ALUMNI VETOES: TIED UP See editorial page Y 43~t A& :43 a t", t APATHETIC Iligh-73 Low-so Chance of rain, little temperature change Vol. LXXI X No. 1 8 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, September 19, 1968 Ten Cents COLUMBIA AGAIN: Eight Pages Students 0 invade hall , U' ma-y grant $3 mu1lion march around campus From wire service Reports Democratic Society would be held students-suspended for their role NEW YORK-About 300 Colum- as scheduled. in the disorders last spring- bia University students and their The scene was reminiscent of clashed with about a dozen cam- supporters forced their way into a the student takeover of several pus policemen who barred them campus building last night and, campus buildings last spring. from registering. despite administration disappro- The university withdrew per- A spokesman for the university's val, staged a three-hour meeting mission for SDS to use a campus security headquarters said the which culminated in a noisy auditorium, for 'its "International gathering was "unauthorized," but march around the 'grounds. !Assembly of Revolutionary Stu- , added the students would be al- The group ignored the objec- dents" about half an hour after lowed to finish their meeting tions of a security guard at the the meeting was scheduled to without interference. door to Schermerhorn Hall and start. A elbowed into a large classroom, The school said it took the ac- Many students left as the announcing that the meeting tion because of a demonstration meeting dragged on. sponsored by the Students for a earlier in the day when about 30 About 200 supporters gathered - - _in front of the building to hear Mark Rudd, SDS leader, urge '"action" to conclude the evening. e en sEarlier yesterday some 200 stu- dents marched on the gymnasium used for registration and clashed with campus police who barred to bar C aver class them from entering. The clash between the students LOS ANGELES (R) - Gov. Ronald Reagan has predicted and the campus guards lasted the University of California regents will prohibit black eeral pla inclothes.mbserves sah militant Eldridge Cleaver from teaching an experimental race New York City police department , relations course at Berkeley this fall. also were on hand. The California Senate voted 33-2 to censure university Chanting "Amnesty now!" and officials for providing! Cleaver Wvith a forum. Jesse Unruh, "Ho Ho Ho Chi Minh, Columbia speaker of tlhe state assembly, told school officials that re- strike is going to win," the crowd fusa to reverse the Cleaver decision, thereby bannin him demonstrated in front of the old frh gymnasium and tried to register from teaching, "may result in cancellation of their authority the 30 students still suspended over the university curricula." from Columbia until next year for - ---~-~University officials maintain 1their part in the April disturb- that Cleaver, minister of informa- ances. tion for the Black Panthers and Forty-two students who had la bo r presidential nominee of the Peace been suspended were re-admitted' and Freedom Party, was- hired on probation by acting President legitimately by an academic sen- Andrew W. Cordier last week. ate committee. The proposed Race Cordier also said the university Relations course is to run for ten will ask the city of New York to 040 othe students.. weeks, with Cleaver giving weekly drop trespassing charges against I lectures. 400 other students. C-5- School officials say Cleaver is Spokesmen for SDS and the co n n u jnot being paid with state funds, so Columbia Strike Committee main- Cleaver's appointment should not tain that amnesty is not accept- University and union negoti- be a direct concern of the state able unless all involved students ators, still meeting on a daily lpgislature. are, readmitted to the university. basis, continue this week to plow However, Reagan, in a weekly Rudd told demonstrators at a' through'the proposed final version news conference, upheld the sen- noon rally yesterday, "If we can't of their snon-economic contract. ate's right to challenge Cleaver's register the suspended students, The stumbling block in at least appointment. no one else' will register either." a few sections amounts only to "I don't really care whether When the protesters tried to a single wordi or sentence, al- they're printing the money to pay enter the registration gym, they though some of their differences Cleaver in the basement .over were met by Proctor William' are still somewhat substantial, there at Berkeley. It's on the uni- Kahn and a dozen uniformed The union-Local 1583 of the versity campus. It's a course for campus guards. Kahn told them American Federation of State which five units of credit will be no one could register unless he County and MunicipalEmployes given. As far as I'm concerned, it had a packet of special IBM cards,' -is the largest of the three unions is a university program." that was mailed to all students. here, representing over 2600 serv- Reagan also called Cleaver an The 30 suspended students had ice and maintenance employes. "advocate of racism and violence" not received the cards. Negotiations with the second and said the lecture invitation was Rudd said the demonstrators largest unit, some 300 skilled "an affront, an insult to the could not accept that answer and tradesmen represented by the State of California.' warned Kahn the crowd was po- Washtenaw C o u n t y 'Building Trades Council (WCBTC) may be Some senators expressed the tentially violent. completed next Monday Don 'Pre= hope that the hiring of Cleaver The suspended students had a benda, WCBT 'lawyer, will be would "expose him for the fraud "right to appeal," Kahn said. He here to clear up some. points in he is." Others stated "it is not in indicated a group of the demon- the agreement. the best American tradition to ex. strators would be admitted to the, -Negotiations with AFSCME pen- pect the taxpayers of California gymnasium to negotiate with ad- tered yesterday on grievance pro- to give Cleaver a platform." ainistration officials. ceyures, non-discrimination and The board of regents of the The students, apparently deci- no-strike clauses Chief University university is planning to meet to- ding they couldn't register even no-srik clasesChie'lriverityif they did go inside, remained negotiator James Thiry said they day and tomorrow, with the Clea- the did goike, emed expect t6 complete the grievance ver controversy on their agenda, outside and blocked the gym en, procedure discussions today and As the Senate debated t h e Yesterday was the first of five may get to arbitration, s p e c i a 1 censure motion, Superior Court days of registration. About 1500 conferences, and duration of the Judge Redmond Statts of Oak- undergraduate and graduate stu- agreement. land set Dec. 2 'for the trial of dents were scheduled to register. Although talks are progressing Cleaver and five others on charges According to a registration offi- and there are no other indications growing Att of an exchange of cial, only about half that number of a strike, volunteers at the local gunfire between a group of completed registration before the office have prepared some 50 Negroes and police last April in compledreb picket signs in case they are need- Oakland. gym was blocked. ed. Panther Bobby Hutton,,.17, was SDS members, will meet this Exactness of wordilig, besides killed and another Panther and morning to decide what further bnihg a point of contention in sub- two policemen were wounded action should be taken t stance, has also been a source of Cleaver, 33, and the five others the university can be brought to annoyance between the negotiat- pleaded innocent Tuesday. its second standstill n six months. Ing units. Minner has complained Huey Newton, the Panther's Atosehon st ns nts' that University negotiators are too founder, was recently convicted Although one of the students exacting in their demands on of voluntary manslaughter in the rallying cries is "the administra- wording and have wasted much shooting of a white policeman and time. ; is now awaiting trial. movement. some evidence i- _ w. :. See COLUMBIAS Page 8 Residential College Plan to remodel East Quadrangle By JILL CRABTREE will be considering at tomorrow's public The Regents meeting a request from the Residential College for approxi- mately $3 million to underwrite proposed renovation and new construction in East Quadrangle, University officials confirm. The Regents will meet today with officials and students of the Residential College and will tour existing facilities. If approved, new bonding of East Quad will raise $1.3 million of the needed funds. The decision as to where the . . remaining monies will come from is still under consideration. Three additionial fund sources are cur- rently being investigated: 0 The Residence Hall Reserve Fund, consisting of excess reserv- es from the budgets of the resi- dence halls which must be rein- vested in dormitory improvements and expansion. Over $1 million has been set aside in this fund over the last two years for use in East Quadrangle. r The Student Facilities Fund, which is monies accumulated from student tuition fees. Monies from this fund have gone toward the construction of North Campus Commons, Baits Housing, Bursley Hall and the new Administration; Bldg. i 5 E M t yi{ t i -Associated Preis The 'show-me' mani Third party presidential hopeful, George Wallace, crept northward as he pushed his campaign into southeast Missouri, yesterday. Speaking to a cro wd of about 3,500, the one time Alabama Governor, solemnly predicted that he would carry Missouri in the fall. INCORPORATION? SGC to By LESLIE WAYNE Student Government C o u n c i l will discuss two proposals aimed at breaking its financial depen- dency on the Regents at tonight's meeting. The first proposal, introduced for a reading last Thursday night, would organize SGC as a legally autonomous corporation. E. 0. Knowles, member-at- large, plans to introduce a second motion to subsidize SGC by a voluntary collection from the stu- dents. Presently. SGC receives yearly; " seek ah to purchase, sell and possess prop- , erty, solicit funds and enter into contracts under its own name- The corporation would be fi- nanced largely by an assessment of its members - the students. Membership in SGC Incorporated would be a condition for admis- sion and enrollment in any school or college of the University. Any increase or decrease in SGC's assessment would have to be approved by a campus-wide referendum. "Direct allocation is the most direct form of representation," said SGC President Mike Koeneke. k I I, { 0 Refinancing of South Quad Alice Lloyd or other University dormitories. South Quad has al- ready been refinanced for the construction of Bursley Hall. Interim Vice President for Stu- tonomdent Services Barbara Newell ap- proved the bonding and use