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September 17, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-09-17

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, iri ig t


1 IgI h- 74
Rain, little
temperature change

Vol. LXXIX, No. 16 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, September 17, 1968 Ten Cents
Regents question 'Council prop
By STEVE NISSEN by the Regents said, "The Board statement is "not intended either cission of regulations approved by majority or a majority which in- in Decision-Making is admittedly forI
The Regents at their closed feels that it neither can nor as a hostile or challenging docu- the council." cludes at least one member from vague concerning recommenda- cessi
meeting Friday accepted in prin- should completely delegate its ment.' 'The present proposal calls for each of the three constituencies." tions on the authority of the pro- T]
ciple but did not formally approve Constitutional authority over reg- However, Mike Koeneke, presi- a nine-man UC composed of three They are suggesting that, a pro- posed UC. oure
a proposal for a creation of a Uni- ulations as important as those to dent of Student Government students, three faculty members. posal approved by UC should have It was the presidential commis- over
versity Council to legislate con- be adopted by the proposed Uni- Council and chairman of the Ad and three administrators. The UC the approval of at least one of the sion which first proposed the crea- ends
duct rules for the University com- versity Council." Hoc Committee, said' yesterday would propose by majority vote administrators on the council as tion of a university-wide conduct pres
munity. University President Robben W. he is "unwilling to accept the prd- conduct regulations to govern well. regulating body. The ad hoc draft- bihl
Fleming explained, "The Regents vision that the Regents not dele- members of the University com-, Another point of contention oe- ing committee has been engaged "I
The Regents issued a statement don't believe they could justify gate in toto their power to reg- munity. tween the Regents and the com- in debate since June in an at- whi
yesterday listing seven questions to the public delegation whichf ulate conduct." But the rules would only become mittee drafting the bylaws con- tempt to clarify the recommenda- ed?"
or objections to the preliminary left them Wyith no power." "The committee realizes that effective if they are ratified by cerns the range and scope of the tions of the presidential commis- K
recommendations of the Ad Hoc the Regents have the implied rule- both the Faculty Assembly and authority of UC. sion and implement them in by- "the
Committe which is drafting bylaws However, he added,that, "they making power. I don't see why Student Government Council. While some members of the law form. sity
to implement the proposal. But at recognize that the people who they are so insistent that we spe- One stipulation in the UC pro- drafting committee believe the In their statement yesterday the gani
least one observer present at the have to live with" conduct reg- cifically mention that in the by- posal provides that a rule cannot UC should regulate certain "opera- Regents specifically asked, "What time
meeting suggested .yesterday that ulatfons should have primarycon- law;" he added: But the Regents receive UC approval unless at least tional" activities of the Univer- is the intention of the "drafting serv
"the Regents didn't take an en- sideration in the formulation of stated that, "a draft of the Uni- one student and one faculty rep- sity, other committee members committee in this respect?" T
tireiy rigid position on the by- the rules. versity Council bylaw should rec- resentative concur with the deci- and the Regents argue that it Another objection stated by the requ
law." "They merely wanted to leave ognize the ultimate legal authority sion. should be limited to "conduct" Regents yesterday questioned the of tl
"They seemed quite willing to open alternatives for writing,-in of the Regents, and include a The Regents replied that "it is and specifically to "misconduct." propriety of the committee's rec- versi
compromise," he added. the Regents," Fleming said. satisfactory provision for their in- not clear to us why a majority The Report of the Presidential ommendation that "no person fore
The strongest objection raised He added that the Regents' volvement in the adoption or res- should not be either, a simple Commission on the Student Role shall be a member of the council agen

Eight Pages
more than two years in suc-
he Regents said, "It has been
experience that too rapid turn-
in committee membership
to diminish the respect and
tige which the committee can
s this not a disadvantage
h should be further consider-
the Regents asked.
oeneke replied yesterday that
committee intends Univer-
council, to be a dynamic or-
zation. Two years is the most
I think a member shtould
e," he said.
he Regents also objected to the
irement in the bylaw proposal
ie ad hoc committee that Uni-
ity authorities consult UC be-
calling law enforcement
icies on the campus.




