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September 15, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-09-15

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:43 a- t I

Sunny and warm,
small chance of rain

Vol LXXIX, No. 15 Ann Arbor Michigan-Sunday, September 15, 1968 Ten Cents
Departure of facult blae on tight U
By DAVID MANN I bert Isaacson of the psychology "Now that we have found a way dents continually walking through psychology building have been in same cramped and inadequate fa- corn'
Vven thoug, the University no department; Prof. Inis Claude of to work within PA 124, we will get the halls, and students of both the offing for the past seven years, cilities that seem to be the rule. Unl
longer has the financial flexibility the political ssciencq department; some of the capital outlay due us" professors parading in and out of he adds, not the exception at the Univer- are
or .reserves to match salary bids Prof..Arthur Eastma'n of the Eng- says Vice President for Academic the office all day long," complains The engineering school has had sity. expl,
fromrn other . schools, established lish department; Prof. Lawrence Affairs Smith. Funds are perhaps one member of the mathematics plans for moving its entire facil- The music school, only recently TI
faculty mrnnbers'usu~ally don't quit 'Slobodkln of the zoology depart- a factor in staying wholesale de- department. The P.A. 124 con- ity to North Campus for fifteen established in its new building on othe
the University and move ,their,. ment; Prof. Roy Steinheimer of sertion from the ranks of the troversy had frozen funds for a years, according to Dean Gordon North Campus, is also feeling the tem
families for i few thousand dol' the Law School; and Prof. Clyde faculty. But Smith adds, "The new math building. Van Wylen. spatial and financial cramp. Five men
lars more 'a year. Salary Is only Thompson, assistant dean of the major losses we have incur- The psychology department, "We suffered no extraordinary senior faculty members, including qual
onv consideration, and in certan music school, red hurt us, and will take time to which lost nine senior faculty losses this year, but if some con- an assistant dean, of the music recr
cases a milnor factor, explains Al- A controversy between several rebuild." members this year, is in crucial crete proposals about the move school left the University this limit
fred Sussman, associalte dean of \ state universities and the legisla- The governor's guidelines for need of lab space, according to don't materialize in the next two year, but in no case was their to n
the literary college, ture over the terms of Public Act higher education appropriations Prof. Wilbert McKeachie, chair- years, we will be in serious trou- decision prompted by more attrac- tren
,Lack of adequate office and lab 124 of 1965 has tied up funds for are up by less than five per cent man of the department. ble. We can keep people on hope tive salary offers, according to abo
space, especially lack of the latest plant expansion for the last three though, he adds, which will pro- "Most other major universities for only so long," he says. Dean James Wallace. facu
research equipment, is probably years. This controversy, blocking bably continue the current salary have new psychology buildings. Although up to now the engi- "The men left primarily for per- Tu
the chief .contributor to faculty funds for approximately twelve bind. We are hoping funds will be ap- neering school has been able to sonal reasons, and we have been also
dissatisfaction and departure, new buildings at the University, is . "A scholar needs peace and proved this year to enable us to match salary bids, "we are ap- extremely fortunate in replacing lace
says Sussman. the major factor, in the space quiet to work, a condition which initiate construction of our build- proaching the line where we can them with distinguished men," aro
Among the more eminent shortage. However, a recent com- to or , a ction whiching. This would help us tremend- no longer he competitive," Van says Wallace. However, the salary cert
faculty members that are leaving promise will result in some build- e atne en wo ously in solving our staff prob- Wylen adds. bind is beginning to be felt. year
the University this year are: ing funds for the University this professors are crammed into one lem," says McKeachie. Van Wylen explains the engi- "We have been steadily losing espe
Profs, Herbert Kelman and Ro- year, inadequate office, with noisy stu- Plans, but no money, for a new neering school is faced with the ground ih the area of salaries S
E N.Y. orders local
Eom rts to re tr GC
board suspended
~ w wm-mI' -~ l vlvi w'~ t~- - L

