/ Seventy-eight years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under authority of Board in Control of Student Publications Apple pie, motherhood, and the flag... 42.0 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily exp ress the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1968 NIGHT EDITOR:.JOHN GRAY ti r f' Reeorder's Court: A travesty of justice RECORDER'S COURT, the primary or- gan of criminal justice in Detroit, is under attack again. In a commentary to be published in the forthcoming issue of the Michigan Law Review, the court as a whole and 12 of its 13 judges as individ- uals are accused of the most shocking dereliction of duty during the, July, 1967 riot in Detroit. The judges are accused of 'railroading cases through the courts without consid-, ering whether4 there was -real cause for such haste, of presuming the guilt of de- fendants, of setting excessive bail, of vio- lating federal a n d state constittional and statutory rights' o defendants, and a variety of procedural offenses. In short, although the commentary, written by a panel of seven law students,' does rlot come right out and say so, the Recorder's Court judges, aided and abet- ted by superior court judges, sacrificed the law to their perception of order. The report, however, presents a some- what distorted view of the situation. The commentary is, from this writer's exper- ience, a very accurate description cf the judicial travesty that w a s the Detroit courts during and after the riot. But be- cause the commentary is limited to ,the riot situation, however, an, important truth is missed. tr ecorder'sCourt, in its normal every- day operation, isn't much better than it was during the riot. Due to the personal- ities of nost of the judges, an individual, particularly if he is poor and black, hard- ly stands a chance in it. For the most part, the'Recorder's Court judges are either incompetant, unfit, or' both. S o m e of the judges reached the bench by surviving t h e vissisitudes of Wayne County politics. SAMUEL OLSEN reached the bech by way of the Wayne County prosecutor's Office. In his years .s W a y n e County Prosecutor, Olsen established a reputa- tion for being tough on criminals - es- pecially if they were black. Near the end of his term, he acquired a certain notor- iety when he refused to issue or seek a warrant charging a white youth, accused of slaying a black youth, with murder. His performance as a judge has not b e e n much better. Judge Thomas Poindexter was elected to the court after a term on the Detroit Common Council. Poindexter was elected to Council by v i r t u e of his role as a spokesman for Detroit's white homeown- ers and as leader of a campaign to pass a "homeowners' rights" ,ordinance which repealed all existing open housing pro- visions in the city. Poindexter comes un- der attack in the report for refasing to consider such crucial matters in criminal. cases as the legality of search and seizure. Judge Robert Colombo c a m e to the court after years as counsel for the De- troit Police Officers Association. He is well known as a cop's judge. He gained some notoriety when, at an arraignment during the riot, he referred to a group of defendants before him as "a bunch of lousy, thieving looters." When one of the defendants inform ed Colombo he would have to prove that charge, the good judge replied: "We will." Of all the judges on the bench, only George Crockett, a Negro, seems to realize consistently that the defendants brought before him are human beings. But the quality of the judges is-only part of the problem. Recorder's Court is very closely tied in with the Detroit Po- lice Department and the Wayne County Prosecutors Office. This unholy relation- ship' hardly gives the defendant a chance, especially in view of the policeman's men- tality which most of the judges display. ANOTHER MAJOR barrier to justice in Detroitis the system of assigned coun- sel in use at Recorder's. Under recent Su- preme Court rulings, defendants in crim- inal procedings are entitled to counsel. If the defendant is indigent, the court must appoint cousel for him. In Detroit, court-assigned attorneys are picked from a group of miserable hacks known derisively as the "Clinton Street bar." These are attorneys of such stature that the only way they can make a living is off handouts fromi the court. They are hot known as splendid defenders. Every six months or so, the Detroit Bar Association makes a great noise about the need for a real public defender system in the city, a system which could be made to work very well if reputable 'attorneys were to volunteer some time. But the bar as- sociation's proposals never turn out to be more than sound and fury and the whole issue is quickly forgotten for an- other half year. Obviously, the entire structure of Re- corder's Court must be revamped, but to say how it should be done is not so