See editorial page
Sunny and warmer,
light winds
Vol. LXXIX, No. 13 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, September 13, 1968 Ten Cents
Eight Pages
Columbia gives students
vo. in. . . .0
voice In
From Wire Service Reports
The Columbia University fac-
ulty yesterday approved a mod-
erate proposal for regulating cam-
pus demonstrations and recom-
mended the formation of a Uni-
versity Senate which would, for
the first time, give students a
voice in the school's decision-
In a close vote, however, the
faculty declined to recommend
amnesty for some 30 students still
on suspension as a result of the
uprising at Columbia last spring.
d ecisi on-main
The vote on amnesty cane as reinstated 42 students who were
over 150 Columbia SDS members suspended for participating in the
blocked the entrance to the build- second occupation of HamiltonI
ing in which the faculty was meet- Hall in late May. Those reinstated
ing and demanded to be allowed were not accused of disciplinaryj
to enter. offenses more serious than crimi-,
An offer to allow five repre- nal trespass.
sentatives of SIBS to enter the This still left about 30 students'
meeting was rejected by the dem- -including SDS leader Mark
onstrators- Rudd-on the list of those su-
Several observers felt the am- spended for their actions in last
nesty proposal would have passed spring's disruptions.
if the SDS demonstration had not The actions of the faculty must
taken places still be approved by the board of
On Wednesday the University trustees. Observers expect the re-
commendations to have consider-
SGC debates
proposals on
The controversial reorganization of Student Government
Council, contemplated for the past two years, came before
council last night as two proposals to restructure student
government were introduced.
A motion submitted by E. O. Knowles called for the dis-
enfranchisement of ex-officio members.
The second motion, sponsored by Administrative Vice
President Robert Neff and Gayle Rubin, member at large,
asks the dissolution of the council.
Both motions will be voted on by SGC at its meeting next
searches fo
The Children's Community
School needs a home.
The school had planned to use
a building on Superior Road in
Ypsilanti Township for their ac-
tivities this fall, but Ed Tobes,
who has been handling negotia-
tions for facilities said yesterday
school leaders would "probably
not" be able to have the building'
renovated in time for use this fall.
Tobes said he had received con-
firmation that Ypsilanti Town-
ship Building Inspector Woodrow
Goble will demand sewers be in-
stalled at the site to replace the
present septic tank system. Such
an alteration would cost at least
Plans set for
Ed. school
able influence on the trustees.
The proposed University Senate'
would include 70 faculty, 10 stu-
dents, the president and six other,
administrators and five alumni.
making power on all university Members of the campus chapte
levels, subject to a veto by the Union while the Communist F
$10,000 and could not be com- trustees.
pleted for several months because The faculty's other recommen-2
township sewer lines do not reach dations would eliminate the ban 227APPLY:
the proposed site. on non-disruptive indoor demon-1
Goble and the state fire mar- strations which led to the first
shall and township electrical in- suspensions at Columbia lastt
spector had already asked for al- spring. At that time, five student
aerations on the building which leaders, including Rudd, were
Tobes estimated would cost "at suspended for leading a march to
Tle bes said he felt the additional Both the granting of amnesty fo r
alterations for sewers would push Wednesday, and the faculty pro-
the cost of renovating the build- posals are seen as last ditch at-B
ing beyond the school's means. tempts to avoid further confront- By PhILIP BLOCK
b aCommunity School leaders have ations at Columbia this fall. s A week ago welfare mothers
been advertising during the last Classes resume in two weeks sat-in at the Dept. of Social Serv-
week for possible alternative sites However, both liberal and rad- ices' basement offices in the
for the school. They have received ical students have indicated they I Washtenaw County Bldg. demand-
ta few tentative responses, but are not satisfied with Wednes- ing emergency ADC funds to
nothing definite," Tobes said. day's amnesty m o v e. John clothe their' children. Two days
Leaders will meet Sunday with Thomas, who broke away from clteterhide.Tody
parents of the children enrolled the radical wing of the students jago they began to crowd into those
in the school to decide whether last spring called the proposal "an very same offices requesting and
to renovate the building in Ypsi- attempt to divide the movement receiving up to $70 per child.
