TieTrs WELFARE POLITICS: PLAYING GAMES See editorial page capture first pennant in 23 ir 43gau att years 7 Hilgh-75 Lott-4° Cloudy and mild; 40 per cent chance of rain t / Vol LXXIX, No. 17 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, September 18, 1968 Ten Cents Ten Pages I Local landlords agree. to negotiate with SHA Welfare board to underwrite SBy STUART GANNES The mutual problems and com- plaints of University students and Ann Arbor landlords will be dis- cussed in the first of a series of negotiating sessions between the Student Housing Association. (SHA) and the major landlords in the University area. SHA chairman Mark Schreiber announced last night that students 3 would negotiate with representa- tives of Apartments Limited, Cam-I pus Management; Charter Realty; and Dahlman Associates on mat- ter's of management services, the institution of an eight-month lease,.the return of tenant damage deposits and student obligations to landlords. The negotiations follow a three- month student boycott of Apart- ~ ment Ltd. which began last spring after it refused to accept the Uni- versity's "eight-month" l e a s e< which was cooperatively written by the students and the Office of Off Campus Housing. The University lease provided an optional eight-month lease for all students, in addition to a spe- lfge r luIaul cific mechanism for handling the , touchy question of returning dam- Sages deposits. Tigersc SHA selected Apartments Lim-j ited for the boycott because it is' primarily a management firm; that is, it runs apartment build- ings for absentee owners. The stu- dents felt that they could causew pressure on Apartments Ltd. man- agement from the owners of build- ings that were not filled this year. By HOWARD KOHN The company was also chosen and DIANA ROMANCHUCK for the boycott because they were Special to The Daily one of the major management TIGER STADIUM - The scen- firms that did not accept the new ario for which millions had waited University lease and had been the 8,000 days was played out in the source of many maintenance com- ninth inning of last night's 2-1 plaints. victory. While the, boycott ended with Don Wert's bases-loaded two- the closing of school last spring, out single brought in Al Kaline SHA was prepared to resume with the winning run and De- pressure on Apartments Ltd. this troit's first pennant since 1945. fall unless they could negotiate The 1968 Detroit Tigers, who directly with the landlords. seemed destined to groove just the Organized by Richard Barnhill, right hit at the right time, ralliedj one of the managers of Apart- for their 37th come-from-behind ments Ltd., the negotiations were victory of the year. tentatively set for this week. Jake Gibbs had tried to keep the However, after SHA reopened New York Yankees from ignominy its complaint service and took in the top of the ninth with a a city health and safety inspector two-out RBI single which tied the to investigate "student slum hous- score 1-1. Joe Sparma, a belated ing," the landlords threatened to and almost inexplicable choice as' call off the negotiations. the Detroit starter had pitched According to Schreiber, "it three-hit ball and driven in the seemed the managers thought we Tiger's only run until the climac- had acted in bad faith by taking tic ninth. See SHA, Page 10 Sparma, whose record is now $;70 al tm n ByJIM HECK The County Social Services Board (SSB) announced yesterday it will continue allocation of emergency welfare funds up to $70 per child for school clothing, despite the rfusal of the County Board of Supervisors to supplement the program, However, Social Services Director Alfred E. Brose refused to say whether the SSB would fulfill the entire agreement worked out on Sept. 10 by the S§B, the supervisors and a contingent of 40 welfare mothers d manding the funds. That agreement ended a week of demonstrations and arrests. At that time the parties in the dispute agreed to a total allocation of $91,000. During a 30-day period commencing Sept. 11, mothers can apply for up to $70 per child based , 1 on need. After the 30-day period, if any of the $91,000 remained, it was to be allocated to those expressing e a need greater than $70 per child.I)7 Brose said the $70 committment.1 "had been made by the county, and we will honor it," but refused to say whether the SSB would loan plan honor the'f "second round" of al- lcto ss ol n ft e$ 1,0 Associated Press ager Mayo Si oitli gels i taictory tbaIt apture aith mn pennant El -Associated.Press SDS leader lists demands Suspendled students sek C mbi entry From Wire Service Reports Columbiaw student radicals picked up where they left off last spring, with a sparsely-attended rally last night in