Tiger clinch tie
Norm Cash rounds the bases after his home run contributed to
the pennant-bound Detroit Tigers' demolition of the New York
Yankees by a score of 8-1. The Tigers reduced their magic number
to one. See story, Page r.

seek rulin
State legisIator
requests opinion
A state legislator has asked Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley to
rule on the legality of the use of Student Government Council
funds as bail money for students and members of the com-
munity arrested in the recent welfare demonstrations here..
In a letter to the attorney general, Rep. Roy Smith (R-
Ypsilanti) asked whether Council funds-which are appro-
priated from tuition fees-may legally be used as bail money..
SGC appropriated $1500 to be used as a bail fund for
"members of the community" during the demonstrations!
which lead to 241 arirests-many of them students-at the
Washtenaw County Bldg. on Sept. 5 and 6.
If Kelley rules the SGC action illegal, it could end perma-
nently Council's financial aid to students in legal difficulties.
An adverse ruling might force SGC to terminate its legal aid
counseling program as well as the bail fund.
Contacted at home last night, Smith said he made the
inquiry because of the large volume of comment he has re-
ceived from constituents concerned with the legality of SGC's
There was no indication from the attorney general's office
concerning the time needed to write an opinion on the SGC
Smith said he had not asked for a ruling on the legality
of the use of University funds to provide bond for students
arrested on the first day of, the demonstrations because he
was informed that those funds came from sources' other than
1- tuition or state appropriations.
s- Reached for comment last night, SGC President Michael
gat Koeneke said the inquiiy was the result of the sentiments of
Ke those who "just want to make noise about SDS."
to Koeneke claimed that the inquiry would not have been
n- made if radicals had not been involved.
Furthermore, Koeneke said he thought it was made clear
e-'that the appropriation 'was merely a loan. He added that he
i- could not understand Smith's concern because "Council
d money comes from student fees, not state funds."
f Koeneke said that only" $800-$900 of the money appro-
n priated had actually been used to post bond. The rest con-
tinues to reside in a permanent bail fund.
,e Under SGC's legal aid counseling service, Council hires
as local attorneys to spend a few hours a week speaking pri-
.d vately to students who need legal advice. Last year, over-
rn loaded appointment lists forced Council to expand the
e program.
v, At their closed meeting Friday, the Regents discussed the1
U use of bpth SGC and University funds to post bond for thosel
arrested in the welfare demonstrations.




bail fun
Supervisors bar
Iagency's request
The County Board of Supervisors yesterday may have
jeopardized a Social Services Department (SSD) emergency
program to clothe 1300 school children.
The supervisors, by a unanimous voice vote, refused to
allocate the $50,000 that board members promised the SSD
for the project Sept. 10.
Board chairman Robert Harrison justified the action,
claiming, "The Social Services Board (SSB) has adequate
funds to use for the program if they decide to continue it."
He claimed $353,866 remains unused in the SSB budget.
However, county social services director Alfred E. Brose
called the action "dishonorable," and said, "I have no idea
whether there are surplus --
1funds. I don't know if we can
continue the project."
The SSB will meet today at 11
a.m. to decide what monies are
The SSD has already given
more than $53,000 to welfare re- '
cipients for the emergency tiro-
gram. But Brose said this money
was allocated "under the good
faith agreement that the super- '
visors would reimburse us by .
Before the vote on the resolu-
tion was taken, Harrison said all
previous meetings between the
welfare mothers and the contin-
gent of county supervisors were
"irrelevant and only carried out
by the supervisors in an advisoryG
capacity." Gog odnt
"We never had the power to

r' -Daily-Jay L. Cassidy
President's Premiere





University President Robben W. Fleming and Mrs. Fleming greet
theatre-goers briefly before the premiere last night of the APA's
first production of the season, Moliere's "Misanthrope."
Community school
to open classes

By DAVID $fURR Harlan said May probably a
Philip 4. May, suspended finan- ready has eliminated the cor
cial vice president of Michigan troversial business interests the
State University may return to brought about Kelley's ruling. B
his? job by Friday, according to an added that May would - come t
MSU, trustee. the Trustees' meeting Friday t
rustee C. Allen Harlan pre- show that he is no longer in cor
dicted May would be "whitewash- flict of interest.
ed" by MSU President John Han- "May's full powers will be r
nah and reinstated by MSU trus- stored," Harlan said. May's off
tees at their meeting Friday. cial title was Vice President an
May declined comment yester- Treasurer.
day. Donald Stevens, chairmanc
May has been on sabbatical the trustees, declined commer
leave from MSU since last June until after the Friday meeting,
when state Attorney General I However, Harlan said that St
Frank Kelley ruled his business vens is against May's return a
activities in conflict of interest. financial president. Harlan an
Stevens are both Democrats. Har
Ian said that the three Republica
trustees and at least one of th
Assemn-bly Democrats plan to reinstate Mai
who was dropped from the MS1
payroll Aug. 31.
"He should be fired," said Har
d lan. "What he did caused tl
greatest public relations disaste
in MSU history. But they (Han
nah and the trustees involved
b ylaw s are trying to whitewash the situ
By ROB BEATTIE May was dropped from the MS.
payroll at the end of his sabbat
Members of Faculty Assembly ical on a recommendation fror
and the ad hoc committee on re- Hannah to the trustees.
vision of Regental bylaws yester- Kelle's rulin had stated tha
day held an open discussion of the Ka y gs ng to stnled he
proposed University Council and was not to be cluded o
Committee on Communication. this year's payroll unless he di
Commtte on ommnicaion vested himself of controversia
However, no conclusions were i
reached at xthe meeting-. business interests that conflictei
reaced a th meeing with his official post.
Prof. Irving Copi, chairman of o post.
the Senate Advisory Committee At the end of August May stil
on University Affairs, recommend- held those interests.
PA fhat 4h-- Ac..&mhI1, hmr n. ! The trustces have met nnlv one,

