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September 15, 1968 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-09-15

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Sunday, September 15, 1968


Page Three

Pa_ Tre

"Question expense o Vietnam War

Associated Press Writer
second of Two Parts
Despite the continuation of
the war in Vietnam, the old and
seemingly unsuccessful fight by
doves to bring some end to the
fighting is having an effect on
the battlefield in demands for
fewer U.S. soldiers and lower'
The argument that 200,000
more Americans couldn't w i n
the war brings to mind its con-
verse - would 200,000 less make
much of a difference. And an-
alagously, if pouring more funds
in won't help, what effect will
reductions have?
Unfortunately, there is much
that can be done that may ap-
pease the cost-conscious public
without changing the extent or
nature of the war.
The attitude of people in the
United States to the war is now
a major factor in its conduct.
"Right now, people don't expect
the war to be going on in Viet-
nam in 1969," declared John
Vann, a regional director of the
pacification program.
"They think the whole thing
will be solved this year in Paris.
But I tell you, the war will still
Sbe going next year, and when
Athey, find that out they won't
like it at all."
To avert what might turn out
to be a complete rejection of the
war by the U.S. public, Vann
s a i d, a planned reduction of
U.S. forces would be a necessi-
ty. "We have to show them that
this thing can end," he said.
He would go about the reduc-
tion by partly dismantling the
elaborate military structure
erected by Gen. Westmoreland.
"The first 100,000 Americans

ing $44 million this' ye a r for
chemicals plus about three
times that much to complete, is
also criticized.
"I havebeen unable to deter-
mine one possible advantage
from defoliation," o n e senior
provincial officer declared.
"The program is more trou-
ble than good and is the No. 1
complaint by the people in all
three corps. It is the accidents
that cause all the trouble -
dropping the chemicals in the
wrong place, and wind changes
that wipe out the back gardens
of a provincial capital, the plane.
leaks that spray the stuff over
friendly paddyfieldg.
Critics of the cost of the war
divide annual expenditures this
way: $800,000 U.S. economic
aid; $1.8 billion military aid to
the Vietnamese army, $2.6 bil-
lion in direct support of Viet-
namese operations such as na-
val blockades and air support.
The U.S. effortncosts an addi-
tional $25 billion.
"Our real costs," said one
high-level critic "are the 11 U.S.
divisions and telling them that
the sky is the limit moneywise.
Those here who see a U.S.
Planned withdrawal as possible
say they have no intention of
selling out the Vietnamese. "I
think that taking over the bur-
den of the war is within their
capability," Vann said.
"Things are looking up, not
enough but some. But as we
phased out our troops, at some
time we might have to make a
value judgment, particularly if
the other side was benefiting
from our withdrawal."
Vietnamese are taking over an
increasing number of Special
Forces camps in the highlands,
and' the Vietnamese a rm y is
moving in to some places, such
as the Bong Son Plain, t h a t
American divisions once policed.

Senate vote on
Fortas, nuclear
treaty dutfu
WASHINGTON (R) - Sen. Everett M. Dirksen (R-Ill.)
predicted yesterday the Senate will not act this year on the
Abe Fortas nomination or the nuclear nonproliferation
With President Johnson calling the legislative plays, both
are being burnished by the Democrats as presidential cam-
paign issues.
Dirksen, the Senate Republican leader, said in an inter-
view there is no chance that Johnson's appointment of
Fortas to be chief justice can be brought to a vote by invok-
ing the cloture rule to limit debate.
"As matters stand," Dirksen said, "at least 50 senators
would vote against cloture even though a number of them

-Associated Press
Destroyed bridges in Mekong Delta

to leave would be for free,"
Vann declared. "They are the
clerks, the laundrymen, the en-
gineer battalions building offi-
cers' clubs throughout the coun-
try. So many extraneous things
are soaking up people not essen-
In Vann's view, infantry divi-
sions should be limited to one
base camp each instead of sev-
eral (the 1st Division has five
base camps). Each base camp
generally requires one battalion
of infantrymen to secure, mean-

ing that as much as one third of
the trigger-pullers in each of
the 11 American infantry divis-
ions are standing guard duty.
There are also critics of the
constant B52 raids that rattle
cities every night. "Those raids
cost half a million dollars
apiece," one official comment-
ed. "I know of at least half a
dozen raids where an infantry
squad would have been better
advised to check out the area-
at one thousandth of the cost."
The defoliation program, cost-

