E4e £fr tian Batty Seventy-eight years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under authority of Board in Control of Student Publications HOWARD KOHN= 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Doily exp ress the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. f- WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1968 NIGHT EDITOR: RON LANDSMAN Union di scriminationi: A problem for everyone THE MIRE that is discrimination in the skilled trades calls for an answer. Not one that will solve the problem 100 years from now, as United Auto Workers vice president Horace Scheffield laments, but one that can solve it in the foreseeable future. / The unions - the plumbers and the electricians - have given only lip ser- vice, and sometimes less than that, to the need for ending de facto segregation in their trades. It thus becomes the task of outside agencies to share the burden for righting the wrongs that have been com- mitted continuously for many years. The problem of discrimination in the building trades t o d a y is no longer the imple legal fight that it seemed it would be ten years ago when Freedom Riders were assaulting the legal barriers to rac- ial equality. Those barriers, so easy to'un- derstand and to fight against, have begun to be brought d o w n. The fight now is much more difficult, both to wage and to understand. It is no longer just in the realm of polities, but in economics, in the complex workings of society, in human relations. TJ~HE CURRENT selection procedure for obtaining apprenticeship applicants is constructed to keep out just those blacks who' most need to belong in the skilled trades - those from lower-income homes Who 14would otherwise end up in the fac- tories of industry as unskilled or semi- skilled laborers.' The unions - the plumbers and elec- tricians - justify their discrimatory practices on the grounds that they must keep requirements high to keep the qual- ity of their trade high. Both being state- licensed trades, they argue, they must in- sure that their new members are of suf- ficiently high quality to maintain their. good standing. Even accepting this rationale, the test- ing for "high quality" falls flat on one fact alone - the material the tests cover is teachable. Despite claims that the tests measure intelligence and n o t achieve- ment, it is nonetheless true that major projects in New York, Detroit and num- erous other cities have successfully train- ed people who had failed the tests on earlier attempts. E XAMINED WITH this in mind, the tests used by the unions which so ef- fectively keep out blacks are no more than, facades of respectability. They are convenient legal tools the unions use to keep their trades as lily-white as pos- sible. -Spokesmen for the electricians counter with the argument that if they have men who can pass the test, there is no reason why they should go out of their way to train anyone else. That would be unfair, they say, to those who were already par- tially trained. The unions use this stand secure in the knowledge that it will keep them free from any mass entry of blacks into, their trades. If it were the whites who needed the extra training and not the blacks, they would no doubt be much more amen- able to the extra training programs. This justification also functions very well as a maintenance of the status quo-- a status quo built up in long decades of deliberate and intentional exclusion of blacks from the trades. It is incumbent on the unions to make some move to com- pensate for the long-standing injustices they have committed against blacks. The need then, clearly, is for pre-ap- prenticeship training which would open the trades to those blacks who sought and deserved it. 'N WASHTENAW COUNTY, as noted, only non-union agencies are willing to attempt alleviation of the ills in the Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan. 48104. Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular summner session. Daily except Monday during regular academic school year. The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and Collegiate Press Oervice. Fall and Winter subscription rate $5.00 per term by carrier ($5.50 by mail}; $9.00 for regular academic school year ($10 by mail). Editorial Staff MARK TEVTIN. Eritor plumbers and electricians unions. Public agencies - like the mayor's office or the Human Relations Commission - and pri- vate civil rights groups - like the NAACP - may be able in time to organize effec- tive apprenticeship and pre-apprentice- ship programs. The University as well can do its share to help solve this problem. The University's opportunity lies in its already organized apprenticeship train- ing program. It was originally set-up to supply the University with enough skilled workers to meet its own demands. The' restrictive hiring practices of the unions used to guarantee work for all its mem- bers was so restrictive that it left t h e University seriously short-handed. The University's program follows the same