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September 20, 1968 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-09-20

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New Styles First
at Wild's'



Friday, September 20, 1968
Difficulties expected
during student trials'

'(Continued fion

reviews classified

A NEW Classic
s AD
PU IBlazer
Mad isonalre

page one)

president might approve a REP


group's immediate function ac- (an urgent Request for Proposal), ed
cording to the chairman is main- even while committee members oft
ly to make proposal acceptance a ,ere reviewing the proposal. How- bee
"shared decision." ever, Elderfield says if the com- rele
Under Norman's tutelage, the mittee did disagree with Norman's mis
committee has met for the past action, they could question the Stu
month and experimented with re- vice president before the faculty whi
viewing a few recent proposals, senate. stu
The vice president has advised Although Norman's guaranteed C
the group on information not in veto power could reverse a rejec- som
the proposals that they might tion of a proposal by the commit- pos
need to judge contracts. tee, he and Coon both doubt a Hou
Norman says he advised the faculty-administration confronta- is d
committee "not to attempt to ap- tion will be provoked. Coon ex- ly,
ply to classified proposals criteria pects "conflicts will be resolved clos
they might not apply to unclassi- before submission so that no one D
fied ones. The general educational will be embarrassed by withdraw- late
objectives of the University, for al. That is the tactful way.' cuss
example, are not always met by However, the "tactful way" of disc
unclassified ones. securing student membership on
a If a proposal were rejected, the Coon Committee has not been
Norman says, he hopes the Classi- devised. While Norman says stu- ff
field Research Committee would dent membership is "not inap- J
spare the principle investigator 'propriate," he explains "no one
and the proposal any publicity. recommended how students might l
Prof. Elderfield adds that get on the committee."
Norman has told him the vice The question of student mem- A
Z spok
I Next
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A toast to the new standard-setter in authentic
blazers - The Pub from Madisonaire. Tailored
in a great tradition from fine quality fabrics, it
boasts a unique added touch. Inside this hand-
some coat there's a lining which features
pictures of the signs that adorned some of
Britain's most famous old taverns. Inside and
out the Pub is an outstanding, blazer. $50.0

ship on the committee, design-
to be "broadly representative
the entire faculty," has not
n decided, pending the final
ease of the President's Com-
sion Report on the Role of
dents in Decision Making,
ich will supposedly define the
dent's role on campus.
oon hopes there "might be
ne mechanism to effect a pro-
al for student membership."
iever, until the "mechanism"
developed the two-hour, week-
committee meetings will be
Doors may be closed even at
er meetings, if the group dis-
ses classified information in
cussing a particular contract.
Ian to protest
and spending
group of Washtenaw County
zens are planningaa march
norrow to protest what a
Ikesman called "the frittering
ay of our tax dollars by the
nty administration."
irs. Dorothy Hunniwill of
Kier said the march is not being
d specifically to protest recent
ra welfare appropriations by
county but to object to the
ycounty funds are being ad-
.istered in general. Mrs. Hun-
ill said she hopes 500 to 1,000
pl will turn out for the de-
nstration, which will begin at
County Bldg. at 10 a.m.

Coon says a "significant propor-
tion" of the committee has secur-
ity clearance to deal with class-
ified information.
Even though the committee de-
layed acting during the summer
because they "hesitated to make
decisions when all members were
not present," the chairman ex-
plains "Once standards are set,
we. vill be able to function with
less people."
The eight people now serving
on the committee in addition to
Coon are : Prof. Joseph E. Rowe,
chairman of the electrical engin-
eering department, Prof. O t t o
LaPorte of the physics depart-
ment, Prof. Frederick I Sparrow
of the botany department, Prof.
John G. Pedley of the classical
studies department, Prof. E. Low-
ell Kelly of the psychology depart-
ment, Prof. William H. Stubbins
of the music school, Prof. Warren
E. Miller of the political science
department, and Prof. Joseph K.
Yamagiwa of the far eastern
studies department.
The faculty members were elect-
ed to their positions by the Senate
Assembly after the Senate Advis-
ory Committee on University Af-
fairs placed their names in nom-
ination. Prof. Irving M. Copt,
chairman of SACUA, says the
nominations were made "after
consulting with the men, involved
and being assured they were
neither against all classified re-
search nor in favor of all classi-
fied research."
Copiadds allthe men "feel
bound by the guidelines of the
Elderfield Report." The SACUA
chairman dispels fears that some
members of the committee are in-
volved in a conflict of interest on
the committee because of p a d' t
reception of research grants.
"That's like saying a man can't
serve food, because he eats food,"
explains Copi, author of a text on

