Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, September 24, 1 96S Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY S.,. f Tuesdav SeDtember 24 1 96R ----------- -I - .1 N A?!T.'rhar r+ r~,":'["",;;:+?rstv :rr~'{{riSyrrf.rr..'...v~f+ Yry:;}. { '; '."-'4r ':!,yy:i}.;'~' . {+'Yy; i .r .r sr ?k 1 els, any major. December. April and I E_ I_ dilpont di. Nommirc .G (,n Monsanto Co. * O FFIC IA L '~ ~~INTERVIEWS THE WEEK OF Rex Chafibelt nc.ETME 3 OOTBE ,16 """: ",.w }habilitation, Ann Arbor, Mich.: Details ...........................................................F~ti%,da.:..,,a:.w::w;.%">q: :... on his.visonarthit yeisiteared.notusyetIreceived "byAIns, The Dail OffcialBulltin s a j~ebersof te t ninvted ompny, ocaladdrss if tinterested souldiallteandedmake ndappointoit- '. 1 ,) RGA it offiiaMpbicaianfrthi an inter-racial drama troupe from be sent to Professor Otto . Graf, De- iention feelsntheyro fteigour- N ICESI 'JT h e Y ellow-B l e sThe Daflficial Bolleich Tis arlemerofthleg Unvied Cmay oa drs n eehneandshouldmoent e lltiyyarnoutenorn offcia puilctio oftheU fje letone College.Weminesay:00hep.m.Art m UietGerman, 1070 Frieze Build- major this year.01 L Michigan Daily assumes no editor- S-BivlerieSeia:lhet-dgUnvrit fMihgn.Snorin lal responsibility. Notices should be torney's View - Joseph S. Tuchinsky, terested in advanced study and a teach- Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance pent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Roosevelt University, Chicago, on "Al- ing career whose academic performance Company, Milwaukee, Wis. - M & F...........te... 'Room 358 L.S.&A Bldg. bfore 2 trnativeChemInduGen.".LibitsArtsnatLawfrandoSpeechlsonmerican olynstituegeeoflindustrial, dEe- ation and by 2; pm. Fridayfo graduate December 14 must observe the representative, Professor Morris Green- for insurance sales. gineers, Weekly luncheon Tuesday' Saturday and Sunday. General No- following deadlines: (A) Three un- hut, 116 Haven, concerning qualifica- Tuesday, October 1, 1968: Sp.2t t1:0no,29Ws n t hl s yu rmm tices may be published a maximum bound copies of the dissertation cor- tions and procedures. They will also Smith, Hinchman & Grylls Associates, gneering. Speakers: J. Tique and G.: of two times- on request; Day Cal- plete in every way except for binding, find it profitable to attend the mheet- Inc., Detroit, Mich.: Details on this Frye f r om Ford Motor Company. "In- endar items appear only once. Stu- and three abstracts must be submitted ing on Graduate Fellowships to be held visit not yet received by this office, the dustrial Engineering Applied to Indus- dent. organization notices are n o t to the Rackham Dissertation Secretary, In the Rackham Lecture Hall, October company is involved in Arch, Engr., trial Relations.- accepted for publication. For inure by Monday, October 28. (B) Two cor- 3, at 3 pm.ndPanig. -*Hillel information call 764-9270. rected copies of the dissertation - one Wednesday, October 2, 1968: Hl Foundation, Tuesday. Sept. bound and one unbound- two ab-,FT . Ford Motor Company, Dearborn i, tive sericha Ra ckha Auioim,i stracts, and the Chairman's report on Foreignfl lloP Mich: M & F, All day Bach. and Mast.830am;rfmsevcstRc- TUESDAY,, SEPTEMBER 24" the final, oral examination must be i'I-eresinCe8:Eon3Ge.0i.Ars a mphiteatmerv9:45 at Rck submitted to the Dissertation SecretaryI Math and Psych. also LLB. for Corn - .,. Calend z by Monday, November 25. Fees must Th olwn-nivdascnb puing. Mktg. Res., Personnel, Produc- + M Scttish'ountryDance ociety Dalnlr -be paid and paperwork completed by reached through the Foreign Visitor tioUurhaincndSttistics.untcy Dance meeincWdse800y,0:0 =!m _____that second deadline). Division of the Visitor and Guest Re- Daiconeticount.r:00--wide.