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August 27, 1968 - Image 20

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-08-27

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Ann Arbor films:
The nitty gritty
A large collection of devoted cinemastes and an even larger
number of simple "movie fans" continue to make Ann Arbor a center
for film study and film appreciation.
The finest local film institution, and one of the area's best enter-
tainment bargans, is the University's Cinema Guild. Each weekend
during the school year, two separate programs of classic films, under-
ground productions, or fine foreign films are presented at no profit
to the sponsors.
For 75 cents, the cinema addict can attend' Cinema Guild show-
ings in the Architecture Aud, on Thursday. Friday, Saturday or
Sunday evening. Films by Antonioni, Griffith, John Huston, and
other great directors, as well ascomedy classics by the Marx Brothers
and W. C. Fields, typify the Cinema Guild schedule.
Another University film group is Cinema II, in Aud". A.
Also for 75 cents, with one program each, weekend, Cinema II
generally presents recent films of critical acclaim, perhaps one or
two years after they appeared in the commercial houses. This past
year, "Last Year at Marienbad," "A Thousand Clowns," and "Breath-
less"were program highlights.
Each year in March, Cinema Guild and the .Dramatic Arts Center
co-sponsor the world famous Ann Arbor Film Festival, a showplace
for the finest underground film being produced today. !The AAFF
is probably America's best showcase for this type of film.
Film programs are, also occasionally presented at Canterbury
House on Maynard St.
Ann Arbor's commercial theaters attempt to cover the spectrum
of current releases, 'and they usually follow the following lines:
" Campus'Theater. The Campus, owned by the Butterfield chain,
specializes in foreign films. Recent shows: "Elvira Madigan," "Live
for Life."
0 Fifth Forum. The Ann Arbor "art theater," also with a number
of foreign films. Recent shows: "Battle of Algiers," "Bedazzled."
* Michigan. A Butterfield property, specializes in big budget
Hollywood films. Recent shows: "The Thomas Crown Affair," "The'
* State. Another Butterfield, this is the showhouse for Clint
Eastwood, Elivis Presley, and John Wayne. Enough said.
" Fox Village. Much, like the Michigan. Recent shows: "Planet
of the Apes," "Guess Who's Coming to'Dinner."
* Wayside. Ann Arbor's family theatre. Recent shows: "The
Bible,' "Thoroughly Modern Millie."
The drive-ins in the Ann Arbor area are like dfive-ins everywhere.

Series: Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre (1.) and the Ballet Folklorico of Mexico (r.)

UMVS calms savage



'The pay's

The University Musical So-,
ciety, which this year observes
its 90th season, has been plan-
ning concerts for students since
its organization in 1879. Its
founding purpose was to main-
tain a choral society and or-
chestra, to provide public con-
certs and to maintain a school
of music which would offer in-
struction comparable to that of
the University schools and col-
Today, the society no longer
operates a music school; in
1940 the University took over
full control and responsibility
for the school which was op-
erated by the society. But the
other functions of the society
continue undiminished.
Gail Rector, UMS director,
says, "The society is devoted to
maintaining the highest ideals
in music appreciation and pre-
sentation. By bringing the ar-
tistry of the world to the cam-
pus, we feel the cultural life
of the students will be given
an impetus that will sustain
their interest and ideals
throughout their lives. We aim
to broaden their horizons as to
what the arts can mean to
them, and give them a new
standard of excellence."
To reach objectives of broad-
ened taste and student interest,
UMS has initiated several new
programs this year.
Potentially of most interest
to freshmen is a concert series
preview scheduled for August
25. Through stereo, slides and
interviews with participating
artists, UMS hopes to increase
interest and appreciation for its
unusually varied program.
This year UMS is able to at-
tract 10 foreign performing
groups, to make Ann Arbor de-
buts. The attraction of a rela-

tively small town such as Ann
Arbor may well be explained
by the comment of a condiuctor
from Leningrad.
"Ann Arbor's atmosphere,"
he said, "is most conducive for
artists to do their best. Ann
Arbor is known for its respon-
sive audiences."
Rector feels that the good
acoustics of Hill Auditorium
are also a good reason for the
number of outstanding artists
Ann Arbor attracts.
Any previews, however, seem
more philanthropy than hard
sell. Popular with all facets of
the Ann Arbor community the
concert series is nearly sold out
by mid-summer,
Another innovation of UMS,'
aimed at increasing the variety
of their program, is the crea-,
tion of a full season dance pro-
gram. Limited to several weeks
in the past, the former Cham-
ber Dance Series, has been
moved to Hill Auditorium with
a new name, Dance Series.
Rector explains that the great-
er time span allows UMS to
present groups that they could
not accommodate previously.
Among these are the modern
dance group, Alvin Ailey Amer-
ican Dance Theatre. Other,
groups range from the Cap-
itals' National Ballet to the
Bakket Folklorico of Mexico.
The new dance series forms
the third of UMS's profession-
al series. The Choral Union
Series concentrates on recitals
and symphony performances
and the Chamber Arts Series,
performing in Rackham, con-
centrates on small groups --
often intrinsically related to
chamber music such as mad-
Also attached to UMS is the
Choral Union. In early Decem-
ber the Choral Union will give

