THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, August 27, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, August 27, 1968 anhel: Choice of few from many STATUS PLAYED DOWN: IFC tries to re-shape image, Computers for fraternity rush By ALISON SYMROSKI In addition to their usual attention to social and cultural activities, the University's 24 un- dergraduate sororities last year were forced to confront a major problem area: discrimination in membership selection and hous- ing. Amid much debate, the Panhel- lenic Association passed a resolu- tion last fall committing itself to the elimination of required recom- mendations in membership selec- tion. This had been a controversial issue, since many national organi- zations require a recommendation from an alumna for each girl to be pledged. Often alumna will veto a girl on the basis of race or religion. Often the, houses are dependent on the nationals for financial support and must take aluma recommendations as bind- ing. Last, the University's two Negro sororities were able. to attain housing for the firstItime by re- serving a section of Oxford Co-op for a period of two years. And Panhel hopes to aid these sororities in finding permanent houses before the two-year con- tract is up, according to Vice President Karen Lowe, '69, "A sorority house is filled kWith a great diversity of people," she maintains. "You're not as likely to get cut off as in an apartment living with four of five others." A major duty of the Panhel lenic Association is planning in- ter - sorority activities. Among those being worked on for this year are: Trips to the Toledo Art Museum, an exchange with sorority mem- bers from other schools, a Spring Concert featuring a well-known pop artist, a sing with the Inter- fraternity Council, horseback riding program, and a leadership conference-perhaps in the form of a retreat. On the academic side, Panhel requires a girl to have at least a 2.0 over-all average to pledge. The current average among soro- rity women is 2.92. In addition to Panhel-organizedi activities, the individual sorori- ties also plan after-dinner speak- ers, weekly "T.G." parties with 'fraternities, philanthropy projects, Christmas parties, pledge formals, etc. Panhel generally puts most emphasis however, on Rush. It is a two-week process of mixers, parties, and desserts through which sororities meet potential pledges and girls interested in sororities have a chance to visit the houses. This year rush will be held in January, with registration and meetings explaining the me- chanics of rush. Last year Panhel had experi- mented with holding it early in the fall. However, they have re- turned to the usual winter sched- ule to give girls more time to be- come acclimated to the campus before entering the rush whirl- wind. Going through the process puts a girl under no obligation to join a sorority. "All you can do is take a look and try it for yourself," Miss Lowe explains. "It's a good idea to participate in rush even if you aren't interested in pledg- ing a sorority. It's a way of meet- ing people. "You'd be surprized how much smaller the campus can become after going through rush," she adds. By DAVID WEIR A new structure, a radicalized self-image, and the determination to increase fraternity involvement in campus activity characterizes the 1968 edition of the Univer- sity's Interfraternity C o u n c i l (IFC). Under the leadership of'Presi- dent Bob Rorke, '69, IFC is at- tempting to "forget the past and get into the present reality" of University life. "We have restructured IFC into a corporate service organization, for the 46 campus houses," says Rorke. "We hope in this way to offer more of an activist or radi- cal leadership, in place of the pro- tective image we have had in the past." Rorke is concerned with elimi- nating the "status image" con- nected with the Greek'system due to ties with conservative nationals and alumni. "Group living can be a. very good thing at the University," Rorke claims. "As originally con- ceived, fraternities were student power in its rawest form. Proper- ly exploited, they represent an opportunity for constructive stu- dent power-for undergraduates to do things." One of the programs IFC is in- itiating this year is a "college headstart" which entails housing boys from the Detroit ghetto for a few days in order to acquaint them with the University. Another plan is for a "radical in residence" program, where members of Voice-SDS will "live- in" at various houses in order to stimulate discussion of political issues. Another change this year is in the Rush procedure. Materials dis- tributed in the dorms during the first two weeks of September will University fraternities is consid- acquaint freshmen wi t h the ered valuable, IFC recognizes the changes before the mass Rush militant segregation of the two meeting on Monday, Sept. 16. black houses as part of the na- Following t h r e e nights of tional search for identity and "smokers" from 7-10 p.m.. pros- culture, pective rushees will be invited IFC is however, says Rorke; back to houses on Sunday. Sept. planning programs of cultural in- 22. tegration with the black houses in In order to assist both rushees areas of community service and and houses in this process, an in- campus social life. tensive, computerized counseling Overall, Rorke feels that fra- service will be initiated.'This serv- ternities must modernize and ice will be available both Friday update their time-worn image, and Saturday of Rush week, in and become more involved in cam- addition to the following Monday. pus activities. "We hope to help every guy "The Greek system can and find the right house," says Rorke. should supplement one's univer- "With 46 fraternities to choose sity education. In a fraternity, a from, many freshmen rush the man has the opportunity to spend wrong five houses, and miss the time in athletics, social and opportunity of seeing the house leadership activities, and political right for them. . affairs that students in other Although racial integration of housing units don't. * Rush: Still mainspring of sororities? Too much emphasis seen on parties i F ,' WALTER SHAPIRO- XX X Will