~m President's State of the University ltions Office, Rooms 22-24, Michigan Thrdy-cobr3 98 WAB lounge. Instruction given. Be- Bureau of Industrial Relations S em- Adrs: rsdetFemn il r-Uion eehneI6-18.ITusay'coe 3 98 inners welcome. ' inar"Management of Managers, Pro- IAdes rsdn lmn ilpe o.Tlpoe 6-18 Upjohn Company, Kalamazoo, Mich * * > * grN.6",othCmu omn sent the Annual Address to the Faculty Mr M. Bahiedin Mandour; Manager, M- ,Aldy ac.i ice. ac lbMeig Tus et 6h 8:15e~us80 aMmntoo500fpm.sad.7:0hto "and Staff in the Rackham Lecture Hall ITraining Department Egyptian Mani- Ce. irbo ah hray80 ~. guild Hurs. 2MoreP t S m m t p~m. at :0 o900 19 8:0 . m., igu dMonday. Setm er 3. tme Tasorraizto;Alexan- Postions bin brbo. a biology and data process- Program: Thomas Warburton will speak i""> ,+l( Ii, ( " 16.DsigihdFacultyeAchieve- d a. U.A.R.orpeSeptemberOraiton 232.E~o m od-uoe ais Ti The Eighth Annual Coferemn1 met AwardsDiatnguised S e r v i e! Mr. John Hioward Davies; Music Li- No interviews at Placement Services o has to do with some Scarlatti sonatas.)' The Scri to /ord- Organ Music: Anton Heiler, Professrof Awards and the Uuverersty Press Book brarian, British Broadcasting Comany= Friday, October 4. Jelly dntadcovrtin after- L' Organ, Academy of :Music, Vienna "The Award for 1968 will be presented follow London England September 23-2. adorutheranfonvrmation al79 Eighteen Chorales of BEch": Hill Audi-: ing President Fleming's address. A re. Dr. Tarcisio M., Padlha; Prfessrd. or ofte nfrain al79 cetoni teMchgn egu hloohy niestyo Gaabr:SUMMER PLACEMENT 2922 or Randy at 71-02. picker is a marking pen that tgant istand hoirmater, Church of the room Il follthecinaddress andaw-ardIPRilosodeyJaneiroiBrail. September 27-30.SERVIC OrganE Julr.col.fMsc ebesaeivtd in:.mcs gkan words) ntes of t Ascension, New York and Professor of ceremonies. Wives of faculty and staff - 212 S.A.B., Lower Level For all student groups interested in W Oran Professorol of M sime besar My-e. ,O fialy ore thosands i Jandbs i ng Wed.. B 25tkh op-aei :w .f : 2:00 o "Church Service Playing": Hill-Audi- "Architecture Lecture: Poeso M-PlacemntrgiseOfficilly oendot sumCmerInjndbs ng ed.,Spt Wokshop00apm e 6SEn' ~H "h ght thll:n bigt i poran toniun,. 1:30 p.m; Robert Glasgow, ron A. uran, of the University of Ore- alibih m otn Associate Professor of Music, "sOrgan gon, "The Geometry of Systems Gen- 3200 S.A.B. ENGINEERING PLACEMENT SERVICE Msic of Liszt": Hill Auditorium,- 3:00 rating Systems", 8:00 p.m., Wednes- GENERAL DIVISION 128 H, West Engrg. Bldg. ylo .Y udntuei 0wie yuas a pt m . day. September 25, 1968, Auditorium D, Placement w vInters The following Iylo .Y ud ntuei ow ie yuas a School of Music Recital: 'Trumpet Angell Hall. organizations will interview at Place- i"Enigineeing Placement Meeting No. dow th things youhaet trying to rF Students: School f Music Recital Hall. Botany Department Seminar: Dr. ment Services, the representatives ex- i4, "Success on the Job." Common dif-{h 12:30 p.m., Harrison L. Morton, School of Na- pect to see at least a vita sheet on In-I ficulties of transition from school to!