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September 28, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-09-28

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Windy with
possibility of rain

Vol. LXXIX, No. 26

1 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, September 28, 1968

Ten 'Cents

Eight Pages

meet today,
Channing Philips
to speak at Detroit
'unity convenion
Dissenting Democrats will meet
in a state convention in Detroit
today to unite radical and liberal
elements in the party under one
Two main groups-the Michigan
Conference of Concerned Dem-
ocrats (MCCD) and the McCarthy
for President Committee - are
pushing for a coalition of forces
concerned over the Vietnam War,
racism and the direction of the
Democratic Party, according to
Alan Jones, secretary of the
MCCD. Blacks and supporters of
Sens. Kennedy and McGovern
have also been encouraged to at-
tend the public session in Cobo
A new name and organizational
structure for the coalition will
be created and a plenary session
this afternoon will elect officers
and vote on options for the presi-
dential campaign .
State Sen. Roger Craig (D-Dear-
born) will be the keynote speaker
at the plenary session. The Rev.
Channing Phillips, the black cau-
cus' nominee for president at the
Democratic national convention,
will speak at a party following
the convention.
Possible positions for the con-
vention to take on the presidential
race include backing Hubert Hum-
phrey, working for fourth party
candidates, voting only in local
races, or encouraging a McCarthy
write-in. The general leadership
of the convention, according to,
Jones, hopes to develop a positionj
that will not be devisive of the
various factions in the organiza-
-nTh inrn i cner.4rannc of +h-

even mothers
convicted for
welfare sit-in
Seven welfare mothers who participated in the Sept. 6
sit-in at the County Bldg. were found guilty of trespassing
last night in Ann Arbor Municipal Court.
The trial Marks the first in a series scheduled for the 192
persons arrested Sept. 6 for remaining in the County Bldg.
after closing hours.
Attorney for the mothers George Stewart considered the
convictions of all seven "a surprise." Stewart had earlier said
he felt he adequately proved the innocence of one mother,
and "circumstantial inno- .--
cence" of two others.
SThe verdict was delivered eight
hours after the trial began early
yesterday afternoon.
Sentencing was set by Municipal -VP
Judge S. J. Elden for 2 p.m- Nov.17 W
Convicted were Maxine Hebert,
Sammy Hampton, Ethel Mays,f
Willie Curry, Doris Burell, Faith or"
Castle and Rosatta Sims.
Asst. Prosecutor Casper Kast By STEVE ANZALONE
called nine witnesses for the state
and used movie films to establish Jim "Joe" Lewis, candidate for
the guilt of the defendants. Five sheriff in Washtenaw County on
Washtenaw County Sheriff's dep- the Citizens for New Politics
uties claimed positive identifica- (CNP) ticket, brought his cam-
tion of six of the seven mothers. paign to about 50 students at a
There was no identification of Diag rally yesterday.
Ethel Mays. Lewis told the group that "peo-

BLACK PATHER LEADER Eldrige Cleaver Thursday vowed at
the University of California at Irvine to make 20 speeches to
U of California audiences this year, in defiance of a board of
regents ruling that he be allowed to lecture only once. Late yes-
terday a three-judge panel of the California Court of Appeal
revoked Cleaver's parole and ordered him into jail. His attorney,
said an appeal would be carried to the state supreme court.!
Cleaver will remain out of jail pending a decision. ;

R esearciers at the University reactor's 'swimming pool

Newton sentenced
to 2-15 year term

Phoenix finds peaceful
uses, for nuclear en ergy

Stewart considered Miss Mays'
conviction a surprise, claiming,
"No testimony, or evidence whetso-
ever has been presented by the'
state proving she was at any time
in the County Bldg"
Stewart also attempted to prove
particular innocence of two other

OAKLAND, Calif. (I -Black Panther leader Huey Newton
was rushed to prison under guard yesterday after being sen-
tenced to a two-to-15-year jail term on a conviction of volun-
tary manslaughter in the gunfight death of a white police-

Twenty-seven feet from an ag-
onizing death, you don't feel a
The radiation coming from the
box-like reactor core glows bluely
through the deep, de-mineralized
--1-.,. -4- l- TTy,,.n*c i~t'o 1 io

