Thursday, September 26, 1968 ti THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five For Direct Classified Service, hone 764-O Monday through Friday, 9:30-12:30 5w UNCOI TRACTED CLASSIFIED RATES LINES 1 day 2 1.00 3 1.10 4 1.35 5 1.55 6 1.80 7 2.00 9 2.40 10 2.60 INCHES 1 2.60 2 4.90 3 6.95 4 8.90 5 10.70 2 days; 1.60 2.15 2.60 3.00 3.40 3.75 4:15, 4,55 4.95 4.95 9.50 13.50 17.35 21.10 3 days 2.35 3.10 3.75 r 4.35 4.95 5.50 6.10 6.65 7.15,', 7.15 13.80 19.75 25,55 31.40 4 days 3.00 4.05 4.05 4 65 6.35 7.20 7.90 9,70 10.30 10.30 17.85 25.50 33.45 41.40 5 days 3.65 4.85 5.90 6.90 7.85 8.85 9.75 10.65 11.35 11.35 21.75, 31.15 40.95 51.15 6 days 4.20' 5.65 6.90 8.05 9.25 10.40 11.45 12.60 13.30 13.30 25.40 36.65 48.30 60.50 add. .60 .80 .95 1.15 1.30 1.45 1.55 1.70 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 Additional costs per day after six days. - Ads that are 1/,, 212, 31, etc. inch size will be billed at the overage of the lower and higher inch rate. l FOR RENT 1-2 GIRLS NEEDED for mod apt. Mar- garet, 665-9843 or 764-7497. . C29 21" TV TO RENT. RCA, walnut cabinet, $10/mo. incl. repairs. 663-5284 C28 1 or 2 FEMALE roommates needed to fill 4-man apt Good campus location. $60 each. 761-3858. C27 FU RN.EFF. APT, for 1-2, air-cond., on campus Call 769-9034 C26 TWO GIRLS wanted for 3-man apart- ment. $50 per month each. Call 761- 7594 or 663-8413. C20 4TH MAN NEEDED for moil. 2 bdrm. apt. on campus, air cond., etc. $60/mo. 761-1840. C25 4TH MAN WANTED, mod. apt., 2 blocks from campus, $56/mo. 769-3453. C22 3 GRAD MALES need 4th man for modern, 2 bedroom apartment near ,I campus. Call 761-4863. C21 ROOMMATE NEEDED. Girl for 4-man, bi-level, on campus apt. $65/mo. Call Linda. 769-1174. C23 WANTED: 30-45 yr. old woman to share 2 bdrm., 1% bath apt. at Wood- land Hills (Ann Arbor) starting Oct. 5. Callcollect Toledo, 1-419-882-5687. C24 8 MO. LEASE: Need 1 girl, $65. 665- 5550. C1_ HOSPITALS: 1 block from either. Large, 2 bdrm., furnished apartments. Call 662-6751. 019 ROOMMATES FOR RENT 2 BEDROOM, 2 MAN Modern apt. on campus, with all the, inquiries. From $200 per month. Call Summit Associates at 761-8055. 0182 1 OR 2 GIRLS WANTED for winter term to share modern, bi-level on- campus apt at $65/mo...Call 769-1174. C30 1937 AUSTIN 7, 45,000 mi., runs per-1 fectly, beautiful condition. 665-5522. W31 ON CAMPUS Need 3rd man to share large 3 bdrm apt (331 Cath.), PRIVATE bdrm, utilities paid. 761-2943. C2 GARAGES TO RENT. May be locked.- Lease. 723 Packard near State. C49 BUSINESS SERVICES EXPERIIENCED TYPIST-will do typing in my home. 665-4380. J30 TYPING DONE in my home. Short pa- pers, dissertations, theses, technical,' or untechnical. 662-4259. J28l THESES AND TERM PAPERS typed in my home. 769-5441. J27_ FRENCH BY NATIVE TEACHER. Em- phasis on modern spoken French. Small classes, personal attention. Call 665-2105 after 6:00 p.m. J29 HELP WANTED PERSONAL PERSONAL PERSONAL TUTOR: a friendly, male stud. to H.S. soph with homework two; a week. 668-7624 between 7-10 MARRIED COUPLE to manage student rooming and apt. houses. Must be available thru April 1970. Over 21, Write: Mr. Rome, 2654 Raphael Rd.