#i' "' °"": Comp ter and Communications Sd- tural Resources will speak on -Re-I terviewees, therefore,- if you are not work and how to avoid them. Fourthl rernerber.Y : u u¢ it to ur° "Y+ wrote the ences Lecture' Series: Dr. Leonard Y. sac nFrs Pathology" Wensa, already' registered with the General of four meetings. Professor J. G. Young. 11 ;M Liu, Department of Electrical Engi-I September 25. 1968 at 4:15 p.m., 1139 Division, please stop in and let us pro- September 24, 4:00 pIm ad°:3 pm.A 'i The. p~.ad73 ~.! s neering, University of Michigan, "Fin- Natural Sience Building. vide yu with theprermtiasinoo31,WtEgneigB'l- te-reversal Pushdown Automata," Zoology Seminar: On September 25th, Please call 763-1363 to make appoint- ing. (Afternoon and evening meetings a a ie t htw yyusv l h ikr o Michgan Union, Room 3C, Coffee 3:30, Wednesday. Dr. Michael S. Laverack, ments by phone, or stop in and make will be the same.) 90 Lecture'4:00'P.M. Senior Lecturer in Zoology, Gatty Ma- appt. in person. Make appts. as soon Placmen Sevic School of \Musc 'Recital: Doctoral nine Laboratory, University of St. An- as possible, none accepted after 4 pi. Egineriew appinment at _____Rom 2 H Ws .EgrBldg. unlessAp tm nsSues 4:30 ~m. -- brae Senory ystem at 400 p~. in therise specified.f p rIT e s f b a s Se s r Sy t m at 40 p m.O e n+-o h r ieProfessional Theatre Program : APA 1400 Chem istry Building.Re nt ' M ti Tuesday, September 24, 1968: U . . Septem ber 3,1968 Br Repertory dompany in, Moliere's The Rgns'Meig: October 18. Com- Marines - men and women for Marine Clarage Fan Co. B r Misanthrope: Ldia Mendelssohn Thea- muni cations for consideration at this Corps Officer Programs, All degree ev- Cummins Engine Co.j ter, 85:00 p.m. m neetng. mut be in the Presidents - - -* --------- --- -- *------- _--*---- School of Music Deree Recital: Lyle bands no later than Thursday, October f Restaurants~-~-~ Hecklinger, Organ: Hill Audtorium, J 8':00 p.M. Woodrow Wilson Fellowships. Nom- ______ inaionsfor Woodrow Wilson Fellow- - ships l and Designates for first year N W A C M U A H O ih m p n General Notices graduate work leading to a career in NA CA P S FA HOtw t ap1n 322 S. STATE Only faculty members may nominate i The Monogrammned Circle Pinv hints on life ! Broadcasting service - WUOM-FM :candidates. Eligible for nomination are (91.7 M.) 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily, men and women of outstanding abilityAAro Tuesday 1:00 p.m. The Next Fifty Years who are seniors, or graduates not now; 1nFnn# -- "The Role of Business in- the Future enrolled in a graduate school, or a- - ---- Society" with Walter Washington and graduates now in the armed forces who -- _ - - aar stnTusa 8:5 p.m. will be free to eter a graduate school $1,00 Music of thre Masters - Prof. David Ep- in. 1969-70. Seniors who next semesterQ f stein of M.T. in a speech on "Ways will be double enrolled in the Literary ! a ", 7 o //[ ( ^' _ of Presenting Contemporary Music"; College and in the Graduate School Avilbl at the' IbS re l0 Te 1 r- excerpts from the 7th Festival of Con are elgbeT ienmne ufcetY tmoayMscathU-;Contet-' time to prepare and submit the re- nA A Book Stores porary , Directions concerts given by quired - ----credentialsfacult-me-ber a-'e - c th e S c h o o l o fM u s ic ; a n dsNC Eeo n- - --g e t o s e n d n-te i r n o m n a t o n s a- - The Eleventh Hour - Ed Burrows hosts marked October 20 will be accepted. A an'_hurofnewsand, onverationLettes of ominaion sould nclud about the arts and literature Guests the students field of concentration, his '" COL 70 DISCOUNT 213' Ja m U lt 11Sterling and Gold filled, ina "many sizes and finishes ...Y W D Just ,RH Phlipp, owner1 ' from $375 C EN TERm'u mu 1031 E. Ann, near the Hospitals DELICIOUS SANDWICHES, SALADS, SOUPS a 95c AIL SPEIAL~ii~~rcde jwely shp (formerly Campus Discount) 95 ,A L P C A r a e j w ly $hpOpen 1 1:00 a.m. 