their annual performance of an
Handel's "Messiah." yea
The Choral Union, founded wil
in 1879, was originally the out- pre
growth of a "Messiah Club" sys
made up of singers from sev- I
eral local churches. The group on
now numbers about 300 singers, Soc
including both townspeople and PO
students. ula
Any student may audition for S
membership in Choral Union. A tw
majority of Choral Union mem-
bers are non-music majors. , Un
In addition to its "Messiah" the
concerts, the Choral Union has ch
since 1894 participated in the kn
You come to college to sing stu
college songs, he says. h:
Speaking at freshman orien- clu
tation after a slough of solemn ma
academics, Dr. Philip A. Duey, eve
director of the men's glee clul ,
makes his point. las
But when Duey and the Uni- is;
versity Men's glee Club get toL He,
gether to sing college songs, for
they usually end up carting Un
away honors and applause.
The 109-year-old club, open are
to any student who successfully clu
auditions, has gained wide re- 80
nown during its national and yes
international tours. In 1959, clu
the glee club was the first act
American male choir to attain ing
first place in the International Stu
Eisteddfod (music festival) in, 1
Llangollen, Wales.' per
Traveling around this coun- ars
, try and the world are the re- th
wards for the immense amount alo

nual May Festivals. This
ar, as last, the May Festival
1 be held in April due to the
essures of the trimester
n addition to concerts put
by the University Musical
ciety, a student has the op-
rtunity to attend several reg-
rly scheduled events of the
hool of Music. Among those
rforming each year are the
o student orchestras, the
iversity Philharmonia and,
University Symphony Or-
estra, and the world-re-
owned Stanley Quartet.
intense work the glee club
dents put in.
Amazingly enough, less than
lf of the students in the glee
b are music students, and
ny glee club members don't
e read music before joining.
)uey, who is spending his
t year as director of the club,
a skillful, exacting teacher.
gained fame as a radio per-
imer before coming to the
.iversity to direct the club,
But Duey's practice sessions
so time consuming that the
.b usually thins from about
to 65 members during the
ar. "Very few students in the
ib have any other outside
tivity that is very demand-
g," says the group's advisor,
uart G. Abbey.
Nevertheless, eight glee club
rformers, known as the Fri-
s, can't stop singing and have
eir own unit which performs
ong with the regular concerts.




If there is one thing in Ann
Arbor which can be considered
unpredictable, that must be the
state of amateur and profes-
sional theater productions. To
be sure, the vast variance in
quality and interest of one per-
formance compared to the next
is often as great as the number,
of productions taking place.
Professional theater in Aln
Arbor isgenerally restricted to
plays brought here by the Uni-
versity's Professional Theater
Program (PTP), under the di-
rection of Robert Schnitzer and
Marcella Cisney. The PTP gen-
erally hosts at least two, and
sometimes three, different se-
ries'of professional productions
each year.
Generally foremost among
PTP productions are those
staged by the Association of
Producing Artists (APA). Call-
ed by many New York theater'
critics the best repertory com-
pany in that city, the APA
opens each season with a two-
month stay in Ann Arbor as a
resident repertory company,
before goingto New York's
Phoenix theater,
The APA presents their plays
in LydiahMendelssohn Theater,
Inside the Michigan League.
Generally, the schedule con-
sists of three programs pre-
sented in revolving repertory.
This season's plays are "Ham-
let," Moliere's "Misanthrope,"
and Sean O'Casey's "Cock-a-
APA performances'in the
past which received particular
acclaim were a revival of Kauf-
man and Hart's "You Can't
Take It with You" and Piran-
dello's "Righ You Are."'
The PTP also sponsors, dur-
ing the winter semester, the
Play of the Month series, in
which current or recent Broad-
way shows are presented by

national touring companie
Some of the recent productions
have been "On a Clear Day
You Can See Forever," "Ma-4
rat/Sade,' and "The Subject
Was Roses'" These plays are
staged in Hill Aud.-not really
suited for theater and a less-
than-desireable location for
the Play of the Month produc-
tions. The plays are usually
presented for a two-day run.
Amateur theater in Ann Ar-
bor also centers around Uni-
versity programs. The Speech
Dept. - sponsored University
Players is the major resident
company, and its student-cast
productions very widely -in
quality and appeal.
Generally, however, their
productions are a bit behind
current developments in Amer-
ican theater, and over the past
years they have ignored the
bulk of the "major" new play-
wrights. They also produce one
student-written play each sea- A
son, and present their pro-
grams in eitherl Mendelssohn
Theater or Trueblood Aud. in-
side the Frieze Bldg.
The final "regular" company
in Ann Arbor is the Ann Arbor
Civic Theatre, a local group
manned by residents of the city. iq
Their'productions are not gen-
erally high quality, but they do
present a stage for tamateurs
in the area wishing to try their
talents on the stage.
The University Gilbert and
Sullivan Society may not fit
into the strict classification of *
"theatre," but they deserve
.mention as probably the best of
the University's own dramatic
groups. All students, those who
perfom in the G&S productions
can generally be counted for
top-notch entertainment. Last
year they presented "Princess t
Ida," and this summer's pro-
duction was the Broadway
musical, Loinel Barts "Oliver."

Glee Club/quality through hard' work



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