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September 11, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-09-11

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git 43U

~Ea it

Cloudy and cooler.
rain ending today.

Vol. LXXIX,'No. 11 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, September 1 1, 1968 Ten Cents

Ten Pages


1 \ t1 1 "J.:J l u i'l I- el.-l 11"l l ;





ex-officio SO
By MARCIA ABRAMSON versity campus or to appropriately
and LISA STEPIJENS i represent the 'majority of the stu-
Interfraternity Council last night I dent body in the process of deli-
voted unanimously to resign its beration and legislation."
ex-officio seat on Student Govern- However, the resolution insisted
ment Council. the withdrawal does not repre-
The IFC resolution criticized sent a "denouncement" of SGC.
SGC for failing to "accurately re- The IFC move came with SGC
flect student opinion on the Uni- set to hear first reading tomorrow
COlmbia a s
s s t uid amnest


v ert



night of a motion to abolish tle V - 1
voting power of the four ex-of-
ficio seats on Council, which in-
cludes IFC. SGC Vice President
Bob Neff yesterday told The Daily
he expects the proposal to pass.
SGC member E. 0. Knowles ex-3 sk i i ts
plained that IFC knew about the
upcoming SGC move before pass-
ing last night's resolution. "They°
just wanted to be the first ones to On recor
the door," he said.
Neff called the IFC move "just I
another demonstration of the i t -uc t
parochialattitude IFC president S OS r
Bob Rorke is taking. 'I'm sur-
nri ed at'Ron~P.. k anin N ai



l nio, U toBol


I Pib a, u e s act esdn mc
I no attempt to discuss.this with
SGC members beforehand," Neff

From Wire Service Reports
NEW YORK - Columbia V~ni-
versity announced yesterday it
has asked city courts to drop
criminal trespass charges against
400 students arrested last spring.
Sduring two police raids on the oc°-
cupied campus buildings.
More than five months after
police and students battled on'
the university's campus, the acting
president of , Columbia, Dr. An-
drew W. Cordier told a press con-
ference yesterday the trustee-ap-
Cty judge,
All 244 protesters arrested last
Thursday and Friday during sit.-
C ins at the Washtenaw County
Bldg. were arraigned yesterday by
Ann Arbor Municipal Court Judge
Samuel Elden.
Most of the demonstrators, all
of whom are charged with tresa-
passing, stood mute at the ar-'
raignment. The rest entered a plea
of guilty. Those few will appear
for sentencing Oct. 2.
Everone arrested, if convicted,
will face penalties of up to 30
days in the county jail and a $50
fine or both.
The trial date for the majority
that stood mute will be set on
Sept. 20.
r Despite considerable pressure
from local leaders, neither the
Board of Supervisors nor County
Prosecutor William Delhey made
any move yesterday toward drop-
ping the charges.
In other court matters re-
lated to the demonstrations by
county welfare mothers and their
supporters, Steve Wildstrom, man-
aging editor of The Daily, has not
yet been officially charged fol-
lowing his arrest for assault and
battery by sheriff's deputies last
In an incident Sunday another
student, Larry Glover, Grad, com-
plains sheriff's deputies arrested
him while he was using the wash-,
room of the County Bldg. Glover
say he was in the process of being
booked when Sheriff Douglas Har-
vey ordered the deputies to re-
lease him.
Glover said he is considering
suing the sheriffs department for
false arrest.

