C Saturday, September 21, 1968 THE'MIcHIGAN DAILY Page Three Saturday, September 21, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY . .,. y ., , . ...., 0_. SMITH, SOR ENSEN: Kennedy aides to assist Humphrey Filipino students picktembassy By The Associated Press main events of Nixon's bid for Stephen Smith and Theodore C. Pennsylvania's 29 electoral votes: Sorensen, close political aides' an hour's state-wide television ap- &of the Keneedy family, announced pearance. their support yesterday for Vice Philadelphia Police Commis- President Hubert H. Humphrey. sioner Frank L. Rizzo estimated Smith, brother-in-law and cam- the Nixon turnout at 200,000 to paign manager for the late Sen. 250,000. He said the Humphrey Robert F. Kennedy, said ata news, crowd was about as large. conference that he has offered to Thewd iwon outeslike.u help the vice president in his The Nixon route, like Hum- quest for the presidency, phrey's, covered 10 blocks of Sorensdn, former aide to the Chestnut Street mi downtown late John F. Kennedy, said he is Philadelphia. Police lined the voting for Humphrey because he is curbs, and wooden barricades the candidate "least likely to sinke kept the people jammed on the, us all." sidewalks. Nixon campaign hits Philadelphia PHILADELPHIA - Richard M. Nixon rode a campaign, mile lined by cheering crowds in Dem- ocratic Philadelphia yesterday. He claimed victory over Vice Presi- dent Hubert H. Humphrey in the battle of the motorcades. Nixon called the Republican show "marvelous, marvelous, just terrific." He said he understood the turnout was the biggest since President Franklin L. Roosevelt appeared here 22 years ago. Humphrey, the Democratic pres- idential nominee, staged a Phila- delphia motorcade 11 days ago in opening his own campaign. News- men who covered both affairs said Nixon had outdrawn his rival. The GOP 'nominee stood waving from an open convertible. There was of torrent of ticker tape and shredded paper as the car ropled through center city during the lunch hour. It was a preface to one of the At its heaviest, the crowd stood 10 to 12 deep on both sides of the three lane street, packed between barricades and stote fronts. From overhead, Nixon fans tossed show- ers of shredded paper. Near the nominee's Philadelphia headquar- ters, hundreds of colored balloons were released to soar overhead. Htmphrey, asks TV debates SPRINGFIELD, Ill.-Vice Presi- dent Hubert H. Humphrey, seeking to taunt Republican Richard M. Nixon into a series of television debates, said yesterday the GOP presidential candidate's "firm po- sitions make an ad for Jello look like concrete." Speaking from the steps of Ab- raham Lincoln's onetime home be- fore a crowd of several thpusand -far bigger than many he has seen in his campaign-Humphrey challenged Nixon to join him in a seies of discussions "in the tradi- tion of the Lincoln-Douglas de- bates-" U.of M. Men's Glee Club presents BELAFOuNTE September 26 8:30 Special Events Building GENERAL SALES Today thru Sept. 25 9 A.M.-6 P.M. LobbySAB $3.00, $3.50, $4.50 Time and again, the Democratic candidate departed from his text to hammer away at his theme that Nixon is straddling major is- sues. But when his enthusiastic audi- ence lustily booed his first men- tion of Nixon's name, the vice president raised his arms for si- J. campaign 643 lence and said, "No, no, I don't ever want a Humphrey supporter to boo anybody." He said he wanted to see an America, the beautiful, and he added, "You're never very beauti- ful if you're angry or disrespect-' ful". Humphrey would like to make a campaign out of the organized hecklers who have harassed him at many of his public appearances. As he did i Thursday night in Sioux Falls, S.D., Humphrey once again pictured himself as an ar- dent exponent of peace in Vietnam -but without departing from the stated policies 'of the Johnson ad- ministration. Florida crowds welcome Wallace TALLAHASSEE, Fla. - Making his final Florida campaign swing, George Wallace told a icheering crowd of 10,000 yesterday that, if elected, he will seek a constitu- tional amendment requiring Sen- ate reconfirmation of Supreme Court justices every six or eight years. Doffing his coat under a hot sun, Wallace rolled up his sleeves and delivered one of the hardest- hitting speeches since launching his third party drive for the pres- idency. He was to speak