See editorial page'
. :Y
Partly clouly,
little chance of rain
!o!. LXXIX No. 25 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, September 27, 1968 Ten Cents
Ten Pages
High school continues
debate on suspensions
A 4 Athreatened student walkout
at Ann Arbor High school to pro-
test the suspension of three nMale
students for non-confownin'g hair
styles failed to materialize yester-
About 150 students rallied ,at.
the school flagpole following' dis-
missal at 12:30 p.m. rather than'
participating in a scheduled
walk-out at 11:40 a.m.
At a meeting of the Ann Arbor
Board of *Education Wednesday
night, Supt. W. Scott Westerman
had warnet that any students
'participating in the planned pro-
test would be' "immediately sus-!
The controversy began -when
three students were advised in
writing that they would face sus-
pension unless they tiimmed their
hair. The students continued to
"attend classes until Monday when;
Mqelvill es ,b.
rol in ,Cu
they were informed by a school The recen'tly established griev-
officials and the school policemen ance process begins with a griev-
that they could no longer attend ance committee and procedes to
school. the school system's director of
About twenty' students waiKed human relations, Ronald ' Ed-
out of school Wednesday morn'ing monds. Final appeal may be made
in reaction to the suspensions of t'o Westerman and the board of'
,the three. Leaflets were distributed education:
calling for the walkout yesterday The unwritten policy on hair
at 11:40 a.m. styles forbids male students from
Two students were suspended wearing hair that falls over the
for Wednesdays walkout Fnd for collar and sideburns that extend
distributing' literature without below the lower lip. Beards are
administration approv'al. not perimtted. but mustaches are
Yesterday's 'rally was held to allowed.
encourage students to attend Besides the five who have been
sanctioned open forum to be held suspended apother student. Nick
in the school auditorium at 12:30 Kazarinoff, has been told to cut
p.m. today. his sideburns or face suspension
Westerman, at the Board meet- on October 1. "I will not cut my
ing Wednesday night told about sideburns," he said yesterday.
25 parents that before students 'At the board meeting Wednes-
walk out, they should allow the ;day night, Kazarinoff's father,
matter to be handled through the Prof. Nicholas Kazarinoff of thet
school grievance process. math department, called the hair
policy insane. "The school is for
YT' kids and education is the name
Iast u .S . of the game-not hair," he said.
Prof. Kazarinoff was' a 1966
school board candidate.-
SGC ap proves
November ballot to include
proposal for student levy
Student Government Council voted last night to in-
struct its executive board to organize the Council as a cor-
Under terms of the incorporation proposal, the Council
will exist in two forms - s a corporation and in its present
form as a student organization. Council members will re-
main in the present body and will also comprise the board
of directors of the corporation.
"This move is the first step towards a student run, stu-
dent controlled organization for student services," said
Michael Davis, grad, who introduced the proposal.
As a student organization, SGC-
will continue to grant recognition
to campus organizations, originate
non-academic projects and re- l~u o i i n
ceive its yearly allocation from
student fees. s des e
As a corporation, SGC will be ase
legally autonomous, non-profit p
organization with the ability to
enter into legal contracts under draft change
its own name.
By PHILIP ILOCK , "When we were in Guatemala
Ten years ago Thomas Melville we were in effect told that our job
was a 'Roman Catholic priest was to preach the gospel and not
preaching the gospel to Guatemal- to live it," said Melville; 'our su-
an Indians whose total efforts in periors were helpful just as long
-life were designed to' merely keep as we were ineffective."
them alive. "When we began to try to really
At that time Melville's wife, help the peasants, especially in
Marjorie, was a nun attempting our attempts to start collective
to teach the daughters of the farms, we were accused of preach-
Guatemalan upper class that 95 ing 'creeping communism' when
per' cent of the country did not all along we had been preaching
.share their way of life. 'creeping Christianity'," he added.
Oan May 17 Thomas and Mar- Before they left the church the
jorie along with seven other Melvilles became involved in or-
Americans who have seen f ir s t ganizing the Guatemalan Indian
hand their country's foreign pol- peasants in collectives. Melville
, icy at work allegedly walked into spoke of the terrorism which the
,a Catonsville, Md., draft board, peasants received from both the
took ,out all the 1-A files and land-owners and the military.
burned them with homemade na-, "Soon some of the leaders of the
palm, collective organizations began to
Thedisappear without warning. There
consequently no longer members Ws no doubt where they had gone
of the Catholic clergy, told their and who was responsible" Mel-
i respective stories last night at y wle said. M
The Melvilles say they both
experienced similar problenis. "We 1
both saw the effects of American
House ~~ s influence on the country," s a i d
Mrs. Melville, "and we faced the
" e11echoice of eventually fighting the
4 7.3 IDOf U.S. in Guatemala or coming back
to the states and trying to prevent <
U.S. intervention before it hap- d
"P pened. I suppose we were ideal-
Cgistic to think that we could do
From Wire Service Reports Last May they did do some-
The House nar iith o- thing. Using a recipe for home-
Many parents at the meeting
were concerned that their children
were being forcibly kept out of
school before the grievance com-
mittee had made its final decision.
