Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, September 20, 1968 / r 7 ._. i " 5 :. .. s Fleming analyzes 'unrest' LANSING (P) - "The natives are restless," University President Robben W. Fleming told the 70th annual convention of the Michi- gan Municipal League here Wed- nesday. Fleming was talking about what he said was one problem shared by universities and municipalities. "They are restless about those things which we have little power to cure immediately," he said. Other problems that are shared by universities and municipalities included racial problems and civil disobedience. "We probably have . done less over the years than we should," he admitted. "The students," he added, "would like to have us cure things overnight. They are convinced that only those under 30 have great knowledge." Those who seek to solve the problems have come to believe in the techniques of demonstration and confrontation, he said. "The people originally were sympathetic," he said.-""But they are getting ,tired of this. There is a desire now for tranquility and peace. Used too frequently, t h a t kind of tactic is self-defeating." Both the universities and th municipalities have the common problem of lack of enough to support needed programs, Fleming continued. One need, the president said, is to involve the young people di- rectly in helping to solve some of the problems such as poor housing. "We have a great pool.of man- power in the universities," he said. "It is not enough just to try to do good. We must ;involve the people who are concerned." Fleming suggested that o t h e r cities might follow up a program started this summer in Ann Ar- bor, where the city and the uni- versity cooperated in developing a local recreation project. The universities, he conceded, must do a better job of education in inner cities. Fleming said that the recent upsurge of cominunity colleges in various )states is an important step toward making ;higher education available to inner-city residents, but that much else needs to be done in that area. "There is a great restlessness among the young people," he re- ported. "We must involve them and serve them right in the areas where they live." " ,z": ,:{:?.;tir:ri: f:'^:.'4"r' ..h:^:'+s '..'.{r,"r:!gr tnrrrlrv ;.a;, grge, "x^r rfi^x}%:+.":S". ;. . ffi' Fr r,.'t}%" rv : vv :v: xr +:: .-s.^:.-.vrxx".v r." ." ^.v.-:.r.-. v w:: n-:: v.^:r;.^: " -.av:>" ,c { . ^ ..:: . : ..,. n. n r., .,. n. ;.^......o r r. 7'B^ ...., 3;. r ..%. . a :. a'x::° . .:i::.. r+"nvfti+' .+.:- ;r ":5:; ';{.,;. ..?:.. ,..r: r: rfi:. fr,'.?R°f."'r,},.,., ..;%. d:,?"i.^rv: vr.4v:^::. ", .:?rf.;:S' ^+ . . i'K:?Yrh'^%r;:."5%?:G.oovvnov.":re; .^%:?.rn.r.::;.w:brr."dn",".::;;.^.n''.w...r.":4::"1{M.. ^.^: ..: }..vr :^;4 '. ' .. ^.:::"::.+-.rnvr.:.vv,.?.fi:::".-:."Y: fh":is : :v:^id^:n^n\.4.s,"%",":.:":{:rnv. 'rr}:":".";.v:n^fi.":x.;::.>,"e:".;:tie;:'%s}'.: : ': ^; DAILY OFFIC IAL BULLETIN Eat, Drink, and Be Merr,. The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editor- ial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITER form to Room 3528 L. S. & A. Bldg., be- fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding publication and by 2 p.m. Friday for Saturday and Sunday. General Notices may be published a maxi- mum of two times on request; Day Calendar items appear once only. Student. organization notices are not accepted for publication. For more information call 764-9270. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 Day Calendar Physical Chemistry Lecture: Michael' Berry, a former undergraduate student, presently at the University of Cali- fornia-Berkley, "Applications of Chem- ical Lasers", 3 pm. Room 1200 Chem. ' Department of Philosophy Lecture: Wilfrid Sellars, Professor, The Univer- sity of Pittsburgh, "Towards a Meta- physics of the Person": Auditorium A, Angell Hall, 4:00 p.m. Cinema' Guild: Andrzej Wajda's Si- berian Lady Macbeth: Architecture Auditorium, 7:00 and 9:05 p.m., Professional Theatre Program: Mo- liere's The Misanthrope: Lydia Men- delssohn Theater, 8:00 p.m. General Notices Intramural Sports Department: Co- Hillel Foundation, 1429 Hill Street, -men and women for Marine Corpsr Hillel Student Sabbath Service at 6:15 Officers Programs, all degree levels, any p.m. major, December, April, and June grad- uates. D oct ral Tuesday, September 24, 1968: U. S. Marines, see Mon. listing above. Wednesday, September 25, 1968: U. S. Exam inations Marines. See Mon. listing above. Thursday, and Friday, September 26 ..Solomon H. Tilles, Romance Lang- and 27, 1968: No interviews presently uages & Literatures: Spanish, Dissert- scheduled at Placement Services, 3200 ation: "Indianismo in the Spanish S.A.B. American Novel," on Friday, Sept. 20 at INTERVIEWS AT OTHER OFFICES 2 p.m. in West Council Room, Rackham Chairman: E. Glazer. Tuesday and Wednesday, September 24 and 25, 1968: U. S. Air Foce inter- viewsatBus.Adnin. Placement Of- Placem ent fices, 271 Bus. Ad. Call 764-1372 for appts. and further information: Womena 3200 S.A.B. for officers interviewed on Sept. 25. GENERAL DIVISION Men for Pilots4and navigators primar- ily on Sept. 24. t MISTER FAMILY RESTAURANT " HAMBURGERS " CHICKEN " CONEY ISLANDS " JUMBOYS - SMILING SPEEDY SERVICE CARRY-OUT SPECIALISTS NO WAITING " PLENTY of PARKING INSIDE SEATING OR EAT IN YOUR CAR OPEN 11AM DAILY 662-0022...