discriminatory hiring procedure that the unions employ. The University is training only two blacks out of 35 in its program, while far more t h a n two blacks have been turned away because they couldn't pass a test identical in na- ture to that used by the unions, THERE ARE currently some 18 blacks on the waiting list to take the test to en- te the training program..There is no rea- son to expect that, if conditions aren't changed, they will fare any better than the blacks who have gone before. But the required change would assure that any of the blacks who are capable of becoming skilled tradesmen -'by native intelligence, not current achievement - could do so, despite their inability to pass the test at the present time. The University can at least correct the abuses within its own program. Both the Washtenaw Community Col- lege (WCC) and private resources should play a vital role in rectifying the inequi- table situation. WCC, as a part of the state-wide com- munity college system, is the most prac- tical source for training for blacks in the skilled trades. Their current programs in various clerical and technical fields serve much of 'the community, and it is time for a program in the skilled construction trades, which they are currently consid- eing. Such a program, however, will require a change in the policy they have followed up to now. Their hiring practices in the skilled industrial trades limits them to workers recommended to them by various local industrial concerns. If a similar pl- icy were instituted in t h e construction trades program, it would serve only to continue the current discriminatory hir- ing procedures. WHAT IS NEEDED NOW is a corrective program to achieve some sort of rea-; sonable racial balance in the trades, af- ter which, it is expected the trades ought to be able to handle themselves. WCC's program ought to be aimed in that direc- tion, but it is unlikely it will go far enough. At best their program would be only slightly corrective, to the degree that it was completely non-discriminatory it- self. The last possibility - public and pri-I vate agency co-operation, such as t h e HRC and the NAACP - shows the great- est promise for a meaningful solution of the problem of discrimination in the skilled trades. They alone show the great- est commitment to what has to be done, which no other agency, such as the Uni- versity or WCC or the unions themselves, can be expected to do. But, more than any other of the groups, they currently lack the resources to undertake such ,a pro- gram. The current situation will remain cir- cular until large-scale imaginative action is taken. Currently, those who are able to combat discrimination are unwilling to do so, and those who are willing are unable. The need is there. Someone must now combine the resources and the will to see that the work is done. -RON LANDSMAN JN MAKING his debut on European tele- vision Monday afternoon from Toledo, Ohio and via Canary Bird Satelite, Vice- President Hubert Humphrey defended 4A Ue -..., _ ..S. :. .0 'T -.L ~ . ,.. .. - 41 The day SEPT. 1-Steve (Slime) Nissen, Daily reporter, uncovers an organized plan to violently take over control of The Daily when he accidentally reads his roommate's botany notes while eating a jelly-eggplant sandwhich. (Only later did we discover that the botany notes were fraudulent and that Doc Losh had absconded to Argentina with the real plans. But this was later.) Sept. 2-After unsuccessfully trying to sell the plans to the Administration for a six-pack of Schlitz and a C+ on an incomplete, Nissen surrenders the plans to us. "Jumping Jehosophat," says Mark Levin, Daily editor, when he reads the plans. Sept. 3-This is a trying day. Steve Wildstrom, Daily managing editor, asks Sheriff Doug Harvey for protection from the enemy. Harvey happily complies, sending over an armed cordon of deputies. Unfortunately, when one of the deputies can not produce identification, Nissen gamely slugs him and hustles him into the john. The other deputies fearfully flee. Sept. 4-We barricade ourselves in, awaiting the worst. Sept. 5-Levin takes charge, sending Nissen directly to President Robben Fleming. The President, peering intently over his groovy glasses, is sympathetic. But he insists he can not help us because all his men and resources are tied up making the University relevant to so- ciety and other extra-University stuff. "Oh, darn," says Levin, when he hears of the state of things. Sept. 6-We draw straws to see who goes out for food and drink, Sept. 7-We .draw straws to see who The Daily goes to SGC for help. Levin draws the fat straw and has to go. Bob Neff, SGC executive vice-president, is busy con- triving a confrontation on making the University more relevant to classes (which Fleming has suspended) and re- fers Levin to Mike Koeneke, SGC presi- dent. Koeneke laughs a horrible laugh and sends Levin back to us. "Commie pigs," sniffs Levin. Sept. 8-We worry a lot. SEPT. 9-ACROSS OUR teletype, we appeal to the journalism department which