Continued from page one)
The plea is accepted at the dis-
cretion of the court. It is usually
accepted and allowed in anti-
trust cases and traffic violations
where the defendent does not
want to plead guilty and thus be
susceptible to further trial based
upon his admission of guilt by
entering a plea of guilty.
However, the students' rationale
for making the plea would be to
uphold their principles of what
they believe right in a context
of civil justice that clearly defines
them as wrong. Should Elden
wake up tomorrow feeling as mor-
ally dedicated to the absoluteness
of justice as the students f e e 1
towards the welfare mothers'
cause, he may decide that such a
plea circumvents the political is-
sue - and thus, he may not :ac-
cept it.
If Elden denies the plea, most
of those tomorrow -- perhaps as
many as 150 of the 242 - will
stand mute when Elden asks them
for their plea. Standing mute is
treated as though a plea of not
guilty has been entered, but it ,
has legal advantages.
Before asking for the plea, Eld-
Columbia calm
NEW YORK (,) - Registration
resumed uneventfully yesterday
morning at Columbia University
after it was abruptly ended Wed-
nesday when'members of Students
for a Democratic Society blocked
a registration hall doorway.
The calm followed another in-'
cident Wednesday. night during
which several hundred young men
and women pushed into a Colum-
bia building for an unauthorized
three-hour meeting of interna-
tional student revolutionaries. The'
meeting was climaxed by a noisy
march around the Ivy League




en will run through a memorized
statement informing the defend-
ents of their rights and briefly
stating the technicalities of ar-
rest. If the person then enters s
plea, he is acknowledging w h a t
Elden has said. If he remains
mute, he is not acknowledging it
and can thus' challenge it later
during the trial as the basis for
More specifically, by remaining
mute the defendent has the abil-4
Ity to challenge an inadequacy in
the warrant for his arrest - if,
in fact, such any inadequacy exists.
More than 99 per cent of the time,
the warrant is correctly written
and delivered, but legally an in-
adequate warrant that can be
challenged could be grounds for so
new trial
No matter what the verdict for
each person, the right to appeal to
circuit court is de novo - grant-
ed without grounds. All cases in
municipal court are automatically
granted an appeal in circuit court.
A final mitigating factor in how4
the students plea is the obvious
but unwritten fact that those who
plead guilty usually receive a less
stringent sentence than those who
plead not guilty and, are later
found guilty. Whether or. not this
age-old custom of the American
jurisprudence is moral .s irrele-
vant. One needs 'only to review
those convicted during the Detroit
riots. to realize its impact. Those
who pleaded guilty to charges
were sentenced to jail with the
time they had already been in jail
applicable to t h e i r sentence+
Others were sentenced anew with *
no jail-days to !their credit.
The final decision to prosecute
is up to Prosecutor William Del-
hey. A slew of verbal bogs from
city officials has been generated
in the last two weeks, but a state-
ment by one official Is probably,
still ringing in the ears of every-
one who appears in court today.
The statement, delivered most
vehmently by County supervisor
and mayor of Ypsilanti John Bur-
ton, called on the county to dis-
miss all charges pressed against
those in the demonstrations. He
was seconded by several Ann Ar-
bor city council members and
congratulated by Ann Arbor May-
or Wendell Hulcher.
A resolution by the supervisor
asking that charges be dropped
would probably politically force
Delhey to drop the charges. This
is, however, highly unlikely. At
the supervisors meeting Monday,
the mood was not one that would
bring about the calling of amnesty.
Nevertheless, the call was made
by a high county official and it
may influence Elden's sentencing
or even a jury's verdict.4

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Unfortunately for those who
plead not guilty, trial dates are
expected to be set before the sen-
tencirig dates of those who plead
guilty. Thus, those who stand
mute or plead not guilty will not
be allowed the perogative to
change their plea based upon the
severity in sentencing those who
plead guilty. a


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