THE DEATH-WISH OF SGC See editorial page Y Sirrt~~ ~~3Ait& FAMILIAR iligh-80 Low-60 Sunny and pleasant, continued warm . , Vdl LXXIX, No. 14 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, September 14, 1968 Ten Cents Eight Pages Ten Cents U Eigt Pcie $3.2 MILLION REQUEST: City pushes to acquire 151 new housing units IRA to drop N forced house memberships By ANN MUNSTER d Ann Arbor may be finally speed- ing up its efforts to meet its great need for low income housing. The Housing Commission passed a resolution Thursday night ask- ing the Federal Ho/using Assistance Administration (HAA) to author-! ize a total budget of $3.2 million' W for the construction Iof 151 public housing units on ten sites in Ann Arbor. Federal approval for these units was obtained several years ago, long before the city had hired aj full-time housing director. The $3.2 million budget for the units breaks down into $185,132 for costs of acquiring ten sites,1 $141,599 for the commission's ad- ministrative costs, and $2.9 mil- lion for design and construction by Sharp Contruction Co. of Flint. New sorori Sharp had offered a price of $2.6 million prior to settlements in the recent building trades unions' ;strike. Housing director Mrs. Joseph D. Mhoon said had officials will "re- sist" the application for $2.9 mil- lion. But she said HAA "knows there has been a strike," and ex- pressed confidence that "in the final analysis you will get it.", The commission also voted un- animously to apply to HAA for a program reservation of 300 pub- lic housing units in addition to the 151 units currently in the de- velopment program and the 53 apartments in the lease program. The 300-unit application was authorized last Monday by City Council, ending a dispute of more than three weeks. Mrs Mhoon sa id "It remains to ties head be seen if and when we make an: application to the federal govern- ment whether it will be approved or not. The more we delay, it is ? two to one that it will not be ap- proved." OPPONENT'S SUPPORT' Although former opponents of the Housing Commission's request now support the project, they are planning to impose more stringent supervisioin on the commission be- cause of alleged "fiscal difficul- ties." Five pages of "guidelines" were approved by the council's seven Republican members wyhen the resolution was passed. The city is also making more concerted effors to stimulate par- ticipation by the private sector in the construction of low incomem i a housing. Dick McAuliffe made a sliding tag on Oakland's Dan More than two weeks ago.Mayor and the pitching of Earl Wilson produced a 3-0 wina Wendell Hulcher appointed a steering commitee called the Ann the American League pennant as early as next Tues Arbor Housing and Development Corporation, composed of aiea DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION: builders, labor unions, and city of- ficials. The group particularly hopes to I TJ take advantage of the 1968 hos- networks dra in l aw, if it is ever funded. The jTn t a sgae ofse rvt law is geared to foster private initiative in the construction and ; "e financing of low cost housing pro- jects.Praise fr luca , By RON LANDSMAN Jack Meyers, president of Inter- House Assembly, announced yes- terday that he intends to end the mandatory membership of res-, idence houses in IHA. He said letters were being sent to all house presidents to inform them of the change. The move to end mandatory house membership follows a move last year by sevqn houses to with- draw from IHA. The semester ended "before i any trial action Kelsey in South Quad is also ex- pected to leave IHA. Wally Long, president of 3urs- ley who led the withdrawal move in the spring, was unavailaole nor comment last night. Meyers said, however, that in talks with Long they had considered there to be 'a. "chance for co-operation" betwveen IHA and North Campus, :lthough it needn't necessarily be from within IHA. -Associated Press shed to five ny Cater last night in Detroit. Quick fielding and made it possible for the Tigers to clinch sday. backs liber By LISA STEPHENS "My main concern is not whether X' house gets 90 pledges but whether those 90 pledges are, happy where they are," says Diane Annala, the University's new di- rector of sororities. "I guess my counselling back- ground keeps showing through," she adds, "but I have a real con- cern for the individual in the sorority system.' Miss Annala, who replaced Mrs. Joan Ringel in the Office of Stu- dent Services last spring, views her role as an advisor to sorority groups,- but not necessarily "an SGC opens etitioning for 2 seats Interested students have until next Tuesday to petition for two Student Government Council at- large seats which are available for a term ending in November. Undergraduate and graduate students may pick up applications at the SGC office in the Student Activities 'Building between 9 'a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday and Tuesday.' Although selection will "not be ' limited in any way, we especially want to appeal to graduate stu- dents," said Sharon Lowen, '71. member-at-large. She mentioned that graduate students are just as entitled to SGC representation as undergrads. Miss Lowen emphasized that