]anti Township,; continue their atJColumbia." Miss Catherine Mudie, Super-
search for an alternate facility, or Josephine Duke, a close assoc- visor of Social Studies for the
From the right
r of Young Americans for Freedom demonstrated last night in the
Party's vice presidential candidate Michael Zagarell, 24, spoke.
hers receive funds
children's clothing
Council members objected to the voting power of
officio members on the
grounds that it constituted ,
double and triple representa- Un10n
tion, although they unani-
mously agreed that the ex-of-
ficio members should retaina
their seats and non-voting p ro e
day. Another -80 or 90 applied yes-
Although she said it is "much
too early to make a prediction."
Miss Mudie felt that many more
mothers would request emergency
aid within the next few days.
On Monday night the mothers
reached an agreement with Coun-
ty officials over the allotment of
the emergency funds. The Coun-
ty -agreed to make the individual
appropriations on the basis of
need with a ceiling of $70 per
disband. late of Rudd, called the action DSS, said yesterday that 137 ADC child.
Pyeal ( 10R If the parents do not want the another divide and conquer tac- recipients applied for emergency Mothers requesting aid must till
1y1c e aI ua1io school to disband, a temporary tic." funds on Tuesday and Wednes- out check lists for the clothes that
arrangement will be made to lo-
A "blue-ribbon" committee is cate day-care activities in the
being set up to study the admin- homes of parents and school " l
istrative and instructional proce- leaders. Such activities would not D 4-t3t In n er t r'esild enets
dures of the University's School count as official school days, and
of Education, according to Ar- any delay in finding permanent '
thur Ross, vice president for plan- facilities would delay closing of
ning and state relations. the school in June. 1 1
The review was prompted by the
Impending retirement of the
school's Dean W. C. Olson. "The Regents m ee By RONALD F. KARLE between his organization and one is ownership," says Jabara. That
general theory of the review is Associated Press staff writer of the city's biggest Inner City and 25 per cent of the net income
based on the idea that a good time DETROIT - Within the fringes landlords, Albert J. Goodman. which goes to Goodman.
to take a look at things is during to Stuiy bylaws of the Inner City on Detroit's The one-year contract, which Jarratt Roseborough, w h o
a change in administration," he West Side an Afro-American beat G}dman describes as a "money stepped into Lyles' leadership role
explained. The Regents will hold a special penetrates the weary yellow walls shattering agreement -- a dan- after Lyles was shot earlier this
Ross said the University is try- meeting today to discuss privately of a second-story office where the s summer, estimates the contract
inteconversation is of roaches and gerous precedent for the power Icovers 700 to 800 units housing
ing to establish a general practice proposed bylaw revision in the s structure," gives the tenant or-
of reviewing and projecting opera- area of student affairs, University rats ganization complete control of an average of three persons.
tions for all of the University's President Robben W. Fleming said Downstairs, Negro teens are hip Goodman's 17 apartment build- When the tenant union t oo k
units. A similar review of opera- yesterday. to the pulsations from behind the ings and allows the organization over, Roseborough said, "We went
tions was instituted last week at Fleming squelched rumors that pink-orange iridescence w h i c h to keep 75 per cent of the net in- right into repair. We've been tak-
the University's Flint branch. the Regents are planning to dis- identifies "The Ghetto," a con- i come after expenses. ing all this rent money and put-
"We feel it's important to take cuss other controversial topics. verted store front entertainment Theg it back c tto repair.
a hard look at what the school's Some observers had speculated spot on West Grand River Ave-
role in society should be in the that the meeting was called to nue. with Goodman was drawn up by
next ten or twenty years," Ross discuss the recent report of the As the sounds work up along a Aornen ay, "There has nev-
siM ca tysaid. '"We plan to take a .look at FBI on Students for Democratic; musty stairway they mingle with ornay who says,Thrhsne-
the new theories and advances in Society or the use of Student Gov- another beat - one their elders that I know gof."rmrt y
educational techniques, and study ernment Council funds to bail out are hip to - a mimeograph ma- a I k
4 especially the problem of ghetto students arrested during the re- chine. The tenant's union established
teaching, where all our efforts cent welfare sit-ins. That machine has been the a management company called
have been such a huge failure." Fleming said the only item of- prime weapon of the United Ten- United Tenants for Collective'
The make-up of the committee ficially on the agenda for today's ants for Collective Action, a un- Management, Inc. which is re-
is still uncertain, Ross said yes- meetings is the bylaw revisions ion organized for tenants to deal sponsible for collectng rent, has and
terday. However, it is expected but that "it wouldn't surprise" with landlords in the Inner City power of eviction, takes over any ad
that it will include Ross, vice pres- him if one or more of the Re- and its fringes. mortgage payments, hires and
ident for academic affairs Allan gents brings up the other sub- The major force behind the ten- fires employes in the management About 80 backers of Senator
* Smith, and educators from out- jects. ant union since its beginnings of the 17 buildings, pays main- Eugene McCarthy met in the
side the University as well as per- The Regent's regular monthly more than a year ago has been tenance costs, improvements, taxes Union Assembly Hall last night
sonnel from the School of Edu- meeting is scheduled for a week Fred D. Lyles Jr., 45. He has and insurance. to formulate plans for organizing
cation. from today. achieved an unusual agreement "The only thing they don't have a write-in campaign on behalf of
the Senator. They were also ad-
S "-dressed by former congressman
they need for each child. Each
list includes the various items of
clothing; along with the amount of
money allotted for the purchase
of e:ich item.
