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September 27, 1968 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1968-09-27

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Friday, September 27, 1968


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Chrysler. cuts car pricersa

U.S. ambassador Ball

- 'Aft lwfll%


DETROIT (P)-Chrysler Corp.
drastically slashed yesterday its
previously announced 1969 auto
price increases which had drawn
criticism from President Johnson.
The Chrysler rollback brought
its new price tag increases vir-
tually into line with those of its
two major competitors, General
Motors and Ford Motor Co.
It marked the third year in a
row Chrysler led off the industry
new car pricing parade with in-
creased prices, only to roll them
back when GM and Ford came
along later with smaller price
4 Chrysler figured its original
boost at an average of $84 per
car in the list price of the new
1969 Chrysler line. The revised
figure came out at $52 a car, close
to the $49 figure announced by
General Motors and For'd's $47 in-
crease in its list price per car.
* The list price does not inglude
federal excise taxes, dealer new

car preparation and handling,
state and local taxes and shipping
Chrysler's brief statement tsn-
nouncing its revised price . list
made no mention of why the ac-
tion had been taken. The cut-
back had been regarded in auto-
motive circles as a foregone con-
clusion since GM and Ford cane
up with smaller hikes.
American Motors is slated to
announce its new car prices on
Chrysler said, "Most of thel
prices announced last week have
been reduced and some increased
to 'maintain, a competitive posi-
tion in each car line. Some prices
of optional equipment also have
been revised."
John Riccardo, Chrysler group
vice president, U.S. and Canadian
automotive, said the prices "re-
flect only part of the substan-
tially increased costs or material
and labor."

The firm also made additional
revisions in its warranty program
which was changed Sept. 11. The
1968 model warranty included a
five-year or 50,000 mile guaranty
for the engine and power train
components and 24 months or
24,000 miles for the rest of the
car, exclusive of tires which are
covered in a separate warranty
with the tire manufacturer.
Chrysler on Sept. 11 cut the
latter warranty clauses to 12
months or 12,000 miles.
In another change Thursday, it
said that the second owner of a
car could get the unused portion
of the five year, 50,000 mile war-
ranty if he registered the car, and
paid a $25 fee and ifAthe car had
been properly maintained. The
first $25 of such warranty work
would be paid by the second
Chrysler board chairman Lynn
A. Townsend, asked in a recent
interview, about the possibility
that Chrysler might have to make
a third consecutive price rollback,
said only that Chrysler enjoyed
being the first of the new cars
into the marketplace and , the
ability to gets its '69 sales under
way before other competitors got
into the marketplace:

continues r
ponent of Abe Fortas for chief
justice said today that more than
a majority of the Senate may vote
against cutting off debate on a
motion to take up the controver-
sial nomination.
Sen. Howard H. Baker Jr. (R-
Tenn.), said that as many as 52 of:
of 100 senators are leaning against
voting to put the Senate's anti-
filibuster rule into effect.
The Senate took up the Fortasg
nomination Wednesday and op-
ponents began an apparent fili-I
buster against considering it.
Baker told newsmen he person~ SAN FRANCISC
ally has talked to 36 senators President Hubert
who are committed to voting declaring "the Unit
against debate-limiting cloture, not play the role
He called this a rock-bottom fig- darme," suggestedt
ure that could climb to more than Nations peacekeeph
a majority when the showdown into Vietnam "toa
comes, probably the first of next elections and verify1
week. of foreign troops.'
To put the cloture rule into ef- In his boldest w:
fect takes a two-thirds majority Johnson administra
of senators voting. without ever rep
Baker talked with newsmen be- dirhtl-tee e
fore starting off a second day of dential candidate
Senate debate with a lengthyjctin diatep
speech urging rejection of Presi- jection of those p
dent Johnson's nomination of For- rely exclusively onr
tas to succeed Chief Justice Earl er as the guarantor
Warren. areas of the dev
where we are now





, .


1421 Hill St.
8:30 P.M.

o' W) - Vice
H. Humphrey,
ted States can-
of global gen-
today a United
ing force move
administer free
the withdrawal
ithdrawal from
ation policies-
udiating them'
.ocratic presi-
called for "re-
roposals which
American pow-
r of security in
eloping world
peech prepared
he prestigious
ub here, cited
a good example
es cannot play
endarmen" the
ntial nominee
an people don't0 U


World news roundup'

Humphrey, in a s
for delivery to tl
Commonwealth C
Southeast Asia as a
of what he meant.
"The United Stat
the role of global g
Democratic preside
said. "The America:
want it and the res

