Saturday, September 28, 1 968 THE MICHIGAN DAIL r Page Three SturdayT,. September 28, I I i I~TEMCIA DIrPg he Portugese prime minister Senate to vote advocates policy LISBON, Portugal (I)-Marcello Caetano took office as Portugal's prime Minister yesterday and promptly condemned blind ad- herence to the "formulas" of dis- -abled and deposed ruler Anto'iio Salazar. He hinted at restoration of some democratic liberties in the future. In his maiden speech as Portu- gal's first new head of, govern- ment in 36 years, Caetano prom-1 ised to keep faith with the dcc- trines of Salazar. But his tone marked a dramatic departure from the autocratic manner of the '9- year-old ex-leader, now lying in a coma, and he left the door open to changes. He made it clear his government Lindsay sees schools opening on Monday NEW YORK ()-Mayor John V. Lindsay said yesterday he ex- pected the city's strikebound pub- lie schools to reopen Monday for their 1.1 million pupils. But Albert -Shanker, president of the striking 55,000-member AFL-CIO United Federation of Teachers, replied: "It's possible schools could open on Monday, but at the current pace of nego- tiations it would be: difficult." Nor was any optim ism envinced by the Ocean Hill-Brownsville ex- perimental local school board in Brooklyn. Its ouster of 110 .white teachers from schools attended by Negro' and Puerto Rican pupils led, to the teachers' strike Sept. 9, a walkout which has wiped out 11 class days in ,the new fall term. "It is possible for, the teachers to be put in the schools physical- ly," said Ocean' Hill's chairman, the Rev. C. Herbert Oliver. "If CORRECTION! Correction for Calendar Notebook Disregard the first phone number for Dominoe's Pizza. The ONLY number to cal is 761-11 1. the powers that be are going to use police force to put them back, that shows the bankruptcy of this system.' The UFT is a mainly white and Jewish union, and its confron- tation with the decentralized non- white Ocean Hill district has arop ed racial anomosities. The Board of Education earlier in the week ordered the public schools reopened under a peace formula it put forward. However, little heed was paid the mandate. Principal Carl Churkis led a group of 45 teachers and students in a vain attempt to breach a UFT picket line at his school, Canarsie High, in Brooklyn. Scuffling broke out and there were three arrests, two for striking teachers. In a series of meetings with the UFT this week, Lindsay sought union support of the Board of Education's peace proposal. It called for the return of the 100 teachers to Ocean Hill- Brownsville assignments, and sur- veillance within the district's eight schools by members of the super- intendent's staff to insure against harassment of the returning teachers. Ocean Hill-Brownsville, which draws its 8,000 pupils from a Brooklyn slum, was one of three experimental districts set up in the city as a prelude to the even- tual decentralization of the school system into 30 such semiajto- nomous districts. changes' should be considered a regime apart and called on Portuguese to unite behind it with, open minds. He indicated he wished to en- act some liberal reform, possibly easing on press censorship, in the future. He appeared also to extend a hand to Portugal's suppressed, non-Communist opposition to join in' an atmosphere of "reciprocal tolerance." In a key passage, he vowed to guarantee "continuity" with Sa- lazar's rule but declared this im- plied "a notion of movement, se- quence, adaptation." "Faithfulness to the doctrine brilliantly taught by Dr. Salazar should not be confused with stub- born adherence to formulas or solutions that he at some time, may have adopted. "The great danger for pupils is always to do no more than repeat their teacher, forgetting that a thought must be living if it is to, be fruitful. Life is a constant adaptation." Caetano balanced the suggestion that changes may be store with passages that some thought would. satisfy Portugal's "ultra"-hard- line supporters of Salazar's rigidly authoritarian policies. The 62-year-old law professor promised not to neglect the de- fense of, Portugal's African terri- tories against nationalist guer- rillas, warned against the "an- archical impulses" of communism and said liberty must be defended "from its own 'excesses."f Public order will be inexora- bly maintaimed'." Caetano made his remarks in a speech to members of gove~n- ment and the press in Lisbon's rococo San' Bento Palace, his new official residence, 90 minutes sifter he took office, a speech televised later to the nation.., Caetano and his cabinet were sworn in by President Americo Thomaz, who named Caetano prime minister Thursday night and announced there was no hope of Salazar ever recovering, enough to rule again. Salazar who became prime m.n- ister in 1932, underwent a brain operation Sept. 7 and later suf- fered a massive stroke.