front of Low Library where freshman orientation was being held. Students for a Democratic Society and other activists voted against entering the building en masse but several spokesmen went in to invite the freshmen to a late night rally. That demonstration was also sparsely attended. SDS said it will "attempt to register" today 30 students who were suspended by Columbia for taking part in the spring protests if their demands are not met, including full am- nesty. Registration starts today at Columbia and classes be- gin on Sept. 26. The group's threat followed a ten-minute meeting Mon- day with the acting president of Columbia, Andrew Cordier, at which SDS presented its de- mands for an end to the univer- sity's "-racist and militaristic poll- 4 cies." Cordier made no comment SO r l l on the meeting. ' only 9-10, got the chance to start when Earl Wilson developed a sore arm during pre-game pitch- ing practice. Sparma crowned Mayo Smith with a handful of shampoo lather{ in the bubbling locker room after- wards. It was probably the first moment of 100 per cent team spirit since Sparma lashed out against Smith's "lack of confi- dance" in him earlier in August. Only Monday night Sparma had refused to give an autograph be- cause "I'm not a pitcher here any- more" I All that was forgotten last night. Kaline and Wert, almost the forgotten men of the evening and certainly the forgotten men of the season, echoed the same refrain to reporters: "The ninth inning' remain Oct. 11. Of the $91,000 allocated - $50,- 000 was to come from the super- visors, $4,600 from the SSB, and the remaining $36,400 from sup- of the green-bottled brew saved ThentaB a teditins. Tigei' President John Fetzer, who The SSB had started distribu- was saturated with the stuff, from tion of the funds on the basis of being bodily sprayed across the need not exceeding $70 per child room by burly Bill Freehar(Class under "the good faith that the of '63). county reimburse us the $50,000," Outside in the stadium, fire- as one. SSB commissioner put it. works exploded on the scoreboard But a supervisor claimed the ar- and in the stands. V-fingered fans rangement was made in an "ad-. mobbed the field, pushing secur- visory capacity" only. ity guards into the dugout and Bros" said even if the money claiming their souvenir pieces of is available, he was "unsure" turf. whether the mSB could continue One elderly gentleman who hadIthe program. watched the Tigers lose the pen- The welfare mothers made no nant on the last day of the season cotment last night, but they will last year said simply, "I'm glad meet today with their lawyer, they're at least happy this time George Stewart, and a statement and not mean like last year." is expected. Outside on the corner of Michi- Robert Harrison, chairman -of gan and Trumbull teenagers, who the county board of supervisors, were celebrating the 1st Tiger announced Monday 'that the SSB pennant of their'\life times, stood could continue the project with its up in convertibles and leaned out own funds "if it desires to." /f windows shouting pennant fever Harrison claimed $353,866 re- slogans. The blare of horns and mains unused in the SSB! budget., the unwieldy tioaffic snarl con- He said more than $200,000 is ex- tinued well past midnight.- tinedwel pst idigh.| nected to remain unused at the was probably the greatest thrill of my life. Right now I'm just wait- ing to play the Cardinals." In his exuberance, Manager Smith could be excused for n o t ( NO PROSECUTION , SDS demanded that there be no a l e non, criminal prosecution nor academic n discipline against anyone involved in the protests that began April By LESLIE WAYNE 23. B ELEW4V Cordier announced last week Although the Panhellenic Asso- that Columbia's trustees had ask- ciation set Sept. 1 as the dead- ed the courts to drop criminal line for member houses to imple- trespass charges against 400 stu- in e n t its non-discrimination dents but recommended no len- clause, controversy now threatens lency against 154 others charged to delay final acceptance of the with more serious offenses. He policy until 1970. also lifted academic suspensions So far only eight of the 23 soro- of 42 student who occupied Ham- rities have sigrned the clause. A' ilton Hall the second time on May membership committee of Panhel 21-22. is currently examining the prob- Thirty students remained 'su- lems facing the other 15 houses. spended, including SDS leader Basically, the Panhel resolution Mark Rudd, although Cordier attempts to enforce Regents By- hinted that the "door is open" if law 2.14, which prohibits any rec- they seek reinstatement. SDS ognized student organization from denounced the administration's,; accepting