Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, September 11, 1965 Page~ Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, September 1 1, 196'S SA,'''V.AA . . . . . . . . "' ........ . ... . .- .....-. v........... .......::C?"...........=..... +w,"""~:r:"r"S,}":"}s",,i;i},}?i::vi"4":::^ai.r,, 11 W '.~~. V..ft'f~ll..t.. .:.W.W.AA Vr:. ."i s, :V A r.W..^. :, ,':?^r ".."f"rCt{: "r:Y:,WAY{.i"v.1-"}':%:: .::-{1: .V:"^.V. ., .u. ;:':"r'.."W,} ::':::: .L: .} S.A.B., lower level, hours 10 - 12 a.m. and 1:30 - 5 p.m Mon - Fri. Open now for information and browsing, services. Jordan River, Suez scene DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ORANI ZATION o A rab-Israel clashes B:.eAscile rs th srei oee fr irta .; .....,.. . . .Jr. .... ......... . ...,,. ".,a "" r vr. "v.r J. ""1 The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- tsity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editor- ,al responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITER form to Room 3528 L. S. & A. Bldg., be- fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding publication and by 2 p.m. Friday for Saturday and Sunday. General Notlces may be published a Maxi- mum of two times on request; Day Calendar itemsappear once only. Student organization notices are not accepted for publication. For more information call 74-9279. Day Calendar WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 Bureau of Industrial Relations Sem- inar: "The Management of Managers, Program No. 67": North Campus Com- mons, 8:15 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Basic Fire School 1: Civil Defense Center, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Zoology Seminar: Dr. Ted M. Caven- der, Research Associate, Museum of Zoology, "Early Tertiary History of Freslwater Fishes in Western N o r t h Americe, 4:00 p.m., 1400 Chemistry Bldg. Department of Journalism Lecture: :Dr. Harold L. Nelson, Director. School of Journalism, University of Wisconsin, "Watershed for American Press Free- dom": Amphitheater, Rackham Build- ing, 4:10 p.m. General Notices STUDENT GOVERNMENT COUNCIL The approval of the following student sponsored events becomes effective af- ter the publication of this notice. All publicity for these events must be withheld until the approval has become effective. Approval request forms for student sponsored events are available in rooms 1001 and 1545 of the student Activities Building. Voce-SDS: Rally on Diag, September 9, 1968, 12 - 1 p.m. SUMMARY OF ACTION TAKEN BY STUDENT GOVERNMENT COUNCIL AT ITS MEETING SEPTEMBER 7, 1968 Approved: That SGC support t h e vigil at the Washtenaw County Build- ing. Approved: That SGC co-sponsor the educational meeting Sunday, Septem- ber 8 at 4 p.m. in the Union concern- ing the present situation of the wel- fare mothers. Approved: That SGC co-sponsor the diag rally to be held Sept. 9 (Monday). Approved: That SGC set up a Legal Defense Fund. Approved: That SGC sponsor the benefit dance to be held Monday evening, Sept. 9 from 9-12 p.m. in the Union Ballroom, featuring Buddy Guy. Proceeds will go to the Legal Defense Fund. Approved: That SOC extend petition- ing for the two vacancies one week (Tulesday, September 17) at 5 "p.. Council will interview September 17 and 18, seating members on the 19th. Actuarial Review Classes for general mathematics examination of the leoty of Actuaries will organize in 3010 Angell Hall, Thursday, September 12, 4:00 p.m. Parking notice: The top deck of the Catherine Street Parking Structure will be closed for repairs. Ample staff paid permit~ parking is available at the East Medical Structure and also the Fletcher Street Structure. U. of M. Parking Of- fice. Graduate Record Examination: Appli- cation blanks are available in Room 3014, 'Rackham Building for the Grad- uate Record Examination. The next administration of the test will be on Saturday, October 26, and applications are due in Princeton, New Jersey be- fore October . Admission Test for Graduate Study in Business: Application blanks are available in Room 3014, Rackham Building for the Admission Test for Graduate Study in Business. The next administration of the test will be on Saturday November 2, and applications are due in Princeton, New Jersey be- fore October 19. Doctoral