of direct financial relationship be- dormitory funds on the conditions tween the students and SGC. the it would not force a hike in dorm Council could not be investigated fees, officials say. by the Regents regarding its ex- Residential College Dean James, penditures.. Robertson said a large share of e Regens ah the funds now requested for re- The Regents, as well as the novation purposes would go for State Legislature, now claims the;"eae anenne nEs right to review e" SGC allocations. Quadrangle's North Court.E t Last Tuesday, a state legislator uRobertson said the court, which] asked for a ruling on the legality was built in 1938-39, needs "con- of the use of SGC funds as bail siderable repair on its electrical, money for students and, members heating and plumbing systems to of the community arrested in the bring them up to present stand- recent welfare demonstrations. ards. If SGC votes to incorporate, the "Most of this renovation would, contract for a direct levy of the be necessary even if the Residen-t students will be placed on the, tial College were not here," he November ballot, said. For two years, SGC has tried to Planned new construction, in-t get Regent approval of the in- eludes a lecture hall to seat 250 corporation. However, the Regents students, which would also func- formally turned down the plan at tion as an auditorium and theatre,t its May 1, 1968 meeting. and a corridor to connect the "ts'Ma js 1968 mein stg a North and South Courts for "easy "We've just about exhausted all access." inside channels to get the incor- Oter pnd t in poration plan implemented," saicludes converting the entire Michael Davis, Grad, at-large Qudraneit h f t member. "Now we are just going Quaderanling laousingd double to go ahead, incorporate SGC and rooms, eliminating all triples and then face the Regents." "marginal" doubles Robertson Postponle housing,3 By STUART GANNES Four major apaijtment company managers postpo Aed a meeting with representatives of Student Housing Association i'SHA yes- terday. The meeting was to be the first in a series with representatives of Apartment Limited, Campus Management, Charter Realty and Dahlman Associates. The meetings had been sched- uled to discuss management serv- ices, the institution of an eight- month lease, the return of ten- nant damage deposits and student obligations to landlords. The reasons behind the post- ponement of tl iecmtiing are un- clear. SHA Chairman Mark Schreiber said he was. unable to com- ment on why the meeting was postponed "since it might jea- pardize the success of the nego- tiations." Director of the University's landlord mediation service, Mrs, Elizabeth Leslie also refused to comment on why the negotiations were postponed. However she at- tributed the silence on the part of SHA officials to the fact that "they are trying desperately to establish good faith with the management." Grievance negotiations werer or- ganized earlier this month by Mrs. Leslie. However on Tuesday, Apartments Ltd. threatened to call off negotiations when SHA reopened its complaint service and took a city health and safety in- spector to investigate what SHA called "student slum housing." But the meetings remained scheduled until yesterday morning when SEA officials were inform- ed that the local realtors had de- cided to postpone the negotiations. SHA members were Aopeful that the negotiations could resume shortly because of the relevance of the issues which were to be discussed yesterday. No new date was set by SHA and the managers for the resump- tions ofthe negotiations. allocation from student fees. "We are in essence going to put According to the incorporation ourselves under complete control plan, SGC would become a legally of the students." independent entity with the power Furthermore, by establishing a Council toe evaluate proposed dissolution S t u d e n t Government CouncilRubin, member at-large, an- plans to resume discussion tonight nounced yesterday they will with- According to Knowles' pi'oposal, on two controversial proposals draw their dissolution motion be- membership in SGC incorporated. fore tonight's scheduled voting. would be completely voluntary. tabled from last Thursday's meet- Neff indicated he was making "Under a direct levy, students ing. Council is expected to vote on the withdrawal motion upon dis- who don't want to pay will be a proposal for dissolution and on covering that Bob Rorke, presi- forced to," Knowles said. "If we a motion to remove the voting dent of Interfraternity Council, can't justify our presence to make power from ex-officio members, was circulating a petition support- enough students interested in be- However, Robert Neff, executive ing the proposal. longing to SGC, we have no busi- vice president of SGC, and Gayle The original intent of the dis- ness existing." solution motion was "to make If this plan is approved, it will Council members define their role go into effect January, 1969. said. There would be no conversion of present rooms into apartments,I but the existing apartments would be used for student occupancy. In addition, approximately seven 4-I man suites would be converted from existing dorm rooms. One of the present dining rooms would be converted into a library; and several small study See REGENTS, Page 8 1 { !and examine their relevancy to the student body," he said. "It was an entirely constructive means. " But Neff said Rorke is using his S' ..'. };{"