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August 27, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-08-27

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Ann Arbor, Michigan, Tuesday, August 27, 1968

Seven Sections


Czechs, Soviets
end first round
By The Associated Press
Czechoslovak- Soviet talks ended last night after four
days of hard baigaining in the Kremlin on the future of the
Several Czech sources reported that Communist party
chief Alexander Dubcek, detained by the Soviets after their
4week-old invasion, would be allowed to reinstate his liberal
One informant said that in return the Soviets would be
allowed to keep troops in Czechslovakia, at least for a while.
However, a Prague broadcast monitored in Vienna said
the Moscow talks have resulted in:
-Gradual withdrawal of occupation armies from Czecho-
slovakia within a period of
two weeks to two months-as soon
V eli as the Prague government has
a been consolidated.
-Reintroduction of censorship
in Czechoslovakia in all matters
restriction concerning Communist countries.
.4 S rl 0 A communique is also expected
from Moscow today on the talks.
'cu r it~led jCzech President Ludvik Svo-
boda was variously reported on his
At their July 19 meeting, the way back to Prague or preparing
Regents removed all restrictions for a second round of multilateral
on the operation of motor vehicles consultations between the Czechs
by students but retained the re- and the Soviet allies, Hungary,
Poland, Bulgaria and East Ger-
qui ement that students obtainm a may.
registration, decal to use Uriiver- many.
sity parking and storage facilities. The Soviet press and television
meanwhile sharply chastized Ro-
The Regents also voted to ex- mania and Yugoslavia, Commu-
tend the experimental policies of nist-ruled but independent-minded
no curfew for women and demo- countries which, have opposed the
cratic determination of visitation occupation of Czechoslovakia.
policy by residents of individual Romanian President Nicolae
housing units. Cecausescu yesterday at a mass!
However, women who plan to rally in Brasov called for the
live in residence halls will have withdrawal of Soviet and Warsaw
the option of living in certain Pact troops from Czechoslovakia
housing units which will have and a reinstatement of the liberal
- specific visitation rules established Dubcek government.
in advance. TROOP TOTALS
The University will continue to The total of Soviet troops in,
require freshman and sophomore Czechoslovakia was reliably re-
women to obtain written parental ported to have reached 350,000 on
permission to be eligible for ex- the sixth day of the occupation.
emption from curfew. Tanks and troops were moving out
Regent Paul Goebel' (R-Grand of the cities into the countryside,
#Rapids) was the sole dissenting although the center of Prague re-
vote in the decision on hours and mained heavily guarded.
visitation. A Czech broadcast contended
Despite the lifting of vehicle yesterday that the Kremlin talks
restrictions, a letter will be sent were not heould be continued in Pra-
ofd sod e cntfr e nna-
to the parents ofal -rsme.n gue, It also said the central com- I








Police clear Lincoln Park at I I pnm. crfew
Yippies, p olice clash in
By JOHN GRAY last moment the Yigpie leaders of demonstrators. Their tactics ful il
and PAT O'DONOHUE backed down. were to isolate large groups and aroun
Special To The Daily Lincoln Park closes at 11 p.m. attempt to frighten the more But


CHICAGO - In Washingtonr
Park the National Guardsmen eat
sandwiches with their bayonets
fixed. Occasionally one stops to
retrieve a long fly hit by one of
the kids from the south side
In Lincoln Park the Yippies
(Youth International Party)

The city government refused to
grant the Yippies a permit to
spend their night, there and serv-
ed a notice that anyone in the
park after closing would be ar-
rested. It had been announced
that the Yippies would spend the

weak willed into going home or
into one of Yippies' "crash pads."
It wasn't all gentle, The police
were ordered to remove all ident-
ification from their uniforms be-
fore they moved in with clubs.
Although night sticks were fly-
ing, only about 20 were injured
seriously and the only person
beaten unconscious by the police
worked for Newsweek magazine.
The police were finally success-

all ba

Daiy_ -ThOm' 4 as R. Copi
n clearing the park area by
td 3 ,a.m.
t yesterday, the Yippies were'
ack. Only about 20 were ar-
d and the rest seemed ready
a rereat performance last
n Hayden. co-chairman of
Mobilization Committee to,
the War in Vietnam, and
Lowenthal, organizer for the
es were released from the
ago Detention center Ia s t
on bond of $100 apiece.
See POLICE, Page 2

