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September 25, 1968 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1968-09-25

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Wednesday, September 25, 1968


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- 9 Boston schools erupt

asks vote

following black protests

, BOSTON (A') - Demonstrations
and disturbances broke out yes-
terday in at least nine Boston
high schools following a dispute
aver whether black students could
wear African-style clothes to
More than .600 police personnel
were rushed to the nine trouble
spots. At least two more divisions
have been alerted.
The disturbances began yester-
day. morning at Boston English
High School, when 300 persons-
black and white-gathered outside
the school yelling, chanting, and
singing songs.
The blacks, a few wearing Afri-
can-style garb, were protesting the
withdrawal of permission for them
to wear African garb to school.
White students claimed that
they should not have to wear
neckties-as .currently required-
if Negroes * could wear African
In the midst of the demonstra-
tion, Headmaster Joseph Malone
told newsmen "students can wear
African dress," and whiter students
would not be required to wear
* neckties until the demonstration
-"blows over."
After demonstrations at the
school last Friday, Malone gave
students permission to wear Afri-
can garb and said they could or-
ganize an all-black student union.
Louis Welch, an assistant super-
9 intendent of schools, revoked these
concessions Monday. Tempers
then flared as some Negro parents
charged that their sons had been
Today, Malone said he would
not meet with students until the
demonstrations halted, but Welch
4 said he would negotiate with
members of the student council.
Five council members named
by the protesting students said
they were turned back, however,
when they tried to enter the
Boston English has an enroll-
.4 ment of 2,100 students, about 20
per cent of them black.

Most students attended classes
yesterday, and school officials
locked doors after classes began.
Malone later unlocked the doors
to allow protesting students to
enter. About 10 white and seven
black students entered.
Welch said not all of the 300
demonstrators were students at
the school.
The crowd of demonstrators
eventually dwindled to about 1(0.
Officials reported one fire be-
hind Brighton High School and
said firefighters were stoned and
impeded by black students who
blocked the driveway.
A small fire also was reported

in a girls' lavatory at Timilty Ju-
nior High School in the black sec-
tion of Roxbury. Officials said 14
fire alarms, 12 false, were turned
in from six schools, and disturb-
ances were reported at three
Police said a group of high
school youths struck a clerk on
the head at a Drug Store on Com-
monwealth Avenue near Brighton
High School and took $60 from a
cash register.
Windows of a supermarket a few
doors away were broken and food
and money reported taken from

Public strikes plague
no m'i
nation' mao citie

on Fortas
Senators to act
on move today
WASHINGTON (/P)-In a sur-
prise development, Majority Lead-
er Mike Mansfield (D-Mont.)
moved last night that the Senate
take up the nomination of Abe
Fortas to be chief justice.
Mansfield made his motion af-
ter he said it was apparent that
action could not be completed
soon on a tax bill that has been
stalled by a series of controversial
The Senate recessed for the
night before a vote was taken on
Mansfield's motion.
The action came after a day of
efforts to find a quick way out
of the fight over the Fortas nomi-
Maneuvers under consideration
include :
* A motion to send the nomi-
nation back to the Senate Judi-
ciary Committee, which approved
it 11 to 6 last week after nearly
three months of consideration.
0 A resolution declaring the
sense of the Senate that no va-
cancy exists on the Supreme Court
as long as Chief Justice Earl War-
ren remains on the bench.
Meanwhile, the start of Senate
debate on the nomination was de-
layed by continuing series of con-
troversial amendments to a minor
tax bill that had been scheduled
for passage last Friday.
Majority Leader Mike Mansfield
(D-Mont), told a reporter he does
not think a filibuster against For-
tas's nomination already is under
way, but he added "I could be
Opponents of President John-
son's nomination of Fortas picked:
up another vote during the day
when Sen. B. Everett Jordan (D-
NC), announced he had decided to
vote against confirmation.
This raised to at least 30 the
number of senators who have de-
clared they oppose confirmation.

Ground F-II's
pending study
Ninth crash in past two years
prompts Air Force investigation
WASHINGTON (N) - The Air Force yesterday grounded
all its F1lA fighter-bombers while investigators sought the
cause of the ninth crash Monday of the swingwing plane in
less than two years.
The temporary actionmaffects some 90 operational F111A's
including five in Thailand which already were under flying
limitations while the Air Force studied a recent test failure.
The latest F111A crash occurred Monday at Nellis Air
Force Base in Nevada when the pilots were "unable to main-
tain aircraft control" and ejected, the Air Force said.
The plane crashed 250 feet short of the runway. A panel
was ordered to investigate the accident.
By conservative estimate the Air Force has now lost at
least $60 million in the nine---

