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September 25, 1968 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-09-25

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Page Ten


Wednesday, September 25, 1968

Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, September 25, 1968

ICC approves NC committee
PP ,

Columbia radicals reevaluate
futurepolitics, protest tactics



The Inter-Cooperative Councilt
last night approved the formation
of a steering committee to coor-
dinate all activities relating to the
ICC's North Campus project.
The new co-op is expected to
be ready for lodging in time for
the fall term of 1969. ICC is the
first student group not associated
with a university to receive federal
aid to construct such a building.
The cooperative, to be located
behind Vera Baits housing, will
U reaches
contract with'
second union
The Washtenaw County Build-
ing Trades Council (WCBTC)
reached a contract agreement on
Monday night with the University
after eight months of contract
Details of the agreement which
covers 275 maintenance trades
employes, have not been an-
nounced pending results of a rati-
fication vote the union hopes to
complete this week.
Jack Wheatley, chairman - of
the union negotiating committee,
said he and committee members
representing University emnployes
of the WCBTC would "take posi-
tive action in recommending rati-
fication of the agreement."
e University's chief nego-
tiator, James Thiry, compliment-
ed the union on its effective re-
presentation of the 10 local unions
allied in the trades council. Thiry
said 22 classifications of em-
ployes are involved.
Local 547 of the International
Union of. Operating Engineers rat-
ified its contract with the Univer-
sity September 12. The union had
been negotiating with the Univer-
sity since December, 1967.
The University is negotiating
another contract with Local 1583
of the American Federation of
State, County, and Municipal Em-
ployes (AFSCME). The union
seemed to be on the verge of a
strike two weeks ago, but talks
have been resumed and are sched-
uled for the remainder of the
Talks are still progressing slow-
ly. The negotiators are currently
going over the University's last of-
fer on non-economic issues. The
disagreements seem to be largely
in the area of wording and are ap-
parently not substantive.
The union, which represents
over 2600 service and maintenance
employes, will not take its eco-
nomic offer until the non-eco-
nomic negotiations have been

lodge 210 students, 138 men and
72 women. The architectural firm
of Tampold and Wells is respon-
sible for the project's overall de-
sign. At present, it is expected
that bidding can begin around
early November.
The North Campus project, in
the mulling over stages for 12
years, was given preliminary ap-
proval by the Department of
Housing and Urban Development
(HUD) on July 1 and was form-
ally approved last week by the Re-
It is tentatively agreed that the
ICC will receive a $1,242,000 long-
term loan from HUD.
The loan will be paid at an in-
terest rate of 3 per cent over 50
years. ICC will issue corporate
bonds at the 3 per cent rate and
HUD will purchase them, but not
until the co-op is almost complet-
There are 18 twelve-man hous-
es within the co-op, each a little
bit different in design. To avoid
the "bureaucratic and impersonal
nature of a president-vice presi-

dent system" and for efficiency
purposes it wa's tentatively decided
the duties of each house would
be handled by two committees of
six. In co-ops, the students them-
selves run the house. They cook
the meals, clean the floors and in
general maintain working order.
The North Campus co-operative
will have three floors. The first
will contain the four dining halls,
a central fireplace, music practice
and listening rooms, workshops for
woodwork, as well as a laundry
room and a photography dark
Each of the houses, located on
the second and third floors, h a s
its own commons room and kit-
In order to obtain varying skills
and interests, the North Campus
steering committee will include
non-members as well as members
of the ICC. Specifically the com-
mittee is responsible for architec-
tural drawings and accommoda-
tions, will advise the board of
directors on contracts and bidding
and will handle all publicity and
fund raising for the project.

