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September 06, 1968 - Image 1

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See editorial page




Partly cloudy
and cooler

Vol. LXXIX, No. 7 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, September 6, 196 Ten Cents

Eight Pages




SGC endorses

28 'U'




Over 900 students massed on the Diag last night to protest
the arrests yesterday of 52 welfare recipients and students as
they sat-in at the Washtenaw County Bldg.
Before the students adjourned to informal workshops
and organizational meetings, they scheduled a noon rally on
the "Diag today to prepare to support the welfare mothers.
Meeting in emergency session late last night, Student
Government Council urged students not to attend classes

jailed at protest
Fifty-two people were dragged from the second floor of
the County Bldg. yesterday by more than 100 law enforce-
ment officers under the direction of Sheriff Douglas Harvey.
The group was protesting what they termed insufficient
county welfare aid. Twenty-eight of those arrested are Uni-
versity students. Most of the others were welfare mothers
receiving Aid To Dependent Children (ADC) funds.
Fifty of the protesters were released on $25 bond late last
night after being booked on charges of trespassing, a mis-
demeanor punishable by a4

Daley getsa
.TV time
for reply

' which conflict with the noon
SGC also condemned tactics
used by the Washtenaw County
sheriffs in arresting the demon-
stratorsand expressed support for
the welfare mothers' demands.
SGC President Michael Koeneke
commended Acting Vice President
for Student Affairs Barbara Ne-
well for her "promptness in assist-
ing students arrested by the sher-
iff's office." Mrs. Newell arranged

CHICAGO (A) - Mayor Richard for the Universtiy to post bond
J. Daley accepted yesterday an for the students.
offer of one hour of prime time Council scheduled a special
from two broadcasting companies meeting for 9 a&m. this morning
to balance what the mayor term- to finalize plans for the noon
ed "one-sided accounts of the rally.
network coverage" during the The welfare mothers were ar-
week of the Democratic National rested yesterday as they sat-in at
Convention. ' the County Bldg. after the normal
Daley announced he has ac- closing time when negotiations
f cepted the offer from Metrome- with the Ways and Means Com-
dia, which has television and radio mittee of the County Board of
stations across the country, and Supervisors failed to resolve a dis-
from the WGN Continental pute over the size of allotments
Broadcasting Co., based in Chi- for children's school clothing.
cago and unaffiliated with any 1 At the Diag rally last night,
network. there was considerable speculation
The announcement said a that students would march on the
* documentary program, prepared County Jail as they had Wednes-
by the mayor's office, will be day night, but several speakers
shown in Chicago, New York, Los urged rejection of such a demon-
Angeles, San Francisco, Washing- stration.
ton, Denver; Colo., Kansas City, Speaking against an immediate
Mo., and Duluth, Minn. march to the jail, Ann Arbor New
WGN' has offered to make the Politics Party Chairman Eric
program available to any station Chester, Grad, said the move
V desiring it. would have the effect of "pre-
The time and date of the pro- empting" the welfare mothers
gram will be announced shortly, rather than supporting them.
the aide said. As reports spread that a crowd
Daley charged the television of blacks was massing at the
networks presented one-sided coy- County Jail, Chester said he did
erage of demonstrations last week not want students to create a
in front of the Conrad Hilt on confrontation with police in which
p Hotel, downtown convention head- blacks would be the prime target
qug.rters. of police.
Daley gaid the other side of the "If anyone would be harmed, it
picture-demonstratators taunting would be them, not us," Chester
and harrassing police--was not said.-
Sshown. Another speaker, Bill Ayers, di-
Daley also disclosed the Amer- rector of the Children's Com-
can Broadcasting Co. joined the' .munity, told students it would be
+ National Broadcasting Co. in a a mistake to "go down to the
compromise offer to Daley's re- jail and peter out like we did last
quest for prime time on the three night."
networks. Four hundred students marched
The Columbia Broadcastin{ to the County Jail Wednesday
Company rejected Daley's request, night to protest the arrest and
citing a half hour interview with alleged beating of Daily Man-
the major during the convention. ale eeating of ail Mn
-------See POLICE, Page 2

-Daily-Andy Sacks
TWO DEPUTIES FROM the Washtenaw County Sheriff's Department attempt to seize a woman who claimed she was recovering
from a recent operation. The deputies first forced the woman's sister and brother-in-law from her. Twenty minutes after she was
arrested she was taken by special deputies' car to St. Joseph's Hospital and admitted.

