See editorial page
D43a it
Windy and cooler, accompanied
by many falling leaves
Vol. LXXX, No. 24 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, September 26, 1968 Ten Cents
Eight Pages
Riots quelled in Mexico;
under control'
MEXICO CITY (AP) - Rebellious ry'
students burned buses in several
sections of Mexico City late yes- I
terday while other forms of vio-I
lence abated after $wo days of gun
battles that claime'd at least 15 {
The trouble, which is by far the
most serious crisis President Gus-*}
tavo Diaz Ordaz has faced in his
four years in office, has centered
around the University of Mexico j
Police reported Mexico City Was
"under control."
The newspapers reported almost'
500 persons were in jail, at least $ Y
15 were killed, and an undetermin-4
ed number were injured in the gunk
battles that raged around the
campus Monday night and Tues-
A b i g issue is university au-f
tonomy, Students claim this was
violated when Diaz Ordaz ordered
police and army troops to occupy,
the University of Mexico campus
last week. Bostons treet v
The students want the riot po-
lice disbanded and dismissal of
some police officials, among other
dhe police yesterday interviewed
a 28-year-old man who said he
was kidnaped by night riders0
and threatened with death if he ht o
took part 'in the student demon-
The newspaper El Universal
Grafico identified the man as By The Associated Press
Carlos Vasconcelos Elizalde. Racial violence flared yesterday
It said he identified his kidnap- in Boston and Kalamazoo. Bos-
ers as members of a right-wing ton, scene of disputes over the
student group called MURO. wearing of African style clothing;
President Gustavo Diaz Ordaz in school on Tuesday, experienc-
has repeatedly accused profession- ed vandalism and looting. Fights
al agitators and Communists of between blacks and whites at
,leading the demonstrators. The Kalamazoo Central High School:
students have admitted that out-, forced school officials to c 1 o s
siders took part in the demon- the school at noon.
strations, but they said efforts
were being made to discourage In Boston violence and disorder
such "help." moved from public schools to the
Newspapers published photo- streets of Boston yesterday as
graphs of Czechoslovak - manu- police and Negroes clashed after
factured machine guns that police incidents of vandalism and loot-
said were confiscated after a ing.
night-long battle on the campus Twelve persons were treated at
of the National Polytechnic In- City Hospital with injuries suffer-
Jomney finds
Fleming sees 'no possibility'
of supplemental funds for'U
Gov. George Romney announced yesterday the state
began the current fiscal year with a $55.9 million surplus in
the state treasury, far above the $24 million previously pre-
The news of the surplus opened up the chance for sup-
plemental appropriations to the University to help stretch
the tight budget it is, currently forced to operate with.
However, University President Robben W. Fleming said
yesterday he sees little hope of getting more funds from
"Unfortunately, it doesn't help much," he said, "because
it now appears there will be $30-$40 million in supplemental
appropriations for other state ~
agencies and programs this
"I don't think there is any pos-
nII~il 1 f aA i4U I UItI 4ia- t
Associated Press
iolenee eriip ts after black power rally
sibility of additional appropria-
tions to the University this year,"
he said.
Fleming explained that the
state's Medicaid program and it1s
employe !pension plan were ex-
amples, of open-ended programs
which would be needing more
funds by spring if current trends
continue. Thus,, the majority of!
'th sur-plus funds are' already i
.ton. Kalamazo
--Associated Press
Youths burn street car in Mexico City
d oo stud 'e nts
P laPt policy revew
Students for Education Innovation (SEI) will continue to
press for changes in the School of Education this year.
More than 150 education students met last night to
work on .SEI programs, including a planned evaluation o
their entire school.
The evaluation calls for the distribution of 'some 5,000
'r questionnaires to students and faculty who will be asked to
evalmate counseling, grading, student role in decision-making
The racial trouble at Kal-
amazoo followed a demand by
the Black Action Movement3
that the football c o a c h at
Central High School be fired and
replaced by a black coach.
The demand came in a letter
signed by Charles Sutton, chair-
man of the group, who charged
that . Coach Paul Baldwin was.