"' WASHINGTON .IP) -President
Johnson announced yesterday the
resignation of George W. Ball as
U.S. ambassador to the United
Nations and named Washington
Post editor James Russell Wiggins
to succeed him.
Ball said he plans to join the
campaign forces of Vice President
Hubert H. Humphrey, the Demo-
cratic nominee for president.
He will become the foreign af-
fairs advisor for the campaign
"I have taken this step so that
I may devote all my time and
energy between now and Nov. 5
to help assure the election of
Hubert Humphrey and the defeat
of Richard Nixon," Ball said in a
statement issued at the State De-
partment simultaneously with
Johnson's announcement.
Johnson called reporters to the
White House Cabinet room to give
them the news personally-and
- he sought to make plain that Ball
was not quitting out of disagree-
ment with administration policy.
"I have accepted with reluc-
tance the resignation," Johnson
said. .
"As you see from his announce-
ment of his resignation, it has
nothing to do with policy-but
with politics."
Ball, 58, was a long-time un-
dersecretary of state during the
Kennedy administration and the
Segarlier years of the Johnson ad-
/ He returned to public service
last April when Johnson named
him to the U.N. post, succeeding
Arthur J. toldberg. Goldberg is
also assisting in the Humphrey
n During his five years at the
State Department, Ball gained a
e reputation for arguing within ad-
d ministration circles for some poli-
cies that differed from the posi-
s tions adopted. But he was active
a and loyal in carrying out his as-
r signments once policy had been
- set.
e Johnson praised Wiggins whom
r he termed a citizen of high dis-
t tinction who stands for integrity
t in the newspaper world and who
will bring high qualities of -udg-
- ment and compassion to the U.N.
e ambassadorial position.
P There has been speculation in
r Washington that Ball was in line
s for possible appointment as sec-
d retary of state should Humphrey
win the election.

-- returning by popular de-
mnand for their lost Ann Arbor
performance before leaving for
their tour of the East Coast
singing contemporary, tradi-
tional, and ORIGINAL folk
music accompanied by guitar.
Newman ,Student Association
Catholic Voice Lecture Series


By The Associated Press
LISBON. Portugal - Marcello
Caetano, 62-year-old lawyer and
ed ucator,was proclaimed premier
of Portugal-last night to replace
Antonio Salazar, who suffered a
stroke 10 days ago and ,has not
regained consciousness.
President America Thomaz an-
nounced Caetano's appoinment in
a television speech to the nation
that marked the end of Salazar's
40-year-rule of Portugal.
Salazar, 79, was in an oxygen,
tent at Lisbon's Red Cross Hospi-
tal. His chances of survival were
regarded as slim.
Some Portigese expect that
Caetano, although of conserv . ive
background, may give Portugal
its first liberal reforms since Saia-
zar rose to power. Caetano hask
traveled abroad and moved in.
circles that the austere, vith-
drawn Salazar never encountered.
It was believed Caetano Would
be sworn in Friday and accept the
Phone 434-0130
e 1
Doris Day
"Wih Sx "
'Get Eggroll
Color by Deluxe. Filmed in Panavision*.
The Secret War of


resignations of all Cabinet min-
ister, a constitutional require-
One of the biggest issues facing'
the new premier is the future of
Portugal's colonial empire. Lisbon;
has been under constant nTer-
national pressure to allow greater
self-rule to its overseas territories
of Angola, Mozambique and'
Guinea in southern Africa.
* * *
mier Daniel. Johnson. died tday
while visiting a giant power pro-
ject here.
'Death was apparently due to a
heart attack.
Johnson, 53, had suffered a
heart attack this summer and e-
cuperated in Bermuda.
* * *
CAPE TOWN, South Africa -
Retired dentist Philip Blaiberg, 59,
the. world's longest surviving heart
transplant patient, was discharged
from Groote Schuur Hospital
Blaiberg received his new hcartI
Jan. 2, and was the third .erson1
in the world to undergo such an



won't accept it."'
Speaking at the birthplace of
the United Nations, Humphrey
said if he were elected, "I will do
everything in my power to place
international peacekeeping sol-
diers in troubled areas rather than
American soldiers."
"Nowhere would a United Na-
tions' peacekeeping force be more
welcome than in Vietnam to ad-
minister free elections and verify
withdrawal of foreign troops," he
The vice president, outlining
what he called a "new strategy
for peace," and new guidelines for
U.S. foreign policies, pledged the
United States can and shall have
But his Republican opponent,
Richard M. Nixon, said Wednes-
day Republicans have been "the
peace keepei's, not just the peace
talkers"-both at home and
Nixon told a Denver audience