\ De Gaulle arrives in Bonnfortalks FRENCH PRESIDENT CHARLES DE GAULLE, inspected an honor guard yesterday upon his ar- rival in Bonn, the -ae'ital of West Germany. He and West German Chancellor Kurt George Kie- singer, left, are to discuss the Western alliance and the fate of Britain's entry into the Common, Market. Only hours before de Gaulle's arrival, France rejected a West German plan to bring Great Britain and other nations into the six-nation economic comnunity. School desegregation-mvf,,eared :held u b conference action, WASHINGTON (R) - Senate- partment and the Office of Eco- one of the conferees on the bill, House conferees have agreed to nomic Opportunity, the antipov- did not sign the conference report an appropriations bill rider wihich erty agency. and said he would try to get the the Johnson Administration says ;The school rider, as adopted by Senate to reject it. will undermine its drive to dese- the House and accepted by the The school rider, he said, "vir- gregate public schools in the conferees, states t h a t no HEW tually nullifies efforts by the fed- South" funds in .the bill can be used to eral government to overcome rac- The conferees met on the huge force busing of students, to close ial segregationt in our schools and bill late Thursday night but de- a school or to force any student makes enforcement of Title VI of clined, at the insistance of 'the to attend a particular grade or the Civil Rights Act most diffi- House side, to release any infor- high school against the ch;oice of cult. This title bars federal funds mation on their decisions. An of- his or her parents or parent. to programs where racial segrega- ficial report will not be filed un- 'RACIAL IMBALANCE' tion is practiced. til next week. The rejected Senate language FREEDOM OF CHOICE However, various sources said was the same except that it would "Federal courts have recently that on the school rider, the con- have added at the end these found so - called "freedom of ferees took substantially t h e words: "in order to overcome rac- choice" plans inadequate evidence House version which was the most ial imbalance." of real desegregation, and the objectionable to the administra- HEW officials. said the Senate HEW department has accordingly tion. addition would have rendered the directed recalcitrant school dis- HEW FUNDS INCLUDE rider meaningless because it would tricts to take additional steps -to Othe mney ifferE i then have been telling them not comply with the law., On the money differences in the to do something they are not do- "The House version of the bill, the conferees were under- ing anyway - trying to overcome amendment eliminates many of stood to have come up with a tot racial imbalance. these alternative ways to overcome of slightly more than $18 billin But, without the Senate lang- segregation and leaves the depart- compared with $19.2 billion vod uage, they said the rider will make ment with an inadequate means of by the House and $19 billion by it much harder to continue what enforcing the 1964 congressional The measure contains funds for toey describe as an increasingly mandate.' The HeahedcoainsandsWeor successful drive to desegregate all fare Depatment, the LaborDe- Southern schools. i s A AVITS REJECTED HHH its N The agreed-upon language would! Lose Something? , appear to give backing to so-call-" ed freedom-of-choice plans which.Fhlg - have not led to dbateaio n on i many Southern schools and which have been overturned in some PORTLAND, Ore. (P)-Hubert S Di ly CIassified court decisions, they said. H. Humphrey, stung by Richard Sen. Jacob K. Javits, (R-N.Y.), M. Nixon's refusar to accept his _-- - -- -debate challenge, accused his Re- publican opponent today of a "lack TONIGHT at L of respect for the intelligence of the American voter." WASHINGTON (EA--Abe For- tas's chances of winning Senate confirmation as chief justice ap- peared to be 'growing slimmer yes- terday as the Senate set a test vote for 1 p.m. Tuesday. Backers of Fortas suffered a severe jolt when Senate Republi- can Leader Everett M. Dirksen of Illinois told reporters he was having second thoughts about sup- porting the nomination. Calls for Pfesident Johnson to withdraw the nomination came from both sides of the political aisle. Sen. John L. McClellan (D- Ark), told the Senate Fortas should ask Johnson to withdraw his name to avoid "serious injury to the Democratic party and its candidates for president and vice president." "Worst of all," McClellan said, "there will be further impairment of public confidence in the Su- preme Court" unless Johnson drops his effort to promote Fortas from associate to chief justice. "I say this in kindness and a spirit of friendship," said Mc- Clellan, who declared that "ob- stinate insistence" on Senate confirmation could only produce a long and bitter debate. Tuesday's showdown vote will be on a petition to close debate and end a filibuster by opponents who are blocking a motion to consider the appointment. An Asociated Press poll Wed- nesday gave the opponents 35 votes, or more than necessary to prevent invoking the cloture rule limiting debate. A two-thirds ma- jority of senators voting is need- ed to put the rule into effect.If all 100 senators are present, 34 no votes are enough to defeat cloture. Friday Dirksen joined those op- posing cloture. Dirksen said somewhat crypti- cally that if he had known before what he knows now, he would have "left it open" as to whether he would vote to confirm Fortas. As for Tuesday's vote on a pe- tition to invoke the debate-limit- ing cloture rule, Dirksen said he will be against it. This is a switch from his previous position and it brought dismay to administration forces hoping to end the fili- 'buster. Democratic Leader Mike Mans- field of Montana, who initiated xon s refusal iationwide TV' rally, charged that "Nixon is run- ning in this campaign as the Shadow"-a radio character wro could make himself invisible at will. "Mr. Nixon is clever," Hum- phrey added in the prepared re- Fortas debate on cloture of LAUGHING and SCRATCHING at TN HT $1.50 at the