has not been heard from since before teletypes. Except for the soft whirr of pastoral dreaming, there is no answer. "Fastidious toads," growls Levin.' Sept. 10-We re-read reviews by Lil' Sherri and Lil' Suzzi Funn. Sept. 11-Disguised as Mrs. Barbara Newell, vice-president for student serv- ices, Levin leads 11 of us into the Ad- ministration Bldg. which we hope to use as headquarters once the Student Pub- lications Bldg. falls. A janitor mistakes Levin for Florence Nightengale and signs him to a movie contract., "Uppity bas- tard," yells Levin after we are safely back in the Student Publications Bldg. Sept. 12-We begin to conspire to offer Nissen's head in exchange for our free- dom. Sept. 13-Levin, disguised as Nissen, is almost decapitated. Luckily we discover our mistake in time. "You're all infiltra- tors," accuses Levin. SEPT. 14-21-THIS IS A trying week. All of our croquet mallets are broken trying to club pigeons for food. Eric Chester's megaphone accidentally falls began to out an upstairs window and can not be rescued. Levin runs out of disguises and walks around as himself. My wife wants me to come home. But we are cheered by some signs of hope. Several sororities find out The Daily has no black editors and sponsors a bucket drive in our behalf. YAF cham- pions a crusade to send all subversives to concentration camps and we enjoy visions of the enemy being marched away between uniformed soldiers. Sept. 22-We try to talk to Gen. Her- shey on the long-distance phone. Sept. 23-Washington calls back and tells us Gen. Hershey has been purged. Sept. 24-The sororities give up and hold a wake in our behalf. YAF disbands and members exit to Canada. Sept. 25-We surrender. fight .. 'I Our general in disguise *l Swinging toandfro HE LATEST report of the Daily Intensive Study Committee (DISC) yesterday revealed the egdstence of a new underground movement on campus. Calling itself the SU, this group has dedicated itself to the advancement of swings--the kind with a seat hung from two chains. A spokesman for the group (who preferred to remain annonymous) explained, "the club sports and IMs have had their say about what recreational facilities they feel are lacking, and we think it's about time we had a voice in the matter." Several of SU's leaders were upset by the Daily's exposing the movement since they prefer to remain under cover until enough strength has been gathered for a mass assault on an unresponsive administration. DISC chairman Lil' Sherri Funn admitted that they happened onto the movement by accident. The committee originally intended to survey students as an outgrowth of the recent clamor for recreational facilities. After much thoughtful delibera- tion, they agreed that the most un likely place to start was the UGLI so that's where they decided to begin.+ As coincidence would have it, SU had been using the UGLI as a front for their organization and was in the midst of its weekly meeting when the DISCers popped in with their neatly-printed questionnaires. It didn't take the committee long to get suspicious when every single person interviewed came up with the exact same complaint-a lack of swings. Even the reasons fell into the same pattern. The adage "All work and no play makes John a dull boy" was repeated so often that DISC was not surprised to learn later that it is SU's motto. This collection of solitude-seek- ers decried the long distances and overcrowded conditions that faced them every time they attempted to brave the censures of society. Some even broached the idea of recapturing the joys of friendship, a cool breeze and a gently Pocking swing. DISC's next study will be an in- vestigation of the seriousness of this newly-discovered shortage. SU, at last report, was debating wheth- er it will demand plastic or wooden seats in their formal confrontation. r *,- -Diana Romanchuk The Board in Control's efforts to protect free speech Letters: A happy solution to end the ,,,war 001 To the Editor: JT RECENTLY came to my at- tention that our nation is in- volved in a conflict in Southeast Asia. And, that this situation, be- ing akin to the police action of Korea, has brought much of our populace into dispute as to the correct solution. I feel that a just conclusion is inevitable, if we only allow our democratic and American sense of compromise to rule our actions. Hence I submit this seven pointed program which, by use of its al- gorithm, will lead to a happy so- lution for all. First of all we must devote all possible manpower to the battle- Since the news statistics s h o w there are more North Vietnamese than South Vietnamese in South Vietnam, we must first clean house by forming a line of flame- throwers across the country and burning our way to the D.M.Z., rid the countryside of these ver- mon . NEXT WE MUST rent the city of Geneva, invite all concerned parties, Midway, Guam, Puerto Rico, Canal Zone, and the Virgin Islands, and finally we will con- vene a Geneva Convention. This convention will divide the present country of South