Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, September 4, 1968 PageN" E , Ight THE MICHIGNDAIL Complete The following is the complete text of the Interim Report of the Committee on Communications Media, which represents a one-year study of The Daily's operations. Members of the committee were: -Prof. Robert C. Angell of the sociology dept. -Miss Judith A.Greenberg, Grad -Alden Klovdahl, Grad -Dean Charles F. Lehman of the education school -Prof. Ben L. Yablonky of the journalism dept. -Prof. L. Hart Wright of the Law School Prnf. Wright acted aschairman of the committee text of media committee's A& At interim . i 1 V1 . 1i "l4 W44riCi [4D {i11OL11 ill INTERIM REPORT I. Introduction This committee, created in September ;1967 by the. Faculty Assembly, was charged with the "responsibility. for studying the media of communications now employed on the campus." The charge included specific mention of two questio'ns: (i) "whether existing media are adequate or new channels of communication are desirable," and (ii) with re- spect to the agencies governing and operating the media, whether their .,"existing organizational structure . . . and their relation- ships to each .other and to the University community are appro- priate or can be improved."' The Assembly further prescribed that the committee be composed of four xmember of the University Senate and two members of the student body-one of whom was to be appointed by the Student Government Council and the other by the Graduate Assembly. The six duly appointed mem- hers sought first to obtain a pre- liminary overview covering the existing structure, contemplated functions, and relationships of all the principal on-campus mass communications media. These media included several publica- tions (University Record other less frequently published letters or reports from senior admini- trative officials to large segments of the University community, and the Michigan Daily) as well as two radio stations (WCBN and WUtM). The overview thus obtained convinced the committee that within the single academic year (1967-68) during which both its student members expected to be on campus, a' thorough study could be completed only with re- spect to on-campus needs regard- ing published mass media. And it is to these needs.that this in- terim report is directed. Most of the thirty meetings the committee held during the past academic year were devoted to interviews, involving persons who might be expected to appraise the communications problem from different perspectives. Those in- terviewed included various mem- bers of, the Board in Control of Student Publications, two succes- sive Editors o the Michigan Daily, three other students.hold ing less prominent positions on the Daily; ertain administrative officers of the University, mem- bers of the University Senate who had indicated an interest in talk- ing to the committee, and repre- sentatives of some of the twenty- one student organizations which were specifically invited to dis-' cuss' on-campus communications problems with the committee. Also interviewed were several well known' and highly respected pro-' fessional journalists associated with the New York Times. Asso- cated Press, and the Saturday Review. Additional insight was obtained from a host of docu- ments and memoranda, some of which provided historical per- spective regarding mass media on this campus while others dealt with the organizational and oper- ating structure, etc., of mass media on literally dozens of other campuses. Of value, for example; .was a pre-publication copy of, a manuscript, authored by a mem- ber of Columbia University's Jour- nalism faculty, which covered many important facets of col- legiate newspapers. The suggestions contained in this interim report reflect, of course, the judgments of a com- mittee. This fact in itself sug- gests that the exact shape of each separate proposal is not neces- sarily responsive. to each indi- vidual member's own initial pref- erences. Some of these were com- promised in arriving at workable and sensible proposals which each of us could accept. I. Central Themes Underlying the Committtee's Proposals I central to the committee's pro- posals are several basic convic- tions rengrding th snarate cnn- for the structure and operating practices of their departments or colleges. Yet others are interested also in the total University and, thus, in both the news and sig- nificant questions that affect it whatever may be the ultimate decision-making process regarding such questions. In our view, this broader in- terest must be encouraged among a greater proportion of each such constituency, again irrespective of the ultimate decision-making pro- cess for any given matter. But en- ,couraging wider interest in the whole is not enough, though it is essential. This is because the more compelling complementary need, to encourage the constituencies to develop a true understanding of University-wide problems, will be futile unless sustained by an in- dividual's personal interest. This complementary need to encourage true understanding of the University's significant prob- lems could be justified in terms of its educational function: to en- courage its constituents to under- stand the whole world about them. But actually it also is required in the University's own self-interest. This is so not just because stu- dents become alumni and the lat- ter do supply the "vital margin" and must help interpret the Uni- versity to. their communities. Nor is it so just because professionally excellent faculty members who do establish a personal identification with the whole University and its problems are more likely to re- main here. The University's self- interest is at stake primarily be- cause power (oth de facto and de jure) on this campus is spread