SGC "shouldn't be an elite" - it should be composed of istudents who initiate programs" desired by their constituencies. D. Panther White, '69, also an SC mermber- at-large, added. that committees such as the consumer union, vot- er registration, and city relations need workers to aid elected mem- , alized rush authority figure who always has the last word." NOT WISEI "Girls can Come to me with. plans for something that I may not think are wise,' she said, "but I think sometimes its better to let them go ahead, once I've discussed j it with them, and let them learn' from the ,mistake." The new sororities director sup- ports the Panhellenic Ass6ciation's! campaign to eliminate the dis- criminatory alumni recommenda- tion as acondition for pledging1 new members, and. says, "It's not so important that only eight out of 23 houses were able to sign the anti-discrimination statement, but the fact that they dared to buck their nationals in the first place. "The eight signatures don't real- ly represent the progress that's been made by all the houses on the issue" she adds. TEST CASE "The national organizations, are: using Michigan as a test case.! They know that what happens here could very well determine the course taken by many campuses in the nkxt four to ten years. Michigan should realize its poten- tial in trend-setting..,. FormerAssistant Dean of Wo- men at Wisconsin State Univer- sity (Lacrosse), Miss Annala lists} re-structuring of the rush proce-. dure as a top priority goal. "Rush' is all so brief and impersonal, and, you have to meet so many peoplej 'and keep smiling," she says. "I'd like to see the houses im- tiate an .exchange dinner program with the residence halls to ac- quaint the girls who might want to rush with the houses and their members on an informal basis," she continues. "We could do this be- cause we no longer rush at the be- ginning of the year. "We should also' perhaps elim- inate the' requirement that all rushees must visit all the houses," Miss Annala adds, "because most of the girls have a pretty goodI idea of what houses they prefer long before they register for rush. "Senior women are too often ; w criticism, ,o cove ra~e PRIVATE INITIATIVEL The mayor; who initiated the NEW YORK UP) - In a flurry completed, but it appears to be time you were in jail." program, said he felt there was a of white envelopes and p u r p 1 e heavily critical. Wallace had been detained strong need for private initiative prose, thousands of people a r e CLASH briefly at the security headquar- because "a reading of the Verner taking the three television net- The night of the clash between ters. Commission report convinced me works to task for their coverage the Chicago police and the dem- D that it takes total community in- of the Democratic National Con- onstrators, Wednesday, Aug. 27. chorian duties at NBC with Chet volvement to solve housing prob- vention in Chicago. ABC received about 3,000 tele- Huntley, said the hundreds of let- lems. The response is largely critical. phone calls in five major cities, ters he has been receiving are Mrs. Mhoon said, "Any Lousing Some of it is of the "you-dirty- Ninety per cent of the callers bit- smainly favorable. will be very helpful." 'Communist" genre, but much of terly protested that ABC Corres- Wat y to be She pointed out that because it seems to come from ordinary pondent Jim Burnes had said the new homes in Ann Arbor aretusu- people who are angry and frust- Chicago police had been brutal. OPINIONS RECORDED ally expensive, people currently rated. Here are a few examples: Burnes said he has gotten more First of all, it is being read and living in older homes are unwilling "I have' never witnessed such an 100 letters from across the a record is being made of the op- to vacate them and there is "Just onesieverines in;inions. These analyses and some no place for poor people to move lie Teys(the omeaynes I of the more lucid pieces of mailI in." my life. They (the commentators) T* will be circulated among the news He added, "As the private sector certainly had no right to condemn s 11 1 -1 .I 1i executives. takes action, it still is not clear any city, person or persons with- whether these efforts can provide out knowing the true facts before DETROIT UP)-- Earl Wilson The reasonable mail, with names millions of viewers in this country walloped his seventh home run and addresses, probably will be! units that would be built in lieu and around the world." From a of the year and scattered 10 answered eventually. Letters such of public housing or whether they Chicago woman hits for a 3-0 victory over as those assailing the networks as would be supplementary-for per- "I can't recall a single interview Oakland last night that edged being "Communist-controlled" are sons who are of low-to-modera with anyone who liked Humphrey, the Tigers closer to their first for the most part anonymous and the convention, the mayor, or ev- American League pennant in will not be answered. en Chicago." From a California 23 years. What is to become of it all is man. uncertain. One network spokes- ANTI-HUMPIREY'TIGER COUNTDOWN man said all reasonable sugges- N e yl w' NT L~'DTRI GB tions wvould be -considered, b ut "A great part of