STUDENT ARRESTS: A CALL FOR REASON See editorial page Y L gilt PAit& RAIN high-71 0 Low-55 Cloudy, cooler; showers ending this afternoon Vol. LXXIX, No. 10 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, September 10, 1968 Ten Cents Ten Pooes Ten Cent Ten P IA %,j 11 I I C I I T City OK's housing units * * * * * * Council asks I, nikn it i p ntIp ,, h federal loan 4 /X/ /' / 9' X.F 9/9/ 4/ L4t X C By MARCIA ABRAMSON City Council last night unani- mously voted to request a federal loan for 300 additional units of low rent public housing, ending 0 IF/ iion odamore than three months of dis- pute. on n today However, former opponents of By RON LANDSMAN would be a major factor in deci- would get that far tomorrow. It's the poject indicated they had A strike against the University ding whether or not to strike. in the realm of possibility," he decided to support the request, considered by Local, 1583 of the "If issues on seniority and pro- added, "but it's impossible to pre- but indicated their intention of American Federation of State, motions which we discussed today dict." -pin moe tingentisuper- County and Municipal Employes can be written down," he said, The strike vote, called for at a vision on the Housing Commission, depends on the progress of talks we will look at the strike ques- meeting last month, will be com- which will administrate construe- today, an international repre- ,tion in a new light." pleted and counted at midnight tion and maintenance ,of the sentative said last night. James Thiry, chief University tonight. The executive board of: units. Charles Minner, AFSCME rep- negotiator, said last night that the local and the bargaining com- The city currently is construct- i resentative from Lansing, who led agreement in that area was pos- mittee will meet late tonight 0 ing 200 initial units of public union negotiators yesterday in a sible, but that hang-ups might early tomorrow to decide what to housing which were begun in June day-long bargaining session with easily develop. do, Minner said. after two years of debate in Coun- ! the University, said University "We've done well in a short T. vote, s is e t t N ears 25 apiateinsha-e willingness to put into writing is- time," he said, "but it would be The vote, which is expected to cil. Nearly 250 applications have sues agreed on in principle today I pushing things to sa'y that we be strongly in favor of a strike, already been received for the I would allow the union leaders to housing. take any steps "up to an includ- Guidelines for the Housing ing a strike" to reach a favorable Commissiodn were proposed in a W agreement. position paper signed by all the J s t ia l John ,\ Feldkamp, director of Republican members of the Coun- I University housing, said last night cil. that a strike , might close down The guidelines specified detailed meal service in the dormitories supervision of the Commission entirely. budget and asked an accounting University officials - including of current "fiscal difficulties." President Robben Fleming and: Although the position paper is* Thiry--continued to view the maoty odn, Coucliand hdae strike as only a remote possibility. majority on Council and have OAKLAND, Calif. (R)-The verdict that Black Panther Both see the strike vote as the consistently attempted to delay stanardplo usd bymos unonsthe request for the loan. leader Huey Newton killed a white policeman in a street standard ploy used by most union The paper expressed the opin- gunfight but didn't shoot the other officer wounded at the during negotiations to apply ion that the request of a loan pressure on management. 4 o on scene stirred new controversy yesterday. "I don't understand 'I wouldn't say a strike is out does not commit the city to con- Uie verdict," said Newton, 26-year-old organizer of the mili- of the question." Thiry said, "but struction of all or any of the proposed 300 units of housing. The tant Negroes. the tone of the union committee request will merely place the cityi "They didn't have the guts to decide the case on its would not indicate that a strike on a w list f fee funys Merits," he said through his attorney. "It was a racist sellout." ls immient. The Republicans said Council In jail since the slaying of officer John Frey and the he all-da session yesterday should determine the number of which covered seniority and po- I units needed according to the re- wounding of officer Herbert Heanes Oct. 28, Newton faces a motions policy touched on those port of the Housing Commission possible sentence of 2 to 15 years for voluntary manslaughter. issues for the first time since the and the availability of low cost' s "I think the jury was extremely conscientious and I re- middle of August. The union and private housing. spect the jury's judgment," said the prosecutor, Lowell Jen- the University reported agreement Councilman H. C. Curry (D- sen. He had asked for a first degree murder verdict, carrying in principle on the issues, al- 1st Ward) opposed the position though nothing specific was paper and said he would prepare the possibility of death in the gas chamber. agreed to. an answering statement for next The jury returned its verdicts Sunday night after delib- However, more important issues week's meeting. "You're going erating four days in a nine-week trial. still remain. One major issue is1 back to the same tactics you used It rejected the prosecution's contention that Newton grievance procedures. Although before against the housing," Cur- I with malice aforethought when to n a the Unversity has. accepted the ry said. fppe non-mandatory presence of a The original request for the questioning, union steward at the original housing loan application was de- Superior Court Judge Monroe Friedman described volun- efiling of grievance complaints, layed by opponents of the project. tary manslaughter as, among other things, an act committed they have yet to agree with the Instead, a conference was set up A "in the heat of passion." uion on the rights of the steward between the Housing Cogmmissionl mn invct.isra'ir tn n tn ,n4' , . _ _ - 0 0 Courts enjoin new protests By JIM HECK The welfare mothers late last night reached agreement with the Washtenaw County Board of Supervisors and the county social services board. The agreement was for a total allocation for school clothing of $91,000 to be distributed on the basis of need to 1,300 school children. The agreement was reached eight hours after negotia- tions began and after three circuit court judges and a county probate judge issued a court order prihibiting "loitering" in or around the County Bldg. The order restrains demonstra- tions for an indefinite period of time. The parties in the negotiations accepted a recommenda- tion presented by a "fact-finding" committee appointed by Robert Harrison, chairman of the county board. The social services board, represented by Carl Scheffler, said last night following the agreement that all welfare recip- ients will have 30 days in which to file for a maximum alloca- tion of $70 per individual. Need for the funds, up to and including the first $70, will be granted to mothers who present an affidavit outlining their needs. The balance of money will be allocated after the 30 days on the basis of need to the remaining individuals who claim more than $70 per child. The fact-finding committee, a three-man group chaired by Dean F. F. Fauri of the school of social work, was ap- pointed by a larger assembly which convened at 3 p.m. yesterday in the County Bldg. r a d e ; The committee met throughout the afternoon until 11:30 p.m. with the mothers, the supervisors and the social services board. Bernard Houston, director of the state so- ce cial services department, andstate Rep. James Farnsworth (R-Plain- well), a ranking member of the American imperialism, about the legislature's Ways and Means Bay of Pigs but not the pigs at Committee, were also asked to bay in Chicago." testify. An organizer for the National Of the $91,000, $50,000 will be Welfare Rights Organization, allocated by the county board, Bruce Thomas said "You're here of4 e conty ocialseromst budget to decide whether to do your thirg and the remaining 36,400 will today and the mothers have left it come from the state under Public up to you." JAct 280 of 1939. FcThe settlement was reached af- Following the scheduled speak- ter two days. of student demon- ers. te Men mike perio a - -DailyLarry Robbins YAFer speaksa t rally 250 students pa avoid' lotring By MICHAEL TIhORYN and DAN SHARE About 250 students mai ched from the Diag to the County Bldg. yesterday in support of the wel - fare mothers seeking an increase in school clothing allotments for their children. Police requested the umbrella carrying students to keep in con- stant motion as they paraded around the County Bldg. a con- sequence of a court order banning "loitering" in the vicinity of the building. The silent, orderly dem-! onstration moved on to the County Jail before disbanding in the late afternoon. A microphone and two loud- speakers earlier attracted 500 students to the noon rally on the" Diag where speakers exhorted' listeners to the cause of unity be-' lope that 1he e .o. ts o elfare mothers and students have ex- pxi ed." said Thomas Maye- of the Socioio~'y department. Sea king primarily