door and 800 ($1.00 after second set SUN DAY F REE FOOD, Too ! the cloture petition, said the loss of Dirkensen's support "sure as hell will" make it more difficult to break 'the filibuster, now in its third day, A two-thirds majority of the senators voting is required to put the debate-limiting rule into ef- fect, and opponents of the For- tas nomination claim more than half of the 100 members will vote against it. When Mansfield was asked if a second attemept will be made to impose cloture if the first one fails, he said he will not decide that until he sees how Tuesday's vote goes. Then he added: "I do not in- tend to keep the Senate in *essmio all year," AMC sets new auto price hik DETROIT (T) - American Mo- tors, smallest of the major U.S. auto companies, joined the auto price increase parade yesterday as it posted higher price tags on its 1969 cars which go on sale Tue- day. AMC's price hike was, the smallest of the industry as it figured out at $43 per car, on sticker prices. These are the prices which are posted on cars in dealer show- rooms and include the federal ex- cise tax and dealer handling and preparation charges. General Motor sticker price in- creases on its '69's averaged out at $52 a car, while Ford upped its sticker prices an average of $50 per car. Chrysler, after an- nouncing an earlier $89 average boost, cut that figure back to a sticker price hike of $55 on Thurs- day because of competitive fac- tors. American Motors, as the other three auto companies did earlier, cut down on its warranty protec- tion to new car buyers. It also did what none of the other auto com- panies did-made the federally required head rests a standard item, included in the basip price of the new AMC car. The head rest, must be installed on all new cars sold after next Jan. 1 in compliance with federal safety laws. Indications were that the auto companies-with the exception of AMC-would raise prices again on that date to adjust for the head rests as standard equipment. AMC's pricing picture was com- plicated by the fact that in its two top lines, more powerful en- gines were added and automatic transmissions were made standard on some sporty models. This made direct comparison with 1968 model prices more difficult. AMC followed the industry pat- tern of cutting back in the '69 model run on its warranty cover- aget-the guarantee a new car buyer has that his car's compo- nents are in A-1 shape. AMC's new warranty items were announced only hours after the Federal Trade Commission in Washington estimated car makers might be saving themselves as much as. $300 million a year by the warranty cutbacks. Sen. Warren G. Magnuson (D- Wash), chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee earlier, made public a letter from FTC Chairman Rand Dixon giving the estimates. Magnuson in a statement called the FTC letter "deeply disturb- ing." He noted that the commision's estimate was that the manufac- turers would save $40 per car through the warranty reductions. The senator said that large auto industry profits in recent years made it clear the "manufacturers could have afforded to hold she price line" on their models. I Chn4 r A 1421 HillS 8:30 P.M. returning by popular demand for their last Ann Ar performance before leaving for their tour of theE Coast-singing contemporary, traditional, and OR I NAL folk music accompanied- by guitar. Humpl have th televisior message and sai not go to 't. bank ac The vi rbor of Nixon East ing on a show, lo camera. directly, "Lister debate w you expe oi~1n ers of ot you goinj ings and Soviet U of the w And H Enjoy Yourself -'JI irey, argued he didn't. marks. "He has told us he wants e money to buy enough to join me in free and frank de- n advertising to get his bates on television, but where is across without the debate he? Where is the Shadow?" d the presidency should Humphrey said he looks forward the man with the biggest to joining Nixon "in hot debate," count. and he added: "I don't think the ce president, getting word Amgerican people will buy Brand 's rejection while appear- X.. . San Francisco television The language in the Portland ooked directly into the rally speech was some of the and said, as if speaking sharpest Humphrey has used so to his opponent: far as he escalated his campaign n, if you are unwilling to and his demand that Nixon meet with me, Mr. Nixon, how do him on a debate platform. ct to stand up to the lead- Humphrey has been banking on her countries . . . how are a series of debates-like those that g to meet at summit meet- helped the late John F. Kennedy talk to the leaders of the defeat Nixon in 1960. 'nion and other countries So far Republican Nixon has orld?" not taken up Humphrey's chal- Humphrey, at a Portland lenge. The situation is complicated by the law's equal time require- ments for all major candidates- meaning that George Wallace would have to be included unless Congress changes the law quickly. Nixon has refused to include Walace in any debate. News dis- patches reported today that he re- jected a Humphrey proposal for cross country debates that could have evoided the equal time re- quirement by making the debates a news event. the Daily Staff Today! t 1 I. . PREMIERE TUESDAY ! A Contemporary Approach to OCTOBER 1-13 Shakespeares Directed by Ellis Rabb Music by Conrad Susa Saturday and Sunday THE FUGITIVE KIND Directed by Sidney Lumet, 1960 Starring JOANNE WOODWARD "As Now as a Nehru Jacket!" ... Los Angeles Times MARLON BRANDO ANNA MAGNANI m :: 7 f