'til 8:00 p.m. Daily 16N KESACD CLOSED SU NDAYS16NC isAR DE - -- . -- _ =-_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ CIGARETTES PIPE OF THE YEAR NEW Pi S--:~:::::::::::::z..:u::::: :;::C O M B I N A T I O N B C ( I r yi3° ¢yc .,r iALL BRANDS but 100s Frank IJasinsas' shoes. 24 C $2 8 r s 2 packs of EDGEWORTH or HOIAY PIPE TOBACCOAN HOIA N I1 PIPE-Reg..$1.69 Reg 49c zZnLimit 2 COUPON' Exp. 9/28/68 Limit 1 COUPON Exp. 928/68 Lin filtem IRI L SIEOUR OWN \ a y') MOUTH WASH AFTER SHAVE LOTION with IRON typeD eSant AersPac E eflS 9eej.Bottle of 100 Yong mbtou, 8oz~C Re. $1.50 Gon lcsa v OyOt1ffMi l te wrl's {size *434 ozCRe.CR lags rdoro a ubn nie.size $298$ Frankhastlresdycclmt 1tE11ogWay.:. Reg Si.45 I Pri'rtiasm Revafri Invo riIh 'rdp icke r mltr d s . )(%r them. ose;. things, and ye the time you spent emember where you ni. Yellow=Billed Word - r 49c, you shouldn't uoneS .gcin Daily .JPONS.ANN ARBOR STORE ONLY S. STATE ST. NIorth of State Theatre MON.-FRI. 10-9 SAT. 10-6 SUN. 1 1-5 srincess DIAL Soap Reg. 20c value l0 c mit 3 COUPONS ,Exp)9/28/68; CASHMERE BOUQUET or POND'S )USTING POWDER eg 4c 1.006 zS " ~ -.'.,. Limit 1 COUPON Exp. 9/28/68ULimit 1 COUPON Exp. 9/28/681 Limit 1 COUPON Exp 9/28/68ILin k o a roeet group' to comnpany- U____________ r spQ$onsored rese yrch 1 and evelopment, NATURAL BRISTLE 6INCH INGRAHAM ELECTRIC sntwhere#he srnow.. .adevelopHAIRBRUSH MIRRORS ALARM (LOCK newS condtcepts for super§0610 ERMI cgrmpressoirs for turbinl ni nes~f1. CRegICBASE- AtA 004-Lycoingi1 , if y ugt it , -It eegLRe. R9 you With ca1drawing board . valSecodslaueue DR!E YWe guide you ti you get the rel s-' 8^st f?^3tii I~i erilneCt'$grlLimit 2 COUPON Exp 9/28/68 Limit 1 COUPON Exp. 9/28/68 Limit 1 COUPON Exp 9/2/68 Lir «S kouwonl'tfinda 4nyloI' r a ppretieeship #to sweat ot, SUPER SIZE Thi'i a re h e ciin f el wx;ohsare exstate-of-tet isnwCOLGATE & LUSTRE CREMEBA D D .you Sc cotribte the fis t bar!PEPSODENT (E ERNESHEER STRIPS AL ku nd we're read'y to bust open (int rand e is i r-.TOOTH PASTE N lnd and s3ea appications. i!-Req9.L Ayc ycoming srihtOn theshoresof fLongReqC $ 1.00 CReq. $ slndSoud.$ ilsfrom N 1ew +YortkCit. 19;8 - z79 count W Special $ ees tl ib atwev-goa frirgebeneit............ tlcomp ensation aeYit ti itki yl Limit 1 COUPON Exp. 9/28/68 Limit 1 COUPON Exp 9/28/68 Limit 1 COUPON Exp /28/68 Lir t hrwn in t our xpense, tihtin te IUUr hear tffdof Iy L eaue Universliies. LOREAL Son1n,3nTk henx tp.ISFRG TAMPAX MODESS Wrt etr otePoesinlPaeent SANITARY BELTS Manager~l~, Dt 71 , AL[C[ycoriCg DfiviSion, I HAIR SPRAY Reg.8 .. Strdetf#rdFonnetltcut.Or see yourRe$ A 59c Relc$ C'lgemlaceentOffier.$250 PACofJ J039c v * ur. K33 N U mit 1 COUPON Exp. 9/28/68 ZIPPERED SWEATER BAGSf :e. 2 1f l9c 2 ralue mit 3 CO.UPON Exp. 9/28/68 NEWTVTONI PROTEIN CONDITIONER eg. 125 83C nit 1 COUPON Exp. 9/28/68 Photo Developing Special KODACHROME 8mm-super 8 or 20 exp. srides 1 .85 9C c lue -tit 2 COUPON Exp. 9/28/68 'p 4 'I A 4