"Aren't the students innocent un-
til proven guilty?", one mother,
Prof. Avedis Donabedian of the
Medical school, father of a sus-
pended senior, complained that
due process and even courtesy
has been ignored."
Several parents asked 1or a
ci-Daily- Andy Sacks
Si)ger Harry Belafonte received two standing ovations from the crowd at the University Events
Building during his concert last night. Appearing with Belafonte was singer Jackie DeShannon.
Commtee reduces list
The corporation will be financ-
ed largely through an assessment
of its members - the students. A
proposal to contract a direct levy
on the student body will appear on-
the November SGC election ballot.,
University enrollment stands at
38,021 this fall, considerably high-
er than figures predicted last
winter when draft deferments
were elimilated for graduate stu-
,. ,,
"Incorporation would guarantee1 The enrollment figure is, less
that the student body decides our than one half of one per cent
allocation." Davis said. "In this lower than the figure which was
way they can have a direct voice projected a year ago by Univer-
in determining our political and sity officials when they requested
social policy." appropriations for the , current
7n wrii~in toaecccicr ho t~_year.
mortorium on further suspension
until the hair police is settled.
Westerman- indicated that t his
would not be done, however.
The superin tendent admitted
to the parents that it is "very dif-
ficult to introduce rationality"
into disputes over hair regulations.
But he urged students to use the
legitimate grievance processes.
and nqt to walk out.
The grievance procedure was
born out of a racial dispute at Anni
Arbor High last May and June.
The dispute was kicked off by the
distribution of a curriculum ques-
tionaire considered discriminatoy
by black students. A number of
students w ere suspended tuinv
the unrest and classes weve can-
celled for several days.
One of the 21 demands of the
black students at that time <t.
"tvel 1-defined grievance )
IFC fall ruh
.in aaamonuto assessing the sm
The coinumittee which will name
candidates for the new dean of
the School of Education has coin-
pleted a major step in its work.
The six faculty and two stu-
dent membrs of the committee
have narrowed down 120 sugges-
tions to a list of 30 candidates
who will be closely considered as
possible successors for retiring
Dean Willard C. Olson.
Univesity President Robben
Fleming will select from a panel
of five to seven candidates re-
commended by the committee,'
subject to the approval of the Re-
The commit tee expects to make
its final selections by the end of
October, said Jennifer Rhea, '69.
the undergraduate representative
on the committee.
Miss Rhea emphasized that thef
preliminary group of candidates is
not necessarily final. "We're not
closing the possibility of other
candidates turning up," she said.
The committee currently is con-
tacting the 30 candidates. Prof.
Robert Dixon, chairman of the
committee, expects to know which
candidates definitely are interest-
ed within a few weeks.
Most of the candidates are from
outside the School of Education.
They range from Associate Dean
Charles Lehmann of the school
to Norman Drachler, superinten-
dent of Detroit schools, and Har-
old Howe, commissioner of edu-
cation in the Department of
Health, Education and Welfare.
Many of the candidates are cur-<
rently on the administration or
faculty of other schools of edu-z
cation. Several are public school$
Some of the suggestions w re
made by the school's faculty and.
by Students for Education Inno-
vation (SEP. a group of dissatis-
fied education students who are
working for chanr'es in the school.
Although Miss Rhea said all
candidatt s will be considered
equally, the new dean may very
lik('ly be chosen from outside the"
Miss Rhea told members of SEI
that the committee hadA "reacted
faxoably" to an SEI position pa-
per on the new deanship, which
urged selection from outside the
education school.
SEI cited three reasons for se-
lecting the dean from outside the
--Factionalism in the school.
SEI urged that the new dean
"must be free of previous personal
--The need for new perspectives
and insights. "Too much exper-
ience within the school may be
detrimental," the position paper
-A new dean from outside the
school would be in a better bar-
gaining position within the Uni-
versity because hew ould be able
to project a new, dynamic image,
SEI said. The group reminded the:
committee of the school's urgent
needs for facilities, especially a
new building.
Miss Rhea said part of the con-
mittee's job has been the estab-
lishment of qualifications for the
new dean. This has led to setting
up new goals for the school itself
over the next few years.
