Thursday, September 12, 1968
Thursday, September 12, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY
from the seat
Bill Levis
of my pants
Mizchigan's own
Charlie Brown
When you're too small for football and too short for basketball,
there's only one sport that will do.
That's baseball.
But what happens when you're not good enough to make the
* varsity team? Well, the Intramural department finally found the
answer this year-fast pitch softball.,
Softball may not be the same as baseball but with the fast
pitch rule, it's almost as challenging.
Some windmill pitchers are even faster than their major league
counterparts. Eddie Feigner of King and His Court, for example,
whips a softball at over 100 miles an hour.
A softball is bigger than a baseball, and the distance between
the bases is shorter-60 feet instead of baseball's 90. These both
make for more hits. Arid when there are more hits, there are usually
more runs and that means more excitement.
Last week, the intramural department inaugurated the first
all-oampus softball tournament. I spent the summer in a fast
pitch softball league, so the tourney was just what I needed be-
fore starting in on some serious studying.
Many of my teammates from the summer team, which finished
the season buried in the second division with a 2-5 record, jumped
at the chance to try and beat the best that Michigan had to offer.
We should have stayed at home.
our first problem was rounding up nine men who could play
at our assigned time. We had so much trouble finding players that
we had to call off our first and only practice because only my room-
mate and I showed up. It reminded me a lot of a Charlie Brown prac-
tice where only he and and Snoopy make the scene.
As it turned out after losing the only two games we played, we
resembled Charlie Brown and his All-Stars more than I would like
to admit.
Take our first game for example. Here we were, the little
David, facing the mighty Goliath in the form of the 1967-68
Intramural fraternity champs, Sigma Phi Epsilon. Even their
girlfriends were bigger than most of our players. We had only
one player in our starting lineup over 5'10". Our bench was in
his anthropology class.
We won the flip of the coin but had to take first ups because
our ninth man couldn't find his gym shoes. That was only the begin-
ning of a long afternoon.
The game started innocently enough as we moved ahead at the
end of the first inning, 0-0. The second frame wasn't quite as un-
After our first threat, a walk, was snuffed out, Sigma Phi stepped
to plate. What followed shouldn't even happen to Charlie Brown.
Six runs crossed the plate as we played hot potato with the ball.
Charlie Brown, reincarnated as catcher sent two throws over
the third baseman's head. It was typical of the game. Before the
inning had ended, my all-stars had only committted about 10
The score climbed to 8-0 in the third before the All-Stars got
F down to business. The fourth was OUR inning.
Coaxing walk after walk, and mixing up a few hits in between,
we managed to squeeze three runs across the plate. Sigma Phi came
back with two in the bottom of the fourth but our hopes were now
soaring, We had actually scored some runs.
We were terrors in that fifth inning. Getting clutch hitting, the
All-Stars scored three more times. There was- only one out in the
inning, a man was on first, and our power hitter was up. The thought
of victory came back to our minds.
The pitcher windmilled, our hitter dug in and swung. The
ball wound its way slowly to the shortstop while the runner from
first neared second. The shortstop scooped the ball up and nar-
rowly threw the runner out at first while the other All-Star
rounded second and headed for third, ignoring the sign of our
pleading third base coach to stay at second.
The first baseman seeing this mistake threw to third and the
All-Star was nailed to end the ball game and our chance of winninig
the championship. Charlie Brown had done it again.
We had another game in the consolation round three days later
but the All-Stars just couldn't get up for it. If we had won it, we
could have won the loser's championship but it didn't mean anything
to us. Our chances of winnning the real championship were behind us.
We played well in the second game, coming up with a double
play, but our hitting wasn't there. The game was close all the
way, going down the last half of the last inning, but Charlie
Brown knew the cause was lost from the beginning. It was all
there in writing.
ITigers, Wolfpack seek ACC title
Last season the North Carolina
State defense introduced white
shoes on the gridiron "for dis-
They distinguished themselves
as the best defensive unit in the
Atlantic Coast Conference, but the
"good-guy philosophy" failed
them as the Tigers from Clemson
took the title.
Wolfpack coach Earle Edwards
is back to try again this year,
though things still seem in Clem-
son's favor as they aim for their
third consecutive solo crown.
The Tigers, who compiled one
of the most unusual records in
the nation, blazed through to the
crown at the wire. Battle-scared
by non-league competition after
losing four straight, they pro-
ceeded to a perfect conference
season, the final two victories
coming over North Carolina State
and South Carolina.
Both will seriously challenge
Clemson again this seasonalong
with a surprisingly strong Wake
Forest. If anything is sure in the
ACC, it's that this year won't be
the traditional two-team race.
Nonetheless, Clemson has one,
undeniable edge-12 of its 22
starters are back. The WolfpackI
lost 17.!
Defensively, the entire line re-.
turns intact including All-ACC:
end Ronnie Dusworth. This is
basically the same unit that yield-
ed only 38 points to league op-
Coach Frank Howard's key wea-
pon, however, is Buddy Gore, theI
190-pound tailback who was ACC
player of the year. He earned that}
honor by setting a conference;
rushing record of 1,045 yards on4
230 carries. r
Though much of the offensive
wall which provided his holes have
Riding a four-game winning
streak (when they scored 121
points) into this season, the seld-
om-heard-from Deacons could
work their way to the top.