to activists, Mayer said, "People .can assert themselves against bureaucracy." Fe drew applause when he said, "We must create a society truely fit for human habitation." Bruce Levine. administra ive vice-president of the Student Government Council answered a. statement on a leaflet distributedI by Young Americans for Free- dom (YAF).' The YAF statement was, "If student leaders were sincerely: concerned about the ADC children' they would do better to enannel' their efforts into constructive pro- gram such as clothing drives and voluntary fund raising drives' rather than exploiting the poor7 people's problems." Levine said the mothers don't want charity. "They have 1he right to have their needs met by! the society who puts them thre," - he said. The SGC officer claimed that police spent more money supress-] ing the groups than a fair settle- t ment would cost. Bert Garskoff, candidate for: Congress of the New Politics ka'ty,x called for broadened studentI awareness. Labeling the University "an in-t stitution of higher channeling," Garskoff said "professors .alkr about British imperialism, but not THE WELFAIR "It's an inconsistent verdict . and contrary to the evidence," said Newton's attorney, Char- les Garry. "We intend to take this to the highest court in the land." A highly qualified legal author- ity said the manslaughter verdict amounted to acquittal of the murder charge. Thus, he said, the defense can seek a new trial with no risk of conviction on any charge higher than manslaughter. Newton's tall, willowy fiance, Laverne Williams, in constant at- tendance at the trial in the tight- ly-guarded courthouse, said: "We were prepared. for the worst. I have nothing more to say until Huey's set free and then! I'll send you an invitation to the wedding." Huey Newton "We did our best job and we're, * not going to discuss this at all," said the Negro jury foreman, David B. Harper, a Bank of V'U A !4ssem bl America loan officer. Superior Court Judge Monroe Friedman set d p Sept. 27 for a probation report to debate and sentencing. Netno The sjurynacquitted Newton on a second count of assault with a yaw change deadly weapon. In a third verdict they held that Newton's conviction in 1964 By ROB BEATTIE of a knifing at a party was a u 4iveSUigLin comiamrsUCa ntiUand private contractors. 'hmdL the' wtelliare demands. representing employes. . "The city is counting on the Further, after four months of negotiations, the union has not e*4 C ce s)e even offered theaUni ersity it 1 S e C S 1 e part of most contract negotia- tions. The union says this is due, to the University's failure to agree to what, they consider the basic working agreement, the non-econ- - omic issues. They maintain they The Ann Arbor Human Rela- of Friday's arrests, noting the are asking only for what is stand- tions Commission (HRC) yester- absence of a show of force aroundt aid at all other state universities day released a public statement the County Building. "The results and colleges. deploring the "excessive use of of this approach were evident in# University spokesmen say they power" by the sheriff's depart- terms of the lack of tension and 1 cannot act quickly on non-econ- ment in the arrest of welfare dem- hostility on the part of those asd omic proposals until they see the onstrators last Thursday. sembled." the report said. enltire package because of the ef- feet the former will have on the}Whle citig thergenerally totl cst.On oficil asosaid peaceful handling of problems in total cost. One official also sadthe community, the HRC said it AFSCME had to stall to see whattecmuiythHR sadt kindCof hareentst th e whtlr felt "an obligation if not a man- uinios araingswthe theri date" to take a position on "the ersity would win. The heating os e ces of ov-r nsbJA: S t plant employes settled last week. law enforcement officers." although the skilled tradesmen After detailing the position of are still negotiating. the welfare mothers and the sheir- By PHILIP BLOCK Minner, who said he has yet to iff's deputies handling of the ar- ! aily News Analysis see the settlement made last week, rests, the Commission said it ob- denied that was a factor. jectedsto the following circum- For the mothers who proteste stances: allocation of emergency funds. A; S---The use of police dogs; ringing pendent Children (ADC) meansa V oice set of the sheriff's department with check which rarely covers their forces from outlying communities; needs for food, shelter and clothi use of a helicopter; and position- ing of armed men on the sheriff's For the Washtenaw County D o su p p ort building. of Social Services (DSS), ADC mea -The excessive use for force' stant effort to satisfy the nee demonstrated by some law en- indigent mothers and their 1785 c forcement officers. Each month about $120,000 in A -Many reports of "derogatory are sent out to cover the moth and racial comments allegedly di- __ _,,, needs. The funds to ADC recipient ,IZI yi 44 *11t; 1 t.