Candidates who plan to graduate December 14 must observe the following deadlines: (A) Three un- bound copies of the dissertation, com- plete in .every way except for binding. and three abstracts must be submitted to the Rackhamn Dissertation Secretary by Moday, October 28. (B) Two cor- rected copies of the dissertation - one bound and one unbound - two ab- stracts, and the Chairman's report on the final oral examination must be submitted to the Dissertation Secre- tary by Monday, November 25. (Fees must be paid and paperwork completed by that second deadline.) Doctoral Examinations 1 David Lawrence Killian: Education,' Dissertation: "The General S o c i a l Values of Elementary School Teachers and Principals and the Acceptance ofr the Elementary Principal as Leader," on] Wednesday, Sept. 11 at 1 p.m. in West Council Room, Rackham, Chairman: L. W. Beach. Placement 3200 S.A.B. GENERAL DIVISION Placement interviews: the following' representatives will be at the BureauI of Appts: Please call 763-1363 at your] earliest convenience for appointments. All representatives expect to see a vita sheet on interviewees, if you are not already registered in the General Divi- sion, please ask us to provide you with the proper materials. Interview sched- ules open Monday, Sept. 9. September 16, 17, and 18: U. S. Navy: Dec., April, and Aug. Grads, all degree levels, all majors for Navy OCS Programs, Surface and Air programs. Current Position Openings received" by General Division by mail and phone," please call 764-7460 for further informa- tion: Sylvania Electric, position in Ot- tawa, Ohio: Senior Industrial Engineer, BSIE/BSME, and some exper, work; on project basis in wage control, time/ motion studies, job standards, plany; layout, jig fixture design and conveyor- ization. Illinois Department of Personnel: Positions listed are receiving applica- tions for exams until Sept. 21. Ad- ministrative Assistant, bus. and econ. dev., Assstant Methods and Procedures Supervisor, Capital Stock Assessor. Clinical Lab. Supv., Indust., and Com- munity Dev. Rep., Narcotic Inspector, Nurse Administrator, Public H e a 1 t h Dentist, Resources Planner. Utah Highway Patrol Civil Service Commission: Radio Engineer; education or exper. radio operation and repair work, license req. by Fed. Comm. Com- mission. Utah Merit System Council, State Division of Welfare, Caseaide, degree and 1 year exper working with Navajo and/or other Indian tribes, consider- able understanding of language, cus- toms, and ways of these people. 1 Management Consultants, BatonI Rouge, La.: Metallurgist, pref. non fer- rous bckrnd, lead pref. Connecticut careers, Chief of Program Dev, PhD in soc., criminology, psych, or rel. flds, and 3 years respon. employ in correctional work. Apply before Sept. 25. State of Washington Dept. of Per- sonnel: Many positions in the follow- ing areas are accepting examinations : Clerical, Staff Services and Administra- tion. Financial, Bus. Mgmt., and Staff Services. Education and Information. Employment Security and Social Serv- ices. Law Enforcement, Inspection and Hearing and Agriculture. Medical, Nursing and Laboratory. Engineering, Architecture. Trades, Plant, Equipment, and Warehouse. Food and Personnel Services. Farms, Gardens, Fish a n d Game and Parks. Summer Placement Service Room 212 NOTICES By The Associated Press the Israelis opened fire first at Israel and Jordan clashed with Urn Shurat in the 45-minute-long mitgsis~imsmsnggsimisagssgigstmi 2a achine guns, mortal's and r'ock- Hillel - Registration for Beit Midrash, ets across the Jordan River yes- College of Jewish Studies Courses. Wed. terday while Israel was claiming and Thurs. evening Sept. 11 and 12th, that an .Israeli soldier had been 7:30 p.m. 1429 Hill St, Free - open to wounded by sniper fire from the all. International Association for t h e Egyptian side of the Suez Canal- Exchange of Students for Technical The Israeli army in Tel Aviv re- Experience, Thurs., Sept. 12th, 7:30 ported skirmishes with Jordanian p.m. UGLI Multi-purpose room: troops at Ashdot Yaakov, 'south of "Training Overseas for Students of the Sea of Galilee; Um Shurat, Science, architecture and Engineering.1 Bach Club Meeting, Thurs.. Sept. 15 miles north of the Dead Sea. 12th, 8:00 p.m. Guild House, 802 Mon- and at Dabussiyah in the Beisan roe. Speaker: Dr. Richard Crawford, Valley. "Bach as heard by Webern". Jelly do- No Israeli or Jordanian casual- nuts and conversation afterwards. For further information call 769-2922 or ties were reported. 