W iadded.
proved leniency bid had been rec- Neff explained that SGC is con-
-omnmended by himself and by fac- cerned about providing represen-
t ulty members. tation but added that the IFC
Excluded from the request were statement is, "rather insignificant
t the 154 students arrested on more in view of the fact that Rorke has!
serious charges than tresspassing,
such as resisting arrest, assault
and inciting to riot.BULLETIN
There was no immediate re- .E
sponse to the leniency plea from SAIGON (P) -Enemy troops
criminal court Judge Edward R. stabbed two columns into Tay
Dudley. But a spokesman for dis- Ninh City and heavy fighting
strict attorney Frank S. Hogan broke out early today insideI
said "the matter is entirely within the provincial capital of 200,-$
the discretion of the court." 000 people.
"It would be discourteous for Tay Ninh lies on a major
us at this time to express any invasion route to Saigon.
position before the matter reaches American jets !raked the
the court," the spokesman said. mixed force of Viet Cong and
"When it does, we may ourselves North Vietnamese regulars just
ask to be heard or we may be outside the city; 55 miles north-
asked by the courts for a recom- west of Saigon, and allied
mendation." troops moved to halt the new
Arguing for amnesty, the chair- thrust.
man of the board of trustess, Wil- All major installations in-
liam E. Petersen, said, "the step side Tay Ninh appeared to be
now being announced will help to in allied hands Wednesday
alleviate the tensions rising out forenoon but a senior Ameri-
of the arrests and charges and can officer on the scene said
pave the way for effective action." the enemy spearhead had
He said it would "set the univer- penetrated farther than an as-
sity again on course - toward its sault into the city on Aug. 20.
goal of teaching, learning and Over four hundred men at-
serving the community." tacked in two columns from
However, leaders of last spring's the southeast and the north-
seven week confrontation at the east sides of the city. Fight-
university vowed the "struggle ing is still raging in both areas.
against Columbia" would con-:__ _
Tomec Smith, president of Co- made no attempt to represent IFC
Iimbia Student Council termed adequately.
the move "a Machiavellian ma- IFC brought a similar proposal}
neuver'" that "tones down the before Inter-House Assembly last
anger without really changing night. IHA tabled the motion un-
anything." til its Sept. 24 meeting, but new
"It's an attempt," he continued, president Jack Myers said he
"to split the moderates and the doubted the withdrawal motion
moderate left away from the would be passed.
radicals." Similar motions. will be brought
Demonstrations last April and to Panhellenic Association and
May drew widespread support and University Activities Center. IHA,
created and alliance between Stu- IFC, Panhel and UAC hold the
dents for a Democratic Society four ex-officio seats.
and a large segment of the stu- Panhel President Ellen Heyboer
dent body. said she did not know if Panhel.
Students occupied two Morning- would pass the withdrawal motion.
side Heights campus buildings to' Dan McCreath, president of'
protest the university building of UAC, said he favors the SGC move
a gymnasium on a Harlem public to retain the seats without vot-
park and to urge Columbia to ing power because the ex-officio
cease participation in the Irsti- members create double and triple
tute of Defense Analyses, a gov- representation.
ermnent agency which supports Myers opposed the SGC pro-
classified research. posal because "IHA wants to work
Acting president Cordier said within SGC."

A key tri-partite committee
yesterday suggested limitations on
the disclosure of student's Office
of Student Affairs records, in-I
eluding the requirement of writ-
ten consent for the dissemination
of some portions of the' file.$
The unanimous report of the{
Student Affairs Committee on
Disclosure would also eliminate
discretionary powers to the vice
president for student affairs and
set guidelines for OSA action r
should records be subpeonaed -
Committee chairman James
Lawler, assistant director of stu-
dent organizations, said last night
that the basic difference between
the new proposals , and present
policies is the inclusion of the re-?
quirement for written student con-
The report now goes for appro-
val to Student Government Coun-1
cil, Graduate Assembly, the Stu-'
dent Relations Committee and the
Student Affairs Committee on University trtwks cart off
Student Records and their Use.
There were indications last
night that at least some portions
of the report would be unaccept-
able to SGC members.
Council member Michael Davis
questioned the inclusion of the "
religion, photograph and "cam-
pus leadership" in students' rec-
What material should be in-'
cluded in a student's file has been U
a major issue for the committee URBANA, Ill. kP - Soe 300
The report suggests a classifica- black students were charged with
tion system for types of informa- mob action yesterday following a-
tion kept in the files and recom- rampage in the University of ld-i-
mends that some of this infor- nois Student Union lounges Mon-
mation be given out only upon day night.
receipt of . the student's request. Police said the young men and
However, the guidelines for dis- women smashed furniture and
closure still leave information chandeliers and mutilated 10 por-;
such as religion, parent's address, traits of university presidents dur-
"campus leadership." photograph ing a three-hour occupation of
and aptitude test results in the the lounges.
file and open to inspection by Police said none of those ai-
faculty members. Lawler says rested offered resistance.
"campus leadership" - extra cur- They also said the students and
See ASK, Page 7 some black youths from Cham-
Fn allit demonstration