The precise term will b
Adult Authority.
Newton was convicted af
responsible for the death of
#Di rector
of CEO 0
James W. Westmoreland, for
five months the director of the
county's anti-poverty program, re-
signed Thursday night bitterly
citing' "friction" a nd threats
against his life as major reasons
for the decision.
The surprise move left the
Washtenaw County Citizens f o r
Economic Opportunity (CEO) in
a state of limbo until a replace-
ment f o r Westmoreland can be
Contacted last night Westmore-
land declined to elaborate on his
previously released prepared state-
ment. That statement said t h e
resignation was "due to friction
both from within and without this
organization, alliances and coun-
teralliances, -also t h e threats
which have been made against the
lives of both my wife. and myself,
as well as the not so subtle innu-
The announcement came at the
beginning of t h e CEO meeting
Thursday night which lasted
nearly five hours as the newly
elected executive committee dis-
cussed in closed sessiofi the re-
placemeapt 'of Westmoreland and
plans for an interim operational
Westmore'land's resignation will
be effective in two weeks.
The state will probably send a
temporary staff assistant while a
new director is sought, sources in-
Another factor in Westmore-
land's resignation was apparently
the continuing personnel problems
of the CEO which resulted in the
firing of three staff members dur-
ing the last month including the:
agency's deputy director Mrs.
Elaine Hawkins.
A special grievance committee
was set up by the CEO board to
reconsider her dismissal in the
wake of Westmoreland's resigna-
In submitting his resignation
Westmoreland said "My decision
is final."
"In some parts of the commun-
ity, word of my resignation will

e set later by the California 1emng sis ewater at the Uiversity' y
convention will be taken up with old Ford Nuclear Reactor, part of
workshops and committees. The the Michigan Memorial Phoenix
ter a nine-week trial of being committee on the Vietnam war Project on North Campus.
policeman John Frey last Oct. and foreign policy hopes to go in- The device is operating silently
to much greater detail in its policy as Robert Martin, supervisor of
28. The trial was highlighted recommendations than did the the reactor, expounds on its safe-
by allegations of white racism. state Democratic convention, says-ty arg-effiviene,
Jones. The state convention "The radiation up here is a
Superior Court Judge Monroe adopted a resolution calling for tenth of the Atomic Energy Com-
Friedman passed sentence yester- an end to the bombing. mission's (AEC) allowable level,"
day after denying motions for a IT h e McCarthy-for-President Martin says, leaning on the maize
new trial and for release on bail. write-in, according to David Man- and blue guard railing.
gan, Grad, state chairman for the It is a "swimming pool" reactor
Charles Garry, defense attor- movement, has received favorable using the 47,000 gallons of water'
ney for the man who founded the attention in the district caucuses to slow down high-speed neutrons
Black Panther Party, said he to elect delegates to the conven- caused by fission of the uranium,
would appeal the case to the U.S. See DETROIT, Page 8 fuel and to cool the high tempera-"
Supreme Court.

ture fission process. The maximum
licensed power is two million
Two white life-preservers are
attached to the side of the pool.
"No one has eVer fallen in," Mar-
tin said. "Putting them there
started off as a joke"
"Swimming in the pool wouldn't
be harmful either," he contin-
ues, "as long as you don't dive too
In answer to a question that
has caused concern in many com-
munities close to powerful nuclear
reactors, Martin says, "No, this re-
actor could never explode.
"The worst that could happen
would be a power pulse," he,saYs.
"There would be a big steam bub-
ble and the floor would get dirty.
"Some reactors built today are
designed to pulsate, but this one
is relatively innocuous," he added.
The Phoenix Project began in

Its functions are to support all women, Mrs. Sammy Hampton
manner of research on the peace- and Miss Maxine Hebert. He
ful uses of atomic energy and to maintained no evidence was pre-
encourage the development of ed- sented proving the two women
ucational programs in nuclear were inside the County Bldg.,
science and engineering, though deputies testified they
The FordMotor Company Fund helped the two mothers into the;
granted the Project $1 million for paddy-wagons.
a Nuclear reactor. It was installed Kast told the jury he copsid-
in 1957. Two years later, the ered the arrests "reasonably ac-.
Phoenix Laboratory, jointly with curate." At one point he askedy
the Los Alamos Scientific Labora- the six women jurors, "Could you
tory. announced the first direct be sure of whom ,you arrested" in
conversion of nuclear reactor en- the confusion?
ergy into electric power. Several identifactions were made
Support from the project en- based upon distinguishing char-
abled Donald A. Glazer to develop acteristics, although the 22-min-
the bubble chamber, a device for ute movie film was the prosecu-
visualizing the behavior of atomic tion's main evidence. One deputy
particles, for which he won the said he recalled Miss Burell be-
Nobel Prize in 1960. cause she was wearing a' "loosely
Phoenix, the bird that rises from .;buttoned blouse" that ripped open
-the ashes, does not live in the during the arrest. Another.officer
glory of the late '50's, however. identified Miss Curry as having
worn hair curlers during the day,


