. ::.. Seventy-seven years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the, University of Michigan under authority of Board in Control of Student Publications Police: ready for anything 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily exp ress the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1968 NIGHT EDITOR: STEVE NISSEN 'U' employes' strike: A questionable issue THE CONTEMPLATED STRIKE against the University by Local 1583 of te American Federation of S t a t e, County and Municipal Employes is a conditional situation. Neither side in the dispute over contract negotiations is entirely right or entirely wrong. The dispute must be viewed in the con- text of the, progress of the negotiations, the prospect of mediation and what ef- fect it will have, as well as in the larger picture of what collective bargaining means to the administration and to its mployes.. The union and the administration have r'at 23 times now in the last four months. Discussion has centered on non-economic issues - those upon which a specific cost cannot be placed - and more specifically on grievance procedures, which affects most employes. OUR MONTHS is not an undue length of time for negotiations on a first col- lective bargaining contract. Michigan State University negotiated with AFSCME for seven months, although the situation was somewhat different in that meetings between their administration a n d the union were conducted off and on for a time before the union was officially rec- ognized. But for four months' negotiations, they have not been terribly fruitful, although it, is difficult to assess the blame. Only non-economic issues have been discussed, leaving the equally important and diffi- cult economic issues still to be considered. The union is responsible for first submit- ting its economic proposals which it has not done, even though it has had the ned- essary information from the University since May. University spokesmen argue that t h e y cannot realistically consider the non-economic proposals bbcause of their effect on the economic issues with- out having seen the total package of pro- posals from the union. The Black man "WHITEY'S BEEN putting me on all his life. I know just how far these white 'radicals' are willing to go." Omniscient bitterness denied every whisper of hope for the blacks who stood apart from the milling white students. "Sure they come down to get arrested and yell their stuff. But when they go back up on the hill the man's gonna get his revenge . . . in the alleys where no one looks . .. that's where we eat shit." The students did their thing. Some honestly hoped to win some Ghandian ,power by suffering through severe sen- tences to publicize American oppression. But some purely wanted just to lose their legal virginity. "It's okay for them, man, but not for me. They've got lawyers and money and their bag is to beat the rap. I don't need it." A SMILE OF desperation played on his lips and deadness waited in his eyes, knowing that help was so close and yet so far away from him. "Sure the mothers asked them to sit in and maybe the mothers will get some more money. But we don't ever get noth- ing without the man getting it back twice over. Them supervisors know how 'cause they've done it so many times before.". Growing up with the status of a beg- gar in a country which disowns its in- digent class is humiliation enough. Trans- lating the life struggle to the politics of force (which is more politics than force) or to the polemics of humanism (which is more polemical than humanistic) sticks in the guts. "When the man points the guns and" lets loose the dogs them kids gonna hide away in some corner and you know who gonna be left to fight(!)?,..." CONSCIENCES flip-flopped as students debated the actual commitment of being arrested. Picket lines seemed a very viable compromise; and jail seemed such an irrevocable inconvenience.- "I know one black cat who says he THE UNION'S ANSWER is that the non- economic issues are basic. It says it is asking for t h e standard non-economic base and that this question must be set- tled before it can formulate appropriate economic issues. Reports from both sides indicate that the last two weeks of negotiations have been significantly more productive than much of the previous talks. The major advance concerned the University's ac- ceptance of non-mandatory presence of a union stewart at the original filing of grievances. This is considered normal procedure, but the University had refused to accept the policy until recently. NO DOUBT THE THREAT of a strike has helped negotiations along, and an actual strike, were it extensively support- ed, would quickly win a very good agree- ment for the union and its members. Even allowing for the disruption, t h e threat of legal action and the precedent it would set for later contract negotia- tions, the improvement of the agreement for University employes may well make a strike worthwhile. The threat of a strike now is even