Thursday, September 26, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three Thursday, September 26, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three CANDIDATES TOUR: House committee approves three-way televised debates Fortas' critics WASHINGTON (MP)-The House Commerce Committee, on the third time around, stamped an okay yesterday on a bill that could make possible televised de- bates among Richard M. Nixon, Hubert H. Humphrey and George C. Wallace. $ But even as it passed this hurdle there is skepticism in some quar- ters about its chances of survival in the waning days of the con- gressional session before the Nov. 5 election. The equal time requirements of federal communications law were ,, suspended back in 1960, clearing the way for the debates between John F. Kennedy and Nixon. A similar bill opening the way for the Democratic and Republi- can nominees cleared the Senate this year, leaving a decision on what to do about Wallace up to the networks. This version made it past the House committee but a vote to reconsider last week brought the bill back and opened the door to approval of an amendment de- signed to give Wallace an equal chance to appear. on the same %ro- gram with Nixon and Humphrey. A Republican-backed parlia- mentary move blocked final action at that time but the modified bill was approved yesterday. Rep. William L. Springer of l- linois, ranking Republican mem- ber of the committee who offered that motion, for the past several days has avoided reporters who wanted to question him about re- ports he was acting in behalf of Nixon. Nixon has said he would take part in a debate with Humphrey campaign but not in a three-way affair with Wallace. Humphrey has indicated he would go along with a three- man appearance. Chairman Harley 0. Staggers, (D-W. Va.), calling the bill's ulti- mate chances "the $64 question,". said he will seek clearance of the measure from the House Rules Committee. That group has closed up shop for the year except for emergency problems. In the spirit of debate Humphrey urged yesterday that his two pres- identical opponents, Richard' M. Nixon and George Wallace, join him in a cross-country debating tour in the tradition of the Lin- coln-Douglas debates. Humphrey urged that the can- didates be heard together on the same platform in the same towns at the same time so that on Nov. 5 "we wouldn't be voting on. who has the most razzle-dazzle, the most money . . . the most slogans." Humphrey made the dramatic proposal in informal remarks to 200 students who met him at Pep- perdine College. Earlier in a speech of older citizens, Hum- phrey promised that if elected he would work for a 50'per cent increase in social security bene- fits. Humphrey, standing in the sun-I light outside the college cafeteria, said "I haven't had a television advertisement since Aug. 20 be- cause we haven't had the money .. so help me God." Humphrey has been hammering at his demand for Nixon to join him in a debate like the Nixon- John F. Kennedy debates in 1960. Humphrey strategists, acknowl- edging they are lagging as of now,, hope a debate with Nixon-and Wallace-would put their candi- date ahead. Nixon, the front runner cam-E paigned afloat yesterday, urging a buildup in U.S. sea power, and then declared there will be no reduction in American combat strength in Vietnam. Nonetheless, the Republican presidential nominee said tech- nical progress in the war zone may make possible some American troop withdrawals which would not affect combat capabilities. Nixon skimmed across the waters of Puget Sound in a white hydrofoil as a fireworks salute from a Seattle police boat sounded across the sunny harbor. The hydrofoil circled Elliott Bay while a fireboat sprayed plumes of water and Nixon stood waving in the bow. i Then the candiate donned an orange hard hat and'went on a tour of the Lockheed Shipbuilding and Construction Co. Nixon said that without a change in government policies, the United States will become a "sec- ond rate seapower." He said that hit lecture fee Accepted $15,000 i salary; Mansfield asks Senate vote WASHINGTON i' - Abe Fortas's critics zeroed in on a $15,000 lecture fee yesterday as the Senate plunged into full- scale debate on his nomination to be chief justice of the United States. Sen. Robert P. Griffin, (R-Mich.,) a leader in the fight against confirmation of Fortas, did not contend there was anything illegal about the payment but he said it was "clearly; wrong in principle." Other senators questioned the propriety of the $15,000 paid to Fortas for conducting a seminar at the American University law school here last summer. -Associatea ress SENATOR ROBERT GRIFFIN?, leaves his office for the Senate. He is leader of the opposition t4 the nomination of Associate Supreme Court Justice Abe Fortas to become Chief Justice. FEARS SOVIET DIVISIONS: Kiesger asks T r opposes one-sided troop cuts o i a SWorld news roundup By The Associated Press DETROIT - Ford Motor C o . yesterday followed the lead of General Motors in,, announcing automobile price increases on new models below the 2.7 per cent boost posted by Chrysler Corp. and criticized by President John- son. Ford said the average increase in the list