-, E. Lansing, Michigan 48823. H461 help afts. p.m. H40 FOUND near the Union in near be- draggled condition on the 24th of Sep- tember: one spindle legged, bambi- eyed chihuahua with spinal problems. For Info. call: 764-7615. FF RDT OF SIGMA PHI: Where were you the night of Sept. 25, 1967 and WHAT WERE YOU DOING? Remember? I S o. You're living proof that AMAB PORTERS-Full or part time. Meals, Fl uniforms, good hourly wage. Apply in person. 2380 Carpenter Rd., Howard SENIOR PRE-MED STUDENT seeking Johnsons. H47 attractive, affectionate Female. Call Sandy, 769-1043. F21 NEEDED DESPERATELY: Lunch time - ------- ----- kitchen help (also dinner if desired). HOOKAHS-COFFEE HOUSE PIPES in Liberal reimbursement. 665-4530. 'H40 six clay bowl sets at $3.95. Every- _- thing for the pipe smoker at PRE-LAW STUDENTS: There's no limit SCHWIND'S PIPE SHOP, 1233 S. Uni- to what you can earn as the exclu- versity. Flo sive campus representative for Law ~ - School Placement Service, a nation- ARE YOU as disgusted with the English wide program designed to assist stu- programs at this university as every- dents who are applying to law school. one else? Time is to form a student Interested? Send letter describing committee and set up some decent yourself to LSPS, Box 1201, Hartford, alternatives. 769-3724. FA Conn. 06101. References required. -...--- ---- ------- Photograph preferred. H41 PLEASE RETURN . . . lost: one shoe, - _ __ _size 6, at entrance of Middle Earth. PART TIME COOK, male or female, to URGENT since I truly have only one work 5-7 eves. $2.00/hr. plus meals. pair of shoes Reward. HM 764-2667. 663-5011. H42 FE URGENT. Need kitchen help immedi- NIXON? HUMPHREY? WALLACE? Don't ately. Contact Steward, 761-6515. H43 embarrass your bumper or window. USED CARS TRIUMPH TR-3, 1959. Good top & tonneau covers. Make offer. 663-8362.' N34 Z28 CAMARO 761-9730' N33 1965 H.D. ECONOLINE CAMPER, walnut paneled, new tires and brakes, 'radio; SLE1PP2, many more extras. $1250. Jim-764-2703. N32 1963 FALCON. Radio, heater, 6 cylinder, gopd gas mileage, good condition. You'll love it for $400. Call Bill, 761- 7060 mealtimes, or 769-2631 other times NF '61 FORD 292 V-8 auto. Trans. good running condition. $175 or best offer. 764-1015. N31 S'59 AUSTIN EALY ROADSTER. New paint, top & upholstery. Runs well. $395. Call 971-3130 after 4. N30 1963 CHEV. CONVERTIBLE - white. Must sell. Ex. cond. No rust. $750 or' best offer. 761-5815 after 6 p.m. N29 1967 MOB. Like new. Green, wire wheels, radio, heater. Call 1-542-3730 (De- troit) collect. NB 'O1 OLDS, $209 or best offer. Call 761- 8491 and ask for Brij. N28 FOR SALE: Late '66 M3B-GT, BEIGE, EXCELLENT COND. 30,000 mi., after 5 call 668-6732. N23 '57 MUSTANG FASTBACK, 4 speed, disc brakes, wide2oval. Best offer. S 663-6914 or 769-0622. 1 N24 BIKES AND SCOOTERS HONDA 1966 SCRAMBLER. Excellent condition, asking $425. 663-8362. Z13 1965 HONDA 160. Must sell. Excell. cond. 761-3077 after 5. Z11 '65 HONDA 90 Good *condition. $165, Helmet included. 761-5813. Z10 SUZUKI 150 cc} 1967-1500 mi. $250 - negotiable. Dave Rubinow,/ 761-6152, 761-6255, 761-6729. ' Z9 VESPA 180 cc., 1966 Scooter, Helmets, $350. 