more relevant if the activity of a year ago is kept in mind. The University - despite claims that it was doing the best it could and acting in the best interests of all its employes - was, by its acts if not its words, strongly anti-union, and thus es- sentially domineering and unresponsive toward its employes. The strike quickly cut through the mesh of paper issues which had been putting off the inevitable and eventually won for the unions i t s representation rights. That strike also culminated a two and a half year display of the University's in- transigence on t h e unionization issue. Thepersonnel who represented the Uni- versity through that period are largely the same who represent it now. There is little reason to believe that one quiet year h a s drastically altered anyone's views. THERE IS ALSO the larger picture to be noted: the extremely low pay of many employes, especially the unskilled hospi- tal employes; the fundamental inequities in employment which leave blacks in un- skilled jobs while almost entirely exclud- ing them from the higher prestige, higher paying jobs; and the University's posi- tion, not as a benevolent, enlightened in- stitution, but as the traditional h a r d- nosed employer. Another - probably more important - factor is the position of the state Labr Mediation Board. Both the University and the union have requested a mediator from the board, but oe will not be available until the current negotiations and strikes concerning state teachers are settled. The wait may be anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. The board has yet to respond to either the administration's l6tter or the union's telegram. A MEDIATOR would bring an optimistic note to the -talks. It is likely the board would send the same mediator who was here for talks between the Washtenaw County Building Trades Council and the University. Both sides in that case agreed the mediator had greatly facilitated their negotiations. Such an effect could be ex- pected in the current negotiations. This prospect argues strongly for pa- tience on the part of the union. Finally, there are the legal implica- tions. It seems clear that the strike is illegal. Public Act 379, part of the Public Employes Relations Act, outlaws strikes by state employes. The University sought no relief on that.issue a year ago when the "walkout" occurred, although num- eroustother legal issues were raised at that time. LEGAL PROCEEDINGS are such that the strike could be effective before any restraining order could be issued, thus circumventing the restrictive law. The legal issues are ones for the union leaders to decide. Current indications are that the strike is now inevitable. The vote.has been held and will be counted Tuesday. Reports from among employes seem to show that they are strongly in favor of it. A walk- By RICHARD ROISTACHER Daily Guest Writer EDITOR'S NOTE: Mr. Roistacher is a graduate student in social psychology. He has been an Army National Guardsman for nine years. He gained experience in crowd control as an infantry platoon lead- er and as a civil rights demon- strator and has done field work for the ACLU. PHE DEMONSTRATION at the county building allowed the public to view not only the dem- onstrators but also the city and county resources for coping with public disorder. An evaluation of police work at the scene of a demonstration is entirely independent of any eval- uation of the aims of the demon- strators. The goal of a public offi- cer at a demonstration must be that he permit any lawful activity to proceed with a minimum of hindrance while supressing any unlawful activity with a minimum of force. Crowd control is always a diffi- cult task, and the principles and techniques which prevent a crowd from becoming a riot are not all obvious. The fact that there was no mob scene on the order of Chi- cago does not mean that the local authorities are masters of the art of crowd control, but only that the demonstration was basically a peaceful one. A skilled observer could note many things about po- lice conduct and equipment which do not inspire confidence. The first stage in an y crowd control operation is a s h o w of force by the public authorities. Formations of police are deployed where they and their equipment are visible to the crowd. In theory, the only ones who should be in- timidated by such a display are those contemplating unlawful ac- tiops, who will now remain peace- ful and make unnecessary a n y further action by the authorities. A show of force is as much an exercise in dramatics as in tac- tics. A tightly controlledand dis- ciplined formation conveys an im- pression of impartial and controll- ed force. To stand unarmed before an armed man who keeps his tem- per and deportment under control is quite different from facing a member of an armed and angry mob who happens to be paid and equipped out of one's own taxes. THE IMPRESSION created by the deputies in the crowd control force was one of being a group of loungers