Ten Pages
pared with other institutions
ss there's drastic change, we
going to see losses," Wallace
he salary differeitial with
r schools is apparent in at-
pting to replace lost faculty
abers with men of comparable
ity, says Wallace. "It's hard to
uit an eminent mah with the
ted salary offers we are forced
lake. If the present budgetary
ds continue, I'm concerned
at retaining and recruiting
ity," he adds.
he need for a concert hall is
an acute problem facing Wal-
Moving a 150 piece orchestra
nd campus for the 350 con-
s the' music sChool gives each
is an expensive proposition,
cially when labor costs are


.Daily News Anialysis
Two frustrating years of at-
temnpts to reform the structure of
Student Governm9nt Council cul-
minated Thursday night as two
council members submitted a mo-
,tion asking that SGC be per-
manently dissolved.
The drive to make SGC more
responsive to student opinion and
more relevant to the importait is-
sues facing the University began
almost two years .go when Bruce
Kahn (during his -campaign, for
&the SGC presidency) proposed re-
structing ' the council.
The most disappointing phe-'
nomena throughout SOC's life had
been the apathy shown by the
student body toward participating
in what was essentially their own
government. While many people
jvere eager to criticize the "un-
xepresentativeness" of the counci,
it was painfully evident that no
personality or issue could stimu-

xtuueIL& UIfItlNEW YORK ('P-The New York
state education commissioner told
the city Board of Education last
dents.,These dues would be com- tary student union to replace the night to temporarily abandon a'
parable to , the appbropriation current student government., s controversial experiment in de-
which the University currently However, in past weeks, SGC centralization that touched off a
allots to SGC from its general has independently revised its in- citywide teachers strike and closed
fund~ ,ternal structure through constitu- the schools for three days last
Although the dues would be tional amendments and to.a large week.
collected by the University, the extent has neutralized many of James E. Allen Jr. ordered the
students wo'uld reserve the right the complaints which caused the suspension of all members of the'
to regulate SGC Incorporated's creation of coh-con. local governing board of the pre-.
funds through campus-wide elec- ' Early proponents of con-con dominantly Negro and Puerto
tions, claimed the allocation of 'seats on Rican Ocean Hill-Brownsville dis-
council was unfair. Some students
Anbther means to restructure were represented two or more See related story, Page 3
SGC evolved last November " when timesthrough' membership in stu-
students passed a referendum dents organizations which were
nall - - - - - - - -


said "Brezhnev couldn't have done
beter, referring to Leonid I. Brezh-
nev, head of the Soviet Communist
Allen directed the school board
to temporarily transfer the 10
white teachers whose ouster by the
local group last spring touched off
the controversy and the strike by
the United Federation of Teachers.
The strike closed most of the
city's 900 schols and kept all but
20,000 of the f.1-million students
away from classes.
Allen told the board to suspend
the local group, take administra-
tive control of the district, transfer
the teachers and report to him by
6 p.m. tonight on what it had done
to carry out his orders.
The president of the Board of
Education, Mrs. Rose Shapiro said
Allen "presented a formula that
may ultimately lead to the solu-
tion of this difficult problem. I
hope that all parties will accept
his directive."
In directing the central board
to suspend the community offi-
cials, Allen said the means used

caning for an all-campus consti-
tutional convention. The con-con
proposal set up the machinery for
a complete structural revision of
Suggestions presented to the
delegates last March included re-
vising the present council through
changes in its electoral process
system of representation as well
as a, radical proposal for a volun-

entitled to an ex-officio seat and
by an at-large member.
For example, all students living
in Residence Halls are represented
on council by an at-large SGC
member and by the President of;
Inter House Assembly who has an
ex-officio feat on council.
The four existing ex-officio
seats on SGC are held by IHA,
See SGC, Page 2
- 7

strict of Brooklyn, although he
said local admnistration of the
area should be restored as soonf
as possible. .
The orders received mixed re-
action from the protagonists in
the city's school actions.
The Board of Education ap-
plauded the plan's suspension butj
the head of the Ocean-Brownsville
board, the Rev. Herbert C. Oliver,