simple. Currently judges are elected, and 't h e people seem to h a v e a knack for not choosing very good judges. However, ex- perience has shown that in Michigan, ap- pointed judges are likely to be as bad as or worse than elected judges. One hope for justice in the court would be to have the Justice Department and the one respectable court in the state, the U.S. District Court for the Eastern Dis- trict of Michigan, take a long, hard look at judicial procedures in Recorder's Court. * Another possible avenue for change in th6 court is the Judicial Tenure Commis- sion, newly established by constitutional amendinent in the August primary. The commission is empowered to remove low- er court judgesr for incompetance, mis- feasance, or malfeasance. Several Record- er's judges seem likely candidates for re- moval. Perhaps if the judges knew they were being watched, and watched by people who have the power to change things, they would be somewhat less willing to flagrantly abuse their discretionary pow- ers. -STFWE WILDSTROM Managing Editor i i J By Liberation News Service EDITOR'S NOTE: The American Legion "Convention Committee on Americanism presented the follow- ing resolutions to the national con- vention 'held in New Orleans on Sept. 10, 11 and 12, which appiar- ently passed them. The document, marked "Confidential--this mater- ial is furnished so that you may follow convection proceedingsin- telligently, and is not for release" was obtained by THE WORD, a New Orleans underground news- paper) and transmitted to The Daily by Liberation News Service. RESOLUTION NO. 480 (Texas) --Subject: Enat .Legislation to Amend the Sedition Act of 1917. Whereas, Many objectors to the Vietnam war have carried their protests far beyond the right of free speech and the right to peace- ably assemble and petition the government for redress of. griev- ances as guaranteed in the Con- stitution of the United States by: -1. Physically impeding .the operation of the Selective Service Act, and y -2. Physically interfering with the operation of trains carrying United States troops, and - +3. Physically preventing Unit- ed States Government agents for interviewingprospective officers for the Armed Forces, and -4. Physically hampering the transaction: of public business by blocking access to the Nation's military headquarters; and Whereas, Existing laws seem in- sufficient to adequately deal with such crimes against the public welfare; now, therefore, be it Resolved, By The American Legion in National Convention as- sembled in . New Orleans, Louisi- ana, September 10, 11, 12, 1968, that the Congress of the United States be, and is hereby petitioned to amend the Sedition Act of 1917, 40 Stat. 533 by adding to it the words, "or armed conflict," to be inserted. after the 'w6rd, "war," wherever it appears in said statute, thereby making the penalties of the law applicable to offenses committed when the United States is engaged in armed con-' flict though not engaged in war according to formal declaration by Act of Congress. , RESOLUTIONS APPROVED AS AMENDED RESOLUTION NO. 97' (Penn- sylvania)-Subject: Enact Legis- lation to Expose to the Public the Names of Known Communists and Communist Front Organiza- tions Operating in the United States. Whereas, It is vitally important that the people of this nation con- stantly be informed as to the existence and nature of subversive organizations and individuals; now, therefore, be it Resolved; By the American Le- gion in National Convention as- M Chicago, you ain't seen nothing yet sembled in New Orleans, Louisi- ana, September 10, '11, 12, 1968, that it reiterate its stand and re- quest the House Committee on Un-American Activities to update a report of organizations and in- dividuals found to be subversive in nature. Resolution No. 432 (New York) -Subject: Loyalty Oath for Ed- ucators in Public-S u p p o r t e d "Schools Whereas, The Preamble to the Constitution of the American Legion obligates its members to: -1. Maintain Law and Order -2. Foster and perpetuate a 100 per cent Americanism Whereas, The American Legion has the interest of America's youth; and Whereas, Actions by some teen agers can be attributed to liberal. ideas espoused by educators whose standards are ,not in the best in- terest of the United States; ard' Whereas, One of the qualifica- tions/ of an educator should be loyalty to the state and nation in which he is teaching; now, there- fore, be it Resolved, By The American Legion in National Convention as- sembled in New, Orleans, Lousi-" ana, September 10, 11, 12, 1968, that it strongly support and ini- tiate state legislation to re-estab- lish, where necessary, a loyalty oath requirement for the educa- torgs in public-supported schools, colleges and universities. Resolution No. 356 (New Hamp- *hire)-Subject: Enact Legisla- tion Which Would Make It Im- possible for Any Individual Who Has Publicly Refused to