In helmets and riot ba- tons. Their level of discipline showed itself in such behaviors as gum chewing, baton swinging, and in a general 'Hey, charlie, when do we get to open a few skulls,' attitude. Some of them appeared to be conversing with the crowd at times. It can be said of the Oak- land Mobile Tactical Squad that they neither looked nor acted like a mob and that there was little if any doubt of the ability of their commander to control them. Two of the most basic principles in dealing w i t h public disorder are: never employ more force than is necessary to control unlawful activity; never look as if you will do something that you do n ot mean to do or that you cannot do. Sheriff Harvey was infected on Friday with a strong case of over- kill. Even though the demonstrat- ors were in the courthouse, he faced a crowd of spectators with a force more appropriate to op- pose a gang of armed vigilantes. It was quite apparent that those who occupied the county building were not going to stage an Alamo- like resistance and that those who watched them were lawfully as- sembled. The use of riot-equip- ment was inappropriate. T h e Oakland Mobile Tactical Squad was misused in a similar fashion. This group, a formation of 42 officers, consists of a squad leader, dog handler, grenadier, sniper, and eight officers armed with 12-gauge browning military riot guns. THE TACTICAL SQUAD'S ov- erkill is not quite what it might seem to be. The grenadier carried a 37-mm tear gas grenade launch- er and some gas ammunition. Tear - gas ammunition can be misem- ployed by firing directly at a member of a crowd, but if prop- erly employed is neither more or less annoying than tear gas de- livered in any other way. It is reasonable to criticize the employment of the Squad but not the presence of the grenadier. Surprisingly, the same can be said of the sniper, who is less of a threat to the crowd than any of the other officers and deputies. His sole duty is to return the fire of someone sniping from a roof- top or window. Someone firing from a roof into a collection of police and crowd is an extreme menace to public safety and it is imperative that he be driven from his position or even wounded or killed to protect the people in the street. The sniper is not any g r e a t threat to the crowd however. His bolt action rifle puts out a smaller volume of fire than a n y other weapon in the hands of the police and the telescopic sight on it is almost impossible to focus at such a short range. What was truly ominous about the employment of t h e Mobile Tactical Squad was the us e of shotguns. All of the members of the squad who carried shotguns were equipped with bayonets, but did not fix them on their weapons. To oppose a crowd with a riot ba- ton is to imply that you will club someone if necessary. To oppose a crowd with bayonets is to imply that you will prod or stab someone if necessary, To oppose a crowd with riot g u n s is to say to its members that you will f i r e on them. There was no conceivable rea- son for threatening to fire on un- armed citizens peacefully congre- gating on a public street. Mem- bers of the Ann Arbor police have stated that the Mobile Tactical Squad had had little experience with student protest and c a m e prepared for a much more violent demonstration. Even so, t h e y should have left their riot guns on their shoulders and carried noth- ing more threatening than riot ba- tons. We can be thankful that the discipline of t h e tactical squad seems appropriate to its arma- ment. THE SAME cannot be said for Sheriff Harvey's display of wea- ponry. The Sheriff's two new AR- 15 rifles were prominently on dis- play on the roof of the jail during most of the afternoon. The AR-15, the civilian police version of the military M-16, c a n be fired as either a semiautomatic, single shot weapon, or a fully automatic weapon. Its effective range is lit- tle more than 75 yards; beyond this range it is difficult for even a good marksman to hit a man- sized target with any degree of reliability. The roof of the jail was at least 75 yards f r o m any conceivable target. At such a range, the only "reasonable" use of t h e AR-15 would be as a fully automatic, ar- ea fire weapon. The observer must assume either that sheriff Harvey was bluffing, and therefore vul- nerable to all that a bluff entails, or that he was prepared to ma- chinegun the crowd of demonstra- tors and spectators if he thought it necessary. The AR-15s also, indicate poor judgment in equipping the police. There was not one officer present at the courthouse who had a mod- ern, reliable gas mask. The Navy Mark IV masks carried by all, in- cluding the Mobile Tactical Squad, are twenty year old relics whose canisters have probably lost their potency, are difficult to breathe in, and are difficult or impossible to wear under a- police helmet. A POLICEMAN in the midst of a frightened and running crowd with a gun in his hand and his eyes full of his own tear gas is a greater