Withdrawal follows
boom for Kenned
Special To The Daily
CHICAGO-Sen. Edward Kennedy's decision not to allow
his name to be placed in nomination -here may have ensured
a definite, but half-hearted, lock on the nomination for
Vice President Hubert Humphrey, as it almost assures the
death of a movemeft that gained incredible support in the
past two days.
The decision-communicated to former Ohio Gov. Mike
DiSalle through ,a member of Kennedy's Washington staff-
squelched DiSalle's notion of precipitating an honest "Draft
Teddy" movement that he had hoped would' arise on the
convention floor when the delegates gather to vote tomorrow
or Thursday night. -
Building out of DiSalle's suite "
in the Sherman House yesterday,
'the move had, in conjunction
with some unforeseen maneuvers
by Chicago Mayor Richard DaleyfI
and California Assembly SpeakerIatI Coiuiii i
Jesse Unruh, become the No. 1
topic of discussion and activity The retirement last week of
in the otherwise dull convention Columbia University President
city. Grayson Kirk and the appoint-
DiSalle started the Kennedy ment of Andrew Cordier as his
movement in mid-July, when he temporary successor are unlikely
sent a letter to delegates from to have a pacifying effect on the
46 of the 50 states announcing his school when it reopens Sept. 26.
intention to formally place Ken- The appointment of Cordler,
nedy's name in nomination. Until dean of the university's School
Sunday, however, when Unruh and of International Affairs, drew im-
Daley held back expected an- mediate adverse reaction froi
nouncements of support for any the radical element in the stu-
of the declared candidates, the dent body.
winds of the draft remained Mark Rudd, a leader of Colum-
stagnant. ' bia's Students for a Democratic
But the two party bosses Society said Kirk's resignation
changed that. Daley, who one "changes nothing," ad went on
member of DiSalle's staff aptly t condemn Cordler for the work
called "the honest political. mind of the School. of International
in the party" kept his 118-vote Studies "in support of the CIA."
Illinois delegation from conduct- Asked whether he thinks the
ing a poll in 'caucus and leaked university should accept CIA
indications that he was not con- grants, Cordier said, "Government
vinced Hubert Humphrey could research is prima fae the type
carry Illinois. Unruh, in the of research that can be under-
meantime, made sure his 174-vote taken if it corresponds with the
delegation did not commit itself research talent of the university."
to any one candidate, and further Rudd also charged that Cordier
put a crimp in the Vice President's was "an agent for the CIA in
hopes for support from California, the Congo" and ,was "responsible
Yesterday the efforts of the for the assassination of Patrice
DiSalle "organization" (it consists Lumumba."
of a few Cleveland businessmen Cordier, who was United Na-
and sone alienated youths from tions under-secretary in charge of
the McCarthy organization) sud- the Congo peace-keeping mission
denly took on new importance. in 1961, described the allegation as
Seemingly from nowhere, hun- a "colossal untruth."
dreds of "Draft Ted" badges ap- "I never had at any tim in my
peared on delegates and hangers- whole life, directly or indirectly
on in all of the city's convention any contacts with the CIA," Cor-
hotels, and a steady stream of dier said.
delegates (most of them from Kirk's resignation had been ex-
Pennsylvania, California, Illinois, pected by many observers but the
Connecticut, and Ohio) found appointment of Cordier instead of
their way to DiSalle's cramped Vice President and Provost David
suite. By mid-afternoon, just be- B. Truman as his successor came
fore Kennedy's statement that he as a surprise to most.
wished not to be nominated, Di- In not appointing Truman, the
Salle's functionaries were count- .university's trustees may have
ing 437 votes, been attempting to get away from
Dick Celeste, press aide for the the unfavorable image of the
unofficial Kennedy forces, said school's administration which
they based this figure on indica- many students developed during
tions of support from various dele- the crisis which rocked the cam-
gates and these delegates' advise- pus last fall.
ments of further available votes Truman was closely identified
within their own delegations. - with Kirk during the uprising,
To be sure, 437 first-ballot votes However, Rudd's reaction to the
can not provide a nomination for appointment indicates that Cor-
anyone. But DiSalle's battle plan dier will have as much difficulty
made sense: if enough of a Ken- as the vice president would have
nedy vote materialized to keep had in avoiding another major
See KENNEDY, Page 2 __ph______hi_____