later in the day at Daytona Beach and Orlando. T aI He blasted the Supreme Court, Republican party, GOP candidate Richard Nixon and what he called "groups of anarchists who violate law and order in America." A crowd of 10,000 filled t h e stands and rimmed the sidelines1 of a football field at *the State Fairgrounds in Tallahassee to hear Wallace. They cheered fre- quently, and one group of youths held up a Confederate flag. Hitting Republicans and Demo- crats alike, he said that previous- ly both parties "called \us crackers, rednecks, peckerwoods, pea pick- ers, they wouldn't spit on an Ala- bamian." He said such control had been taken away by the Supreme Court and criticized Abe Fortas, whose appointment as chief justice is now being reviewed by the Sgnate. "Mr. Fortas and them said you can send o bs ce'n e literature through the mails and see obscene movies, but you'd better not bow your head in a public school and say a prayer," Wallace charged. Muskie demands ,Nixon Viet stance WICHITA, Kan.-Sen. Edmupd S. Muskie of Maine, Democratic vice presidential candidate, yester- day challenged those who question U.S. involvement in Vietnam to direct some of their questions at Richarn M. Nixon, the Repub- lican presidential nominee. Speaking to, a mid-day student- convocation at Wichita State Uni- versity, Muskie expressed concern that all the questions being asked about Vietnam have been directed at Vice President Hubert H. Hum- phrey and himself. The senator noted that Nixon has said he will not' discuss the Vietnamese situation because of the negotiations in Paris but that he would talk about "the past." There was applause from the primarily student audience when he said the Geneva accords were drawn during a Republican ad- ministration. C w e i i i If l } 73 I ' i 7W .'t }rig 'y Associated Press' Pop painter pauses at party 'Andy Warhol converses with French actress Martine Barat at "The Factory," Warhol's studio in Greenwich Village. This is the first affair Warhol has given since he was shot by one of his' proteges in early June. YUGOSLAVS CITED-:, Bloc indep+!enadence e bi scored rem IIt ' by President Mar'cos for explanation MANILA () -- Filipino students demonstrated outside the U.S. Embassy Friday night, protesting a statement by a State Depart- ment spokesman that the United, States recognizes Sabah as part of Malaysia. President Ferdinand E. Marcos summoned U.S. Ambas- sador G. Mennen Williams to clarify the American stand. Marcos signed a bill Wednesday annexing the Malaysian state in North Borneo on the ground that it actually was Philippines terri- tory until the sultan of Sulu ceded part of it to the British in 1.78. Britian has supported Malaysia in rejecting the Philippines claim to t h e territory, which became' part of the Malaysian federation when it w a s formed of former British colonies in 1963. "America has forgotten us," said an official 'at the presidential palace here. The Philippines was a U.S- possession until after World War II.$ The demonstration outside the. U.S. Embassy by about 100 stu- dents :was orderly. The ,demon- strators handed out handbills as- sailing "gratuitous remarks" and "agents provocateurs in the State Department." A statement from the presiden- tial palace in Manila said Presi- dentpMarcos had called Williams to a meeting with him Saturday afternoon for a "formal verifica- tion and clarification" of the statement in Washington Thurs- day by Robert J. McCloskey, State Department spokesman, that the United States considers Sabah to be Malaysian. The U.S. Embassy said McClos-' key was merely restating the Am- erican position taken when Malay- sia was formed. "With respect to the claim of the Philippines on Sabah, the United States traditionally takes no position on territorial disputes as this one." But Philippines sources said the statement could be harmful to U.S.-Filipino relations.; A palace informant said Marcos was "deeply hurt" by the State Department position. "It cut us adrift," the source said. "We are not only sentimen- tal, but much of our military strength is dependent on the Unit- ed States and now, with Britain siding with Malaysia, America has forgotten us." Marcos has said the Philippines has no hostile intentions toward Malaysia and does not plan to take Sabah by force. "There is going to be no war" he said. Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman of Malaysia has also de- nounced force: But Rahman has said Marcos' signing of the annexation bill was tantamount to aggression. Philippines officials charged that Malaysia's' suspension of diplo- matic relations Thursday was 'a belligerent act. Cubhan seizes Miami-bhound. U.-S. arliner MIAMI, Fla. (P--An Eastern Air Lines jet hijacked over the Bahamas earlier in the day de- parted Havana Friday night for a return trip to Miami, but its 46 passengers were left behind. It wasN the third consecutive time Cuban authorities had de- tained passengers after allowing hijacked commercial aircraft to leave Havana. Informants in Havana quoted airport witnesses as saying t h e plane landed during a vainptorm and the hijacker was a lone gun- man who appeared to be a Latin, probably in his 20's. They said he emerged from the plane alone, with a pistol in his hand. U.S. State Department officials working through the Swiss em- bassy' in Havana, attempted to negotiate release of the 46 pas- sengers and seven crew members. On the two most recent hijack- ings, passengers w e re forced to remain behind temporarily as the crews returned the planes to Mi- ami. Cuban officials said t h e Jose Marti runway was too short for big jets. Passengers, minus the hi- jackets, w e r e returned later on daily Cuban airlift flights. The crew and all the passen- gers but seven were listed as Mi- ami residents, the airline said. In previous hijackings pilots have radioed Miami they were be- ing forced to go to Havana and asked landing clearance in Ha- vana, Of the eight planes hijacked to Cuba earlier this year, all were returned wit'bin 24 hours. American amblIassa(Ior' 5u 1111101e(I By WILLIAM L. RYAN PRESENTS HA MLET, (Russian version; English subtitles) Directed by A. KOZINTSEV, 1963 Translation by BORIS PASTERNAK Music score by SHOSTAKOVICH "One of Mr. Kozintsev's chief objects is to make our flesh creep, and he lavished much attention on the setting in which the bloody deeds of the plot take place. . . . Shakespeare and his contem- poraries believed in ghosts, and so, for the length of this very stirring 'Hamlet,' did I. --BRENDAN GILL -The New Yorker 7:00 & 9:05 ARCH ITECTURE 662-8871 C AUDITORIUM Associated Press News Analyst The Balkans often have been a kettle for brewing big trouble for the world. Will Moscow's current anger place the area again in that role? Observers in Europe with a sense of history do not rule it out. A new blast from Pravda has the tone of, a no-nonsense warn- ing. The paper of the Soviet Com- munist leadership served notice that nobody within the Soviet orbit is permitted to contemplate or abet any "softening" of Com- munist party rule. It shook an ad- monitory finger toward Yugo- slavia, NO MORE CZECHOSLOVAKIAS Such articles are carefully re- viewed by the party before pub- lication. This one was broadcast abroad, suggesting that one aim was to serve notice that Moscow will tolerate no more Czechoslo- vakias. The article harshly scolded Yugoslavia, as if to stress that the Kremlin's patience has limits. Yugoslavia right now' is out of reach of the long Russian arm so far as conventional forces are concerned, having no border with Russia. It would not be out of reach if the Russians persuaded Romania that it needed a Soviet military presence. Between the lines in authori- tative Soviet press organs there are signs of Kremlin edginess as Yugoslavia, Romania and even tiny, maverick Albania confront the Russians. Yugoslavia criti- cizes the occupation of Czechoslo Nakia. iRomania's gestures suggestl anti-Soviet overtones. YUGOSLAV EXAMPLE "The program of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia says bluntly that the 'leading political role of the League . . . would in the future disappear gradually.' This line is being pursued ever more actively of late . . . This theory and practice of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia serv- ed to a large extent as an example' that inspired revisionist elements in Czechoslovakia." Yugoslavia was, in fact, a model for Czechoslovaks seeking to re- move the oppressive weight of the Communist bureaucracy f r o m their economy. Romania is far from denying a "leading role" for its party, which operates a tight ship. Albania's party has total dictatorship. But1 both irk Moscow in other ways. Romania carries on an indepen- dent