menace than the public should have to bear. It is ironic that the interests of both demon- strators and police are served by having the police better equipped. (The approximately $325 that the sheriff's AR-15s cost the taxpay- ers would have bought at least ten modern gas masks.) In all, the Sheriff's department s e e m e d undertrained, wrongly equipped, and overdeployed at the Friday demonstration. T h e fact that there was no bloodshed is due not to their efforts but to the re- straint of both s*t.ators and demonstrators. A On your mark, get set . . INNOCENT BYSTANDER Journey to commitment By FRED LaBOUR EARLY TUESDAY afternoon I was oblivious to mothers on ADC. I was the innocent by- stander. Early Friday evening I allowed myself to be arrested in behalf of those mothers. ** * d I was formally introduced to the Letters to the Editor A call for a re-evaluation of goals THE FBI HELICOPTER circled above disturb- ing the peace and the cops circled below threatening all-out war. Meanwhile hundreds of students affirmed their concern for the ADC mothers. It was the privileged young and the old poor against the police state. If the lines of battle were clear, its objectives were not. At ten-thirty I left the general library. Where there had been hundreds, there were not fewer than a dozen students. Nearly a scorenof black teenagers moved in rag-tag fashion toward the Union. I moved in front of them, walking to- ward my bicycle. I heard the clomping of run- ning feet behind me. I then felt those same feet planted with some force in the center of my back. My head snapped backward in a whip- lash and my spine tingled from strain. "What did you do that for? Jesus Christ, you could have broken my back." After his success- ful dropkick, my assailant slipped back into the crowd. My words of complaint seemed an af- front: they effectively cowed their uppity vic- tim by menacing en masse. Stragglers jeered and taunted my silence and disbelief, while oth- ers shoved a lone passerby into the shrubbery. The blacks m o v e d off laughing and joking, pleased with themselves, not in any hurry. I HAD NOT expected an assault. My reaction was completely visceral and perhaps untoward. I might have said something more reasonable and friendly if I had been thinking in advance. If I had the kick-me-I'm-a -white-liberal mentality, I could have brushed it all off with an abject "Thank you." Or if I had been wearing my El- dridge Cleaver button, the whole episode might never have taken place. Yet it is doubtful that I would have been wearing it in the center of my back. As my back grew painful during the night, it was difficult not to feel some small resentment, By morning my neck wasstiff, and I had de- cided that surely other means might be found for expressing black discontent and black dig- nity. It was black power misunderstood. But by noon when my whole back ached every instant, I was questioning the whole alliance between the students and the blacks. Very possibly these were the dependent child- ren the clothingsallowance was for. Were these my natural allies? What did we have in comr- insignificant. Danny the Red burns Springer's trucks because he would not dream of burning Springer himself. But here the loss of property is shocking, the loss of life merely regretable. THE POLICE symbolize much that is odious, but the larger failure is that of their materialis- tic society. What the students need to see is that their problems are not with the police, and that thesir problems are but little allied with the blacks. Instead of pre-empting the black revo- lution, the building of many little Americas com- plete with black business and black police, per- haps students should concentrate on I a r g e r problems such as pollution, transportation, plan- less cities and raped countrysides, repressive schools and rampant military spending and dom- ination of universities and most of all the war in Vietnam. These problems are more germaine and more imnportant than aiding and abetting a demoralizing welfare system, more important than getting a few bucks for a few people who can get their own money in their own way. The police are small potatoes when compared to the larger issues. It is corrupt to play on the wel- fare mothers' plight: they want money, the students want the police. The way to deal with the police is from the top down. That way, if they don't get the mes- sage, they can get the axe. So let the movements be parallel but not congruent. Where there is mutual concern, fine. Where there is none, let the b a t t 1 e be waged simultaneously on two fronts, if battle there must be. -N. B. WILSON Sept. An older view TO THE EDITOR: In Chicago, in the most disturbing and outrag- eous political convention ever h e 1 d in the country, the Democrats nominated a man who has undergone a shocking transformation in the past four years - a man who made no effort whatsoever to stop the inexcusable violations of legal rights and liberties in Chicago and a man