televiewers saw DETROIT 94 54therenseulittle likelihood it will exactly what you did, and are not Baltimore 85 64 9 'hfec ees itn coerag. aid fooled, a fact which you must be becoming painfully aware of in Last night's games: Richard S. Salant, president of the light of increasing indignation Detroit 3, Oakland 0 CBS News: "We can't exercise our by R e ents by the set owners who are forced' Cleveland 10, Baltimore 2 n e w s judgment on the basis of to obtain our news through the See page seven for details popular votes." eyes of your prejudiced camera1 The Board of Regents approved crews." From a New York City I country "and it seems to be run-" yesterday a document evaluating man, ning about 10 to 1 against me." ! the draft of the bylaw on the Uni- "In my opinion you set the stage This appears to be an exception, versity Council, and has sent it for another assassination. Many of however. M o s t letters addressed to the Ad-Hoc Committee for con-: us worried through the convention individually to newsmen at the a sideration on Monday. The, Re- for fear the mayor would be mur- 'networks are favorable. gents expect to issue a similar dered." From a Chicago woman. A Cleveland; Tenn., resident in1 5 s0m 4 evaluation of the proposed Com- One network official said rue- wrote Burnes: "Today one hears could be taken. Meyers can first effect the move e by declining to impose any sanc- tions against houses which do not pay dues. IHA is empowered by: the Board of Governors of the Residence Halls to issue hold- credits against the members of any house which does not pay its dues. Meyers said 'no such action sten t will be taken. He added that he will go to the I B ALC M E governors at their next mieeting B'WLAEIIE to request them to relinquish their The approach'' varies, but the power, to issue, hold-credits. ! pitch remains the same ; groups of Meyers also announced that high pressure magazine salesmen IHA will operate this year on a are operating again on campus, restricted budget, down about 60 The salespeople are college-age per cent from the approximately professionals who invariably re- $5.000 spent last year. present themselves as University Meyers explained the move as students who need money to pay one of realization. "It is our opin- school expenses. After several ion," he said, "that this shows our minutes of. chatter to' build -up faith in the organization and what sympathy, they present a list of we have to offer." magazines frbm which the' un- He was also worried, in light of; wary customer is asked to order. the attempts to withdraw from The magazines are usually IHA, of "appearing to bludgeon second-line publications which some houses into supporting us. pay a central promotion agency We feel going voluntary solves to boost their subscription lists. that problem." Many are institutional monthlies Last spring when the move to such as "Modern Education" and withdraw was strongest, Meyers' "Woodcrafts". Prices for a one had been a staunch supporter of year subscription are typically then-president Steve Brown's at- inflated to make two or three year tempt to prevent it. Meyers ex- terms seem appealing by contrast. plained that there were differ- One man was arrested in a ences within the staff last .year, campus apartment this week for Sbut that when it went before the selling without a license. He was President's Council of TEIA all apprehended when one -student members were compelled- to'sup-;tipped off police from an exten- port it'.sa sion phone while ler roommate "As vice president," he said. I listened to the sales pitch. The knew Iwas obligated I to support apartment had been visited by the president. Now that I am on 'sc edes.sxtnsls my own we might handle things isuch peddlers six times last dyownren mghhnyesemester. Each time, the salesmen Tfeenty." nclaimed to be a foreign student. The move to voluntary mem-1 Manyo te aepol a bership will certainly cost IIA rany of r the salespeople may some members. Besides the seven uent .e foreelanci ast springty houses which began withdrawing group of women recruited by last spring, Meyer expects to lose newspaper advertisements in Ten- Frederick in South Quad, two nessee and Kentucky made a swilg houses in West Quad, two houses through the city, hitting virtually in Markley and most of the North everyg n-campus apartmentbuild- Oampus ,houses.Ieeyo-apsaatntbid m s s_ ing. When questioned, .one said they do not stay more than a " 'week in any town, but work on a lls r i ' '1 well-planned schedule. Ann Arbor police chief Walter E. Krasny yesterday warned thai " his department is receiving many complaints about the sales crews. S 1r SA B He said the department has come in contact with several groups of perclass students counseling on a salesmen in the past week, and voluntary basis. "Who knows tl* discovered most are operating system better?" asks Shaevitz. without the required City Hall function without walls. We might permit to solicit in Ann Arbor. ,be able to set up another office, Krasny said there have been say, in the Fishbowl," says Shae- numerous instances of these vita people accepting payment in cash While serving students, the new or .check without ever completing center will help coordinate=activi- the orders. ties of toe various direct service He urges those in doubt about agencies in the University. "We'll such magazine sales to call the be able to identify areas where police department at 663-4112. .sm--N- .