the modern and even the historic philosophy of American labor than either Mr. Nixon or Mr. Humphrey. T& obscure this re- semblance, George Meany will simply have to lie to his member- ship and to himself, no new thing for a labor leader, but always painful for anyone as honorable as Meany. THE AFFINITY between George Wallace and Meany is, in no way,' one of character. Meany is a. splendid man of the old-fashioned Bronx sort, which means that the three faiths to which he clings are, in no special order, G o d , country and the right of very man to be paid while rendering very little service to either.., He "is tried in the traces and certainly made peevish by them; it could be argued that he ought to retire, but he has the very good excuse that any successor dray- horse in sight would be consider- ably worse at the pull. GEORGE WALLACE, 'on the other hand, is the only leader of a bad cause whom I have never even for a fleeting moment liked. Marshall Frady and Tim Lee have done, extraordinary jobs of work in makinghim bearable to read about. He remains, however, un- endurable in the flesh. I remem- ber covering a murder trial in in Haynesville a few years ago; we were staying in Montgomery, and the Governor of Alabama used to lie in wait outside the Jef- ferson Davis and spring on any- one who might be a visiting re- porter. AT ONE POINT, fairly deaf- ened by the wheels of self-con- gratulation clacking in his head, I tore myself from his clutch, point- ed out that I was assigned to something else, thank heaven, and thus not required to talk to him and departed the lamppost where he was working his trade. Still, Mr. Wallace is the candi- date the AFL-CIO deserves. There is every difference in private na- ture between him and George Meany, but non visible in what they stand for., THERE ARE even echoes in their rhetoric. Wallace is famous for saying: "And if any demon-' strator ever lays down in front of -ry car, it'll be the last one he ever lays down in front of . But, when he came to 'defend This record is, I think, owing less to bigotry than to fear of- conpetition. American labor, blither Walter Reuther how he will, has functioned less often on the principle of embracing than of excluding. Its aim is the job monopoly, enforced not by compe- tition but by -dictate. .The idea of competence on the job is almst an affront to that principle, being secondary to the union card and the senior right. THE AFL-CIO has lived hap- pily in a society which, more lav- ishly than any in history, has managed the care and feeding of incompetent vhite people. Who represents that ideal better than George Wallace? i The AFL-CIO has lived happily in a society which, more lavishly than any in history, has managed the care and feeding of incompetent white people. Who represents that ideal better than George Wallace? .. r ............... . ..... ,...... :; :":": i. ,."K. ... r ...,. . . .... r ..K%%r.. .1 .4 ....J,.1"si5 YYA 4A 1r Ys2 J" ANOTHER OPINION Student describes Ann Arbor action Mayor Daley, George Meany told the machinist's union, "I know what you'd do with the dirty- necked, dirty-mouthed group." It can be argued that Wallac'e says these things coldly and George- Meany says them only when he loses his temper but, since Meany can barely contem- plate the American scene without losing 'his tmper these days, the difference in practice is very small. IT IS UNFAIR to review the' AFL-CIO's history as a major obstacle to the progress of the Negro in this country, because that history is improving, even if against its will. % Meany's members are what his tolerance, as well as ours, has con- tributed to making- them. 0 n 1 y four years ago, members of his own union were picketing to keep Negroes from working in this town as plumbers. This posture differed from George Wallace's stand against admitting Negroes to the Univer- sity of Alabama only inbeing more effective. So MeaAy defended his mem- bers when they ,tried to keep Negroes out of their local; and now he is mad at them for back- ing George Wallace. That indi- cates a -curious- notion of what constitutes a sin against society. *4 i EDITOR'S NOTE: Russell Kirk, au-thor of the Conservative Mind and Program for Conserva- tives is now a widely syndicated columnist writing for over 100 papers across the country. Kirk also has a bi-weekly column in the Na- tional Review. DURING the firstmonth of fall term at American colleges 'and universities, those students who prefer riots to books have been sufficiently in the news - par- ticularly at the University of Michigan and the University of Illinois. But I en- counter many signs that the majority of undergraduates a r e tired of this non- sense. At Ann Arbor, a band of radical acti- vists, led by the staff of the student news- paper, the Michigan Daily, attempted to storm the Washtenaw County courthouse in pretended zeal for additional allow- ances to mothers under the Aid to De- pendent Children program. THEY WERE REPELLED, and the uni- versity authorities now plan to adopt a new method for choosing the paper's editors. A perceptive sophomore girl at the Uni- versity of Michigan gives me a candid ac- count of the antics at Ann Arbor. She looks upon the police-baiting "demon- strators" with amused contempt. "It is hard to keep perspective here," she says, "since the Michigan Daily blows everything out of proportion. It's obvious that the hardcore radicals a r e merely taking advantage of the mothers' group, with the mothers standing back in si- lence while students jeer police, scream 'police brutality' and do everything with- in their power to create a 'confrontation' similar to that in Chicago. What does this do to get more money for the mothers? "The Daily put forth a heroic effort to create a crisis, -basing its arguments on the fact that the police had guns and tear gas (which, the radicals sheepishly admitted, were not used), and were pa- trolling in force. In other words, those nasty police scared us kids with all those weapons. "After a few days and a few h'undred arrests, Student Government obligingly offered to pay the bail for any' person ar- rested, be he student or not. Somehow, when we just had a tuition hike and a cut in money from the Legislature, I cannot understand how SGC can have such an abundant flow of funds, enabling them to bail out