-Associated Press
Che is alive and , ,.,

NEW YORK (M)-The New York
City teachers strike, which is af-
fecting. 1.1. million children, en-
ters its 13th day today as the
latest in a series of public em-
ploye strikes and slowdowns to
hit the nation's cities.
Within the past year New York-
ers have had to endure two teach-
ers strikes, a strike by garbage
collectors that left tons of refuse
on the streets and slowdowns that
snarled air traffic and commuting
on the Long Island Rail Road. A
subway slowdown was attempted
but proved less effective.
And now city officials are hear-
ing /talk of strikes by firemen, po-
licemen and garbage collectors.
Elsewhere, firemen have struck
in Atlanta and Newark. Police in
Youngstown, Ohio. Garbage col-
lectors have struck in Memphis
and Miami; teachers in Pittsburgh
and the whole state of Florida;
hospital workers in Los Angeles
County and city workers in Santa
Monica, Calif.
These are only a few of the
strikes and slowdowns that have

swept across the country as Amer-
ica experiences a spreading labor
phenomenon-the public service
Union leaders of public employ-
es recognize that they are strik-
ing out directly at the public they
are employed to serve but feel that
there is not much they can do
about it.
Government employes are han-
dicapped, say their leaders, by the
fact that many states do not pro-
vide for collective bargaining-
or any realistic alternative they
can employ to seek higher wages
and better working conditions.
Every state has one provision or
another prohibiting strikes by
public service unions. In New
York, the Taylor law provides for
fines up to $10,000 a day for each
working day the employes are on
Its backers hailed it as a model
for public employee disputes. But
since it went into effect last Sep-
tember the teachers and sanitation
unions have struck and their lead-
ers have gone to jail for contempt
of court.
On the other hand, Michigan's
Hutchinson Act carries no penalty.
In Florida, a 1959 law forbids pub-
lic employes from joining any
association "that participates in
a strike or asserts the right to
Some union leaders argue that
some state laws actually encourr
age strikes by denying unions the
right to bargain effectively.
Simply getting the public angry
enough to demand a settlement is
an essential part of successful
union strategy, they say.
"When you have a strike, some-
times you have to hit the critical
areas to bring pressure on man-
agement," said William J. Char-
ron, president of Detroit's Council
23, American Federation of State,
County and Municipal Employes.

Egyptian actor Omar Sharif plays a stunning Che Guevara in
the upcoming 20th Century Fox production, "Che."
._ - _ _ __-__--_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _
T ihant dernes effort
to force bomb hl

F111A crashes.
The $60 million is based on an
Air Force estimate, provided to
Congress this year, that future
models of the aircraft will cost
$6.8 million each.
Some F111A's now flying may
have cost more. Australia, which
is buying the plane, once estimat-
ed it would pay $300 million for
24 models.
The F111A is an offshoot of the
TFX warplane design which form-
er Secretary of Defense Robert S.
McNamara once estimated would
save the country $1 billion through
standardization of aircraft parts.
His thesis was at least partially
undermined earlier this year when
the Navy's version, the F111B, was
scrapped after more t h a n $200
million had b e e n spent during
several years of trouble-plagued
development work.
Five F111A's which the Air
Force sent to Southeast Asia in
January with great expectations
have been limited to routine train-
ing flights in Thailand.
Three have been lost in the war
zone, at least one of them due to
a mechanical problem rather than
enemy fire.
Here is a rundown of F111A
Jan. 19, 1967 - An F111A
crashed while landing at Edwards
AFB, Calif.
Oct. 19, 1967 - An F111A went
down near Bowie, Tex.

Secretary-General U Thant denied
yesterday that he was seeking to
put a resolution before the U.N.
General Assembly demanding that
the United States end the bomb-
ing of North Vietnam.
The denial caine as the assem-
bly-already under the shadow of
cold war debate--convened for its
23rd session.
On tap for the opening day
ceremonies were the election of
Emilio Arenales Catelan, foreign
minister of Guatemala, as presi-
dent and the admission of Swazi-'

land as the United Nation's 125th
member country.
Thant caused a sensation at his
news conference Monday when he
read out in precise terms a reso-
lution calling for an end to the
bombing as a first step toward
bringing the conflict to the con-
ference table. He said that while it
was unrealistic to expect submis-
sion of such a resolution, he be-
lieved it would win majority sup-
U.S. Ambassador George W.
Ball protested personally to Thant
that his remarks would not hop
the peace negotiations taking
place in Paris. It was clear both at
U.N. headquarters and in Wash-
ington that the United States was
unhappy about Thant's statement.

U.S* hits
WASHINGTON (P)-The nited
States has protested to the Soviet
Union the jamming of Voice of
America broadcasts, calling it a
"reversion to the ugly practices
of an earlier era."y
The protest was made Sept. 13
in the form of a diplomatic note
given the Soviet Ambassador F.
Dobrynin by Charles E. Bohlen,
deputy undersecretary of state.
In disclosing this yesterday, the
State Department said no answer
to the U.S. complaint has yet been
received from Moscow.
Press officer Robert J. McClos-
key - said Bohlen expressed U.S.
concern over the jamming of VOA
broadcasts in the Russian, Ukra-
nian, Georgian and Armenian lan-
guages since Aug. 21, the day of
the Soviet invasion of Czechoslo-
"We hoped that that jamming
was temporary, but there was no.
let up," McCloskey declared.
During the Stalinist era in the
Soviet Union, western broadcasts
aimed at Communist Bloc coun-
tries were regularly jammed. The
Soviets stopped the jamming in
"We share with most of the
world the belief that freedom of
information and exchange of
views between people helps to pro-
mote mutual understanding be-
tween nations and thus contri-
butes to peace and . stability,"
McCloskey said.
The spokesman said the 1963
halt in Soviet jamming activities
"opened the doors to ideas from
the outside world and .was a
healthy change in their attitude."
The United States is now con-
cerned; McCloskey continued,
about "overall implications for our
relations" as the result of resump-
tion in jamming. He called the
renewed broadcast interference a
"most regrettable step backwards"
in U.S.-Soviet relations.