sopnomores urging "as strongly as mittee of the Czechoslovak Com- stand and sit, listening to music
possible" the students not bring munist party would meet today or reading pamphlets. Hundreds
car to school except in "very un- and demand an end to arrests by and hundreds of helmeted police-
sual circumstances." the occupation forces. men patrol at random, sometimes
The elimination -of the regula- Several party leaders, including absent from the area and some-
tions for all students except Dubcek, had been abducted and times forming block long lines for
freshmen had been recommended taken to Moscow where they were no apparent reason.
by a joint University-City com- allowed to participate in the talks. For all the talk of Chicago be-
mittee in June. ing an armed camp or a police
OFFICIAL TALK state, there is very little organi-
ate students and students over 21 Most sources, all unofficial, zed action and quite a bit of
agreed that only Czechoslovak of- i confusion. The police and the

were permitted to nave cars in
the campus area.
In recommending the action on
vehicles, Vice President for Stu-
dent Affairs Richard L. Cutler
said "a recent attorney general's,
ruling makes doubtful the Regents
authority to regulate the use of
motor vehicles on public treets."
Ike Condition
still critical
President Dwight D. Eisenhower's
condition remained critical lastI
night. Doctors reported "no fur-I
ther increase" in the heart irri-
tability he had suffered earlier.'

ficials and Kremlin leaders were;
involved in the talks so far.
Communist party leaders from'
the four other Warsaw Pact coun-!
tries that are talking part in the
occupation were reported in Mos-
cow waiting to be called in on the*
final agreement.
According to Czech sources,
Svoboda did not plan to stay on,

guardsmen are there in force but
nobody seems quite sure exactly
what anyone else is going to do.
Ask any cop. "We're here to
protect you kids," he'll say.
Ask Cazzie Russell, who is serv-
ing here with the National Guard.
"I'm kind of worried, you know,
kind of uneasy, because if we go
into action some of the guys I

night anyway and the police pro-
ceeded to surround the park,
starting as early as 5 p.m.
But Yippie leader Paul Krass-
ner released a statement saying
that "sleeping in the park after
11 p.m. isn't as important as liv-
ing a revolution there the rest of
the day.
"We win this round, M a y o r
Daley. Up your law and order."
Krassner spent much of the
rest of the day passing out little
stickers that read "Sirhan lives"
in order to "spread a little more
But all the Yippies didn't listen
to Krassner and the other Yippie
Some 1,000 stayed in the park
after closing and were herded out
by swarms of police with clubs
and later shotguns. The rest of.
the Yippies, newsmen, plain
clothesmen and hangers on surg-
ed out of the park at 11 shouting
"cops eat shit" and climbing on
cars. Estimates of the size of that
group range from 1,000 to 10,000.
There was little or no resistance
to the crowd from people on the
streets. Some motorists honkedj
their horns in time to the chants{
as they waited to be able to drive
The police were almost incredi-
bly adept at handling the mob

lvor talks wiLhe uohner tourIparty might run into on the streets,
leaders once he had reached well, they might be my friends."
agreement with the Kremlin. _


Regents hike tuition,

However, there was speculation
that a six-nation summit might
be held and keep Svoboda here
despite his desires to return to
Svoboda has remained immune
from Soviet criticism. He foughtI
alongside the Russians in in World
War II and was decorated as a