any person in Ann Arbor who happens to sympathize w i t h the stu- dents." THAT'S NOT ALL the only trouble at Andn Arbor. "We received word that the dormitory staff was going on strike to- morrow and so there will be no meals served for an indefinite time. This is an all-university strike, so everyone's run- ning to stores, to stock up on bread and peanut butter. Incidentally, the Voice of Students for . a Democratic Society is backing the strikers. Though many university administra- tors seem to be gentlemen of infinite pa- tience or boundless timidity, the genuine+ students (as distinguished from the freaks and fantastics) are growing vexed at such anarchic performances. Even if they don't study, they do like to eat. Soon we may hear their cry of "Down with the revolution" ---RUSSELL KIRK The Detroit News Sept. 24' Letters: Residential College too expensive To the Editor: IN YOUR columns Sept. 20 are two expressions of opinion about the Residential College. One of them is by students of the Res- idential College appearing before the Board of Regents, while the second is by the President of Strauss House, Mr. Ronald Schur in. THE FORMER points out many of the great benefits to be derived from the Residential College, its intimate atmosphere and its con- venient central situation. Mr. Shurin, on the other hand, has very pertinently commented upon the .disproportionate spend- ing on the Residential College and particularly with regard to its, timing in the case of ,renovations in the East Quad. He also draws attention, once more, to the old sore that the Residential College has "special sources of funding", noting that the special sources of funding can be traced back to normal resident halls and student funds as well as resources of the College of Lit- erature, Science and the Arts. UNFORTUNATELY, both ex- # pressions of opinion seem to be true. There were many of us who has commented that he, is sure that this figure will be decreased in the future, nonetheless it is certain to level outat not much different than a factor of 2 to 3. THE QUESTION which M r. Ronald Schurin poses is once again, in the opinion of many faculty as well as students, the pertinent one, i.e., whether it is the right thing to use at least twice the funds on one group of, people pursuing basically the same courses as another group in the same college, not to mention the capital costs involved in the exe- cution of such - a plan. Despite, many laims for the unique character of the Residen- tial College such experiments have been tried in many places in this country and in Europe, not to mention Australia, and the basic cost for us to be ab*e to afford the expensive model ,with all the extras but if the University, as well as its faculty, has a limited, and even a stringent, budget it must be very judicipus astoehow these limited funds are -spent. It is always the orerogative, and indeed, the duty of the University to experiment with neT -ideas as well as to adapt known . programs to its own environment, but it is proximately a factor of four times the cost of the more usual LSA program then this might also force a reappraisal of, the situa- tion, but at this ,time there ap- pears to be no likelihood of this occuring Originally it was stated by its proponents that the Residential College would be funded with "money from sources previously untapped by the University", in addition to its being a partial an- swer for the increasing student density on the central campus. BOTH OF these have proved to be illusory and if it is continued at its present rate of funding and on a site manifestly unsuited to its avowed purposes, it will continue to absorb a far greater share of the University budget than can be reasonably afforded in our present straitened circumstances. Despite all statements to' the' contrary, the Residential College) never has had special sources of funding and, while this may be- a matter for lament in many quart- ers, it is about time that both faculty and th administration, as well as the students, faced this un- palatable reality. Even if the outlook for the fu- ture were rosy there would be some cause for alarm, but, in view ratio is:about to be increased and this addition will simply inflame an already aggravated situation. --Thomas MW. Dunn, Professor ofDChemistry Sept. 20 - 'Peggy Collis' To the Editor: - CHRIS STEELE'S piece "Peggy Collins Stands up for Ameri- ca" (Daily, Sept., 26) 'is one of the most cruelly irrelevant pieces of purely sensationalist writing the Daily has printed in years. The article, from start to fin- ish, belies its avowed purpose. We can' only charitably assume this was to get away from the kind of trite sociological analysis of Wal- lace's supporters which, by rnow everyone is bored with, and show the impact of "the rhetorical fillip that seems to generate fantastic emotional assent from crowds of Wallace devotees" on the real live people who could possibly throw; the election to Wallace. ALTHOUGH the merit of this type of endeavour is unquestion- able, Steele's consistent failure to adhere to it is appalling. T h e. Daily's commendable attempt to refresh its outlook through con- tact with those,- elements of the campus which it usually ignores AND THE F E W remarks. to- ward the end of the piece which do touch, upon Peggy's political opinins are never followed up- They seem to be brought up- in passing, winding up Steele's own "self-righteous and unforgivably patronizing" portrait of a Wallace supporter. -Julie Winters, '69 -Sept. 27 Daily prayer To, the. Editor:; WHAT THIS COUNTRY needs is a good five-cent cigar, right? That's what The Daily used to say, ,believe it or not. Now, you say we .need all this 'revolution and change jazz. The Daily is always behind the times. What this country now needs, obviously, is not the old stogey, nor the newer weed grass, b ut some kind of political rather than botanical growth. That iswhat the country needs now is s o rn e kind of benign dictatorship. TO BRING this discussion back down to the Daily's level, what this country needs is not Texas cactus. but some sort of Columbia or Berkeley scrub. Someone like Eldridge Cleaver. He'd put t h e Establishment against t h e wall. -.He'd put us back on our feet. The sky's the limit- In the process of )daalkin h"ie-' 1 ign clrntatri. 4