"controlling athletic participa-
tion" through the practice of is-
suing invitations to students to
come out for football.
Several hundred Negroes in
Boston attended the Franklin
Park rally and heard militants
stress black nationalism and self- In addition to existing commit-
determination. ments which will eat into the sur-
A half-hour battle between pe- plus, the state has proposed a
lice and Negroes in the Roxbury bond issue for voter approval in
section followed the rally. Bricks, November. If passed, the debt
rocks and beer cans were thrown service on the bonds would take
at police, who used nightsticks to yet another chunk of the surplus.
break through a crowd at one in- 'NO SURPRISE
tersection. "The governor has been bank-
Negroes looted one supermarket ing on this surplus all along," said
and were prevented by police from Fleming. He asserted that what
entering another. Two liquor funds from the surplus, if any,
stores and a cleaning shop were the governor decided to earmark
robbed. Police dispersed about 80 for the state's .higher education
Negro yt uths who had been pre- program would most likely be
vented from entering a discount added to the money available for
department store by employes higher education next year.
who closed the store. The governor has already in-
formed state colleges and univer-
The student unrest began July
p 26 when they accused police of
brutality in stopping a fight be-
tween two rival high schools. Since*
0 then the riots have snowballed,
f and government officials have;
variously blamed the trouble on
hooliganism, Communist influ-
ence, and the students' determina-
o tion to gain certain concessions
, from the government.
education courses and student
teaching procedures.
The educ ton school faculty is
helping to sponsor the question-
naire, according to Nancy Freitag,
* chairman of the SEI questionnaire
committee. Miss Freitag said the
faculty had already donated $200
for supplies and plans to continue
its support. ,
SEf was formed eight months
ago by a smal group of dissatis-
fied education students. The group
4 has since won voting membership
for two students on the commit-
tee which will select candidates
for the school's new dean.
$EI also will select student
members for the school's other
faculty committees including the
Executive Committee, which is the
j major policy-making unit.
In addition, SEI has initiated
an ad hoc student-faculty com-
mittee to consider revision of stu-
dent teaching evaluations and ed-
ucational methods courses.
Other SEI projects include eval-
uation of counseling procedures in
x the school and establishment of a
complaint channel between stu-
dents and faculty.
UAC clarifies
queen contest
In the wake of black student
{ objections °over the 1968, Home-
coming qieen contest, the Univer-
sity Activities Center issued a
statement late last night to clar-
ify the situation.
The system for judging the
Homecoming queen, UAC said, will
consist of three equally weighted
eliminatcion rounds.
Mary Jean Dombrowski, special
events co-chairman, Jim Fisher,
general co-chairman of Homecom-
ing and Dan McCreath, president
of UAC, said the policy is not sub-
stantially changed from the orig-
inial plan, and $that the trouble
arose over a misunderstanding.
Each elimination will be of
equal consideration in picking the
Hoimecoming queen. The contest is
SGC to, vote tonight
on incorporation plan
' r
ed in the disturbances which were :ities that there will be little extra
centered in the black areas of money for them in the coming
Dorchester and Roxbury. i-ippitfiscal year. Except for a salary
Meanwhile in Kalamazoo, raise of seven per cent for aca-
Michigan, several fights between demic staff, and a five per cent
white and Negro students broke increase for non-academic staff,
out during the noon lunch hour 1on1g-° iaired st id e its a set of state spending guidelines
yesterday at Kalamazoo Central for the next fiscal year has stated
High School and officials closed there will be no funds above cur-
the school and canceled classes By DANIEL ZWERDLING ior who was suspended, says Bar- rent levels of expenditures.
for the remainder of the day. Ann Arbor High School has clay first warned the students' Those guidelines, given to the
Dorothy Rothrock, public rela- suspended three male students parents in writing that their sons University before the announce-
tions director, said "tension is this week and may suspend a faced suspension unless they trim- ment of the budget surplus, mean
high" and buses were ordered to fourth because their hair styles do:; med their hair. the University will receive no new
the school to pick up the students not conform to standards estab- After school on Monday, while funds for extra staff members, and
and take them home. lished by the school's administra- attending a meeting of the debate no new funds for new programs
,Newsmen at the scene reported tion. team, Donabedian was told by and projects.