Bear Arms When Called Upon to Do So By Duly Constituted Authority to Receive any Scholarship or Stu- dent-Aid Money Made Available by State or National Government for Educational Purposes were consolidated, using the Number of Resolution No. 356, as amended, as follows: Whereas, Since the establish- ment of our Republic one of the basic purposes for the use of tax funds in the field of education has been to train citizen to be ter operate their democratic Govern- ment; and Whereas, A considerable amount of public money is currently being utilized in the field of public ed- ucation; and Whereas, A part of these public funds is utilized in the field of scholarships and student-aid pro- grams; and Whereas, In some of our public, institutions certain individuals, who do not qualify on conscien- tious or religious grounds as pro- vided by law, have publicly refused to bear arms in defense of the form of Government which has offered them a tax-supported ed- ucation; now, therefore, be it Resolved, 'By, The American Legion in National Convention as- sembled in New Orleans, Louisi- ana, September 10', 11, 12, 1968, that legislation be enacted on a state and national level which' would make it impossible for any individual who does not qualify on conscientious or religious grounds provided by law, who has publicly refused to bear arms when called upon to do so by duly, constituted authority to receive any scholar- 'ship or student-aid monies from any tax-supported sources made available by the State or National. Government for educational pur- poses. RESOLUTION NO. 69 AND 131 (California and Indiana -ub- Iect: Entry Into The 'United States of Red Students were consolidated. using the Number of Resolution No. 69 and the text of Resolution No. 131, as amended, as follows: Whereas, The time is now to rid universities and colleges of those who advocate/subversive and an- archist ideas who travel around the country encouraging active disobedience of our laws, stirring up internal strife and mass dis- ruption of orderly processes, and agitate youth on our campuses to become involved in these treacher- ous activities; now, therefore, be it History fo :A question of change By FRANK BROWNING New-old danger on the right FOR MANY on the American left, study- ing the foibles, plans and minutiae of reactionary and quasi-fascist f r i n g e groups h a s always satisfied a certain masochistic voyeurism. Traditionally, one paged through a book like Danger on The Right with an awed relish reserved for the study of forces that constituted a clear but not very present danger. In this year of conservative resurgence, however, the study of right-wing groups takes on new urgency. The evidence of renewed conservative sentiment is every- where: Students, newsmen and even doc- tors are brutalized in the streets of Chi- cago before national television, yet 75 per cent of the public sides with the po- lice; George Wallace gains support each day; the activism of students and oppres- sed minority, groups is the public's pri- mary paranoia. Given the proportions of this national mood of reaction and the likelihood that it will be translated into a turn to the right in public policies, how should the left react? The Humphreyites solemnly [ 1I Art16t t 3 4 counsel unification behind the one liberal figure on the 'scene: Hubert Humphrey. But Humphrey cannot win anyway, and even if he could his recent statements, his history of support for the Smith Act, and red-baiting within the ADA hardly make him the ideal candidate for turning back the fascist tide. ANY A R E SADLY concluding, as a friend told me the other day, that "We . will just have to live through a period where the country is pretty reactionary until today's students reach positions of power." And in the meantime, inspired by a philosophy of knowing thine enemy, they are boning up on their right wing fringe groups. As the editors of Liberation News Service explained to their subscrib- 'ers, "Right now we are sending a lot of stuff about the right, because we think a military coup is, say, 70 per cent niore im- mirent than a successful revolution of, the oppressed, blacks, and students." On the right side of this page appears some of the resolutions passed recently by the American Legion at its national convention in New Orleans. Although the American Legion, which began. calling for SET IN A GENTEEL assembly room atop the Rackham building, last week's discussion of reform in the history department rambled on for some three hours developing into the University's first open-ended meeting between faculty and students on the "specific issue of academic change. As such it ought not be written off lightly. Hopefully it won't be written off at all. But the real import of the meaning lay in its con- text, best 'suggested by Prof. Robert Sklar in one of his undergraduate history classes: -"BEWARE OF CO-OPTATION," he said. In