«. 3325 WASHTENAW RD. ANN ARBOR 2 ELKS. W. of ARBORLAND Cottage'Inn Restaurant Oldest Pizza Parlor in Anin Arbor Free Delivery Call 663-3379 512 E. William -tim - --- -- - Announcements: Peace Corps Test will be given at 1 p.m. this Saturday, Sept. 21, 1968, at downtown branch of the Post Office, Main at Catherine Streets. Applications avail. at Placement Services, should be taken with you, completed. Placement Interviews: The following, organizations will interview at Place- ment Services, the representatives ex- pect to see at least a vita sheet on in- terviewees, therefore, if you are not already registered with the General Division, please stop in and let us pro- vide you with the proper materials. Please call 763-1363 to make appoint- ments by phone, or stop in and make appt. in person. Make appts. as soon as possible, none accepted after 4 p.m. day preceding visit. Interviews the week of September 23 thfoueh 27:. Summer Placement Service, 2121 S.A.B., Lower Level, is open for brows- ing. Thousancis of summer positions come to them each year, look for yours early. ENGINEERING PLACEMENT SERVICE 128 H, West Engrg. Bldg. September 27, 1968 General Atronics Corp. Racine Hydraulics, Inc. Union Carbide Corp. Materials Systems Div. Engineering Placement Meeting: No. 3. "Employment Interviewing and Plant Visits." What to expect and how to act during employment negotiations. Third of four meetings. Professor J. G. Young of four meetings. Professor J. G. Young. September 23, 4:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. in Room 311, West Engineer-, inz, Buildinz. (Afternoon and evenine Entertaining Nightly z~WATERFALL. RESTAURANT Featuring FAT BOB, Ann Arbor's Own Sinnin Plumber Open: 11 A M.-2 A.M. Above Ad Worth 25c toward Dinner (One per Customer) I i Lerain- oihlndeeyF i tgi FrgllYS g.1- t"e golal V li f 4yvrfJf J/yV ullc day night ogr facuty,nstudents, coeds Monday, Sept. 23, 1968: U. S. Marines meetings will be the same.) r Thursday, Friday & Saturday wives and guests from 7:00 to 10:30 -- - 2161 W. Stadium-For reservations call 662-2545 p.m. The main gymnasium floor is now _________________________________________ open and expanded activities include volleyball and badminton in addition to swimming, diving, gymnastics, tram- poline, individual exercise, weight lift- Fc - in handball, paddlebai l and squash. Gift .B'out.que Open 10.00-10:00 - No basketball. Facilities reserved for mixed groups. No children, please. Broadcasting Service: Radio StationJ WUOM-FM (91.7 Mc.) 11 a.m. to 11i p.m. daily. Friday, 11~ a.m. The Elev- enth Hour (repeated at 7 p.m.) Ed Bur - ' rows hosts an hour of news and con-N e ; PAT U versation about the arts and literature.e Special guests: Robert Inglehart, Chairman, U-M Dept. of Art, and W il liam Drake, School of Natural Re-f J Frda y, 1:0 m From Th e Mida y sources, 'Aesthetics of City Planning" . Mx c a"The Economic Consequences of Apar- sex co theid", with Prof. Edgar Brookes, Uni- versity of Natal. 9:45 p.m., U-M Center for Chinese Studies: Mainland China Seminar -- Richard. Solomon, Asst. Prof. Pol. Sci., on "The Character of Chinese Communist Foreign Policy".WS Saturday, 1:15 p.m. Football -- TheUSES F R E E U-M vs. California, with Tom Hem- ERA ES and PO VCHOS inwygiving the play-by-play report lzGi} from Michigan stadium. 5:15 p.m., Jazz Revisited, Hazen Schumacher presents!AL Traditional Songs: jazz interpretations.l" ORGANIZATION NOTICESM769-3400 Baha'i Student Group, informal dis- cussion, "The Dignity of Man," Friday, ley. All welcome. Call 665-4676 Iyou Try Daily Classified need transportation. 1 Open: Mor., Wed. and Thurs. 4 P.M.-2 A.M. Open: Fri., Sat, Sun. Noon to 3 A.M. (Closed Tues.) DeLONG'S PIT BAR BECUE 314 Detroit St. Phone 665-2266 ARRY OUT ONLY FREE DELIVERY CA Bor-B-Q Beef Dinner... $1.95 V/2 Fried Chicken $1.55 Fried Shrimp.$x.60 All Dinners include French Fries and Slaw Welcome Both Young and Old , 44 i 7Ae bod %x Located in Scenic Northern Ann Arbor Area (Dixboro) BEST SELECTION OF SEAFOOD IN ANN ARBOR AREA "the fish you eat today played yesterday in Gloucester Bay" OTHER SPECIALIES the finest steak-s, pan fried Chicken, and roast prime ribs of beef CATERING on or off premise CELEBRATE OUR WIN OVER CALIFORNIA WITH A DELICIOUS VICTORY DINNER! NO 8-9387 5400 PLYMOUTH RD., Open from 11i A.M.-2 P.M. 2V2 miles from 4 P.M.-1Q P.M. North Campus HEAR THE GREAT SOUND of Ronnie Ross and Carole Wailer and the Cirkus, - Appearing at the K ' r.. fi5doo, r-). 314 S. 4th Ave. 761-3548 OPEN ALL VEEK 3 P.M: -2 A.M. DINNERS UNTIL I A.M. Entertainment, Dancing Monday-Sc iturday Blaises Hamburger 6"on an Oversized Toasted Roll- It II It's Good Food Y'want--Go to Blaises at the Sheraton Ann Arbor Inn ...'.s a sa sa*a aaa a aaa aa a*********