NEW YORK (CPS) - After a but on the more widespread one
sharp re-evaluation of their de- of the university's involvement
mands and goals, Columbia Uni- with corporate interests and its
versity radicals have decided that control over much of the city
their protest must be against the surrounding its campus.
fundamental wrongs they see at Their specific target is Colum-1
the university and the implica- bia's urban renewal projects, the!
tions for the larger surrounding latest of which may make $180
society. million for the firm of two Co-
In strategy sessions Thursday lumbia trustees.
following a Wednesday shutdown The "Piers Project," as the re-
of registration and illegal use of a newal scheme is called, is a plan
building, the students agreed that to tear down a 40-block area
their emphasis on amnesty for 30 north of the Columbia campus,
suspended students as a primary now occupied by apartment build-
demand had drawn attention from ings whose tenants include more
"the real issues" during this fall's than 10,000 students, old people
opening of the university. They and Puerto Ricans, and to con-
said the pressure they felt to struct in their place a complex of
"prove to the mass media that the light manufacturing, research
Columbia revolution wasn't dead, buildings for government projects,
that summer couldn't kill it" had recreation facilities, and middle-
made them move too hastily with- income housing for 3000 persons.
out analyzing their actions. The project is sponsored by the
Official's tactics so far this Morningside Renewal Council, a
week have been to leave the pro- coalition of city institutions (a
testers pretty much alone. When 'majority of them connected with
registration was blocked, they Columbia) interested in "upgrad-
simply closed up shop. Later they ing the environment of their
"punished" the demonstrators by neighborhood."
revoking the campus privileges of The MRC is generally acknow-
Students for a Democratic So- ledged to be controlled by Colum-
ciety (SDS), but later when the bia; it recently awarded the Piers
students broke into the So c i a 1 Project contract, valued at be-
Sciences Building to hold a meet- tween $160 and $180 million, to
ing there anyway, nothing w a s Uris Buildings Corporation. Two
done to stop them. University trustees, Percy Uris
Now, however, the students say and Adrian Massie, control that
they will concentrate not on the corporation.
narrow issue of student amnesty, The university seems at this
- -3

point to be caught in a web of
involvement from which the best
of intentions are powerless to ex-
tricate it. Andrew Cordier may
want to drop trespass chargest
against 400 students, but City At-
torney Frank Hogan (also a
Columbia trustee) will not drop
Columbia trustee) will not drop
The university may want to
drop its role as slumlord of Morn-
ingside Heights. but as 1 o n g as
the members of its board of trus-
tees stand to benefit from that
role, as long as almost every major
financial interest in New York is
represented on the board, it mayt
be impossible.
Rescuing Columbia from its en-
tanglements in ghetto real estate
and with business and government
will require replacement of many
of the men who now rule Colum-
bia, and a change in philosophy
on the entire Board.
Such a change is what the stu-
dents say they want to fight for.
To accomplish it, they will try to
appeal to members of the com-
munity around Columbia.
afraid to fight).
They also plan to work to at-
tract broader-based student sup-
port within the university, by
holding dorm seminars and other
meetings to talk about what the
university is, what it does, and its
relationship with the money and
power of New York.



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Vice presidents appropriate
supplemental funds for SGC

(Continued from Page 1)
the funds can be provided by the
student affairs office. "Their bud-
get is pretty tight," he explained.
Council requested a $7,000 sup-
plemental appropriation earlier
this month. SGC members argued
that appropriations - 25 cents
per student per term -- had failed
to keep pace with inflation.
However, the new appropriation
does not signal acceptance of this
argument by the University's exe-
cutive officers.
Interim Vide President for Stu-
dent Affairs Barbara Newell said
the appropriation was made only
because of Council's present fin-
ancial difficulties.
Mrs. Newell said the supplemen-
tal appropriation will have no
bearing on the consideration of
SGC's larger request for n e x t
Koeneke said increasing, ex-
penditures and costs compelled!
Council to request $40,000 for
the coming fiscal year.
He saidgthis year's major ex-
penses include $9,000 for office
supplies, telephone bills and sec-
retarial salaries; $2,500 to operate
the legal aid service; and $2,000
for Student Housing Association.
The recent financial crisis has
convinced many Council membef s
of the need to incorporate SGC.
This move, they say, would give
Council greater liberty in collect-3
ing and spending funds.

However, proponents of the
plan say it will be meaningless un-
less the University agrees to con-
tinue collecting SGC dues from
the student body.

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"Working in data process-
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Andy earned his B.S.E.E. in 1966. Today,
he's a Marketing Representative with IBM,
involved in the planning, selling and installa-
tion of data processing systems.
Andy's customers include companies with
annual sales ranging from 20 million
to 120 million dollars. He often works
with executive vice-presidents and presi-
dents. Andy says, "At first I was a little
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Career areas in marketing at IBM include:
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Career areas in programming at IBM include:
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