who is a 100 per cent hawk. In Miami, the Republicans nominated a thor- oughly discredited politician who is also a 100 per cent hawk. Both of these candidates have fervently supported President Johnson and Sec- ADC controversy Tuesday after- noon in the basement of the Coun- ty Bldg. I accompanied a Daily photographer there and spent the majority of the time sitting on desks in the welfare offices and listening to the mothers' com- plaints and observing police and administration reaction to them. Still an innocent bystander. What struck me about the po- lice, especially Sheriff Harvey's deputies, was their unwillingness to do anything but follow their orders, ("No press. You must clear the area.") and their tendency to be just a little more disagreeable than the situation seemed to call for. But it didn't bother me very much. I remember seeing the list of clothes that the mother claimed their children needed to 'start school and feeling that it was somehow vaguely repulsive that a person should have to list his per- sonal clothing, part of what makes him an individual, in terms like "underpants-2 pr., shirt-i, etc." For the most part I swas a bored innocent bystander. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON a Daily editor was arrested for try- ing to do his job as an accredited reporter and a responsible jour- nalist and it became a little more personalized for me. I walkpd .in the demonstration outside the ,ail that night, partly because I want- ed to see what was happening and partly because my friends were. I was amazed at the number of police and the dogs but other than that I reacted in a generally neu- tral, though slightly radicalized fashion. I said "Harvey must. go! " but I said it softly. Still innocent and still bystanding, Thursday made the difference. I intended to go to my one o'clock that afternoon but was sidetrack- ed by the rally and pickets around the County Blgd. I went mostly because my friends went and I wanted to see what was happen- ing. I hung around the County Bldg. all afternoon, getting more and more interested in the controversy and the people that seemed to be precipitating it. I was allowed into the rooms where the actual nego- tiations between the mothers and the Ways and Means Committee were occurring. A title less innocent now and an little less of bystander. During the early portions of the meetings I was particularly struck by the concerted effort Loth sides seemedtto be making towards a fair settlement. Both sides ex- pressed their views well, with adequate consideration for the realities of the situation, although there were occasional verbal bogs. LITTLE BY LITTLE, however, me that it doesn't take $60 to get my children prepared for school." The mothers took this as it was meant, personally; and hope for a settlement that day disinte- grated. No longer was it a clash between mothers and supervisors. Now it was a confrontation be- tween people who deeply distrust- ed and disliked each other. The meetings broke up at 5:30; the demonstrators gathered in the halls outside; Prosecutor Delhey read the warrant; the cameras moved in; the police- moved in; and 52 people were arrested. I watched some of the mothers be- ing dragged out feeling as if I had let them down, that I had no right to go free while they were going to jail. I respected them and sym- pathized with them and I called the police pigs. Less innocent. Less bystanding. THE NIXT DAY I was there for the sit-in, knowing that arrests would undoubtedly take place. I was still very much un- decided as towhether I would al- low myself to be arrested, but I was definitely going to stay to see what would happen. By this time I knew the leaders by sight and name and they were begin- ning to recognize me. I was in the group bf so-called radicals that met with Harvey that afternoon and I heard him say they would use "dogs, not of- ficers, but dogs." I couldn't believe him. He said we were profes- sionals at this type of thing and that anytime we wished to have a peaceful demonstration he would work' with us. We took Harvey's warnings back to the demonstrators; they voted; some went out; some stayed in; sone wandered in and out. We returned to Harvey's of- fice, explained the group's deci- sion, and watched him look pleas- ed. "You cooperated with me," he said, "and now we'll cooperate with you. No dogs, only man- power will be used." A FRIEND AND I walked over to the bus station for a piece of pie and he told me he was "a littletoo existential" to commit himself to anything enough to get arrested. I wondered if I was. I walked back to the C o u n t y Building and started to walk through in the picket line that' had formed, Three friends called to me to sit down, and I knew the time had come. Not innocent. Not bystanding. I sat down on the floor a little while later and got myself to- gether trying not to feel frighten- ed. The police moved in quickly, handled usroughly, nand pushed us into the bus. We hollered "Pigs 4 A a I