they ever learn? and what it can do for, you now! ' A LOUD and almost falsetto voice rose unseen from the other side of the partition between booths in the Union, "I just don't like sharing people." Everyday in class, at the ' UGLI, along State Street I glance momentarily into the passing gallery of faces. Faces I'll never know. I nod hello to people I little note, nor long remember. It's their University too, but I can't perceive what sort of Ann Arbor it is that they know. * * * FOR SOME perverse reason in the shower the other morning I was thinking about fourth floor Wenley House, West Quad of three years ago. I've fallen totally out of touch with almost all of them except for a hasty nod and a word or two of, meaningless banter. Dorm life is important because it repre-' sents a panorama of the Uni- versity which we quickly learn to obscure in our self-con- structed cjoisters. ' Today one is surviving some- what less than happily in Tor- onto-a fugitive from the vor- acious appetite of a military, machine unable to understand students not carrying 30 credits a.'year in the national interest. Another became the perfect fraternity man, veteran of countless TG's, who has now mellowed into the perfect apart- ment dweller with his life semi- molded before him. The guy next door broadened his Traverse City horizons by touring the world with the }Michigan Glee Club. My old roommate has been rewarded with a grade point average just a tiny fraction below 4.0 for his compulsive goal - directed academic efforts. Another guy on the floor is now the acid WELCOME STUDENTS ! " DISTINCTIVE COLLEGIATE HAIRSTYLING for Me-_ And Women-- * 8 Hairstylists THE DASCOLA BARBERS Near Michigan Theatre end of a campus acid rock group. Over, three years all of them probably could have become al- most anything. Instead today they are only the logical ex- tensions of what they once were. S . * * * ONCE I was rabidly anti- fraternity seeing the self-seg- regation of the Greeks as a unique evil. That was before I' heard the ingentus theory of a friend about the way the Uni- versity really operates. Now I. see that almost all of us be- come limited in our outlook and restrictive in the people we want to know. Anyway_ My friend claims that there are only 483 real people in the University. Of course, she doesn't know all of these real people but when combined to- gether everyone she knows col- lectively knows all 483. The rest are cardboard mock- ups made by a renbwned card- board factory in Grand Rapids. It's the mock-ups who provide all the placid faces which fill the hot, crowded lecture halls. It's the cardboard cut-outs who take all the spaces in front of you on line' at Cinema Guild and it's these Grand Rapids- made mock-ups who make the line for making a counseling appointment so .interminably long." The University uses the card- board mock-ups to inflate their' enrollment figures for the bene- fit of the penny - pinching, know-nothing state legislators. For if the solons in Lansing only gave us a niggardly $60 odd million for oit alleged 35,000 students, you can im- agine how little we'd get if they ever discovered that the University is only educating 483 real people. TIME MAGAZINE and every- one else in this screwed up country has been picturing the college campus as allace where the grass is as high an an ele- phant's eye and where every pillow comes complete with a co-ed and her precious Pill. For many they are right- God if they only knew how right. But there are others who never drink anything stronger than beer, still smoke cigar- ettes with a guilt complex, and whose sex life is more fancied than factual-and they prower it that way. What I'm getting at is there is just no norm, no typical -student. I suspect half of the ,"immoral" behavior on this campus is motivated by a per- verse "keeping-down-with-the- Joneses," "everybody's doing it" half-admitted sense of inse- curity. It's too bad, because that way we're all the victims of the leering magazine writers. PERHAPS one of the major fruits of our generation-I sound like someong's mother talking about the Depression- is the destruction of the tra- ditional goals of society by the ever-growing ranks of the dis- enchanted. The problem of the contem- porary rejection of the shams of success is that too many doubters just meekly gravitate to the least abrasive niches of a malformed society-teaching, social work, journalism-and too few try to create alterna- tives of their own. Oddly enough perhaps that's the University's greatest failing -not giving students a reason to ever escape academia. * * * ONE NEVER fully accepts the loneliness that accompanies the ,modern university. Few really believe the orientation leader's trite pronouncement, "Nobody 'gives a damn what you do here -you're on your own." But fewer have a legitimate right to feel otherwise. The University is designated as a publicly supported t r e a s u r e trove for the goal - oriented Maybe that partially explains the bitter despair of the aim- less. * * * One summer's night I walked the , streets of Ann Arbor and listened to the whir of the fans and the steady hum of the air- conditioners. Behind all those windows were so many people I'll never know and so much I'll never understand. There is a loneliness of the too much and the too quick which haunts us all. And looking back "that may be the ultimate sadness of Ann Arbor. 041 I' 'I When your banking needs are immediate, next week or even tomor- rdW won't do. We know that students and faculty alike need banking services that are geared to the present. We have scheduled our bank- ing hours for your convenience. We offer NOW SERVICES: Open Saturday 9:00 until 12 noon and Friday until 8 pm. Additional hours: Drive-up windows open until 5 pm Mon- day through Thursday. t i' 2 Thrifti Checks still only 100 per check. FREE. Checking when you maintain a $150 minimum balance or hold a $1000 Certificate of Deposit. Three convenient locations: Washington at Fifth Ave. (Downtown)_ Washtenaw at Huron Parkway (Eastside) West Stadium at Pauline (Westside) FREE parking at all offices. HURON VALLEY r I r!I rh D, GUITAR STUDIO INSTRUMENTS ACCESSORIES LESSONS I I