769-4472. A Jordanian communique said shootin1g, Official Egyptian sources de- nied any knowledge of the sniper attack across the Suez. Israel brought it up at the Unit- ed Nations in New York. The canal area remained tense after Sunday's furious artillery battle there. ' In Tel Aviv. Israeli authorities admitted troops blew up an Arab home in the town of Bal'a in the occupied west bank when a search for arms uncovered a mortar. S HOME OF EVERYDAY LOW PRICES "7 l.U.S. Grade "A Fresh 3 lbs. BOON 14-0%'Chk t( c / I6. . i 39b 'Nt. A Gordon's Breakfast, 1.Ib. flfl Lin Sausag . :7 Prices effective thrv Saturday, Sept. 74, 1968. Rights reserved to limit quantities. CHUCKWAGON BRAND LEAN STREAKED BA CON Center Cut Smoked Ham lices.. c Pkg. POPPS MICH. GRADE .1 SKINLESS .6kg Sliced into 9 to 12 Chops Eckrich - 3 Varieties % Pork Loin . . Smok- Y- inks c 'M Boneless Beef 98,,.Cube Steak. $109 lb. 10-oC 0 0 t SPECIAL LABEL CLEANER Caldis Sliced Me WITH AMMONIA CLNG PEACHtES STOP JOB rMA'T~:r.lI~T b 1 1-lbB afANERVeri Fine - APPLE SAUCE 8-or.3-lb $C Family r Stl , rook ~JarAl Sie adowdale Whole Kernel or REAM CORN 16-oz. Can 15 Pillsbury Special Label Extra Light PANCAKE MIX 2lb28 (:i: )Pkg. 4' _ . r. r J Stockton Whole Peeled TOMA TOES 1-l b.C 13-or. A~ Can 2 St KAif wt taley Special Label; Waffle I S YRUP 8-or. 39c Foreign Visitors I a 'AIJIL, - - The following individuals can be reached through the Foreign Visitor Division of the Vistor and Guest Re- lations Office, Room 24} Michigan Un- ion. Telephone: 764-2148. Week of September 11 -18, 1968 Mr. and Mrs. Guy Vanhaeverbeke: Chef de Cabinet to the Secretary Gen- eral of the Economic and Social Com- mittee of the European Economic Com- munity; Brussels,. Belgium. Sept. 11- 12. Dr. Zbigniew A. Zechowski; Adjunct, University of A. Mickiewic, Chair of Sociology; Pozan. Poland. Dr. James Tait Vice Chancellor, The City University; London,. England. Sept. 13. Mir. and Mrs. Zahari Staiko: Senior Research Associate of Research Insti- tute of Labor; Sofia, Bulgaria. Mr. and Mrs. Veljko Rus; Researcher, Institute of Business Organization; Ljubljana, Yugoslavia. Sept. 15 -?4 Mr. Johannes Rau: Member, Federal Executive Board. Social Democratic Party, West Germany. September 15 - 17. Dr. T. Kawamura; President, Hiro- shima University; Hiroshima, Japan. Sept. 16d22. I-i. Order 12 ow. I f off Detergent2 AN afvo&. . . .O. 63 c SMeadowdole Frozen6- Orange Juice ... 15c P* Nabisco a, Premium Saltines. B33C Cooking Sauces 131ioz. £ompliment.. . . n. 31 Pre-Soek Powder 12-or. a ~Wt. C S Axton . . . .'. . .Pkg. Camelot-Assorted Varieties 1-lb. 1l$ Cake M.ix.... 3;P. 2 All Grinds Yuhan (offee . . . ba,79 All Flavors Carnation 73/ or c SInstantireakfastt. 55 .C .,offDetergent 2-b i2 lb Finest Brand Pork & Bean Morton House KT Beef Stew . For Making Gravy Kitchen Bouq Our Favorite Cut U Green Beans Butterfield Whole or Sliced 464% .Poatoes . . T K-MPV Our Favorite a, green Peas . 10c off Detergent' Dash ..... !wK With Hand Towel Bns .... i .c off Detergent =, R41d_ _. s. . can .-o. 49' s . Can ruet Jar'49C . . . . a +r 16-ox 14C Canf4 15-or. Wt.i " Can Concord Grape Wekhs Jelly ... 7c off Fabric Softener 1FinalToch.. .. Chunk Style Light Meat 6 Starkist Tuna. . Starfire1 Luncheon Meat . I P C A Corned Beef... Dinty Moore ~'E Beef Stew .. . . Regular or Low Col Nawaiian Punch . Creamy Peanut Butter __i_ f n Punc Red Ha w aiian ,.,.7Punch 11. Jar 65-0Z. Wt. Can 27 38 . . Can15 3.Ib. 61' s " s Box Qt. FId. DOI..6 I.:33c 72-oz. 1 b. t. Can 'Can 2-oz. lIb 9 Jar 5 c 12-o. c Pi Fluid Can 12 Chocolate L. Nestle Morsels . . White . Yellow . Chocolate i E \Duncan Hines Cak. P Meadowdole Asst'd Flavors *%Yi Canned Pop.... ;f Refreshing Pineapple Dole Juice ... 1 4 Camelot Kosher or ,EYPoish Dills .. Kraft Salad Dressing Miracle Winp.. KI -Bath Size Soap' Phase l11 . .. . +r A 4c off Liquid Detergent lsDove iAKeebler -4 'Zesta Saines . Wt 39 Pkg. 12-or. Fluid t Can 14-o:. A Qt jar 3 9 Qt *jarf8 "5.5-as.. Wt. A Bar I '4 ... 0 Box 3 lb. -a 6-oz. StI. 45' B. 33c - -