S. Vietnam artilleryfires

An evening of endless musical variety
Come do your thing and sing-a-long.

1421 Hill St.
8:30 P.M.

across Cambo
SAIGON ()-South Vietnamese
forces have fired 105mm howitzers
into Cambodia to silence Viet Cong
guns shooting across the border,
the commander of South Viet-
nam's 3rd Corps said yesterday.
Lt. Gen. Do Cao Tri said his
troops fired across the frontier
last Friday after they were shelled
by enemy mortars covering the
retreat of a fleeing band of Viet
Cong who had tried to overrun a
government outpost at Phuoc

A spokesman for Thant svid
0d a o d ryesterdaydthat the Secretary-Gen-
dia boderitseral stood by his call for an En
and Viet Cong are based on its to the bombing as the best ;neans
territory. for getting meaningful negotia-
Tri made his announcement tions.

Jan. 2, 1968 - A test
crashed from unknown
near Edwards AFB-



soon after American 352 Strato-
fortresses dropped 750 tons of
bombs in saturation patterns
along enemy infiltration m cutes
near the Cambodian border notth-
west of Saigon. Most of the strikes
were eight or 10 miles from the
frontier, but one bombing run was
only two miles east of Cambodia.
Elsewhere in the air war, U.S.
fighter-bombers flew 111 missions
over North Vietnam.

Returning by popular demand before leaving
East Coast-

for a tour of the

The U.N. spokesman read out
a statement saying Thant's atten-
tion had been drawn to many press
and radio reports that implied
or suggested that Thant was en-
couraging a member state, or pro-
posing himself, to put Vietnam on
the assembly's agenda and press a
stop-the-bombing resolution to a
"Such imputations or sugges-
tions can come only from someone
who either did- not attend the
press conference or has not read
the transcript," the statement

March 28, 1968 -- One of- seven
F11A's eventually sent to South-
east Asia went down, presumably
in Thailand, while headed for a
bombing mission in North Viet-
March 30, 1968 - Another
F111A crashed in Thailand.
April 22, 1968 -- A third F111A
vanished mysteriously on a mis-
sion out of Thailand. The wreck-
age was never found. -
May 8, 1968 - An F111A crash-
ed at Nellis.
May 18, 1968 - The e i g h't h
F111A crashed at Holloman AFB,'
N.M. The cause was not disclosed.
Sept. 23, 1968 - The ninth went
down at Nellis, cause unknown.

Singing contemporary, traditional qnd original folk
music accompanied by guitar.

World news roundup

By The Associated Press
TORONTO - Bomb explosions
early yesterday jolted the homes
of eight top executives of Hawker
Siddeley Canada Ltd., and a sub-
sidiary, De Havilland Aircraft of
Canada, which supplies Caribou
transport planes for U.S. forces in
Shattered windows made up the
chief damage in the blasts, set
off at intervals in the two hours
before dawn. No one was injured.
"We have no labor problem-s or
strikes," said Patrick Kelly, ex-
ecutive assistant to the president
of Hawker Siddeley. "My only
conclusion is that this is a fanat-
ical antiwar demonstration."
* *i

Energy Commission announced It
detonated underground yesterday
a low-yield nuclear device at its
Navada test site.
The test, involving the equiva-
lent of less than 20,000 tons of
TNT, was the 21st announced this
* * *
LONDON - Britian's four mil-
lion Roman Catholics were told
yesterday to follow both the Pope
and their own consciences on birth
Few thought t h i s pronounce-
ment from their bishops would do
much to still the storm that has
raged here since publication eight
weeks ago of the papal encyclical
reaffirming the Church's ban on

the use of contraceptives.
Within hours after archbishops
and bishops issued the message,
John Cardinal Heenan, head of
the local hierarchy, said he would
explain it further at a news con-
ference today.
MONTEVIDEO - The Urugua-
yan government ordered yesterday
the explusion of a top Soviet dip-
lomat alopg with two embassy ad-
ministrative personnel. The order
gave the three 48 hours to leave.
The public announcement gave
no reason for the expulsion but a
government informant said there
was evidence the Soviets were in-
volved in the student-worker vio-
lence here.


(Sold Out Fri., Sat. and Sun.)



Ann Arbor NewsI

-Toledo Blade




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