The committee established five
major directions of change for
the education school, which in-l
clude new emphasis on urban edu-f
position yesterday a compromise made napalm they found in a
bil utoizng$73~lio n ad nplmthy ondinadeclines 'o in
bill authorizing $7.3 lgllin in special forces handbook, they al- ; l ti
spendig over the next three years legedly destroyed all the 1-A Fraternity rush registration for
to help the nation's colleges and files of a Maryland draft board. fall is down slightly from 'ast
universities keep up with expand- But the attention which the in- year. This represents a decline for
ing enrollments. cident has given the couple has the third year in a row.
A voice vote after only a few not apparently received their com- Figures released recently show
mments discussion sent the big plete approval. "I am afraid that that 1,000 men signed up for the
bill to the Senate for final con- people are identifying with us and semi-annual rush procedure, down
gressional approval. Separate bills letting us do ttheir "thing' for from 1.150 a year ago.
were passed earlier by the t w o them," said Melville. "These Tom Mowry, Interfraternliy
houses and compromise was ar- people must realize that the only Council's rush chairman, attribu -
ranged in a joint committee last way to get things done is to do ed the drop to the fact that men's
week. something on your own, whatever rush has not coincided with
The measure is An authoriza- it might be." women's rush for the past two
tion of spending for a wide var- The Melvilles detailed their years. Because of this men living
iety of existing programs, some view of the American role in the in the dormitories have not been
of them in effect since 1958, and Guatemalan situation. "America exposed to double publicity about'
for two new programs. arms, trains and even heads both rush. Bad weather and rain .nay
The final amounts represent a the Guatemalan army and police have contributed to the low fig-
slight increase over previous fund force," said Melville. ure. he added.
levels in most programs, but these
are generally only enough to cover;
rising costs.( S
The University is currently
theavily endowed by programs in-'
cluded in the bill, including Public
Health Service and the Nationalu
Institute of Health. John Mc-r
Kevitt, assistant to the vice pres-
ident and chief financial officer'v
says this provides assurances that
funding Will continue on existing
programs and that further grantth
funding can be'hoped for in theba
future. f U
Its biggest spending proposals tha
call for $1.87 billion during the r:A
period ending June 30, 1971 foir P
construction of college academic ' r
facilities and $1.86 billion for, ni
student aid programs. . F# An
The section dealing with stu- nex
dent aid arms college authoitiesx ta
with powers aimed at cutting off v x cot
federal aid for students who take toY
part in campus uprisings that lead .r erg: for
to violence or a disruption of cola"
lege activities. th
Before any aid can be terminat- ' tiar
ed, however, a student must be sto
given due notice and an oppor- - no
tunity for 1 a hearing. Final ac-A&
tion would be left to the discre- "are
tion of college authorities. for
cation, strengthening of educa- be able to accent grantstake out
tional r sarch. expanding and in- loans, an~d buy property.
stitutionalizing the student com-
mitment,. improvement of the "Through incorporation, weI
teacher preparation program and may find ways of earning money
incrasd students and faculty in- so that we can undertake major
volvement in the school's decision projects without the help of the
[naking r-ocesses. Regents." Davis added.
The committee has been neet- SGC previously sought Regental
ngi for three hours a week approval for the incorporation
throughout the summer and fall. proposal. However, the Regents
Students have full voting rights. turned down the request at their
Miss Rhe" credited the exten- May meeting.
sion of voting rights to the stu- Under Michigan law, any three
ent members as a result of pres- people may organize as a non-
sm-a fromrn SEI, which was formed profit organization by submitting
eight months ago. , their bylaws to the state and
The committee has also met showing minimum financial sup-
with a group of public school sup-- port.
erintendentis from all over the "We've exhausted all inside
state to discuss the role of the channels to sanction incorporation
school in state education. so that we are now forced to work
The selection committee will outside the University structure,"
continue to meet at 10 a.m. on David added.
Tuesdays in 4012 University High In other action Council ap-
School. Miss Rhea emphasized proved a projected budget for
that committee members are al- $22,375 for the fiscal Nyear 1968-
ways available to talk to anyone 69. This budget included the $6500
who is interested in making sug- supplementary allocation from
gestions. the University executive officers.
'0] els 10 examine
liei rL em rs
By MICHAEL THORYN ity'development and job upgrad-
Black life in urban centers is ing.
being studied in two research pro- "Thousands of people move
jects conducted by professors of through OEO programs". They
the University's School of Social must be routed and not lost in red
Work. tape," Vinter says.
Prof. Donald Warren has been "We will try to keep track of
granted $92,000 from the Na- people to see if they really are
tional Institute :of Mental Health helped." He explains that OEO
for a two-year comparative study has had trouble in the past prov-
of black and white ghettos. "Soc- ing their effectiveness to Con-
iological studies of rioters are sort gress.
of .glamorous right now," War- "Congress wanted to know, 'Did
ren says, "but the glhetto is 'going they get, jobs?' and OEO couldn't
to be around for quite a while." answer." Vinter hopes analyses of
Efficiency of decision-making the OEO will provide a model for
processes in programs sponsored more efficient information proces-
by the Federal Office of Economic ingaddcso-aigwti
Opportunity ,OEO) will be prob- smg and decision-making within
ed by Prof. Robert D. Vinter, as- the organization.