seeing a number of fights break Three boys, already forbidden to Barclay and the school policeman
out and chairs thrown from attend classes, have hair which he could no longer attend school. PIERPONT PREDICTION
school windows. Police closed off extends below the collar line. The He hasn't returned to classes yet. "Romney is likely to take the
the area immediately in front of fourth, who must comply with Nick Kazarinoff, son of Univer- position of saving what he can of
the school to all traffic. school regulations or leave school sity Prof. Nicholas Kazarinoff of the surplus and adding it on to
The violence in Boston broke Oct. 1, sports sideburns which the math department, has long the appropriations for colles
out as Negro adults and youths grow below his mouthline. sideburns and faces suspension u t ea P sidn
returned, from a black power rally The suspensions prompted a Oct. 1. "I will not cut my side- Wilbur K. Pierpon Vice Prsien
at Franklin Park in Dorchester. spontaneous walkout yesterday burns," he said. and Chief Financial Officer for
The rally was an outgrowth of morning by about 20 students. Kazarinoff had hair over his the University.
Negro demonstrations earlier in Leaflets distributed to students collar last year, but cut it to play Pierpont's prediction is backed
the week for permission to wear yesterday afternoon call for a mass on the school baseball team. This up by most persons familiar with
African costumes to school. walkout today at 11:40 a.m. year, his hair is above the collar. the current political realities of
Some 200 helmeted policemen, School regulations forbid boys' The two other students are the state's economic position. A
cleared several hundred persons hair to grow below the collar, and Randy Teachout. and Tom Rizer. move by Romney to transfer this
- mostly young Negroes - from any facial hair below a line drawn Rizer was recently readmitted with year's surplus to next year's
the Massachusetts Bay Transpor- through the center of the mouth. much difficulty to school after a treasury would aid him in avoid-
tation Authority's Dudley Street Charles J. Barclay, principal of year's absence. ing an increase of the state's in-
station after an officer was hit the senior class, who made the The Ann Arbor Board of Edu- come tax.
on the head with a liquor bottle. suspensions, r e f u s e d comment. cation maintains no standard However, the tax on income was
Rocks and bottles were thrown "Why don't you keep your nose; policy on student dress and hair, initiated in Michigan less than a
after /the station was cleared, and out of this,'' he told a Daily re- according to Asst. to the Superin- year ago-on Oct. 1, 1967. A hike
five police officers were treated porter. "Publicity will only con- tendent Richard Creal, but sanc- in the rate so soon would most
at a hospital for cuts and bruises fuse the issue." tions guidelines established by the likely run into substantial oppo,-
suffered in the melee. But Bairj Donabedian, one sen- individual school administrations. sition.
GraduatetAssembly last night
called for the creation of a stu-
dent judiciary board and the for-
mulation of new interim rules.
The resolution will now go for'
approval to the executive board of
the graduate school.
The action resulted from wide-
spread student dissatisfaction over
the present interim rules which
were set up following a mail vote
of the executive board in Ji.ly.
The' rules presently in effect were
modified later following protests
from executive officers of GA.
The interim rule's, drawn up
last summer by Dean Stephen
Spurr, were to have been in effect
until new bylaws--presently being
drafted by an Ad Hoc Committee
-are made law by the Regents.
"The original interim rules
must have been taken from the
Michigan penal code, GA presi-
dent Stu Katz said. Several GA
memberstbelieve the Regents' re-
quested that harsh rules be im-
posed on the graduate students.
Under the interim rules, the
dean conducts a preliminary in-
vestigation into alleged student
misconduct. He then either dis-
misses the charges or refers them
to the board of inquiry.
This board, consisting of two
graduate students and three fac-
ulty members, then thoroughly
investigates the charges and sub-
mits Its findings and recommen-
dations to the executive board,
which takes appropriate' action.