769-4769. Z8 HONDA 50-C 100, 1067, good cond. Call 662-6930. Z7 1967 TRIUMPH BONNEVILLE, super fine condition, many ;extras. Must sell for tuition. 429-7617 or 429-7820. Z6 RALEIGH BLUE STREAK RACING BIKE. 10-speed, good condition, ask- ing $65. 663-8362. Z12 SUZUKI X-6 SCRAMBLER: 6000 mi. EXCELLENT COND. $500. 761-8092. Z4 SUZUKI 250 cc T10, completely rebuilt w/oversized pistons, racing crank. $290. 761-2596 after 5 P.M. Z5 HONDA 305 SUPERHAWK, 1965. Very good ;condition. Ask for Mark. 761- 5020. Z3 HONDA. Call 665-2885 after 5. 1 305 cc. HONDA CB'77, '66. Good shape, $025. Call Paul, 761-7060 around 6 p.m. Z GIRLS-Too many ALTO RECORDER. Would like to join F agroup. Marjie Smith, 668-8239. F36 HEAD MASTER SKIS. 1967 Model, ied ARCHERY CLUB-Mass Meeting Thurs., 8 times, with bindings and poles, Sept. 26, Room 3D Union, 8 p.m. For $115 or best offer. Call 769-0437. FFE further information, call 763-2611 or SENIOR MALE wishes to meet inter- esting, musically inclined female. Ob- ject: guitar lessons. For terms, call Bob F., 761-2235. FA WANT TO APPLY your knowledge? Join PSYCHOLOGISTS FOR ACTION. Friday the 27th-Michigan Union, rm 3B at 12 noon. F43 YES IT'S TRUE THAT BOBBI, the world's second best chocolate chip cookie maker is in residence on this campus. Keep it up. FD BE GROUP-MINDED - Sauna with your friends. AA Gymkhana, 662-9200. F41 KOREAN KARATE (Tae Kwan Do) Ann Arbor Gymkhana, 662-9200. F14 HANG IN THERE SPORTS FANS: See "Talk to Don Canham" ad on sports page. F22 WANTED NOW: Ride to Chicago or Madison. Elaine: 665-6624. ' F12 TV RENTALS $10.00 per month, FREE Service and delivery. Call NEJAC TV Rentals, ,662-5671 today. F39 WANTED-Male Roommate for 2-man apt. 8 mo. lease. Call 663-0120 or 761-7697. P40 1967 FORD ANGLIA. Must be sold. 30 miles per gallon; 6500 miles; $900 or best offer; phone 665-8163. FC H. HESSE, GJELSNESS, BLOCK * * * OVERFLOW Magazine. Coming soon. Fl WHY MESS with erasing carbon cop- ies? Why ruin your papers with smudges? Why not? Because ycu can now Xerox your original at only 8c per copy during business hours, or ice S. Univ. right next to U. 'rowers. only 6c per copy on overnight serv- 769-0560. F18 761-7657. F39 t)ON"T LEND HIM YOUR NOTES; he might lose the whole set. Xerox them instead, and save hours and hours of copytig by hantd, Only 8c per page S. Ctlxv. right next to U. Tow- ers. 769-0560. F17 WAKE-UP SERVICE-Have your phone ring at any designated time day or night-LOW RAKES. UON"T BE LA IE FOR 'JLASS OR WORK - AGAIN. TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE. 665-8671 (24 hours). F BLOOD DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED $7.50 Rh positive. $10 and $12 Rh negative. Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 9-4; Wed., 1-7. 18-21 years old need parent's permission. 483-1894 404 W. Michigan, Ypsilanti Michigan Community Blood Center WANTED TO BUY WANTED: 2 tickets to MSU game. Call 761-0326 or 665-5915. K35 WANTED: Bicycle with two wheels. Needed to transport aged grand- mother to karate lessons. Call 663- 9749. K32 WANTED: 12 x 5 carpet. Good cond. Call 665-4530. -K33 WANTED TO BUY-APA ticket, Sat., Sept. 28, 761-9339 or 761-1355. K34 THREE TICKETS together to Navy game. Will pay $15 for 3 good seats. Call Stan after 2. 