Russell is stationed at Wash-
ington Park, which is to the Uni-
versity of Chicago what Morning-
; side ,park is to Columbia--a sort
of demilitarized zone between the
- ghetto and the city.
. On Sunday night the Yippies
were supposed to confront the
police in Lincoln Park, their much
advertised "free motel" but at the

set record'U
Students going -through reg- The U
istration this week will discover better in
on their red-trimmed IBM cards lowing
that the University has hiked tui- between
Lion assessments for the second Senal.7
year in a row. still less
The Regents approved increases recomme
on June 28 of $240 for out-of- The H
state undergraduates and profes- propriati
sional school students and $60 lion and
hikes for Michigan residents. allocatec
Non-resident graduate school fees Sion, wo
were raised $248, in-state $80. committ
The fee increases, according to the Hous
University President Robben W. in a j1i
Fleming, were necessary "to make Wayne S
up the difference between the universit
funds appropriated by the state branch k
and the amount needed to sustain Howev
adequate operations." dents an
The Legislature approved a been t
higher education bill which gave cuts with
the University only $63.2 million !t..
for the coming year. The appro-
priation left a $4.3 million gap
between estimated revenues and
the University's $104 million pro-
jected budget.
The gap was plugged( by tuition
hikes which now make Universit
student fees second highest in the
nation among state-supported
At the same time, however, the
Regents approved an additional
$550,000 in student aid, making
available altogether about $10
million in scholarships and $12
million in loans. The remainder of
the new student fees will be added
to the general operating fund,
The budget places its greatest
emphasis upon increasing aca-
demic and non-academic salaries
about $4 million in all. Faculty
salaries hikes will be "at or, better
than the national average" in-
crease, University officials insists.
The latest student fee hikes
abandoned the previous ratio of
1 to 3 between in-state and out-
of-state increases and reflect the

University actually fared
n budget allocations fol-
a compromise measuret
the state House and
But the final figure was
s than Gov. Romney's
louse version of the ap-
ons bill asked $63.5 mil-
d the Senate wanted to
only $61.3. The final ver-
irked out in conference
ee, was slightly less than
se figure. Cuts were made
nt computer system with
State and Michigan State,
ies, and in the Flint
er, since 200 more stu-
d additional faculty had
reviously approved at
e Regents restored those
general operating funds.




for Cleaver

By STUART GANNES was Eldrige Cleaver, 33 year old
"Illinois, the home of the Hay- information m i n i s t e r of the
market anarchists and hog butch- Black Panther Party for Self
er of the world casts seven votes Defense, and author of the best-
for Eldridge Cleaver and one vote selling book, "Soul on Ice."
for Dick Gregory." Cleaver, currently on parole
"New York, the Empire State after serving nine years in a Cali-
and the home of the financial {fornia prison for assault, has be-
center of American, imperial- come the spiritual leader of the
ism . . ." Black Panther movement both in
The roll of states at the Peace Oakland and nationally.
and Freedom Party at their na- Cleaver's nomination cementedi
tional convention. in Ann Arbor the newly-formed alliance be-
last week was to say the least tween PFP and the Panthers!
unconventional. established in "California earlier
As radical students, professors this summer.
and militant Black Panthers from A majority of the delegates
more than twenty states gathered opted for Cleaver's militant
to form a new revolutionary pol- philosophy. Many of them see
itical alliance, new and old left themselves in a desperate situa-

the same position of "being con-
fronted by a white establishment
who is willing to destroy them."
"The people in Vietnam who are
having napalm for breakfast can't
wait for negotiations." he added.
"If we are really trying to deal
with the situation we should open
up another front here in Baby-
The convention accepted a plat-
form demanding the immediate
withdrawal of U.S. troops from
Vietnam." However, the delegates
stxongly voted down by voice vote
an amendment offe'-ing specific
support for the National Libera-
tion Front, the political arm of the
Viet Cong.
The pstfo-m also supnorts "the

{fa . .. : .



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