an alumni veto based on *'moves towards 'conciliation'" as race, religion, creed -or national a design to split the student move- origin, ment and called instead for total Crnt amnesty. Currently sorority alumm -have, Other main demands to the the power to veto any girl the i-local house selects for membership university announced Monday in-This veto power is granted to an cluded a permanent halt to con- alumni, in any part of the coun- struction of a gymnasium in try. ,i ny at fte on Morningside Heights and a sev- try ering of "all ties" with the In- However, the resolution passed stitute for Defense Analyses. by Panhel goes one step further These issues contributed to the than the University's bylaws. It previous year's protest. The gym' eliminates entirely the necessity construction was halted temporar- for any alumni approval of iy pending talks with the Harlem pledges, as is now mandatory un- community. Columbia dropped in- der the "required recommendation stitutional connections with IDA, practice which compels sorori- although former president Gray- ties to obtain alumni approval of son Kirk kept his seat as trustee. all pledges, before they enter the bringing up the Cardinals. "This See TIGER, Page 9 one has taken ten years off myS age," said the computer-minded S R1 0 111 011011Smith. "But if I aged any during the season, I lost it all tonight."1 -d s r n tooi. Over in the far corner of the l- 1801'1 1 1$ 1 11 'clubhouse, Gates Brown, whose recent slump has plummeted his pinch-hitting average down to a local chapter can accept the amending the sorority's bylaws at .500, had time for philosophizing clause. its national convention, usually on the season. "We never looked By IRENE KUPFER The national chapter of six held once eveiy two yeais. Both back and no one ever noticed that ,he membership of the Univer- sororities already have flatly re- w we weren't supermen. sity Young Democrats ratified fused to allow local chapters to alumni as well as members of all "We won the pennant because last night the resolution of its sign the Panhel statement. Fur- the local chapters in the country ; we went right by everybody. All! executive board stating the group thermoie, the steps a local soror- must vote on the bylaw change., the others saw were our backs. "cut a tting the sup- ty must take to receive national The fear of being dropped by Nobody ever noticed that pressure cannot at this time actively sup- approval of the clause pose a dif- the national chapter has contri- could get to us, too." port the candidacy of Vice Presi- ficult task. buted to the local sororities' hesi- The champagne ran out in 15 dent Hubert Humphrey." Approval can come only by See 15 SORORITIES, Page 10 minutes. Only an insurance- case . The ratification, which passed LANSING MEETING 'U officials hit budget guides. By JIM NEUBACHER The University's top four administrators met with representatives of the state Bureau of the Budget in Lansing Monday to discuss Gov. George Romney's spending guidelines for the 1969- 70 fiscal year. The austerity guidelines, based on current revenue projections for the coming fiscal year, provide for an increase of less than $14 million in the level of expenditures of the state's 11 colleges and universities. Except for a seven per cent increase in faculty salaries, and a predicted five per cent in non-academic staff wages, the gov- ernor's guidelines provide no funds what- soever for new projects and programs. A team of University economists have re- viewed the revenue projections and basically concur with the state version. But despite the limits on revenue, the Universitv's repnresentatives-Presicdent Rnh - $13.7 million increase in higher education funds is not enough to cover the salary raises proposed in th'e guidelines. The pro- posed wage hike would cost more than $4.5 million for the University alone-more than a third of the total available to all state colleges and universities. The seven per cent faculty salary increase would put the University back in the "A" ranking of faculty pay scales according to criteria established by the American Asso- ciation of University Professors. In a three and a half hour presentation, the University representatives presented evidence designed to show the shortcomings of the support now given to higher education in the state. "We gave them graphic evidence that the, state of Michigan is falling behind other states in higher education appropriations," Ross said. He explained that ten years ago, Legislature has granted to higher education institutions. In terms of "constant dollars," (the buying power of a dollar in 1959) the University was receiving $802 dollars per student in 1959, but only $731 per student for the last fiscal year. "We are actually getting $71 less per student now than ten years ago when you take -into consideiation what those dollars will buy," Ross said. Ross said he felt the state officials were impressed by the presentation. One official in the Bureau of the Budget who attended the meeting called it a "fine presentation," and said it made clear the guidelines will put tremendous restraints on the state's colleges and universities. In addition to pointing out the implica- tions of the tight budget proposed by Rom- ney, University officals also outlined the basic needs of the University for the coming ver Althonh the unidelines stated that I : E i i E i i i t I s i I { i i i{ I I I end of this fiscal year. e to back campaign on a 42-14 vote, averted a possible I crisis in the organization since I the executive officers had threat- ened to resign if the resolution I were not passed. The resolution deplores Hum- 1phrey's "ambiguous" position on the war in Vietnam and his failure I to support "an immediate bomb- ing halt and phased unilateral withdrawal of American troops from Vietnam." The resolution also criticizes Humphrey's failure to condemn the alleged brutality of Chicago Mayor Richard Daley and his 'po- lice force. Supporters of the resolution ar- gued that the Young Democrats' first responsibilitiy is to the con- science of the campus organiza- tion rather than to the interests of the national party.. One member of the group said that "it would be morally lax to deny McCarthy support now." He added that the organization's strength would suffer if the res-' olution were defeated since poten- tial membersd might be repelled by active support of Humphrey. Cecily Becker, president of the Young Democrats, noted that oil'y 94 new members have been re- cruited so far this year, as opposed to "hundreds" in other presiden- tial election years. Opponents of the resolution stressed that the candidacy of Humphrey would be "the least of three evils" in a race against for- mer Vice President Richard Nixon. "He can see the possibility of By PHILIP BLOCK Ann Arbor City Council last night appropriated $11,400 for a housing emergency loan project which would provide funds to low income families desiring to move into cooperative housing. The appropriation is financed through the city's $100,000 Ac- celerated Human Relations Funds which Council approved last June. The project is designed as, an alternative to other low-cost hous- ing programs. It woulc 'allow the city to "donate" the down pay- ment for families wishing to move into the soon to be constructed Federal Housing Authority (FHA) cooperative at. Platte and Ells- worth. DOWN-PAYMENT Under FHA rules, eligible ap- plicants must supply the down payment by themselves and may not receive commercial loans for this purpose, in order to' prevent disqualify- ing the loan recipients Council amended the original resolution to say that the city would only "use all legal means" to obtain repay- ment of the loans. The original version of the resolution stated that the city would "secure" re- payment of the loans from the participating families. Councilman H. C. Curry (D-1st Ward) offered an earlier amend- ment which would, have removed any mention of repayment from the resolution. He later withdrew the amendment in favor of the "legal means" amendment. 600 UNITS The emergency loans are being allocated at this time because de- posit money is needed to reserve space in the new project, accord- ing to Administrative Assistant Donald Borut. Construction on the Platte and Ellsworth project has not yet begun, but 'a rental office will begin accepting deposits next week. The 600 unit project is being built by the Smokler Co., with the LEGAL ADVICE An informational meeting for everyone arrested in the welfare sit-ins last week will be held tonight at 7:30 p.m. in the 3rd floor conference room of the Union.. The topics to be considered include: defense strategies, le- galhrepresentation, indigents' right to counsel, right to jury trial, and appellate and sen- tencing procedures. All the lawyers involved in the case are planning to attend. The meeting is sponsored by the . AAnn Arbor-Washtenaw County chapter of the Amner- ican Civil Liberties Union. FHA providing long-term, .low-in- terest loans for the production costs. 8 IDA TIES Specifically SDS has called for: -a permanent end to the gym- nasium construction; an end to planning of a Harlem renewal project; and conversion of vacant house. "The fact that every girl has to have a recommendation poses an inherent possibility for discrim- ination," claims Jan Phleger, chairman of the Panhel member- ship committee. "Also the fact that