After each mother goes over the
list with her caseworker she is
issued "clothing orders" for the
items she needs. Miss Mudie said
that the orders are accepted as
payment for clothing at most of
the stores in Washtenaw County.
"As far as I know, only one store,
has refused to accept the orders,";
she added, "and we told all the
mothers not to shop at that one
any more. We don't think any
other stores will give us trouble."
Eleven DSS caseworkers have
been assigned to processing the
emergency requests.
Mothers in need of emergency
aid have 30 days in which to file
requests for funds. In all.'$91,000
has been made available for dis-'
tribution to county residents un-
der' the emergency proposal. Any
money remaining in the emer-
gency fund will be distributed'
after 30 days on a first come basis
to those mothers who request
more than $70 per child.
Each mother is given one cloth-
ing order for each store at which
she plans to shop. Although the
mothers are accustomed to re-
ceiving the ADC money in cash,
Miss Mudie said that most of
them are not having any diffi-
culty using the clothing orders.
i e
emiri drive
and the blacks. "We have no
choice but hope.,"
He expressed his hopes in
terms of representation, which he,
feels could be aided by a mass
computerized polling of the pub-
lie on major issues, and in t" nms
of participation particularly by
the youth.
Vivian concluded his preseiita-
tion by saying that the Demo-
cratic party is the party of hope
and "even if you find Humph:oy
a thin reed, hold your nose and
vote for him."
The only objection to the re-
moval of ex-officio members was
voiced b'y Jack Myers, ex-officio
member representing Inter-House
Assembly.He said ex-officio mem-
bers represent special interest con- By RON LANDSMAN
stituency which is not adequately The smallest of the three unions
represented on S yC. at the University ratified its first
"In trying to do away with ex-x contracts last night as two other
officio members, SGC is attempt- unions continued their months-
ing to squelch any meaningful long negbtiations,
dissent," he added.
Currently the four ex-officio The 34 employes in the heating
seats on SGC represent IHA, Pan- plant, members of Local 547 of the
hel, Interfraternity Council and .International Union of Operating
University Activities Center. Engineers, approved a contract
Neff pointed out, under terms negotiated by their leadership last
of the motion, ex-officio mem-; week. They had been meeting with
bers would still be able to retain the University -since December,
their SGC seats and participate 1967.
in the general debates. Negotiations with Local 1583 of
Sharon Lowen, member at the American Federation of State,
large, further pointed out that County and Municipal Employes
students in residence halls or fra- (AFSCME), representing over 2600
ternities and sororities are cur- service and maintenance employes,
rently represented by both their went into full-time sessions yes-
at-large member and by, a voting terday. Daily meetings have been
ex-officio member. scheduled up to next Friday.
Referring to the disolution mo- James Thiry, chief University
tion as a "political panty raid," negotiator, said these are the most
SGC member Michael Davis intensive any of their negotiations
claimed that "if the people who have been. They have been meet-
made the motion thought it had ing with AFSCME since April.
a chance of passing they wouldn't ' The University will meet with
have mad the intent of the mo- the Washtenaw County Building
tion was to make SoC think Trades Council next Monday, their
,rionly day off next week from ne-
not expect the motion to passd'sgotiatimis with AFSCME. Thiry,
Two additional issues -who has been meeting with the
io (which skilled tradesmen since last Feb-
costi onvene tiensoSunay) and ruary, said they should have a
the incorporation of SGC were contract "in the very near future."
also discussed by council members Another University official pre-
last night. dicted a contract with the trades-
A motion to place the contract men "within 30 days."