1948 as a memorial to'formerJni-
versity students killed in World
War II.

ple must feel the police are there
to protect them and not to harm
them." He said that if elected, he
"will be sheriff for everyone.,"
Lwis is running against incun-
bent Democratic sheriff Douglas
Harvey and a former sheriff,
George Petersen, a Republican.
Chances for a Lewis victory ap-
pear good, CNP executive secre-
tary Barry Blues tone, Grad, told
the audience.Bluestone said he
thinks Petersen and Harvey will
''split the racist vote."'

Erwin Gaede, minister -of the
Unitarian Church in Ann Arbor,
l urged the election of Lewis.
Gaede said the issue of law and
order being waged by Lewis' op-
ponents is a "phoney" one.
The minister said the real issue
is public anxiety about "the fer-
ment of change." He claimed peo-
pie don't want to be bothered by
change. They let law enforcement
officials and administrators try
to stop it."
Joining Gaede in speaking for
Lewis was Jesse McClure, Grad.
McClure said, "The people must
decide at what point they are go-
ing to determine their awn'des-

Spectators in the courtroom
shouted "Power tO the people" ' t mpo ar
and "Free Huey," drawing scowlsororities fin temporar lie
and a rebuke from Judge Fried---
man. . /'1 n 7 .7 70

RP.cpn. c,.hp c nrr irr a i 1v Tt om me


r Newton was spirited from the
jail, where he had been held for
more than 10 months, out of sight
of his supporters. Leather-jacketed'
Black Panthers and weeping rela-
tives had grouped on the Alameda
County Courthouse steps in hopes
of bidding him goodbye-
Black Panther Eldridge Cleaver,
now embroiled in controversy asI
a scheduled lecturer at the Uni-1
versity of California, had an-
nounced there would be a news'
conference on the steps to discuss
reaction to the sentence.
But Cleaver, who had said "ifE
Huey is convicted the sky's the
limit," abruptly canceled the con-
ference. He was reported to have
done so on the advice of Newton's
lawyer, Charles. Garry.
Garry protested the denial of
'bail, saying Newton's appeal would
take 18 months to two and one-
half years.
"Unless bail is granted, he will,
be putting in all this dead time
Cwithout recompense," the lawyer
t E
Radicals talk
at Na w111an
Three leaders in student move-'
ments at universities will discuss,
their views on the New Left at
3 p.m. today at the Newman Cen-
Spokesmen for the University ofI
Turin Strike Committee (Italy),.
the French Sorbonne Action Com-
mittee and the Columbia Univer-
sity Strike Committee will present
their positions and answer ques-
tions from the audience.
The foreign students came to
the United States to attend theI
International Conference of Rev-
olutionary Students last week at!

in Oxford 'p-easant but limited'

After a controversial agreement
with the University, the two black
sororities on campus. Delta SigmaI
Theta and Alpha Kappa Alpha,
havV made a successful move to
Oxford Housing.'
University housing director
John Feldka-mp says the agree-
ment with the sororities provides
them with housing in Oxford for'
one year. If the sororities want,
the agreement can be continued
another year. By 1970, however,
Feldkamp says the sororities must
find their own housing.1
Richard Rosen, th° new director
of Oxford, says so far the tem-
porary situation is working out
well. Since the sororities have
been at Oxford for barely a
month, Rosen says there are many
things which "still have not been
brought up."
Rosen says th° sororities are
not taking space away from un-
affiliated girls who wanted to live
in Oxford. He says 22 spaces were
still available in August for un-
affiliated girls in the freestanding
houses. (Aside from Goddard and
Vandenberg, two co-ops are taken
up by French and German
Carol Peaks, Alpha Kappa Al-
pha president, says it is "nice to
be able to be together now." Ox-
ford is convenient, she adds, but
it is not "the focus" of the soror-
Sorority members find there are
some limitations to living in Ox-
ford. Both sororities occupy co-
ops with attached non-sorority
suites. Delta Sigma Theta is sit-
uated in Goddard House, Alpha
Kappa Alpha in Vandenberg. The
sororities must share their respec-
tive lounges with girls liivng in
the suites.