price of its 1969 models was $47 or 1.6 per cent. GM an- nounced Monday an average list price increase of 1.6 per cent or $49 a car., NEW YORI - Major banks across the nation yesterday pared their prime interest rates to com- Phone 434-0130t 4 Doris Da Bian Kit Get aEggoll"R0D Color by Deluxe. Filmed in Panavision. PLUS ... IrS NOT WHio YOU CON_ 1T s HOW YOU 00 IT! PRUL REMR in 7hesecerd TECHNICOLORE A UNIVERSAL PICTURE mercial borrowers from 61/2 to 6%/ per cent. Banks in New York, Chicago, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and At- lanta announced the quarter of a per cent reduction. BERLIN - The men of the cap- tured ship Pueblo are shown trem- bling as they come ashore, their hands raised in surrender, on a dark January night in N o r t h Korea. The scene is from a film pre- pared by Communist North Korea about the Pueblo and her crew. It details the alleged aggression of the ship. North Korea has demanded the United States apologize for the Pueblo's alleged violation of North Korean waters last Jan. 23 when she was captured. The 82-man crew will be be released without such an apology. BONN, Germany (p)- Chan-+ cellor Kurt George Kiesinger de- clared yesterday the North Atlan- tic Treaty Organization must re- view its troop strength in Europe and abandon the idea of any one- sided cuts if Soviet forces persist in their occupation of Czechoslo- vakia. The occupation by some 20 So- viet divisions, "a large p a r t of them close to our frontier," has put NATO at a disadvantage mil- itarily, Kiesinger said in a policy address on the reopening of West Germany's parliament after its summer recess. "These Soviet troops are in a high degree of readiness which en- ables them to act with extraor- dinary speed," he added. Consequences of the invasion will be discussed by NATO min- isters in a series of meetings over the next two months. Defense Ministry sources in Lon- don said Britain is urging its al- lies to call off planned cuts in their forces in Europe. Belgium,! Canada and even West Germany have been considering reductions in the lineup, f r o m which the United States has pulled 35,000 Americans this year. British offi- - DIAL 5-6290 Starting Tonights "A REALLY as president he trend. would reverse thatI y __ -___. _.. Itr= TONIGHT at An Informal Night of Singing with Pamela Miles, Dave Johns and others 1421 Hill St. FRIDAY and SATURDAY 8:30 P.M. CHRISTOPHER and SARA f returning by popular demand for their last Ann Arbor per- formance befoe touring the Easf Coast - singing contemporary, traditional, and original folk music accompanied by guitar. cials want European members .to e Delivering a speech approved ina rely more on themselves.t advance by his Cabinet and majort Not all intelligence men share party leaders, the chancellor saidt Kiesinger's view that the occupa- Moscow's propaganda campaign tion has put NATO in a jam. Brit- against Bonn was to attempt toi ish experts said they expect the set up an alibi for the invasion ofI Soviet Union to leave as many as Czechoslovakia.s six divisions in Czechoslovakia Nnh along the West German border, NATO was notaudthe - but that this is offset by question- pared, he said, and the Soviet able loyalty of the Czechoslovak. troop movements were positively army. In the British view, the bal- recognized as having the limited ance of power between NATO and mission of occupying Czechoslo-S the Warawr Patwnions tu andl vakia." But the events "compel us the Warsaw Pact nations thus will to exercise increased vigilance," remain unchanged. he added. Some British officials were said h to feel that NATO should ,warn the Soviet Union against any mili- U1 tary move against other European ortu Oaip nations - s u c h as Yugoslavia,r Austria and Finland - and re- tl main strong enough to make the a warning believable. The Kremlin has long ranked LISBON 0P) - President Amer- West Germany as a major menace ico Thomas designated Marcello to the Communist East. In a re- Caetano yesterday to head t h e cent declaration that the Western government of Portugal in place powers rejected, the Russians of the critically ill Antonio Sala- claimed they had the right to use zar, reliable sources reported. force to combat what they called Caetano is a 62-year-old law pro- Neo-Nazism and militarist-revan- fessor. chism among the West Germans. The formal announcement of his They have denounced German choice, rumored almost from the efforts to improve relations with beginning of Salazar's illness, is Eastern European counti'ies as a expected soon.