Bridle couple at Tiger game
-Associated Press
Nixon calls for major
changes in farm policy
DES MOINES, Iowa (M-Richard M., Nixon campaigned
for President in the sunny suburbs and flat farmlands of the
Midwest yesterday, and declared "our farmers and ranchers
have become the stepchildren of the Great Society."
The Republican standard bearer picked the corn county
of Iowa for his first major pronouncement on farm policy.
He accused Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey and
Secretary of Agriculture Orville. Freeman of compiling "A
catalogue of failure" in farm policy.
In a 19-point policy statement, Nixon called for im-
proved market prices for farmers and a stepped up agricul-
tural export program.
Present policies that put farm price supports at 74 per


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Talks deadlock in
N.'Y. teachers stri~k
NEW YORK idy--Mayor John called top aides to an em
V. Lindsay warned yesterday that meeting in his offices her(
both sides in the city's public sought a way out of thei
school crisis had adopted "extreme that k'ept most city, school
positions" that have deadlocked for three days during thei
efforts to end the teachers' strike. It was the second year it
Nearly 1.1 million pupils have been that the AFL-CIO United I
affected by the walkout.th T a erL- asUntrd
New York States education com tion of Teachers has str
missioner, James E. Allen Jr massive city school system

- cent of parity are "intolerable
in my book; farmers are en-
titled to better," he said.
Farmers, he said, must "be able
to prosper in relation to the prices
they pay for other products."
Nixon promised "an open door
for agriculture at the White

would support the nomina-
tion." Dirksen placed himself
in this latter group.
Debate limitation can be ap-
plied only if two-thirds of those
voting approve of the action.
In discussing prospects for the
treaty to hamper spread of 'nu-
clear weapons, Dirksendsaid he
has found such a sharp division
of opinion among senators that
he is convinced nothing will be
done about it in the current ses-
sion of Congress.
Republican presidential candi-
date Richard M. Nixon has en-
dorsed the treaty, with some min-
or personal reservations. But he
has said that ratification should
await more definite indications of
Russian intentions in Europe
following the invasion of Czech-
But the Democratic nominee,
Hubert H. Humphrey, argues that
the tensions raised by the Soviet
occupation of Czechoslovakia
make it all the more imperative
to take steps toward reducing the,
risk of nuclear war.
President Johnson has called
for action on both issues. He is
said to have sent instructions to
the Democratic leadership to
dramatize as much as possible
Republican obstruction to action
on them.
In an effort to put Republicans.
on the spot, Johnson reportedly
has suggested that the $72 -bil-;
lion defense money bill passed
by the House be held up in the
Senate until after attempts were
made to get action on Fortas and
the treaty.
Nixon has said action on, the
Fortas n/omination is the Sen-
ate's business and he would riot
But Nixon's added observation
that he opposes a filibuster
brought the comment yesterday
from Sen. Robert P. Griffin (R-
Mich.) that "Mr. Nixon has said
he wouldn't interfere and I wish
he wouldn't."
The Senate Judiciary Commit-
tee, scheduled to vote Tuesday
on the nomination, issued sub-
poenas for a former White House
aide and a magazine writer yes-
terday. They are to be questioned
about reports that Fortas helped
in drafting presidential speeches.

warns of
PRAGUE {.P)-The symbol of
Czechoslovakia's liberaliz a t i o n
drive, Communist party chief
Alexander Dubcek, told the nation
yesterday that it must give in
quietly to Soviet demands for a
return to iron curtain life. He
said : "We mustureally avoid all
excesses which could complicate
and hinder our further develop-
But he added, apparently for
the benefit of the Kremlin, that to
abandon the democratization pro-
gram entirely "would mean the
disintegration of the political
unity in our society.
Doing this, he said, might cause
"tragic encounters of social for-
ces" which could nullify the Mos-
cow agreement by which the
Czechoslovaks agreed to tone
down in their liberalization pro-
gram in exchange for an eventual
withdrawal of the Warsaw Pact
forces which invaded the country
Aug. 20.
Dubcek appeared on television
after new censorship regulations
that include a ban on reports of
casualties from the Soviet bloc
invasion was announced.
The party chief had been sched-
uled to speak two nights ago, but
the address was suddenly can-
celed. Informed sources said this
was because Dubcek's tone was
likely to have annoyed the So-
Dubcek said "the basic question
for us is the normalization and
consolidation of conditions and
the departure of the armies of the
five countries from our republic."
"What are we to understand un-
der the expression of normaliza-
tion"? Dubcek asked. Answering
his own question, he said normal-
ization must include' the full re-
novation of the economic, polit-
ical and cultural life of Czecho-


