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September 27, 1968 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-09-27

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Friday, September 27, 1968,


Page Five

Friday, September77, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five

McCarthy reported

ev on -TV

House committee scores
Army M-,16 rifle cost

to endorse


Brous close

By The Associated Press System said earlier a representa-'
ST. PAUL, Minn. - Sen., Eu- tive of the Minnesota senator had
gene J. McCarthy is considering asked to buy a half hour of prime
appearing on nationwide televis- television time for an "important
ion in October to announce his statement" by McCarthy.
support for Vice President Hubert There was speculation McCar-
H. Humphrey, the St. Paul thy planned to announce his sup-
Pioneer Press said today. T h .e port of Hubert H. Humphrey for
Minnesota senator has not en- president. McCarthy, who sought
dorsed any candidate since he the Democratic presidential nom-
lost the Democratic presidential ination himself, has refused, so
nomination to Humphrey in Aug- far, to endorse any presidential
ust. candidate.
McCarthy, who arrived in New On arrival at Kennedy Airport,
York yesterday from a post-con- McCarthy told newsmen he had
vention. vacation on the French "no significant statement to
Riviera, confirmed that he'd ap- make" until Oct. 8. "Even then,"a
pear on television in October, but he added, "I'm not so sure what
refused to say what for. I'm going to say."
,The Columbia Broadoasting The article said McCarthy has

been told by nume

friends and advisors and by his
wife; Abigail, that he will be blam-
ed for Humphrey's defeat if' the
vice president loses the election.
"McCarthy had been told, and
I think with great impact, that
he can determine whether Richard
Nixon or Hubert Humphrey moves
into the White House next Jan-
uary," the story quotes a Mc-


Are prescipindrugs safe?
Seniate -,comaittee investigates

Carthy "confidante" as saying.
Other persons close to Mc-
Carthy said Wednesday they con-
sider it unlikely that the Minne-I
sota senator will do anything but
support Humphrey if he decides
to go ahead with the telecast, the
story added.
NEW YORK - Metromedia
News has offered four Chicago or-,
ganizations including the Mobili-
zation Committee for the Demo-
cratic Convention, an opportun-
ity to respond to the film produced
by Chicago Mayor Richard J.
John Corporon, Metromedia
television news vice president,
said yesterday that the Yippies,
the American Civil Liberties Un-
ion, the McCarthy for President
Committee and the Mobilization
Committee had all requested an
hour to respond to the Daley film.
* * *
CICERO, Ill. - City officials
in this suburb west of Chicago
have refused a permit for George
C. Wallace, third party presiden-
tial candidate, to make a cam-
paign speech at the town hall next
Cicero Mayor John Karner and
City Atty. Christy Berkos denied
on Wednesday a permit for Wal-
lace to make the speech at the
rear of the town hall as he re-
quested. They also denied permis-
sion for him to speak on any
streets in Cicero.
Reason given for the refusal
was simply that public property
could not be used for the speech.,
Wallace aides said a search
was continuing for a suitable large
private field or a hall in Cicero
or neighboring Berwyn.

WASHINGTON (P) -- A special
House subcommittee says the
price the Army is to pay for
M16 rifles in its most recent con-
tracts is unreasonable and should
be lowered.
In a report made public yester-
day, the special armed services
subcommittee on the M16 rifle
program said it "views the Army
awards as an exercise of ex-
tremely poor judgment from the
standpoint of procurement policy
and practice, and in callous dis-
regard of the interests of the tax-
payers of the United States."
New conflict
hits C6nlmbia
NEW YORK (A:P)-Demonstrators
from Columbia University and po-
lice clashed last night as some 200
students marched from the Man-
hattan campus to a nearby ca-
The marchers weredheaded for
the Episcopal Cathedral of St-
John the Divine, the largest
church in North America. They
said they were protesting the evic-
tion of seven elderly persons from
a cathedral-owned residence hotel
in the area.
They were stopped by police a
block from the cathedral.
First to be grabbed was a young
man carrying a red flag. While a
sergeant tried to take him to a
radio car, three other officers were
surrounded by demonstrators and
neighborhood residen s, who
chorused: "Let him go!"
Then scuffling began as more
police cars and men arrived and
two young men finally were drag-
ged into the radio car.

The subcommittee said the
Army did not achieve price com-
petition and, as a result, issued
contracts that will cost from $24
million to $38 million more than
could have been obtained other-
The subcommittee reopened its
investigation of the M 16 rifle
program last spring after the De-
fense Department awarded two
contracts to produce the M 16 rifle
to the Hydramatic Division of
General Motors, Ypsilanti, Mich,
and Harrington and Richardson of
Worcester, Mass.
It received congressional com-
plaints that the Maremont Co.,
Saco, Maine, was an unsuccessful
bidder even though its offer was
$20 million lower than that of
General Motors' Hydramatic Divi-
sion. A fourth company consider-
ed, Cadillac Gage, Warren, Mich.,
was prepared to bid $36.8 million.
Hydramatic was given one con-
tract with its bid of $56 million;
Harrington and Richardson, the
other with a bid of $42 million.
Each was to produce 240,000 rifles.
Congress has passed legislation
to require the Defense Department
to solicit and receive price pro-
posals from prpspective offerers in
negotiated contracts.