ADC mother's



Two proposals for obtaining
"emergency welfare funds" to
clothe school children were reject-
ed yesterday by the Ways and
Means Committee (WMC) of the

WMC a g a i n this afternoon, the WMC proposal, sat-in at the mother receive the full minimum
and announced they would hold County Building after the meet- amount as determined by her
another sit-in if WMC continues ing with WMC was adjourned, caseworker; those who have al-
to reject their demands.. were arrested by police. They were ready made applications should
The proposals were submitted later released on bond. be processed immediately."

by a group of Aid to Dependent
Children (ADC) welfare recip-

Washtenaw ountyBoars.o ients, who asked the grants be
Supervisors, given "on the basis of need."
The mother's welfare group, who3 The mothers, led by Mrs. Shir-
submitted the proposals, agreed ley Haywood, chairman of the
late last night to meet with the Ypsilanti Welfare Action, rejected
Write-in Mcarty
drive organizes


The meeting with WMC was The WMC members argued that
the third since Monday. The money supplied by the county
mothers have been demanding I on the basis of need would involve
more money to clothe their child- i the assistance of the state depart-
ren for school, which opens to- ment of welfare "to determine
day. that need."
At a meeting Wednesday WMC Lundy said, "We can't possibly
proposed to distribute $40 per bargain to tell the state what' it
child to the 1,200 children assum- should do or how it should deter-
ed qualified to receive the funds, mine the need.',
The mothers, through the at-
torney George ~Stewart, rejected Alfred E. Brose, director of the
the $40-per-child proposal Wed- county social services depart-
nesday, and the conference w a s ment, agreed with Lundy and said,
adjourned until yesterday. "You can't have both your new
Five representatives of the ap- policy determined on need and
proximately 35 mothers demand- immediate service. It would just
ing the funds met with the WMC be impossible."
and officials from the social serv- The mothers' committee claimed
ices administration yesterday at that qualified persons could be
1:30 p.m. obtained to work on the cases and
WMC chairman Fred Lundy that the cases wouldn't take as
had closed the meeting to the long as welfare officials claimed
press, but approximately a dozen they would.
pressmen were allowed to enter R
when the mothers refused to Robert Hunter, representing the
negotiate unless the press were mothers, said, "This is an af-
admitted, fluent community. I'm sure there
Stewart presented a counter- would be a number of people who
proposal by the mothers asking could assist the workers if the
"the amount of clothing supple- need arose."
ment be determined on an in- The mothers contended persons
dividual need." in need "should be expected to
Stewart further asked that "each See COUNTY, Page 2

maximum sentence of 30 days
in jail and/or a $50 fine.
Initially, police refused to re-
lease two of the protesters last
night, Paul Haywood and Bruce
Thomas. Haywood is still being
held for unpaid traffic tickets.
Police would not say why Thomas
was not immediately released.
Thomas is on the full-time staff
of the National Welfare Rights
Organization and is permanently
assigned to Ohio. He was released
at 12:30 a.m.
Arraignment of the 52 demon-
strators is set for 2 p.m. today in
Municipal Court in Ann Arbor
City Hall.
Funds for the release of "Uni-
versity students were provided by
Vice President for Student Affairs
Barbara Newell from the Univer-
sity's "bail fund."
President Robben W. Fleming
personally authorized the release
of the funds.
Bond money for the welfare
mothers was raised within 45.
minutes of their arrest from about
20 individual donors.
The police raid took place at
5:50 p.m. after negotiations be-
tween the welfare recipients and
the WMC reached a deadlock. The
sit-in demonstration had begun at
5:15 p.m. just before the building
was scheduled to close.
Sheriff's deputies from Wash-,
tenaw and Livingston counties
.along with city police from Ann
Arbor, Milan, Howell, Saline and
Dexter participated in the arrest
A small group of stunned ob-
servers watched as the persons
being arrested were shoved, drag-
ged or carried to waiting paddy
wagons and buses.
Late last night a large crowd
gathered outside the jail where
the 52 demonstrators were being
held. A close, ring of deputies was
stationed all evening on the peri-
meter of the county property with
special "riot sticks" and police
dogs. No major incidents occurred.
The County Bldg. arrests were
orderly until the deputies began
dragging out the women. The of-
ficers became more aggressive as
See PLAN, Page 2