sessions tomorrow
Union and University negotiators met until midnight last
night in an apparently successful attempt to avert a strike
by Local 1583 of the American Federation of State, County
and Municipal Employes (AFSCME).
Although union officials were unavailable for comment,
chief University negotiator James Thiry said last night, "A
strike does not seem imminent. There was noindication at
the meeting that a strike would take place."
Thiry said the University will resume negotiations with
the union at 10:30 a.m. tomorrow. They plan to continue
meeting into the evening and on Friday, he added.
Negotiations will not be held with AFSCME today
due to previously scheduled --
meetings between the Univer-
sity and the Washtenaw Panther
County Building Trades Coun-1 se
cil. The WCBTC represents
some 300 skilled tradesmen in
the plant department.fire on
The results of the union's mail
strike vote, which was to be count-
ed at midnight last night, ap-we.
votentiy eed unavailable. The -..y p lc
vote is expected to be strongly in
favor of a strike. B
The meetings seem to mark the y THOMAS U. COPI
beginning of the end of negotia- Two Oakland, Oalif., policemen
tions on non-economic issues. The were dismissed from the force and
morning meeting was recessed'at jailed yesterday after a dozen
noon yesterday to give the Univer- high caliber bullets were fired
sity time to prepare in writing its from a cruising police car into
position on the last, of the non- the Oakland headquarters of the
economic issues. They re-adjourn- Black Panthers earlier that morn-
ed at 6 4p.m. and continued to meet ing.
until midnight. Amid conflicting reports of what
Thiry indicated the University actually happened, Oakland Po-
had gone into the meeting ex- lice Chief Charles Gains said the
pecting to continue discussion* of two officers had been drinking
general policy. "That was what and that they were on duty at

f sonic of the 300)arrested
irres ted'
ois riot

paign gathered in the Illini Union ! the union indicated at Monday's-
Monday night to protest against meeting," he said.
what they charged were inade- The union went into yesterday's
quate housing arrangements and meeting, however, requesting that
scholarship policies for blacks in the University put into writing,
a program called Project 500-the their stand on issues which had
Special Educational Opportunities been agreed to in principle the day
Program, before.
A spokesman for the university Charles Minner, AFSCME rep-
said Project 500 is sponsored and resentative, said yesterday that
wholly financed by the University Monday was the first time the
of Illinois. He said the main re- University had even agreed in
cruiting area for disadvantaged principle with the union on a
youths is in Champaigni-Urbana number of positions, particularly
and surrounding communities. on seniority a n d promotion
Chief Harvey Shirley of the policies.
Champaign police said the dam- Discussion of grievance proced-
aged portraits included a large ures' the other major non-eco-
official portrait of current Illinois nomic' agreement, seem to have
president David Dodds Henry. The been suspended temporarily. They
words "Black Power" were scrawl- had been going on since mid-
ed on it.Aust
S ipolicemen Despite the fact that the strike
an estimated 120 vote is unavailable, indications
made the arrests. ,