}1 - one could say their piece for three minutes) was characterized by fightin gabout whether $60 was enough to clothe a school-age you h. Opinions of a small sampling of spectators at the rally were nixed. A law student surveyed the rrowd and mused, "I wonder how much is ego-motivated?" A black student standing near the library steps said the rally wouldn't generate much more In- terest in the welfare issue. "Sup- port is fading away" he said. A heavy-set white student noped for favorable results. "We're living moral support. It scares the hell out of the establishment," he as- serted. Edging towards the grass at the back of the Diag, a junior woman stopped to comment, "I don't go' along with the whole thing. Why don't those mothers get jobs?" The day's activities resulted in no arrests, in sharp contrast to last week's demonstrations. E PROBLEM . i i S f t I strations and mass arrests. All 242 persons arrested for tres- passing in last week's demonstra- tions are scheduled to appear in Ann Arbor Municipal Court at 9 a.m. today to enter pleas. Last night about 200 persons met in the Union Assembly Hall to hear legal advice from three lawyers. The lawyers said a mute plea today will result in a later trial date at which legal counsel can be obtained. Guilty pleas will probably result in a later sen- tencing date. Those found guilty can be sentenced to 30 days In jail or a fine of $50 or both. In the welfare package, the state funds are designated "emer- gency supplement allocations." Wednesday, Atty. Gen. Frank Kel- ley issued an opinion stating that the welfare need for school coth- ing situations constituted an emergency. Under PA 280, the state must supply 40 per cent of the total See MOTHERS, Page 10 ate aid in county hands d over' the kid to De- a monthly minimum ng. epartment ans a con- ds of 586 children. DC checks ers' living is are pro- state and on stand- artment of state or federally sponsored programs. Each year the County hands out ap- proximately $200,000 in direct relief, with the state providing 40 per cent of this amount.s Historically the county's contribution to the ADC program was mainly to provide the building in which caseworkers would work and to appoint the two members of the SSB. Recently, however, several counties, in- cluding Washtenaw, started supplying sup- plinmentary and emergency funds to those persons whose monthly payments from the state proved inadequate. Until the recent requests by the ADC mothers groups, these additional funds were rarely allocated for clothing purchases and the total seldom exceeded $2,000 per month However, the new requests have jumped aid, "many, many more" families are in similar need of emergency funds and would apply once funds are available. However, the emergency situation has not, occurred overnight. Mrs. Mudie claims that for the past several years the state's cal- culations of minimum ADC needs lagged be- hind the mothers' requirements. Eacht recipient . of aid, along with her caseworker, goes over state-supplied requests forms to determine how large the individual monthly payment should be. The state's forms list specific allotments for families of various sizes. It is these figures which Brose and Mrs. Mudie cite as being too low for the mothers needs. Rent is the only area in which local social service boards are allowed to determine individual allocations. And even in this area. The Faculty Assembly will de-. felony. This meant that the term bate the role of the faculty in a : for voluntary manslaughter could revision of Regental bylaws at its I be two to 15 years instead of one meeting next Monday, to 15. An invitation will be extended Garry won approval by Superior to the members of the ad hoc Court Judge Monroe Friedman of committee concerned with the Sept. 12 as the date for hearing revision of the bylaws to attend motions for arrest of judgment the Assembly meeting and hear and a new trial. the views of the faculty. The trial recounted an event By MARTIN HIRSCHMAN Voice-SDS yesterday expressed its "support for the efforts of the University employes in their rected" at the welfare mothers and others by law enforcement' personnel. The HRC requested a thorough investigation of these alleged vided on a fifty-fifty basis by the federal governments. Individual amounts are basedc ards determined at the state depa I