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Associated Press Science Writer
prescribed by your doctor under
its generic name as effective as
the same drug prescribed under
its brand name?
The question has embroiled
government and industry in a
sometimes bitter, years-long ar-
gument which soared to highest
heat during still - continuing
hearings r bef ore a Sen'ate mo-
nopoly subcommittee headed by
Sen. Gaylord Nelson (R-Wis.).
A recent report by a federal
task force representing the De-
partment of Health, Education
and Welfare "cautioned both
sides, in effect that the returns
are not yet in. }
The report put the question
this way:
"Given two drug products
containing essentially the same
amount of the same active in-
gredient-that is, two chemical
equivalents-will they give es-
sentially the same clinical ef-
It is estimated that 80 per
cent of all prescriptions call for
brand-namne drugs, presumably
because doctors are more famil-
iar with them and with their,
The debate has particular re-
levance now because there are
proposals-including a plank in
the Democratic platform - to
add some of the out-of-hospital
costs of prescription drugs to
Medicare benefits for millions
of beneficiaries.
Question to be settled: If any
such proposals become law,
would the government require
that doctors, in prescribing for"
such patients, use only generic
names for the prescribed drugs?
Champion of -the viewpoint
that brand-name drugs are the

most dependable - and that
generic versions are not neces-
sarily as effective and, in some
instances, might even be risky
-is the Pharmaceutical Manu-
facturers Association (PMA)-
the trade organization for the
nation's major drug firms.
The PMA also says cost dif-
ferences between brand-name
and generic drugs have been
unduly stressed and that gener-
ics may sometimes cost as much
as brand-name products.
In the rival camp-as evi-
denced by witnesses at hearings
conducted by Sen. Nelson's sub-
committee beginning in May,
1967-are a number of individ-
ual pharmacologists, physicians
and other medical personnel not
associated with the drug in-
Because the hearings-entitled
"Competitive Problems in the
Drug Industry"-are still un-
der way, Nelson's committee has
not yet issued a complete report
or specific recdmmendations.
But Nelson said in a Senate
speech in March:
"During the monopoly subcom-
mittee hearings . . . the issue
of therapeutic equivalency has
leen debated for many months.
"The question has always been
whether drugs-either generic
drugs or brand-name drugs--
which meet standards set down
by the U.S. Pharmacopeia
(USP) and the National Form-
ulary (NF) -the official com-
pedia of the U.S. government,
are in fact therapeutically
equivalent. .
"E m i n e nt pharmacologists,
practicing physicians, hospital
staff doctors and pharmacists
have testified to the committee
that drugs which meet the same
USF and NF standards are of

equivalent therapeutic value-
with proven exceptions rare.
"The drug industry has con-
sistently argued t h a t even
though two drug products meet
official compendia standards,
therapeutic equivalency cannot
be claimed for them unless there
is an actual clinical test.
Against this background, there
now comes the recent report of
the federal task force on pre-
scription drugs.
The group said the whole
question of clinical equivalency
of chemically equivalent drugs
"is now under careful considera-
tion by the scientific commun-
ity," but it added: "Objective
research has shown that in cer-
tain instances the clinical ef-
fects may not be the same."
In this connection, the task
force recommended that current
clinical tests of "important"
chemical equivalents, being con-
ducted or approved by the Food
and Drug Administration with
human volunteers, be continued
"on a high priority basis.''
These tests-begun last year
and aimed for completion by
1970-are designed, amohg other
things, to try to determine
whether different manufactur-
ers' versions of chemically
equivalent drugs, brand-name or
generic, are "biologically equi-
For example, do they produce
comparable blood levels in nor-
mal humans under comparable
conditions-a possible gauge of
whether they would be equally
effective in a sick person?
Dr. Herbert L. Ley Jr., FDA
commissioner, a physician, and
a member of the task force, told
a reporter, "We still maintain
there are relatively few of these
generic drugs which don't per-
form up to standards. We may
be wrong. But if we are, we'll
be the first to admit it."


- ---__



WEDNESDAY, 730 P.M., Multipurpose Room, UGLI
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I(HINA TODAY: Red Guard Movement and
Cultural RevolutionII
Survival of Religion min China
Art and Likterature in China
China as Model for Third World
NEALE and DEIRDRE HUNTER are a young Australian couple who taught in
Communist China from 1965-1967 and lived the Cultural Revolution through
their students who became Red Guards. From July 1966 when all classes had
stopped with the students saying that they were "busy" until April 1967 when
the Hunters left China they kept up withdevelopments in Shangai, reading the
wall posters, attending Red Guard meetings and talking with their students. Well
educated in Sino affairs, fluent in the language and so able to move about alone,
they traveled to Shansi and Kiaggsi provinces and to Huhehot, the capital of
Inner Mongolia talking to the people and learning much about China today from
them. Neale did three years of graduate work in Chinese and Japanese at Can-
berra deferring further doctoral work for a time to travel. Deirdre has done grad-
uate work in Indian and Chinese Political Science. Co-author of China Observed
with Colin MacKerras (Praeger, '68) Neale is finishing a study for the Center for
Chinese Studies at Berkeley The Tiger's Back (Uof Cal Press and Praeger, '68).
Deirdre's Chinese Youth and Education will be published early in '69.
Office of Religious Affairs, 2282 SAB, 764-7442




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