late a majority of students ,into . , by the Ocean Hill-Brownsville
political awareness, governing board violated "sound
At best, SGC elections never at- ,U Y CaSLS e i iea L 0 n educational principles."
tracted more than 25 per cent of However, he said the local group
the student body. & w violated the agreement under
Q- for tadio s t e which the Board of Education al-
During 1967 a number of pro1qJj ira teqp 1jh ~ i~ .i1 i 1 cI ll re lowed it to operate.
posals to restructure thestdno
govei'nment were introduced, One Allen was critical of the United
of wthese, "SGC Incorlorated." By HENRY GRIX smaller unit near Grand Rapids. However, the straight broad- Federation of Teachers, whose
planned to organize the council When Fred Hindley broadcasts These give WUOM access to the casts often become entertaining members struck the schools Mon-
into a separate entity from the ' the news, he is apt to be inter- densely populated areas 'of south- as newscaster Hindley seasons his day and Tuesday, went back. to
University. rupted by Beethoven but never by ern Michigan and northern Ohio Associated Press reports with work Wednesday, then struck
1 According- to the incorporation Mr. Clean. and Indiana, including the state's squibs from the New York Times again Friday.
scheme,-SGC would be defined as Hindley works for WUOM, the largest metropolitan areas. or from Stanley Dilley, the seer of "The action of the United Fed-
a legally autonomous, non-profit University's educational, non- At the same time, the station's the control room, who speaks with eration of, Teachers in staging a
corporation that would serve as commercial FM radio station, listeners are admittedly . a "de- the wisdom of his 20 years with strike," Allen said, "is not only
"an agency for student participa- which -through programs of news prived" elite of about 15,000. "We the channel. unlawful but disregards the legiti-
tion in the formulation, improve- and music offer part of the Ivory' are trying to serve a narrower Imate concerns of the people of
ment and promotion of the educa- Tower life to the world outside audience that is not being well the city.
broadcast the renown of the served by the existing media, nology is causing problems for the Allen urged the teachers "to
tional goals of the University."' and bracs h eono h evdb h xsigUniversity. Burrows says thetaespsImdtlyoente
g If the legal 'status of SGC were University phroughou the region. says Edwin G, Burrows, station classilt. ues satho take steps immediately to end the
changed to a 'corporate body, From their perch in the fifth manager. classical techniques of education strike and to return all teachers
council yould acquire new privi- floor -of the LSA Bldg. - (the .old According to Burrows, the chan- at the University will eventually to their classes so that all schools
leges and liabilities. SGC would be Administration Bldg.) , the 22 em- nel caters to a "college educated, petmay be in full operation on Mo-
abe o urhse sllan oses {poys f UO lamwihdue culturally oriented type of audi- poeta ecigueo dc-day, Sept. 16."
pertyolpurcase, n and pier modsty, o WUOpe clai, witye of haud tioIal satellite broadcasting, the The commissioner also said that
into legal contracts in its own largest and finest campus radio The manager, who has been expansion of a inra-University three members of the Board of
name., stations in,the country. with the channel since its con- r d
The corporation would be fi- The station has two 'mafor ception 20 years ago, says this increased "training of students in, Mayor John V. Lindsay, should
nanced largely through an assess- transmitters: 'ne near Ann Arbor elitest notion fits WUOM's func- ,y, elroni "strengthen the board and its
ment of its members-the stu- on Peach Mountain and another tion' "to extend the resources of media. ability to take positive action."
the University to the general Of course the use of complicat- Allen said "local administration;
public." ed push button control panels and of the district should be restored I
Unfortunately, the "general prerecorded presentations h a v e as soon as the issues which gave
public" does not include residents their advantages. While Tom rise to the current dispute have
of Detroit, Grand Rapids or Flint. i Hemingway was on his way to been resolved among all the par-
Although broadcasting programs Lansing last Thursday, his sports ties and present tensions have
for, about and out of depressed report was broadcast "live" from been alleviated."
areas is "under study," Burrows WUOM. Hemingway had record- The commissioner said he re- t
explains that WUOM has neither ed his voice several hours ahead mained "fully committed to the
the staff nor the budget to expand of his regular broadcast time and principle of decentralization."
into the ghetto, which is out of left it in a box for the techni- Allen was asked to intervene by
' the province of the Ann Arbor clans. . the Board of Education. Lindsay
channel. Probably none of his listeners later turned over the negotiations
WUOM is one of the eight knew the difference. to Allen.
school and university educational
stations in the state and hund-
reds throughout the country. Fin-
anced by the University budget.
s : ~~and suffering financial distress o r to swo
accordingly, WUOM is unlikely to
radically alter its present broad-
casting plans. By KIM JOHNSON
About 55 percent of WUOM's 78 Corwin Moore looks like one of those Pennsylvania Amish w~ritli
hour broadcast week is devoted bristling, untrimmed black beards and long hair. But instead of
to music, mostly classical, drawn wearing a wide floppy black hat and driving a buggy, Moore can
from the station's 12,000 ditape supply. be found any afternoon advising youths at the Ann Arbor Diaft
Live programs of music can be Counseling Center.
picked up from Hill Auditor- Moore, who actually comes from Nebraska, pursues his masters
rum, the Rackham Bldg. or the degree in music but admits to spending "between 15 and 20" hours
lecture halls of Angell Hall. Often a week counseling in addition to driving a cab at night "to make
these live broadcasts are taped some bread."
and sent out to other educational Ron Tipton, a 34-year-old Baptist 'minister at the University,
radio channels in the National is one of the founders of the center along with Moore and several
Association of Educational Broad- other clergy and laymen. The First Baptist Church offered space
casting. t
3' i ~to .house the unit when it opened last March.