essence, Sklar told his students not to mistake a bucket of sudsy liberal foam for a departmental scrubdown. The demand students brought to the meeting was clear, straight- forward - and hardly new: let us, as students, have a significant amount of control over the kind and quality of education we're getting. The means for obtaining that control were equally clear: let us have equal representation on the major policy board of the department, the Executive Committees. The second proposal would appear" the logical extension of the first. Shareholders who-wish to exercise control over a corporation do not ask fpr "advisory" votes, and legislators (theoretically) do not ex- ercise their influence over executive proposals through "informal, non- directed forums." But alas, this logic seemed to scatter in a dozen liberal directions as the students and the teachers set about securing their own best in- terests. The problems encountered were many and complex, HURDLE NO. 1: "Yes, we understand you have constructive criti- cisms, and I'm sure that everyone here is just as impressed as I am with the high quality of your ideas. But do you really think your rights need to be institutionalized; after all you've had a lot of influence on us just this afternoon." Hurdle No. 2: "You don't really want a voting seat on the Execu- tive Committee, you know. Faculty here are very independent and de- termine curricular offerings independently. And most of the other im- portant decisions are made by special ad hoc committees. Hurdle No. 3: "How would we ever determine what areas of decis- ion are germane to students. Are students qualified to judge scholarly research, or to assign graduate fellowships? Some areas, you know, are specifically faculty domains, some are student domains, and some are the concern of both. How shall we distinguish among them?" "BUT SIR," the student answers, "isn't our education supposed to enable us to make such distinctions upon which we are capable of act- ing?" The Rather Final Reply: "Well, frankly, although I'd vote for hav- ing student representation on the committee, I'm certain the rest of the department wouldn't. And of course it would have to be approved by the college, and you knowe how difficult that is. And off in the background the strong-chinned professor in a blue suit declares, "Why, students ought not to be admitted to any of the meetings. And what about student behavior? I don't like having to teach in classroofns that look like pig pens, and you know why they look that way: students. If it weren't for students * * * - To, dismiss the whole encounter as a mere exercise in circumlocu- tion would be unfair to those who didn't speak and to a few who did. The standing rule. the more communication the better is anlicable, Another suggested that students had to understand "the criteria on which we select a man for the department." Both seemed to have thoroughly misapprehended - or so they would have us believe - the issue at hand. Students are not asking to be junior partners in the exercise of the traditional criteria of aca- demic management. They are insisting that the criteria themselves be changed, that "we all start doing things differently,' THIS CHALLENGE goes to the very roots of American academic organization, fo'r it suggests la learning experience in which the pro- fessor is not in a position of, psychological authority, administering a pre-defined body of information to his students. It suggests that stu- dents are partners in learning. { When students enter into a cooperative role with faculty, the cri-' teria for effective performance will obviously change. A faculty member suggested Friday that students entering into a, cooperative role with faculty would have to tread very carefully. "They're really quite a bunch of prima donnas, you know." This char- acterization has been supported all through the works of Clark Kerr; it echoes through the halls of Stanford. Chicago, and Harvard. But surely they don't expect the system to remain intact once students are admitted as equals into academia. Of course not. The American university %professor knows quite as well as anyone else where his own interests lie, and h is not about to surrender them for any amount of liberal soapsuds, which takes one to the point of the hesitancy about institutionalizing the student role in departmental decision making. DECISIONS REGARDING the range and emphasis of curricula, the number of professors and their graduate - undergraduate deploy- ment, the nature of degree requirements, the number of hours assigned to courses -- all these are the result of specific, individual decisions' made within the department. To suggest that: they merely arise through some genial hocus-pocus, or that they roll off the faculty club pool ta- ble into a general catalogue is worse than nonsepse: It simply isn't true. For students to take part