T h e Children's Community
School will not be forced to dis-
band as staff members feared last
Offers to facilities from three
community churches were the
major factor in the decision of
parents and staff to continue
classes despite the lack of per-
manent quarters.
The school had planned to
lease a building in Ypsilanti Twp.
for use this fall, but costs of
bringing the facility up to state
and township standards proved to
be beyond the school's limited re-


enact additional funds at any
No deadline hassbeen set by the 1 time," he said.
school for choosing a facility,1 He explained he kept the meet- . i L /Ill
although classes will probably have ings going "on orders from Wash-
to be extended past the school's ington Later, he indicated thes0m s
usual June closing date. demands came primarily from
Two of the churches which have Rep. Marvin Esch (R-Ann Arbor).
offered space to the school will Sixteen supervisors by a vote
f place difinitive proposals before of 12-4 ratified on Sept. 19 a fact-
their boards of directors this week, finding committee report medi-
Parents and staff members will ating the dispute between repre-
consider these and other offers at sentatives of 40 welfare mothers,
a meeting next Sinday. and the country board and SSB. By CHARLES SILKOWITZ
The school is also considering The report called for a $91,000 George D. Goodman has bee
use of mobile classrooms. Ed allocation of "emergency welfare named the University's new a
Tobes, a staff member, explained, funds" - $50,000 to come from missions counselor for Opportunil
"These units would solve the prob- the supervisors, $4,600 from the Awards students. Goodman su
lem of inspection because the SSB and the remaining $36,400 ceeds Robert Marion, who resigne
buildings are made to specifica- from the state as "emergency sup- last spring.
tions."- plemental funds." Goodman will travel to stat
However, the purchase of port- At the Sept. 10 meeting, SSB high schools and discuss the pro
able classroonis would require the comgmissioner Carl Scheffler said gram with students and coup
leasing of about 10,000 square feet funds would be distributed start- selors. He also will process ap
of land to accommodate the ing Sept. 11 on the basis of need plications for Opportunity Awar
school, which depends on dona- not exceeding $70 per child "un- admissions.
tions. bucket drives and some tui- der the good faith that the county "The students I hope to brin
tion for funds. reimburse us the $50,000." here will not come to benefit th
Tuition is charged on an ability Throughout the entire super- University. They'll come here 1
to pay basis. Many of the children visors meeting, both Harrison and be benefited themselves. Andi
pay no fees at all. Ways and Means Committee as a by-product they make a con
The school operated last year (WMC) chairman Fred Lunde dis- tribution to the University. we'i
out of the basement of the Friends avowed any knowledge that the appreciative," Goodman said,
Center in Ann Arbor. SSB was under the impression This fall 445 Opportunil
A total of three churches have the supervisors would reimburse Awards students are enrolleda
offered the school use of their them $50,000. the University. They receive f
Sunday school and nursery class- J"Brose and Scheffler agreed to nancial assistance up to $2100 p
rooms on weekdays. begin giving out money with their year.
The Children's Community is an own budget and not with supple- "Traditionally ' the Universil
experimental school for some 30 mental funds," Lunde told the has had an extremely high aca
children in kindergarten and the c-.ve- Amm i .mnt+nn Tha .tirint,

Columbia, protests re-open


From Wire Service Reports
Classes at Columbia Univer-
sity are two weeks away, but
radical student leaders plan to
start off the academic year to-
day with two demonstrations.
Students for a Democratic
Society plan their first activities
to coincide with the arrival of
freshmen on the 214-year-old
Morningside Heights campus,
cr.,Paa I' Vinnani+ o+nA ant nnIina

This service is part of an at-
tack on Acting President An-.
drew J. Cordier, a career diplo-
mat who served with the United
Nations at the time of the Con-
go crisis.
Cordier succeeded Grayson
Kirk as president of the univer-
sity during the summer. Kirk
retired after 15 years at Colum-
bja shortly after the rebellion

inal trespass. But the university
made no appeal to the courts
for 154 other students arrested
on more serious charges such
as resisting arrest, assault and
inciting to riot.
Cordier also has granted what
he calls "executive clemency" in
reinstating 42 students w h o m
Kirk had suspended for taking
part in a second occupation of
TJ-;I-- Ton1A- 17 ~. 4 01

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