- plot to disrupt Socialist unity. Kiesinger accused the Soviet The designation brought to an Union of trying to drive a wedge end the 40-year reign of Salazar,1 between the United States a n d who lay in a coma brought on by I Europe. a brain hemorrhage. "It is trying to cause confusion Thus, for the first time in nine7 within t h e Western alliance, to days, the Portuguese would have separate the United States from under Caetano a functioning gov-1 its European allies and, not least, ernment. Salazar, 79, suffered a# to isolate the Federal Republic of massive stroke Sept. 16 and lapsed1 Germany," he said. into unconsciousness. sT presents DAVID REA Song-Writer, Guitarist for Ion & Sylvia FRI. FREE FOOD AND DRINK SUN. $1.50 AT THE DOOR ($1.00 after second set) Democratic Leader Mike Mans- field of Montana, who backed President Johnson's June 26 nom- ination of Associate Justice Fortas to succeed Earl Warren as Chief justice, termed Fortas's accept- ance of the fee unfortunate. It was unfortunate, Mansfield said, because "it breaches the ex- traordinary insulation which must exist between the Supreme Court and other branches of the gov- ernment and private business." Senate leaders pushed aside all other business including the $71.9- billion defense appropriation bill and the nuclear nonproliferation treaty to meet the simmering For- tas appointment head on. "Rather than keep the Senate in a state of suspense on the Fortas nomination," Mansfield said, "I decided it was better to face up to it now." Opponents immediately an- nounced they will seek to hold the Senate floor indefinitely against Mansfield's motion to call up the nomination for formal approval. CLOTURE An Associated Press survey showed the opposition has enough votes to keep a filibuster going. Mansfield indicated he might move to invoke the debate-limit- ing cloture rule early next week if he deems this necessary, bht this would require a two-thirds ma- jority of senators voting. If all 100 senators were present, 34 no votes would be enough to defeat a cloture petition, and the AP count showed at least 36 senators would vote against clo- ture. This was brought home to t h e Senate by Sen. James O. Eastland, D-Miss. chairman of the Judici- ary Committee, who said there are "a surplus of votes" to pre- vent debate from being cut off. He declared Fortas's nomination is "doomed to defeat." The Judiciary Committee voted 11 to 6 in favor of confirming the appointment, but Eastland con- tended in a statement that For- tas's decisions as an associate jus- tice "clearly demonstrate that his judicial philosophy disqualifies him for this high office." Sen. Ernest F. Hollings, D-S.C. also based his opposition on what he termed the philosophy of the Warren + court, Saying "the ap- proval or disapproval of this -phil- osophy is the issue." NATIONAL GENERAL CORPORATION FOX EAS'T RN THEATRES-n~ SFOX VILLAGE 375 No. MAPLE RD.-!76941300 NOW SHOWING MON.-FRI.-7 :10-9:15 SAT.-SUN. 1:15-3:15-5:15-7:10-9:15 JULIE GEOPGE C. G-IPISTEI 5(011 ...the uncommon movie. Statutes reafir 1, refors PRAGUE (1)--With more than half a million Soviet-led troops still occupying Czechoslovakia, the nation's reform-minded Com- munist party reaffirmed yesterday it will press on with reforms de- signed to make the party function more democratically. The reform is contained in the party's proposed statutes \ which have been criticized in the Soviet Union as being counterrevolution- ary. They were first published 10 days before the military invasion designed to halt the democratiza- tion process. The new statutes would provide such reforms as secret balloting and publication of minority opin- ions. Both are in opposition to Moscow-style orthodox commu- nism. The reassertion came against a background of delays in a' trip to Moscow by the Czechoslovak leadership to discuss further So- viet demands aimed at curbing liberal reforms and a withdrawal of some of the Soviet, East Ger- man, Polish, Hungarian and Bul- garian troops. There were rumors -that Soviet and Czechoslovak leaders had sharp differences over the com- position of the Czechoslovak dele- gation and over the agenda. The reassertion to proceed with the party reform came in a Rude Pravo interview with R. Filus, chief of the Central Committee's organizational and political sec- tion. Rude Pravo is the official organ of the Czechoslovak party. Filus said, "I think that the published draft corresponds to basic Marx- ist-Lenininst principles . . ." Filus rejected a return to "ad- ministrative methods which con- siderably discredited' the party's role in the eyes of the public be- fore January 1968," when Hard- liner Antonin Novotny was ousted as party chief.I Rude Pravo also announced the rehajailitation of one of its former editors, Olga KreJcova, Who was punished and expelled from the party in the 1950s for supporting Yugoslavia in its quarrel with the Soviet block. !'In Russia artists were. warned yesterday not to seek the liberli- zation which developed in Czech- oslovakia before the Soviet-led in- vasion.N Viktor Konovalov, a board sec- retary of the Russian Federation Artists' Union, told an organiza- tion meeting that artists here must not deviate from the official Soviet style of "Socialist realism," which glorified communism. I BEAUTIFUL MOVIE" N.Y. Times Luis Brunet's "BELLE de JOUR" WINNER BEST PICTURE-VENICE FILM FESTIVAL i t r 6[ U A * "HIGHEST RATING! AN ARTISTIC ACHIEVEMENT !" r E t -"°- I 1 i I i I I C ..j e ctiav *in Yftodern Coaling S020 WASI4TENAW Phone 434".1782 (TOO BIG FOR ONE THEATRE) OPENING FRIDAY AT BOTH THEATRES -N.Y. Daily News I who was she? sometimes she was a child skipping rope. sometimes she was a woman with a passionate hunger.. and one day the child and the woman came together... in the PAUL NEWMAN production of rachel.rachel 1, : ' 5 " . . tit . .' l l aa {E: ; c f rUr - - -P: ! IR:WAli A ll