'Kaline gropes for tying run1


captures 30th

By ANDY BARBAS Kaline to a 3-2 count, but event-
Special to The Daily ; ually walked him. Dick McAuliffe
DETROIT - Denny McLain did fouled out in front of Athe Tiger
not win his 30th game of the sea- dugout leaving Kaline still at
son yesterday first. Mickey Stanley sauntered
The rest of the Tigers won it for to the plate and slashed the first
him,.pitch through the box for a
Coming back twice from behind single.
Detroit powered its way to a 5-4 With runners at first and third,
ictoiy over the Oakland Ath- and 44,000 fans'screaming, center
tics. 'fielder Jim Northrup walked to
Just to make things interesting, the plate. After fouling the first
they waited until the ninth inning pitch, he tapped a slow bouncer
before they announced their vic- to the first baseman, Denny
tory. Cater. Cater saw Kaline streaking
Down 4-3, the Tigers' first move in from third and he threw the
of the inning was to have Al Ka- ball to' the plate to stop the tying
line pinch hit for McLain. Diego run from scoring.
Segui, Oakland's fourth pitcher Ilad his throw, been on target,
of the afternoon, battled w i t h Oakland's catcher, Dave Duncan,



might have been able to tag the
runner. But with the throw a foot
over Duncan's head, Detroit scor-
ed the tying run and Mickey
Stanley advanced totthird base.
Willie Horton' strode to the plate,
Usually when the Tigers need
a long fly ball to win a game they
get a strike out. This season
they've been getting the fly ball.
Horton did even better, punching
a single to left center field and
allowing Stanley to trot in from
third with the winning run.
Horton later explained, "When
I'm hitting in the clutch, I tend
to be more careful and not try to
kill the ball. I knew I had to get
the ball in the air (a ground ball
might have been turned into a
double play) and so my biggest
concern was in getting a solid
As Horton reach first and Stan-
ley touched home, the Tiger dug-
out exploded and, led by McLain,
pounced upon Horton.
McLain's victory reduced t h e
Tiger's magic number to four, and
maintained their '912 game lead
over the Baltimore !Orioles. The
four means that any combination
of Detroit wins or lBaltmore de-
feats totalling four clinches t h e
pennant for the Tigers.
If not for Detroit's recent come-
from-behind ability, the fans
would have been much less optim-
istic than they were during the
In the third inning, with no
runs scored by either team, De-
troit advanced third baseman Don
W,.t to annrl tac M ,-A .f

on ' want to g
rights under the law and the complications. implications and'
meanings of any and all actions."
Once the counselee has been exposed to a £full range of draft
options, specific details of the alternative that interests him are
Thus, a man thinking about becoming a conscientious objec-
tor is first asked about circumstances which might entitle him to,
a preferable classifciation, such as medical disabilities. Many per-
sons do not realize the range of deferments and I their possible
eligibility, according to the counselors.
The center counselled about 30 men a week during the sum-
mer and 'Moore expected about 40 to 45 a week now that fall
classes have started.


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