769-4616. K31 WANTED: 4 tickets to Mich/Mich. State game. After 5:30, 663-6843. K49 PLANE OR BOAT TICKET WANTED to Europe. Call Ken, 769-1511. KC Call Charter Realty-at 665-8825. j 016 Parking Garage or parking 1t. Reasonable rates. Call Charter Realty. 665-0154. C31 PARKING SPACE across from U Tow- ers. $10 Call 769-4627 after 6. 014 NEAR HOSPITAL Beautiful 2 bdrm., bi-level apt. for 2 to 5 people. Call 665-4154. 014 THE GOOD LIFE For young doctors, nurses, teachers, stewardesses, researchers, profession- al people, and grad students. 0 Bi-level1 0 Dishwasher " 2 baths Air-conditioned 9 Sound-proof 0 Professional resident manager 0 Excellent residential setting4 adjacent tothe main campus. Charter Realty '37 AUSTIN .7, 45,000 mi., runs perfect- SUZUKI '66 250cc X6 Hustler. Extras. ly, beautiful cond. 665-5522. N25 $350. 6-9 p.m. 662-4274. Z33 RAMBLER '62. $295. 763-4749. N26 1963 CHEVY S.S., Good condition, new carpet, 327 cu. in., 4. speed-Hurst. Call Dick, 769-1388 after 6 p.m. 915 S. Division, No. 301. N27 62 VW, new tires, new brakes. Must; sell, $300. Call 769-4380. N22 TR 3 '60; new paint, new tires, top & side curtains. Excellent mechanically, $1000 or offer. 764-8966. NC SUNBEAM ALPINE '66 white c.onvert- ible, Ex. cond., brand new muffler, recent eng. tune-up, new tires. Draft-, 4 ed, must sell. 434-3031 N16 PORSCHE, 1958, new paint undercoat. Good cond. 769-1565.,r Nil 62 MGA 1600 MKII, good cond., $650. 483-4595 after 6 p.m. N6 NGB 1966-Radio, Htr., wire whs, new radials. Black w/red inter. Slight body damage, mechanically excel- lent. Many extras. Call Bob or Debby at 769-5906 after 5. N40 BUICK SPECIAL, 1964, 4-door sedan, V-6 stick, ex. cond. $600. 510 Cather- ine 8-8598 after 5 p.m. N9 '65 MG 1100 Sesan. uMst sell. $500 or best offer. 665-6051. N10 '65 MGB, AM-FM, 2 . top wire wheels. After 5 call 971-4428. N5 MISCELLANEOUS HEALTH FOODS AND DIET FOODS. 523% N. Ashley. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. (except Sun). NO 2-9541. M16 WISH TO EXCHANGE 4 APA tickets from Sat. to Fri. performance, 9-28-68 to 9-27-68. Call 769-5717. M17 ATTRACTIVE 25 yr. old girl with Mas- ter's degree wants to meet young man w. comparable education. Call Karon, between, 6-8 pm. at 662-7701. M18 PARKING BY SEMESTER, near S. Univ. & Forest. Area paved. $10/mo. Phone 662-2557. M12 BARGAIN CORNER -- 1965 YAMAHA 80. 2400 miles. Exc. cond. $150. John Evans, 769-0868. Zi. 67 HONDA 890. 2900 mi. Excel. cond. $250, 763-3290. Z2 450 HONDA, 1967. 4200 mi. Best offer. 429-2128.Z3 1965 HONDA-50 cc plus 2 helmets, good cond. Call 761-3883. Z49 1966' HONDA Super Hawk, exe. cond. $425 w/helmets. Dave-,-665-9741, ext. 368. Evenings call Bart, 1-227-3540. Z38 Cycle Insurance New reduced rates. As low as $18 for liability insurance. Renwick In- surance, 437-2403, South Lyon. Z27 1968 BSA 441 Shooting Star. Perfect cond., 3000 mi. 663-3856. Z6 PHOTO SUPPLIES NIKKORMAT FT with Nikon 50mm. F2' lens-$130. Mamiyaflex, with 80mm lens (C-3)-$120. Call Larry-665-7286. DB TRANSPORTATION NEED RIDE to Chicago Fri., return Sunday. Call Mike, 761-0454. G48 COMMUTING FROM DETROIT? Wish to share driving and/or expenses. 