THE MICHIGAN DAILY ORCH ESTRA Sponsored by G&S, MUSKET Civic Theatre "Gondoliers" . Camelot More! Russians continue to depart Czechs, Cernik. sign' trade pact PIAGUE (P)-More columns of Soviet troops, tanks and artillery withdrew from Prague yesterday, apparently as a result of a visit to' Moscow by Premier Oldrich Cer- nik. The only officially announced result of Cernik's trip Tuesday was an economic agreement. In- formed sources said, however, that Soviet leaders had shown them- selves willing to withdraw the bulk of their troops from Czecho- slovak cities. TANKS AND SOLDIERS Tanks 'and, soldiers have been' camped in parks and other public sites since the occupation of, Czechoslovakia by the armies of; the Soviet Union, East Germany, Hungary, Poland,. and Bulgaria on Aug. 20-21.E SOVIET EMBASSY Troops still in the city appealed to be pireparing to leave. The bulk of the tanks guarding the Soviet Embassy also left, but some could still be seen inside the embassy garden. Among the sites freed during the day were the editorial offices of the weekly Reporter, put out by the Czechoslovak Journalists' As- sociation and a frequent target of" the Moscow press. The magazine's editors announced the next issue will appear next week. DUBCEK Party chief Alexander Dubcek met with Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister Vasily Kutznetsov after a briefing from Cernic, who talked with Soviet party chief Leonid I. Brezhnev, Premier Alexei N. Kosy- gin and President Nikolai V. Pod- gorny. Judiciary sets Tuesday for vot on Fortas nominatio committee -Associated Press' South Vietnamese wait for supplies mIusicl "4 conttinuing' experience for nion-music majors" VC penetrates SAIGON AP) -About 2,000 U.S. B-52 bombers fle South Vietnamese reinforcements ed strikes over the jung maneuvered in a monsoon down- Tay Ninh City, droppi pour last night for a bloody show- h t down with Commiunist troops who than a illion poundst penetrated Tay Ninh City, a pro- ives in an effort to he vincial capital of 200,000 residents. troops converging on the Tay Ninh 4 ew repeat- les around ng more of explos- alt enemy e city. around the Cao Dai temple in the city. Other enemy units were report- ted to be on Tay Ninh's south- ,eastern outskirts with the back- up 'regiments moving in from the Cambodian border 14 miles to the !' MASS MEETING Michigan Union Sept. 12, 7:30 Allied commanders say it may CAO DAI TEMPLE West. 'be the fiercest fight since the en- Vheeler said the three enemy North Vietnamese regulars are emy's second-wave offensive last battalionsareholdingposibelieved to have seized the red and May. gold temple of the Cao Dal, a pow- the north estern and northeast- erful religious sect in Tay Ninh 7!500 MEN ' -- - - - - - - - - - - A risoner taken in early fight- ern corners of Tay Ninh and Province. ing around Tay Ninh, 45 miles - - northwest of Saigon, said the en-TTs emyy has comnmitted threer - t ru H l ments with 7,500 men to try and U S . take the city in three days. 'Spider' John Koerner at TOUSFi SAP correspondent J o h n T.} Wheeler reported that 1,500 enemy soldiers, about t h r e e battalions, are already inside or on the edges of' Tay Ninh. According to t h e prisoner,