the time of the shooting. Gains
later signed a criminal complaint
against the two.
They are charged with "assault
with firearms on an inhabited
building." Conviction on such a
charge carries a one-to-five year
prison term.
The officers were identified as
Richard V. Williams, 28, and Ro-
bert W. Farrell, 26, Both joined
the force. in 1965. Neither was
available for comment last night.
The Negro militants' bullet-
riddled headquarters is in West
Oakland, the same area'where one
white policeman was slain, a
second wounded, and Black Pan-
ther Defense Minister Huey P.
Newton was arrested Oct. 28 on a
murder charge.
Sunday night, after a 35-day
trial, a jury rejected the prosecu-
tidn's murder charge and convict-
ed the 26-year-old Newton of
voluntary manslaughter.
David Hilliard, a Black Pan-
ther spokesman, called the attack
on Panther headquarters "an open
act of war against the b la c k
According to :lilliard, although
the high-powered bullets pene-
trated a wall separating the of-
fice from an apartment in the
back, and also riddled a cafe next
door to the office, no one was in-
jured. The office itself was un-
occupied at the time of the attack.
According to reports from the
See POLICE, Page 7 '

Those arrested were charged

A joint meeting of the Ann Ar-
bor Mobilization Committee and

yesterday "there can be no im-
pairment" of university activities
during the coming year, beginning
Sept. 26.
He added he had no policy
statement on plans for the 70 stu-
dents, including SDS leader Mark
Rudd, who were suspended for
their role in the protest.

"We feel the moderate voice is
not heard on SGC as it stands-
SGC is not as responsive and re-
sponsible as it should be," Myers
Myers replaced Steve Brown as
IHA president at last night's
meeting. After one and a half
See IFC, Page 7

Students for McCarthy was held
last night to plan a strategy for
protest demonstrations in Flint
tonight during Vice President

NP enters sheriff contest.

New Politics Party candidate . target of Harvey's critics, Lewis
Jim Lewis joined the race for proposes a "humane and rehabili-
Washtenaw County sheriff yes- tative county jail system in which
terday, becoming the third man the civil rights of prisoners and
to run for that position this No- arrested persons will be pro-
vember. tected."
Lewis will square off against Harvey, who is under investiga-
winners of Ann Arbor's Aug. 6 tion for unfair labor practices by
primary, incumbent Democrat
Sheriff Douglas J. Harvey, and
Republican nominee George A.
A former deputy sheriff, Lewis
has harsh words for Harvey's
policies, citing the "intimidation
and brutality" used during last'
week's welfare sit-in protest in
the County Bldg.
Lewis denounced "the use of
dogs and the Oakland County
Tactical Mobile Unit during the
arrests of welfare mothers and
To help people "feel that law
enforcement officials are available
to protect them," Lewis proposes,
the establishment of a Citizen's
Review Board.

the state Labor Mediation Board
and the state attorney general, has
said he does not think charges
against him interfere with his
chances for victory.
The sheriff, who overcame two
Democratic opponents for his pri-
mary victory, said he had felt
assured of his primary victory.
However, David M. Copi, who
was narrowly defeated by the in-
cumbent sheriff, said the candi-
dacies of both Harvey and Peter-
sen will cause "a lot of people not
to vote."-

Hubert Humphrey's campaign
Gene Gladstone, Michigan co-
ordinator for the National Mobil-I
ization Committee to End the
War in Vietnam, spoke to a group
of about 50 people and urged
them to "develop a 'real protest"
in Flint tonight when HumphreyE
w ill make that city his first Mich-
igan campaign stop since the.
Democratic convention.
Gladstone said he hopes for 200
people from the Ann Arbor area
to take part in the demonstration,
which will take place at the Dort
shopping enM ai Flint diuring
the Vice President's address there.
Although tactics such as heck-
ling were suggested, the group
decided to demonstrate with pa-'
carms and leaflets. Cars transport-
ing demonstrators to Flint will
leave from the front of the Rack-E
ham Building on Washington St.
Although most of the people at
the meeting were in favor of u-m-