The man who will put them
there is quarterback Freddie Sum-
mers, the kind who runs more
than he passes. In fact, he kept
the ball 20 more times than he
threw last season, 179 plays op-
posed to 159, rolling up 1,419 yards
to lead the conference in total
Yet to be a legitimate challeng-
er, Wake Forest must survive its
four-game opening gauntlet -4
North Carolina, State, Clemson,
and non-conference Minnesota
and Purdue - not an easy task.
The gaps on the defensive squad
are presently beingJ plugged by!
juniors Carlyle Pate and Chick
George along with several junior
quarterback is South Carolina's
fcollege transfers.
The lack of an experienced
biggest hangup. The leading con-'
tender for the spot is a 5' 9" soph-
omore, Tommy Suggs, but there
are four other possible starters.
Suggs piloted the undefeated
freshman squad, which holds the
Gamecocks' Biggest hope to im-
prove on last year's 5-5 record.
Two other sophomores, Rusty
Ganas (6' 5", 240) and Jimmy
Posten (6' 4", 245) will step into
the only defensive holes at the
tackle positions.
cialist adds another three points against arch-rival Clemson last
year. His 17 field goals for the season set a NCAA record, and he
led the Atlantic Coast Conference in points scored with 70.
graduated, there are five letter-! Bobby Hall and Settle Dockery
men waiting on the sidelines to fill may provide an even more potent
the vacated positions. running attack, while co-captain
The big question yet to be an- Carey Metts, the best blocker in
swered is who will be quarterback. the conference assures the holes.
Right now the signal calling spot Here too, the starting quarter-
is up for grabs between senior back is uncertain though Jack
Billy Arimons, who missed most Kleve, a left-handed senior ap-
of spring practice with a knee in- pears the most likely candidate.
jury, and junior Charley Waters. In tight situations, Edwards has
Neither have seen much stadium one ace up his sleeve: kicker
action, and it may be several Gerald Warren, who set an NCAA
games before the final decision record with 17 field goals and
is made. topped the ACC scoring with 70
Over in Raleigh, Edwards is at- points.
tempting to build nis defense The solid Wolfpack line will
around All-ACC end Mark Capu- tangle with Tiger Buddy Gore
ann and junionr R nn C xnnt Nnvm~ b9 in xxha nirn--
Life in1 these United States
Mrs. C. F. Jackson of Florida holds a bunch of bills she got from
the electric company because the computer was screwed up. When
she called the computer it told her that she could pay one bill and
return the rest. The boys at the dams must have had some
hearty chuckles over this one.
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Despite backfield losses, Wolf-!
pack lettermen Charlie Bowers,
Vanderstock captures 400;:
(Pd)-Jeff Vanderstock, running a
race he feels has been too long
neglected, brought it and himself
into prominence yesterday by set-
ting a world record of 48.9 in the
400-meter intermediate hurdles.
Not 20 minutese after Vander-
stock bioke the record by fully
three-tenths of a second there
came another surprise at the U.S.
Olympic track and field trials.
Jim Ryun, world record holder
in the mile and half mile, pulled
up in the final straigthaway after
leading in the final 800-meter run
and loafed in, letting the race go
to Army Pfc. Tom Farrell, who
beat Oregon's Wade Bell in 1:46.5,
the fastest time ever run at anI
altitude comparable to this 7,377-1
foot height.
Ryun disappeared into the
woods immediately rafter the
race without explaining his
Ron Kutschinski of Michigan
finished third in the 800 in 1:47.8!
and thus made the Mexico bound
While Ryun lost his chance t6,
double, little Gerry Lindgren kept
his hopes alive for gettinginto at
least one race in the Olympics.
Lindgrep, who failed to qualify
earlier in the 10,000 meters, fin-
ished third in the preliminary
of the 5,000 meters with 15:04.2.
Bob Day of Los Angeles won
the 'race in 14:50.6. If Lindgren
can do as well or better in the
finals of the 5,000 tomorrow he
will earn a trip to Mexico.
Vanderstock's victory gave the
U.S. track coaches plenty to smile
about on a day in which John
Carlos ran the 200 meters in
20.1, just one-tenth off the world
Novem er z, in w at coui proveW
to be the championship game . ..
but not if Wake Forest can help
aie 00i aohr20 V-f RNTAL S
Ryun Upset
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record. Tommie Smith ran a wind-
aided 20.0 in another 200. per month6
Washington State's fast im-
proving hurdler Boyd Gittins, fol-
lowed Vanderstock in 49.1, which fi
tied Rex Cawley's world record
set back in 1964.
Ron Whitney of the Southern N5671
C foni~anStridies became the SERVING BIG 0 SCHOOLS SINCE 196
third member of the Olympic in-SEVN BI10CHOSICE96
termediate hurdle team with a
time of 49.2. w_ __
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Charlie Brown never won a softball game, and
All-Stars in the all-campus tournament.
neither did his
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