764-3926 days and 544-9080 nights. G46 PETS AND SUPPLIES FOUND near the Union in near be- draggled condition on the 24th of September: one spindle legged bambi eyed chihuahua with spinal problems. For Info, call: 764-7615. TF ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND/OR BOARD avail. Low prices. Call 769-1151. Girls only. E15 LOST AND FOUND LOST-Black zip-up briefcase, labelled "Performance Seminar." Call 662- 3095 after 7 p.m. REWARD. Alj LOST - Diamond lavalere. Reward. Please call 769-4472. A50 PAPERS, ESSAYS, REPORTS, THESES: Perfect copies now only 6c on over- night service. Use correct-a-tape or unlimited erasures on your original and yet be assured of copies that even look better than the original from the new Xerox :6400 duplicator. We supply 20 wgt. copy paper free. Overnight service only 6c per page (stored in office safe for complete safety of documents). Immediate service during business hours only 8c per page. S. Univ. right next to U. Towers. 789-0560. JJ Creative Photography Weddings, candid and formal por- traits or any assignment. Professional quality at student rates. Call John Evans at 769-0868 anytime. Jl MUSIC4LMDSE., RADIOS;, REPAIRS HERB DAVID GUITAR STUDIO Electrical-acoustical instruments, repairs, lessons. 209 S. State, 665- 8001. 10 a.m.-7 p.m. X FOR SALE: Fender Jazz bass in ex. cond. Must sell! $200. 668-9835 aft. 5. Ask for Judy. X33 FARFISA ORGAN Compact deluxe Bo- gan P.A. amp. and mixer, twcf p.a. columns with six 8" spks. each. Phone Coralations, 761-1537. X31 FRAMUS GUITAR w/case. $60. 663- 7894. X32 12 STRING GUITAR - Harmony. New tuning heads & bridge. Unique sound. $135. 761-0657. X30 MAYBELL TENOR BANJO. Best offer. Call Ian, 665-4840. X29 FOR SALE FOR SALE: RCA TV in Ital. Prov. cabi- net. Runs perfectly. $100. 663-5284. B6 MUST SELL: Double bed, electric stove, refrigerator, kitchen table and chairs, dresser, and sofa. Call 449-8832 (Whit- more Lake) after 6 p.m. B4 VARALYAY SNIPE 9899. Fiberglass over-seater, dry sailed, perfect condi- tion. NO 3-5530.B5 DUAL 1019 W. deluxe base and dust cover-$100. Dyna Stereo 70-$100. 2 AR-4X speakers in oiled walnut-$90. All in excel. condition. Call C. Broder- sen, 763-2616 after 5 or on weekends. B32 COUCHES FOR SALE: 2 in good cond., best offer. 483-6434. B STEREO TAPE DECK - Akai X-lp0D, five months old, mint condition. Call 761-0914, B3F Interested? Inquire in 1 person at the Pretzel Bell, 102 E. Liberty. H37 KITCHEN-HELP WANTED: Call CHI PSI, 761-6281. H16 SUBJECTS WANTED: Males who do not wear glasses for reading, to par- ticipate in psychological experiment on perception. $1.50 for one hour. Call 764-0430. H34 HELP WANTED-Male or Female. Addi- tional part-time help needed for days, evenings, or weekends. Apply Mister S Restaurant, 3325 Washtenaw near Arborland. Phone 662-0022. H26 STUDENT WITH INITIATIVE and transportation needed for part-time sales work. Flexible hours. Interesting work. Call 313-498-2618 for interview. H11 EXPERIENCED SALESMEN, full and part-time days for home entertain- ment equipment sales, Stereo con- soles, components, TV, photo equip- ment, etc. at Stereoland, Detroit andi Livonia. Call Mr. Leinback for ap- pointment. BR3-8921. H8 WANTED TO RENT OLDER GRAD STUDENT interested in earning room & board in return for kitchen duties. 