Vice President for Academic Af-
fairs Allan F. Smith said the drop
was not significant and would
probably have no effect on the
University's state appropriations
State officials had questioned the
University's enrollment projections
throughout the budget hearings.
The change in draft laws did
not have the severe impact which
was predicted partly because fed-
eral draft quotas have been lower
than expected in recent months,
and partly because of efforts by
the Law school and Rackham
School of Graduate Studies to
enlarge their first year classes.
Rackham's enrollment, which
was expected to suffer the most
severely from the change, stands
at 8,337, down only three per cent
from last year. Smith says the im-
pact was largely alleviated by de-.
laying the application cut-off date
by'several weeks and-by admitting
more of the fully qualified stu-
dents who in other years might
have been turned away'for space
Draft call-ups cut most sharply
into the business administration
school, whose current enrollment
is 1.072, down 199 from last year.
Nearly all of the drop was in the
group seeking masters' degrees,
Undergraduate enrollment in
the literary college rose slightly
from 11,839 to 12,106, an increase
of 2.3 per cent. The increase was
partially offset by a decrease of
138 literary college graduate stu-
dents bringing their number down
to 4,209.
A deliberate reduction in the
number of incoming freshmen ad-
mitted was made to compensate
for last year's over-enrollment.
Last year, 3,141 freshmen were ad-
mitted to fill 2,970 spaces. This
year, 2,895 were admitted.
Smith said total literary college
enrollment will be held steady at
around 12,000 until space and
faculty needs can be met. The
largest increase in enrollment in
any one of the University's 17
oy cott planned
senoois ani colleges was felt at
Flint College, where there was an
increase from 1,030 to 1,273 stu-
"Huelga!" (Strike!) has been
e rallying cry of the California-
sed United Fa r m Workers
'FW> for months. The echoes of
tt cry will start m-inging in Ann
boi- next week.
A gi-oup of students, faculty and
-a r-esidents made plans last
ght to boycott at least one of
in Arbor's supermarkets starting
st Thursday if it continues to
ack California grapes. Theboy-
tt is part of a nationwide effort
help the grape pickers in a fight
r recognition of their union.
The goup of about 25 met in
e UGLI and decided to concen-
te their efforts on one or two
res for the time being. Although
final decision was reached, the
SP's at Huron and at Stadium
considered the main targets
the action.
under the National Labor Rela-
tions Act because it represents
farm workers. Farm workers are
also specifically exempted from
the child labor provisions of the
Fair- Labor' Standards Act,
Although the UFW has been
successful in winning support
among the workers at farms it has
attempted to organize, its attempts
to force collective bargaining by
sti-iking have been thwar-ted, it
says, by the ready availability of
Mexican labor.
Although UFW's activities have
been certified as labor disputes by
the Dept. of Agriculture, a law
which prohibits the use of foreign
labor in such areas is apparetly
not being enforced very rigidly.
The UFW, seeing that it vas
having only minimal success with
its strike tactics, started a ra-
tional boycott against the grapes
of its taraet farm__-the Grniman
sociate deap of the School of
Social Wor , and two colleagues,
Prof. Rosemary Sarri and Prof.! r d os
Phillip Felin.
the .project and expects to wvork + r dt ' ' C
sposor the study, and re-fud en - aud o n i
at least another year. T he O E O 1 7 af c l*so s rV ]Gth s ud , nd e - n s
it yearly. From Wire Service Reports the one at which he was speak-
"We have a gentleman's agree-
ment to be funded for.,n e xt NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J.-The ing.
ea," Vinter says. This year he dean of Rutgerss Collyge hs The assembly would receive the
proposed that an assemby of stu- Iproposals, complaints and com-
W arren says his proectg" sdents, faculty, alumni, parents ments of any member of the col-
been given a high priority." Hes and trustees be formed to serve lege community, Groman said.
has not sufferied from fundi as the major representative and The members of the assembly
cplanned by the National Ing deliberative body of the college. I would then report to their con-
suts ofanealth Tesgsto waIdebstituency the attitude of other
stitutes of Health. The suggestion was made by ;elements of the college as gath-
"The ghetto is a persistent pat- Arnold B. Grobman at a special ered from debate in the assembly.
tern," Warren points out. "It is in-. convocation of 6,300 ufl'dergradu- Before making the proposal
accurately equated with idea of ates at the school. about the assembly, the dean
the slum." "The assembly would not be a commented on "rational student
In exploring the ghetto prob- legislative body," Grobman said. power,"
lem Warren and his roarah as- "The student council and Rutgzers " -- *-.. - - s ,m