-.-"I 3 F t it i mittee on Communications follow- 'fully, "My own sister told me much about stereotypes - What By MARCIA ABRAMSON ing their meeting Sept. 19. No there ought to be some control of does Mr. Burnes think his com- Barbara Newell isn't throwing further action on Chapter 7 of the television. What're you going to ments have done for law enforce- Richard Cutler's old office furni- bylaws which deals with student do?" ment? He has stereotyped t h e ture into the lobby of the Student affairs, is anticipated at the Sep- NBC so far has received 3,782 Chicago police and probably all Activities Bldg. tember meeting. letters, telegrams and telephone police as being brutal." The chairs and desk you're trip- The Ad-Hoc Committe which is calls - 759 approving the net- Burnes said he was "concerned ping over will make up the tem- drafting the bylaws has been en- work's convention coverage a n d about the letters because people porary headquarters of a new in- gaged in time-consuming nego- 3,023 critical. seem to be confusing law and or- formation and referral service. tiations over the wording of the A large number of the commun- der with sheer police power." Equipped with only a phone and documents since June. ications received at NBC h a v e Other mail from youths and Ne- Eied stff m oe The revisions in the bylaws v: re come about equally from Chicago groes praised him for "telling it a directory, staff members of the undertaken as a result of the ree- and Illinois. After that, most have like it is." new service have been trying to ommendations of the Hatcher come from California, Texas and But one resident of, Bellwood, unravel the maze that is the qua- Commission on the Student Role New York. Ill., wrote Wallace: "I must say ers in the fromS tempformation desk. in Decision-Making which lb gan A CBS spokesman said an an- the time in which I thought CBS ters inthe its task in January, 1967. alysis of its mail has not b e e n had the best coverage was the The new service will provide students with advice on how to bers. overlooked in our counselling pro- In order .to facilitate vote grams." explains the new director counting, SGC is planning to in- of sororities. 'They're about to stitute a new computer system to leave the University and they tabulate the votes. The computer want to know 'What comes next?' will be used only to scan the bal- We could also utilize the girls lots, and will not be used in the themselves as a resource to counsel casting of ballots. younger girls." Orientation ELIMINATING BUSY WORK revisions stress 'individual' By NADINE COHODAS Orientation is like climbing Mt. Everest in ballet shoes. That's a lot of territory and not too much equipment. But the orientation office is not content to let orientees slip down the mountainside. While not exactly providing ropes, boots, hooks, and picks, the of- fice has- been working steadily to improve its summer and fall orientation. After perusing a good deal of the summer and fall program evaluations, newly appointed orientation director Thomas Butts says more personal at- tention and fewer assembly line about one leader to every 30 students." A more drastic cut-one lead- er for every 20 students was tried with a few groups this summer, but Butts says the benefit of - having 10 less stu- dents in each group is still being evaluated. To cut down the hours of endless classifying tests, more test "are conducted by, mail. Butts says the college ' board achievement tests are used con- sistently now for foreign lan- guage placement, and this Au- gust the Chemistry department approved the use of the college board chemistry achievement 1967 orientation. She said over 4,000 students came through the program compared to 3600 last year. This left only 1400 students for the fall program." Last year's fall orientation handled 2,000 incoming stu- dents. Miss Robinson also says the summer program for parents has been greatly enlarged. Par- ents are now offered a three- day program with room and board at Baits housing instead of the older one-day program still being offered. The new program includes bus tours, movies, and lectures by University officials, faculty solve any kind of problem-aca- demic or personal. Staff members will set up appointments with di- rect service agencies .such as Psy- chological Services or the Office of Religious Affairs. "We won't be duplicating exist- ing services," explains Morris Shaevitz, assistant director of the Student Affairs Counseling Office, which is running the' service. "We'll just act as a clearing house -a first stop." Shaevitz hopes the SAB head-! quarters will become permanent. "We're getting an estimate on walling and hope to start very soon." he says. "Until then, we'll use furniture to create 'walls.' It's easier to talk in an enclosed place. Walls signify identity." The office will contain chairs, tables, bookshelves and a main information desk which will be - staffed by a full-time information specialist. The old large SAB information