foreign policy which includ- es relations with Bonn and thus' in the Soviet view permits the West Germans to penetrate East- ern Europe. Albania constantly reviles the "Soviet revisionists" from behind its Chinese shield. The Kremlin has been making.! threatening gestures toward West Germany. This does not neces- sarily mean any overt action to- ward intervention, since that could open the way to a general war situation in Europe. THREAT TO WEST GERMANS West Germany seems to be used by Moscow in this instance as a foil, an excuse for the occupation of Czechoslovakia and sounding board for warnings to the rest of Eastern Europe. The Balkans, however, could be a different 'matter. It is wholly clear to all Eastern Europe that nobody sprang to the aid of Czechoslovakia. The, Romanians and Yugoslavs thus now might be asking them- selves: What is there to stop the Russians if they decide to squelch all the irritations inside their orbit? , Survey shows Czechs support evacuation of Soviet-led troops -Associated Press Nixon triumphs in Philadelphia 1 TONIGHT at Cfujtei'Js1t &and (Jp'9) 1421 Hill St. r' 7 PRAGUE ( P)-The official radio of Czechoslovakia's Communist government reported yesterday that citizens queried in a public opinion poll were 100 peracent in favor of Soviet-led occupation troops leaving their country. The Russians and four Warsaw Pact allies occupied Czechoslo- vakia one month ago, Aug. 20, to' check a drive toward liberaliza- tion. The question asked in the poll was: "Do you regard the departure of foreign armies as a necessary condition of our peaceful devel- opment?" , Radio Prague said .864 people had been questioned in the north- ern town of Usti, chpsen as a. typical Czechoslovak community. Of these: 783 expressed full confidence in the liberal Com- m.unist party leadership of Alex- ander Dubcek; 671 were convinced that policy could be continued in the same direction as before the invasion; 526 accepted the agree- ments signed in Moscow Aug. 26 as the only way: out of the situ- ation. On the question of ending the occupation, the radio said the answers were unanimous. The date of the poll was not given. Dubcek and' other ,leaders 'had been expected togo to Moscow again yesterday. But officials re- ported the trip had been post- poned until Tuesday because of failure to agree on what should be discussed. DELAY MOSCOW TRIP Instead, the top Czechoslovak leaders went to the international trade fair at Brno, 115 miles southeast of Prague, where they got a big reception. The last time Dubcek went to Moscow, just after the invasion, he was forced to go by the Rus- sians. Since then he has succeeded Lose Something? Find it with a Daily Classified iii keeping his job, though he has had to jettison some of his key supporters under Soviet pressure. Troops from the 'Soviet Union, East Germany, Hungary, heund and Bulgaria' make up 'the occu- pation force. EAST GERMAN CRITICISM Criticism of Czechoslovakia in. the news media of those nations yesterday included a charge by Neues Deutschland, the official newspaper of Communist East Germai~y's Communist party, that U.S. Consul Donald P. Black and British Ambassador Sir William Barker had engaged in "agent activity" in Prague. The Russians are still keeping a heavy hand on Czechoslovakia's domestic affairs, though they promised in Moscow not to inter- fere. SOVIET PATROLS Soviet armored cars and troop carriers still patrol city streets at night, though in the daytime they keep to the suburbs and the coun- tryside. Telephone operators refused Friday to put calls through to the newspaper Vpred-Forward--at Zvolen,.'in northern Slovakia, ex- plaining that its office is still oc- cupied by Soviet troops. They took ,the paper over Tues- day, for reasons still undisclosed. They have interfered in at least two other newspapers in the past week. a massacre in progress returning by overwhelming popular demand ! B A .. Dial 665-6290 FINAL WEEK I 1' .. I THE MICHIGAN BANDS Take Great Pride in Presenting TWICE DAILY at 1:30 & 7:30F F-riday, saturday Nights r All Day Sunday $2.50 Other Times $2.00 JOHNNY CARSON, IN PERSON with Doc Severinson and Orchestra Marilyn Maye Bud and Cece Dance Team in 2 Shows at 7:00 and 10:00 P.M. on Saturday. Octner 5 at the : ::: 'y+w'+" w;'.''. :v.;;? i.' t":{i. . .a tars.. pesents 3 EAST BOUND MOUND CONTEMPORARY THEATRE AND BLUES 1A.