However, a board of inquiry
was never really named, so had
disruptive activities occurred /the
whole system would have proven
The boaid of inquiry, which has
no judicial authority, will be re-
placed by the student board if the
GA plans are approved. The num-
ber of students on the new boaid
will be decided at a future GA
Passage of the motion followed
nearly an hour of heated debate.
Barry Bowman, a former judge
on all-student' judiciary at the
University of. Wisconsin, said, "A
student judged by otier students
is fairly judged, not ruled by an
A minority contended that
graduate students sitting in judg-
ment of other graduate students
would be unjustly lenient.
After two years of discussion,
Student Government, Inc. may
come into existence.
The proposal, first introduced
{by Bruce Kahn during his cam-
paign for the SGCdpresidency in
1967, will be voted on tonight.
Chances for approval "look very
good," according to Mike Koeneke.
SGC president.Ge
In other action, SGC will be
presented with a budget proposal
for the 1969-70 fiscal year. The
proposal calls forsa $40,000 al-
location instead of the present
$17,000 Council budget. CouncilF
is expected to pass the budget ons
}to theRegents for final approval.
Under terms of incorporation,
SGC would be organized as a
legally autonomous non-profit
corporation with the ability to
enter into legal contracts under
its o'vn name.
The corporation would be fi-I
Snanced largely through an assess-
ment of its members-the stu-
dents. SOC presentl, is financed
soley by a direct allocation from
the University's generaltfund. t
"Incorporation puts the fate of
SGC into the hands of the stu-
dents," Koeneke said. "It makes
us directly responsible to the Stu-
Furthermore, Michael Davis,'
member-at-large, points out, "The
main issue is whether studentsI
should control their own govern-
University Hospital spokes-
men said yesterday that heart
ment. Incorporation definitely
separates the structure of the Uni-
versity from SGC."
If the motion is passed, the
proposed assessment will appear,
on the November ballot.
SGC previously sought Regental
approval for the incorporation
proposal. However, the Regents
turned down the request at their
May meeting.
"We've exhausted all inside
channels so that we are now forc-
ed to work outside the University
structure," Davis added.
Also to be discussed, is a pro-
posal by E. 0. Knowles to finance
SGC by voluntary contributions
from the student body.
Welfare director predicts
ADO campaign
County Social Service Director Alfred
Brose said yesterday he expects a new wave
of welfare protests, but the mothers in-
volved in the demonstrations three weeks
ago say no such campaign is in the offing.
Brose said he expects a "spend-the-rent
campaign" in which the welfare recipients
would spend their monthly rent allowance
for food and then demand supplemental
funds to pay the rent,
Several of the welfare recipients said
yesterday they are fearful Brose's state-
ient may cause just what he seeks to
avoid-a stampede of mothers spending
their monthly rent allowances and turn-
ing to the social services office for supple-
mental funds.
"I want the public to know right now
there is no campaign," Miss Fuller told
The Daily last night.
Though Miss Fuller can request the ad-
ditional funds to be supplied through the
county's Direct Relief Program the funds
would not be subsidized by the state and
there is no legal basis forADC recipients
to demand the funds be allocated.
The program is not sufficiently funded
to allow for the mass allocation of supple-
mental monies.
Only if State Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley
ruled a state of emergency existed in the
payment of ADC utility bills would sup-
plemental funds become available for mass
But such a ruling is unlikely now, when
The mothers will refuse to pay their
utility bills, claiming they used the
monthly allotment for food and clothing
-"because the food and clothing monthly
allotment is insufficient." When the util-
ity companies threaten to cut service, the
social services board would have to decide
whether to ask the attorney general to
rule the situation an "emergency."
By that point, it is not improbable such
a ruling would be given by Kelley.
But Brose has tried to foresee this, and
anticipating a "spend-the-rent campaign"
yesterday, he railroaded the social services
board into deciding that all requests for
supplemental funds must now be made
before the board's weekly meetings.
However, the action may bapkfire. Under