for the incorporation of council Negotiations w i t h AFSCME,
on the ballot in November's SGC which seemed on the verge of
e 1 e c t i o n was introduced by striking earlier this week, have
Michael\ Davis. Formal action on settled down to a regular, but
the amendment will be taken at heavy, routine. Both sides are now
next week's meeting. engaged in going over a final Uni-
In other action, SGC approved versity offer on non-economic is-
the draft of policies governing sues offered last Tuesday evening.
student records, the Lawler re- The union will not take its eco-
port, on condition that students nomic offer until the non-eco-
have the right to examine all non- nomic negotiations have been
medical records and that faculty completed.
privilege to see the records be In its 18-month contract with
suspended. the heating plant engineers, the
The Draft of Student Records University gave wage increases
regulates the usage of all student of from 16 to 35- cents per hour,
records except academic records: retroactive to July 1, 1968, when
The report approved by SGC is unrepresented University employes
a revision of one rejected' lastur ee nd neityinmployes
year. The original report gave the received pay a net0icent.
vice president for student affairs There will be another 10 cent.
total discretionary powers to ex- per hour increase for all rates
amine student records effective Jan. 1, 1969.
This power has been eliminated The University also announced
from the revised report. that the contract provided for an
In further actions, a committee agency shop. All members within
to review the total University bud- the bargaining unit must either
get was formally approved. join the union or pay the equiva-
Three faculty and three student lent of union dues. New employes
members will be appointed by to are given an approximately three-
the committee next week. month probationary period.
University officials are still waiting for
the final version of a state report examining
and criticizing the University's accounting
and auditing methods. A preliminary state-
ment of 85 pages released late last February
by the State Auditor General's Office blasted
University auditing procedures which it
claimed "resulted in an overstatement of ex-
penditures and an understatement of avail-
able cash."
The final version of the report was orig-
inally expected to be released sometime last
April or early May.
Two of the basic charges made in the pre-
liminary report revolve around designation
and handling of certain University funds.
Richard \Lee, state auditor general, ; rec-
ommended in the preliminary report that
gifts to the University be used to reduce
the appropriations for the University by the
Sta Legislature.
auditor 's conclusion
Weston Vivian, who spoke on the
politics of hope.
Dave Mangan, chairman of the
group explained two ways in
which McCarthy's name could be
written in on a Michigan ballot.
Voters can either place a sticker
to the University in the form of a gift if the
donor knew that the state would simply ;
counteract the gift by reducing the amount
of iunds elsewhere.
The second basic charge made by Lee in
the preliminary report concerned accounting
practices in connection with federal research
projects. When the University accepts a con-
tract with the federal government to carry
out a research project, the federal govern-
ment agrees to pay monies for direct costs
of the project, such as salaries of researchers,
telephone bills, and materials, and monies
for indirect "overhead" costs such as heat,
light, power, maintenance and janitorial
These payments are made in accordance
with strict guidelines agreed upon by the
University and the government before the
contract is signed.
In addition to these funds, the government
urovides monies for denreciation of the facil-
then (the payments are relatively small in- Ibearing the Senator's name on the
voting machine or they may ask i
dividually, but over a number of years, add up for a paper ballot at the polling
to a sizeable amount), Lee proposes that the place and affix a name sticker
state either be given authority to control the lto it. d
The group planned a canvass
way in which these funds are used, or else for Sept. 21 in suburban Detroit
that the money be placed in the General to distribute the sticker's for the
Fund and be used to reduce state appropria- people to the write-in effort and
tions to the University in the same manner explain what must be done to
A .rnnot .nr f cast a write-in vote. A similar
Lee proposea for gu t revenues.
While waiting for the final version of the
report, which will also propose some other
minor changes in the University's financial
setup, administrators have begun working on
their request for funds for the '69-70 fiscal
President Fleming, Vice President for State
Relations and Planning Arthur Ross, and
Pierpont will travel to Lansing Monday, for
a meeting with state officials to discuss finan-
cial problems, and to talk about the spending
canvass is tentatively scheduled
for Ann Arbor on Sept. 18.
Following the planning session
Vivian spoke to the group de-
claring that the politics of hate
and the politics of fear represent-
ed by the campaigns of George
Wallace and Richard Nixon offer-
ed nothing for the American pub-
He went on urging students not
to fall into the politics of an-
archy or the politics .of apathy.
.>:: .. }