trial goes
By The Associated Press
The eight-week trial of Black
Panther leader Huey Newton,
charged with the street slaying
of a white policeman, went to the
jury this morning.
Earlier,! on the Oakland, Calif.,
courthouse steps, Panther leader
Bobby Seale told two dozen leath-
er-Jacketed Negro militants "if
Huey Newton is convicted, the
sky's the limit."
Inside, Superior Court Judge
Monroe Friedman told the jury-
to return a verdict "regardless of
what the consequences of that
verdict may be."
The judge told the jury of seven
women and five men it could find
the 26-year-old Newton geuilty of
first-degree murder, second-de-
gree murder, or voluntary man-
slaughter, or it could acquit him.
Newton has been on trial eight
weeks on charges of killing police-
man John Frey, 25, and wounding
policeman Herbert Heanes in an
Oct 28 street shooting in which
he himself was wounded in the
Black Panthers, who advocate
the arming of Negroes in self'de-
fense, have made a nationwide
publicity campaign to "Free
Meanwhile, in New York, Mayor
John V. Lindsay confirmed -"yes-
terday that off-duty policemen
were involved in an attack Wed-
nesday by 200 white men on about
a dozen Black Panthers and white
sympathizers in the Brooklyn
Criminal Court Building.
Lindsay said he had been as-
sured by Police Commissioner
Howard R. Leary "immediate and
vigorous action" would be taken
against any police officer who vio-
lated laws or police regulations."

A write-in McCarthy drive be-
gan to take shape last night asa
more than 400 supporters of the
movement met to re-organize
Students for McCarthy.
The group-will distribute paste-
on decals of the Minnesota sena-
tor to voters. When the decals are
attached to their ballots, voters
will be able to write-in a slate of
McCarthy electors. McCarthy's
name cannot be placed on the
ballot because the state filing

deadline for the November elec-
tion was May 13.
Students for McCarthy will also
consider supporting candidates of'
other organizations for state and
local offices if the candidates are
found to be acceptable.
Art Silbergeld, '69, one of the;
organizers of the group, explained
that other write-in McCarthy
groups are organizing in the state
and a state convention will be
held on Sept. 21 or 28 in Ann
ArAnother organizer, Prof. Nor-.
man Starr of the mathematics de-
partment, said McCarthy sup-
porters had been able to place
the senator's name on the ballot
in 11 states. Starr added that Mc-
Carthy groups expected to be
placed' on the ballot in twelve'
more states "within the next few
AlthoughdMcCarthy has indi-
cated he does not want to be
placed on the ballot ,the group's
organizers expressed hope that
his decision will change. "As of!
today, we're hopeful," Starr said.
Local representatives of New
Politics and the Peace and Free-
dom parties challenged the Mc-
Carthy movement because it
might 'undermine the candidacy
of Eldridge Cleaver. However, Sil-

A seven per cent salary in-
crease for the academic person-
nel of all state colleges and uni-
versities will be the most im-
portant consideration in plan-
ning state higher education
appropriations for the '69 - '70
fiscal year, Gov. George Rom-
ney's office reports.
The guidelines released July 30
were applauded by administra-
tors, worried about the Univer-
sity's fiscal future. "A seven per
cent increase for University
faculty members will leave the
University situated competitive-
ly with other schools in the Big
Ten and 'with comparable insti-
tutions across the country," says

proposes faculty pay,,hike

tions, are in the "A" or "AA"
"National American Associa-
tion of University Professors
(AAUP) figures indicated that
the average increase for each of
the last two years in institu-
tions across the country was
around six and one half per
cent," Smith adds.
The average increase in Uni-
versity faculty salaries from the
'67-'68 fiscal year to the cur-
rent fiscal year, including in-
creased staff benefits and spec-
ial adjustments, totaled slight-
ly less than seven and one half
per cent.
However, the salary increase

academic staff by seven per
cent, the state would have to
earmark an extra $5.39 million
for this University alone.
Further clouding hopes for
the increase of $13.7 million for
general fund' appropriations,
the state has estimated that it
will be necessary to spend an
extra $160 million in the com-
ing fiscal year to simply main-
tain present levels of operation
for all state programs.
Added to this is the question
of salary increases for civil serv-
ice employes, expected to aver-
age five per cent, and the grow-
ing burden of the state welfare
Any plans for increasing ap-

ing and combining where possi-
ble. "It is not expected that tui-
tion increases will be used to
avoid evaluation of programs in
order to meet the funding needs
not provided (by this guide-
line)," it states.
A year ago, when University
officials were forced to raise
tuition to meet their financial
situation, they insisted they
would avoid another hike this
However, tuition was raised
again, and the same officials
find themselves even more de-
termined to avoid the third tui-
tion increase in three years.
-But this year remain hesi-
tant to say it won't happen.

See related story, Page 3


bergeld replied, "New PoliticsI
didn't choose the most viable can-
didate. Our object is to win."

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