in those decisions, they must obviously belong as full members to the decision making bodies. That begins with the Executive Committee; but it is only a beginning. In addition, stu- dents must be distributed among all the other ad hoc committees whose decisions are relevent to student interests. That sort \of student participation - quite legitimately labelleg asf a student invahion of the faculty castle - not only ,places students in, positions of decisive importance in academic organization. Equally im- portant, it places them in close, informal contact with the department's, professors - one of the highest ideals we have for a student and teach- er relationship. WORKING OUT the mechanics of student representation and con- stituency, graduate vs. undergraduate interest, and faculty domain vs. student domain will be difficult. Such procedural matters however, hardly seem insurmountable given the modern university's position as society's intellectual fountainhead. The bureaucratic arrangements - though admittedly important -. are clearly subsidiary to the basic attitudinal shift which faculty must make in recognizing students as rational, intelligent people who, strange as it may seem, are interested in improving the quality of their educa- tions. There is considerable truth to the statements made Friday em- nhasizing how much denartmental nolicv arises through informal dis- Resolved, By The American Le- gion in National Convention as- sembled in New Orleans, Louisi- ana, September 10, 11, 12, 1968, that it most vigorously oppose ad- mitting those whose purpose in gaining admission to our country is to incite riot and anarchy, par- ticularly on our campuses at col- leges and universities. Resolution No. 126 (Ditict of Columbia) and Resolution1 No. 47 (Arizona) -- Subject: American Civil Liberties Union were con- solidated, using the Number of Resolution No. 126 and the text of Resolution No. 407, adopted by the 1966 National Convention, as amended, as follows: Whereas, The American Civil Liberties Union hereafter called ACLU, has since its inception de- fended Communists and their sympathizers;nsdand Whereas, the ACLU has lent its support to such movements which, in our judgments, are weakening statutes relating to obscenity and pornography and at the same time, they have appeared in courtx opposing prayers and Bible read- ing in public schools; and Whereas, The ACLU has joined other organizations in efforts t to advocate the creation ,of civilian police review boards w ich, in our judgment, will materially weaken- the law enforcement agencies; and Whereas, These actions seek the legal right of those involved with- out consideration of some of the fundamental concepts of our American" Heritage; namely, the relationship of legal authority and a divine being, the will of the ma- jority, and support 'the law and order in its practice; and Whereas, Such action of the ACLU 'may be interpreted as at-" tempts to weaken the Constitution of the United States of America an'd give aid and comfort to those who seek to destroy our former government; now, therefore, be it Resolved, By The American Le- gion in National Convention as- sembled in New Orleans, Louisi- ana, September 10, , 12, 1968, that the ACLU, its officers, funds, purposes, and operation should be investigated by the House Com- mittee on Un-American1 Activi- ties or by the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee. RESOLUTION NO, 377 (Illi- nois) and Resolution No. 481 (Texas)-Subject: Oppose Pro- viding Aid and Corfort To The Enemy *were consolidated, usipg the Number of Resolution No. 33 and the text of Resolution No. 388, adopted by the 1966 National Con- vention, as amended, as follows: Whereas, The united States is currently engaged in an armed con- flict with Communist powers and is seriously threatened by their acts of aggression; and Whereas, There exist in the United States certain organiza- tions, groups and persons who at- tempt to impede the Armed Forces of the United States by obstructing the movement of military material and the Armed Forces of the United States, and by soliciting money, property, and supplies, for the purpose of aiding a hostile foreign power, and to obstruct and defeat the defense activities of the United States; now, therefore, be it Resolved, By the American Legion in National Convention as- sembled in New Orleans, Louisi- ana, September 10, 11, 12, 1968, that the American Legion strong- ly urge that Congress conduct a thorough investigation. of all, the activities of such subversive groups that give aid and comfort to an armed enemy of our country dur- ing periods of an undeclared war and that, if its investigation dis- closes the necessity for additional legislation, such. legislation be en- acted promptly. The Following RESOLUTIONS are RECEIVED AND RECORDED: Resolution No, 42 (North Da- kbnn _Qn'hman+ . Cinnna .TTen of' 4 qb *1 a1