. continue until November," said with mob action, a misdemeanor.
a McCarthy backer, "because the Illinois State Atty. John Breses
American people will forget Cli-; said additional charges may be
cago too easily." filed. The cases were continued to{
Gladstone Humphrey chose Sept. 26.
Flint rather than Detroit for his Shirley said more than 100 girls
4irst public appearance in Michi- were arrested. He said police con-
gan since the nomination because fiscated what he termed make-
of protests that occurred outside shift weapons, including screw-
Cobo Hall during his last .speech drivers, metal rods and pipes.
there. Black Students Association lead-
"There were more people )utside er David Addison said the group
demonstrating against Hubert" sought "suitable quarters" and
said Gladstone. "than inside the changes in loan-scholarship ar-
hall supporting him." rangements.


Overadmission fills draft gap


are that many employes are in
favor of a walkout.
John Feldkamp, director of Uni-
versity housing, said yesterday
that he is prepared to keep the
cafeterias in 'Markley Hall and
South Quadrangle open in the
event of a strike.
Although strike votes are a com-
mon negotiating tactic of unions,
Minner pointed out Monday that
AFSCME has never chosen to call
a strike vote before economic
issues had even been discussed. He
said that was an indicator of how
poorly talks were progressing up!
to then.

Petersen saw "no reason why " onstrating, several expressed fear
there shouldn't be" a large voter of "getting creamed by the pigs I
turnout in November. The Repub- up there" and of "alienating peo-
lican nominee has said he sees'ple.'
"no use in making a big issue" of Gladstone. however, assured
the charges against the incum- them the Flint chapter of the
bent. American Civil Liberties Union
Petersen, who overcame five has agreed to retain two lawyers
opponents in a tight primary, is 1 "for any legal assistance that
banking on the support of his might be necessary" as a result of
loyal opposition. Stanley J. Dul- the protest. He added that pro-
geroff, who lost to Petersen by testers from Detroit and the Uni-
less than 250 votes, Clare M. La versity's Flint campus were co-

Graduate and professional school "over-
admission" policies .have obscured, at least
temporarily, the dire effects the new draft
law may have had on graduate school en-
The problem at the University 'is poten-
tially very acute, for a large portion of the
teaching of undergraduate courses is done
by graduate teaching fellows, many of whom
are now draft-eligible.
The effects of the new law have been
slight so far-at least on the surface. Assis-
tant Dean Byron Groesbeck of the graduate
school says preliminary enrollment figures
for his school are only "slightly down" from
this time last year.
However, this was accomplished only by a
nonio nf "ner-amitance. " Mnre annlicant

counted for a larger proportion this year
than usual.
Groesbeck emphasized that the school had
by no means lowered its admissions stand-
ards, but merely had admitted more of the
qualified applicants.
The law school adopted a similar policy
of "over-admission" for this term. It has also
paid off in compensating for the effect of
the draft.
Pat McCauley, Law School admissions of-
ficer, said the freshman law class is slight-
ly overenrolled, but he expects this to be
only a temporary condition. He said several
students have already had their pre-induc-
tion physicals, the final step before being
Even if the current figure does not drop,
McCauley said, ,the facilities of the Law
mScholae ,ta n tl xbe to na nden the

If the stay was refused on basis of the
letter alone, Groesbeck said, the school would
enter the picture and support the student's
position at the state selective service direc-
tor's level.
Groesbeck explained that directives issued
by national draft director Lt. Gen. Lewis B.
Hershey led to the belief that this procedure
would help obtain a stay. Groesbeck said
this action has not been necessary yet.
He said that in case a teaching fellow is
called, the appropriate department chair-
man will be asked, to defend the student at
the state level.
Last April, Hershey ruled that graduate
students could not qualify for occupational
deferments just because they were part-
time teachers. But there was nothing to stop
a full-time teacher, occupationally deferred,
frnm ~~ ctyii ar n -hi na tn

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