662-1927 after 7 p.m. L2 STUDENT desperately needs room! Lo- cation not important. Tom, 662-7040. E ,ALTERATION FREE DINNER to student girl who loves to cook my dinners. Call Mrs. Mole, NO 2-9541 10 a.m.-6 p.m. H44 MALE HELP WANTED: Part time truck loaders from 4:30 p.m. until 9. Re- port to work to Mr. Prinzl. Coca-Cola Bottling Co., 1935 S. Industrial Hwyi H38 Management Trainees NEW DIVISION OF ALCOA. 662-9726 H COLLEGE MEN. Flexible hours. Inter- viewing single working girls. Car ne- cessary. Call 761-8015. H31 MALE OR FEMALEs EVENING HELP WANTED A part-time job where you set your own hours, work in your spare time and need no experience. Excellent working cond., friendly personnel, very well paid. "TRUDEAU?" bumper stickers, 2/$1.00, guaranteed. Franklin Services, Box 157, Greenbelt, Md. 20770 F44 I GRAPE BOYCOTT- Organizational Meeting Ton i te 7:30 UGLI F45 At your newsstand NOW THE , wem 72'Itlaiitic Andre Mairaux Part Two from Anti-Memoirs The War Against The Young Richard Poirier Plus Comments from the Combatants A Special Section It's a real war, says Richard Poirier, our man at the front, and it threatens the destruction of our best natural resource the rebelliousness and hopeful- ness of our young. "Why we're against the big- gees," and other voices from the battlefield. . , and Nicholas von Hoffman describes the puzzlement of the class of '43. Sped ou Wa to Better Pajy Educational Institutions Large Research Establishments, Government Agencies, and Mary Small Businesses are in constant need of: 0 Executive Secretaries * Stenographers 9 Office Machine Operators : Receptionists 0 Clerk-Typists " IBM-Key Punch Operators Hamilton Business College can quickly prepare you for these high-paying positions. Exclusive Speedwrit- ing shorthand will allow you to master the shorthand skill in just a few weeks. Call today at 769-4507. Evening Classes Begin Oct. 7th/ ENROLL NOW' HAMILTON BUSINESS COLLEGE STATE and WILLIAM - ANN ARBOR 1335 S. University Resident Manager 665-8825 665-0432 C29 MED. AND LAW STUDENT need room- mate for 2-bedroom 3-man apt. 761- 6872. C4 FALL APTS. ON-CAMPUS LOCATIONS FOR 3-5 PEOPLE 1 & 2 BDRM. APTS. PRICED FROM $200 CALL Surmi t Open Mon.-Sat. - 9:30-5:00 761-8055 NEED SEWING or alterations expensively? Save this and 9809. done in- call 665- P1 U / 51 "loopyr~ ;OR.Y } C42 Sam's Store LEVI'S Galore For Gals and Guys! LEVI DENIMS Button Fly. $ 5.29 (Gvaranteed to Shrink) Super Slims. $5.50 Pre-Shrunk Dungares.$5.79 Now Levi Denims for Gals..... .. $6.00 LEVI'S STA PREST: "White" Levi's (5 Colors) Nuvo Hopsack "Stitches"..... S-T-R-E-T-C-H "White sLevi's (5 Colors) $6.98 $8.00 $6.98 $6.98 $4.98 OFFICE HOURS CircuCUtion-764-0558 Office Hours-i-4 Complaints-9-11 :30 II t Y lip OVA f t I opx a- Ar 1 ..,. PRES PEN r I 160% LAMBS WOOL SWEATERS-V or Crew Neck-$4:95 r ©n/ CW i r4 11( 1 C rowrn. otceis -your Imaaautrs r~ I I 11.1 - I