Vietnam into two sections: the first a ten square mile area of what used to be Saigon, and the rest is what's tradition, to the People of South Vietnam-Ky government. THE SECOND of the two areas shall serve as a buffer zone and will be run under military juris- diction, as is in the great Ameri- can Tradition. But, here is where we will display the teachings and philosophy of the Great Society. Ours shall not be the military in charge of rehabilitation; This shall serve in two fold: as a stabilizer of our economy, and to prevent the world wide stink of ,"Yankee go home!" Lastly we will delegate this grave responsibility of rehabilita- tion and securing national integ- rity to a non-nationalistic .and well- to do concerned party: For- mosa - In conclusion, this policy will please all concerned parties, re- solve all U.S. commitments in this troubled area, cost us less in the final analysis, and if we work fast, we can exterminate all living things in the Hong Kong area (ex-. cept people of course) thus beat- ing the threat of the A-2 Flu virus. -John Humphrey, '70 E Sept. 20 Zion ismi To the Editor: DAN OKRENT'S editorial "LBJ and the Jets" really shocked me into thinking that perhaps all the inspiring protests of the idea- railis. Every Israeli conversatation begins and ends with "shalom," the Hebrew w o r d for "peace." Peace is the: dream very deep in the hearts but very far from the lives of a very sensitive people who hate pulling a trigger as much as any C.O.t Why then, is their whole politi- cal 'system geared today towards war? Why does every child, male and female, serve in the IsTaili army? THE PRACTICAL REASON is, of course, that the Arabs are un- derstandably not so anxious for peace. Peace now, on any Israeli terms, would mean the loss of:the territory which they say is theirs, and a surrendering of the pride which they lost in the six-day war. There is no question but what if the Arabs had the power t h e y would still lose no time in "push- ing the Jews into the sea." Survival then is the practical reason, but what ofthe impract- icle one. If, as they claim, the Israelis are really sympathetic with Arab demands, if they really recognize the cultural and racial bonds which could create a strong base for a peaceful relationship, why do they refuse to lay down their weapons and co-operate with the Arabs in an Arab state where they would, no doubt, be allowed to live in peace? This is one of the complex moral and psychological paradoxes which people like Ok- bagels and money (sorta like some folks like athletics and rhythm). THUS IT IS not surprising that close to the heart of many Ameri- can Jews is the knowledge that should America ever forget her lessons in tolerance, or should American Jews ever want to be more than tolerated, there is one place in the world where a Jew may be judged' first as a human being. These, anyway, are the motives behind those Zionist pressure groups Okrent wants to ignore. And those are the motives, mag- nified manifold, of the Israeli peo- ple. For the Israeli's are the ones. who were not included in that tiny number, who had nowhere to go but Israel, who fought bitterly for, a land where human dignity-would never again be subject , to the whims of a nation and who are prepared to die rather than live without that land. Perhaps they are motives rooted too much in history and psychology and pride. but then these s e e mn to be the roots of the whole world's politics. So that as long as this paradox between peace and pride remains, and as long as there is no nego- tiated peace, the cold facts of the matter are that Israel will last only as long as she has the mili- tary strength to ward off an Arab attack. Each day the forces are kept equal is an added day for persuing the complex peace with wich Americna ha sno+ har th Vietnam," they tell me, "why should she worry about another small country on the other side of the globe?" Russian interests in the Arab countries are con- trastingly easily understood. The economic advantages of access to Arabian oilfields and the propa- gandist advantages of a new vic- tory are obvious. "But," say the Israelis, "America is learning that every Russian victory is not an American defeat; as far as we can see America has no real interests here." I wanted to reassure them that American actions didn't always have to Piave a specific political in- terest, that you didn't have to be Jewish to feel that there was a moral interest more complex than "peace." I wanted to point to the example of the idealists on col- lege campuses, but somehow the words stuck in my throat. Now I think I know how. -Judy Cohen, '71 Sept. 21 GA plea To the Editor: THE GRADUATE Assembly can be a very valuable and effec- tive organ for improving the Uni- versity: but it won't be if the time and energies of its members are burned up by political activists' trying to use our student govern- ment to change the world. We need more Graduate Assem- bly representatives who will work as nart of a Body for improving *I