versity had in fact come to the trying to find where housing
sororities in 1966 offering t h e m needs are.
"We had heard of a housing
Oxford housing but "somehow need for the sororities," Feldkamp
that offer has gotten lost in tha ; says, "and there was a time when
shuffle." The sororities turned we asked if they would be inter-
down the offer, Miss Peaks says, ested. This was no guarantee they
since they did not believe it was would get space, however."
a wise move at that time. When Officers of the Inter-Coopera-
they took up the offer last year, tive Council (ICC) last year con-
Miss Peaks explains "everyone sidered petitioning the University
seemed to forget the University Housing Office for permission to
made the initial offer." run Oxford as a "true" co-opera-
Feldkamp admits "feelers" wer tive. However, the attempt was
put out to the sororities but says dropped when the black sororities
it wasnot unlike any other situa- droped wen the baksorg
tion where the housing office is: gained use of the housing.

0LeL e of the arrests.
departments of Physics, Nuclear tinies."
Engineering, and Chemistry con- Municipal Judge Samuel J. El-dy
tinue what Martin calls 'a "high; den, in a sometimes vehement Lewis charged that Herv ey's de-
qualityxprogram. tone, warned the jurors against cision to close the Ypsilanti area
Onesericth proectperorm entering the jury room without sub.-station placed an inconven-
One service the project performs ting away al other considera- ience on the people of that area
is supplying University Hospital s and also laced a reater burden
and several other, facilities within eions but the law- la ceet bur
an ours divewit a astdecm- Elden, in his 30 minute instruc- on other law enforcement offi-
an hour's drive with a fast-decom- , n ote y0 eintu cas
posing florine isotope used in di-' tions to the jury, said he was "as-vil
agnosing bone cancer. tounded" after reading a "Letter Harvey closed the substation,
One researcher .romntheshl to the Editor" in the Ann Arbor because he c I a i m e d it was
of edtngin-Pub ealhr i h scoo News. The letter was sent by a "too burdensome for my limited
ofd chbickenmath to crhdcktmg fr juror in the Sept. 19 welfare trial staff" and was not an economical
facted chicken meat to check for of mothers. In it the juror said operation.
sterilization.the six men considered political Other CNP candidates besides
Sometimes the labs are empty. ramifications, as well as statutory Lewis include: Eldridge Cleaver
"People think researchers are law. for President, Larry Hockman for
busy in the lab all, the time," Elden condemned these jurors Vice-President Bert Garskoff for
Jones says. "Muchof the time is for "setting aside justice" and Congress in Michigan's - Second
proclaimed he was "very firm that District, and University students
spent thinking, writing and setting passions and synipathies are not Eric Chester, Grad, and Tom Copi,
up." to enter into your judgment-they '69 Ed., for the University Board
See REACTOR, Page 8 are not an element of justice." of Regents.



New anti-war target:
NEW YORK Leaders in the testimony from returning sol- their point loudly and contin-
antiwar movement have drawn diers; uously to recoup in visibility
up protest tactics for a concert- -Nationwide demonstrations what they lack in numbers.
ed attempt to disrupt the pres- demanding amnesty for sol- In Oakland, Calif., Hayden
idential campaign and are diers who contend they cannot said peace groups are consider-
planning a giant assault on fight conscionably in Vietnam; ing at least one, possibly two
Washington during inaugural -Election eve demonstra- massive marches in Washing-
ceremonies Jan. 20. tions against both Nixon's and ton.
The demonstrations, some of Humphrey's candidacies: "What we do in Washington
which have already begun, are . -A voters' strike with par- is cnditional on the outcome
being directed by the same or- ticipants voting only for local of the election," Hayden said.
ganzes holed the Chicago an congresinonpec cadi- "If it is close enough to go to
g rs w hd congessional peace candi the House of Representatives
protests during the Democratic dates, and w ilwn ob rudt
National Convention.e, we will want to be around to
" h -Attempts by demonstrators make our feelings clear.
Their purpose is to "put the in Minnesota and New York to "If the winner seems to show
new president on notice that turn in their draft cards to total inability to deal with the
the pressure isn't going to let Humphrey and Nixon as the Vietnam war and the racial
up, that we aren't going to dis- two men vote. situation, we'll be there when
appear just because Lyndon Conspicuously exempt from he's inaugurated. And he'll
vis, project director of the Na- protest plans of peace move- know we're there.,"
vis, ojectdizetonromttheeNa- ent leaders is former Ala- The Yippies-members of the
tional Mobilization Committee bama Gov. George C. Wallace, Youth International Party -
to End the War in Vietnam. the American independent Par- have already written off- the
Davis, working with several ty presidential candidate. election as "a totally and irre-
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