ergency Some of the other major points:
e as he O Encouragement of farm co-
impasse operatives.
s closed 0 Use of Commodity Credit
week. Corp. stores of grain and other
in a, rnwI goods" "to improve prices, not de-

uck the
at the

HHH Firm
on Vietnam
dent Hubert H. Humphrey ap-
peared yesterday to bar any fu-
ture change in his Vietnam stand,
saying that the Democratic par-
ty's plank "is my position."
Humphrey explained that some-
times he varies his answers on
Vietnam in order to keep from

opening of the fall term. The
55,000-member union shut down.
the schools for 14 days last year
in a contract dispute.
The dispute this year centers
on the refusal of a community
controlled experimental school
district in the Ocean Hill-Browns-
ville Negro and Puerto Rican sec-
tion of Brooklyn to reinstate 10
white teachers it had ordered
Lindsay has said the community

press them."
0 Improvement of the Food for
Peace program and the improved
supply of food to schools and the
As two bands played and the
youngsters of the Up with People
musical group sang, "Freedom
Isn't Free," a table upon which
news photographers were stand-
ing collapsed under their weight,
drawing cheers from members of
the audience whose view had been
At one point, the loudspeakers
failed and Nixon said, "I don't
mind their turning out the lights


. Toronto Globe & Mail
Directed by Stephen Porter

boring people.
But when he changes"
Humphrey complained,
someone says, 'I think
changed his mind. He
bling.' " Humphrey, on

a word,
he has
is wob-
a local

board is composed of moderates in the White House,
who feel they have been driven to don't have to turn out1
an extreme by union provocation. phone."
The Rev. Milton Galamison, a
militant Negro recently named by
Lindsay to the Board of Educa-
tion, said he felt the "issue of
hiring and firing" should be set
aside and "the children sent back
to school." The issues, he said, By The Associated P
could be negotiated after the chil- CASTEL GANDOLFC
dren were back in the classrooms. Pope Paul VI inveighed

but they
the micro-
o, -Italy -

rid news roundup'


television interview show, called
himself a free spirit, saying he
meant that sometimes his tongue.
gets him in trouble.
"I say some things and, gosh,
I wish I hadn't said it," said Hum-
HELP the victims of the
Send your
contributions to

Lindsay appealed to the striking
teachers and to the community
group to "be reasonable and back
off the extreme positions they
have taken." The mayor was both
applauded and booed in his speech
to a meeting of about 400 members
of the United Parents Association.,
There was no word from com-
missioner Allen's office on ,what
steps he might take in the effort
to end the strike.

against those who overstep what
he sees as the limits for change in
the Roman Catholic church.
He told a private audience of
Augustinian monks "The hour in
which we live today is solemn and
important, both for the Church
and the world."
WASHINGTON - The n e w
North Korean exposure of the
Pueblo crew has strengthened an
assessment here that the Reds will

_. .._

eventually set the men free. But it
produced no signs of an imminent
breakthrough in the deadlocked
talks at Panmunjom.
This conclusion came yesterday
from U.S. officials who combed
through extensive reports of the
four hour news conference staged
by the North Koreans Thursday.
For the first time since the Pueb-
lo's Jan. 23 capture, some non-
communist newsmen saw the U.S.
most powerful communications
payload ever built is scheduled for
launching Wednesday night to
serve as a space switchboard for
telecasting the 1968 Olympic
games and to more than double
transatlantic satellite telephone
and television links.
A three-stage Delta rocket is
to blast off at 8:09 p.m. EDT to
hoist the Atlantic 3 satellite
toward a stationary orbit 22,300
miles above the Equator, just east
of Brazil.
Once on station, the satellite
will be able to relay up to 1,200
two-way telephone conversations

or four color telecasts between
ground stations in North and
South America, Europe and
Africa. Its first mAjor assignment
will be television transmission of
the Olympic games scheduled to
start Oct. 12 in Mexico City.
* * *
BUDAPEST, Hungary - Buda-
pest police said. today they have
arrested a group of young Hun-
garian girls and men who staged
noisy parties in a downtown
apartment 'and danced in the
nude before open windows,
Police announced that Attila
Gerecz, an unemployed sports
writer, was the ingleader and
"talent scout" who recruited teen-
age girls. A father looking for his
daughter put police on the track
of Gerecz.
* * *
DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania -
The government banned all pay-
ments by Tanzanians to S o u t h
Africa starting yesterday.
A statement said Tanzania ban-
ned trade with South Africa five
years ago as, a "demonstration of
distaste for the policies perpetrat-
ed by the partheid regime." '

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Community Association



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