on IM]uskz~r~
ROCHESTER, Mich. (--Scores 1 "They
of antiwar protesters walked out means a
on Sen. Edmund Muskie yesterday he adde
after he declined to engage in point re
several minutes of "silent reflec- get beh
tion" on the bloodshed in Viet- He sa
nam and in the streets of Amer- held out
ican cities. political
More than 100 students at Oak- objectiv
land University, scattered in small aged th
bands throughout the gymnasium their po
shouted, "Dump the Humph" and governmr
"Hell no, we won't go" when the be plagu
Democratic vice presidential can- or the
didate walked to the podium to When
speak. sium, di
Their shouts prevented Muskie I middlec
from speaking for more than two the ca
minutes. about 10
The walkout occurred toward the then dis
end of a long question and answer they wo
session when a bearded student re- - -
quested that. the Maine senator
stop his "rhetorical dialogueand
think about things happening in
Vietnam and the streets of Amer-
Instead of responding, the stu-I
dent asked Muskie to engage in
a "silent reflection on this mat-
ter." WASH
"I'm not interested in simply housing
engaging in simple rhetorical led a pE
dialogue," Muskie replied. that ,con
But .as he started to continue, a in living
student blew a whistle that ap- War yea
parently signalled the protesters The L
,to walk out. ing yeste
Earlier, Muskie told the stu- for cloth
dents, "I applaud the courage of ical care
those who protest their views. I ed push

e etoric'
can choose their own
as far as I'm concerned,
d. "But we must at som
esolve our differences and
ind a policy."
aid, "Sen. McCarthy ha
t to you the promise ofa
system for meeting you
ls." Muskie then encour
he students to continue
litical activities so that our
ental "system will no
ed by apathy on your par
part of others."
Muskie left the gymna
sident students sat in the
of the street and held up
ndidate's motorcade fo
0 minutes. The protesters
persed as police indicated
Auld move in on them.,.

CH. Muskie answers hecklers at OU
students walk out

The Church and the Second Sex
A prominent figure in the current movement to give
woman a more conspicuous voice in Church Af-
fairs, Dr. Daly holds doctorates in both philosophy
and theology. She is presently an assistant professor
of Theology at 'Boston College. Her book, The
Church an the Second Sex, published in April,
1968 was received with high acclaim and estab-
lished her as one of the leading Catholic theolog-
ians in the country. She is a frequent contributor to
Commonweal and the National Catholic Reporter.
Natural Science Auditorium


IDwight D. Eisenhower'sM admin-
LONDON - Brian Jones, 26- istration ended the Korean war
year-old guitarist of the Rolling and kept the nation out of others
Stones pop group, was convicted for eight year. And he said, "We
Thursday of possessing drugs and did not have this problem of
fined $120. violence and fear" at home.

nor Department report-
ws cost of living increase


"Umbrellas of Cherbourg''
(rand Prize Cannes Film Festival
Catherine Deneuve


IINGTON P) - Higher
and food prices in August
arade of price increases
tinued 1968's biggest rise
costs since the Korean
r of 1951.
abor Department, report-
ereday, said higher prices
ing, transportation, med-
and recreation also help-
the government's con-



--------------- -

FRI.-SAT., 7-9 P.M.
SEPT. 27-28, Aud. A


. h MTIN
th ellfire gambler

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The great Greek tragedy, performed with many of
the conventions of the Greek stne


In Person
October 5
7:00 & 10:00 P.M.
University Events BId

sumer price index up three-tenths
of one per cent to 121.9.
The figure means it cost $12.19
last month to buy the family
goods and services that cost $10
in the 1957-59 period on which
the index is based.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics
said last month's rise in living
costs more than wiped out August
wage gains of some 45 million
rank and file workers.
"It would appear that the con-
sumer price index will continue
to go up" the rest of the year,
said Asst. Commissioner Arnold
Chase, making it almost certain
1968 will wind up with a total rise
of 4 per cent or more.
While this would be the-steepest
climb in living costs in 17 years,
it is far less than the 8 per cent
jump in 1951 before the govern-
ment clamped on wage and price
controls. There has been no sign
the government contemplates,any
similar controls now.
In major price categories meas-
ured by the government, housing
and clothing rose five-tenths of
one per cent each last month,
food climbed four-tenths of one
per cent, medical care and recre-
ation were up three-tenths each
and transportation two-tenths.
(in the loft)
12 Noon to 6 P.M.
215 So. State St.


$5 (sold out), $4, $3

MAIL ORDERS to Johnny Carson Show,
1024 Administration Bldg.,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Make check payable to Michigan Bands
Box Office sales start Sept. 30



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