among the constituents in anrex- tremely complex and often subtle way. Even students and faculty members who otherwise appear to take little active interest in Uni- versity-wide problems affect the solutions through their choice of, and contacts with, representatives of their respective officially con- stituted bodies. The indirect role students and faculty members play can be felt even on a matter over 'which their respective rep- resentative bodies exercise nothing more than a subtle influence. However, given the interdepen- dence of the University's many facets and its tightly knit fabric, ,these same students and faculty members often cannot react wise- ly to a given University-wide problem unless they understand the whole University. The exist- ence of this complication gives added dimension to the reason! why the University's compelling self-interest in having its prob- lems dealt with wisely requires it to encourage among its major constituents wider interest in, and more complete understanding of, the whole. Because of the im- mense size and complexity of this institution, mass media obviously must be relied 'upon to help gen- erate the requisite personal in- terest and supply the requisite understanding. Viewing the presently concerned members of each constituency as a separate aggregate, there is no reason to believe that any one of these aggregates hopes for any-I thing other than wise resolu-I tion of the University's prob- lems. Even so, however objective they try to be and though diver- sity admittedly exists within each, such constituency, each consti- tuency initially does tend-when viewed as a whole-to bring to bear at least a slightly different perspective on University-wide' problems. Thus, if each is to have a reasonable chance to get at the "truth," mass communications media on campus must also as- sume the obligation to expose, each constituency not only to the diverse views of its own members but also to the perspectives of 'the other constituents. -A corollary, to the same end, is that each of the constituencies1 must be assured of an opportunity to communicate its own perspec- tives to the other and in its own way, that is, in its own unaltered1 words. Otherwise, the ultimate impact is the same as if its views urpr hcir n non.,A , A ._ , sity-wide interest, has reasonable access to the facts before it brings its respective to bear on the prob- lem. Otherwise, how can the most conscientious of us avoid unin- tended distortions or untruths in our communications? II III. Exposure of the Campus Community to News About the University and to the Perspectives of Its Constituents Introductory note Until recently, for all practical purposes the Michigan Daily alone bore the burden of trying to communicate to the University's whole campus family both news regarding the University and the views of its diverse constituents. Needless to say, a variety of cri- ticisms and tributes regarding the Daily were brought to our atten- tion. Criticisms ranged from the manner in which it allocates its space, to editorial biases and dis- tortions of fact attributed to it. As to space allocation, it was suggested, for example, that the Daily, because of its monopoly position, was obligated to devote more space to important news about each of the various schools and colleges, of which there are seventeen. Yet others felt, again by way of example, that more space should be devoted to news about coming special events or en- tertainments on campus. No two persons, of course, would allocate newspaper space to different subjects in exactly the same way. Further, if this news- paper is to be self-sustaining, a ceiling exists on its news and edi- torial space, the limitation being the amount which can be sus- tained by. advertising revenue. Currently, the paper itself can- not afford a significant increase, at least on a daily basis, in any one of its major features unless this is accomplished by reducing space allotted to other features. And to rob Peter to pay Paul in this instance would be a question- able practice if only because the most thorough recent independent sample survey shows that at least a significant though varying part of its readership is attracted to each of those features to which substantial space is devoted. For example, though the survey show- ed that only 36% of the faculty members who read the Daily us- ually read its off-campus items involving national or international news, the figure among student readers was 72%. And because of the costs involved in taking two newspapers, no doubt many stu- dent readers rely exclusively upon this newspaper for daily coverage of these as well as other matters. Given this problem, our report later includes only two suggestions bearing on space 'allocation, but neither is calculated to prejudice! the Daily's financial position. Anti - establishment biases or distortions attributed to the Daily, and said to be directed against certain student organizations as well as the administration, were generally ascribed to the claimed unrepresentative character of its staff, about w~hich more is said below. Proposed cures ranged from creation of a special subsidy to encourage more graduate students to work on the Daily, to creation of a second competitive newspaper. Some thought the latter should be a professional operation spon- sored by the University itself, while others contemplated. a sec- ond student operated newspaper. ' Again, it seems almost trite to add that no two persons, even if belonging to the same generation and constituency, would write a news story or editorial in an iden- tical manner. Further, anyone who has deemed himself familiar with all relevant facts of a story can, point to an instance where one or more of the finest professionally staffed publications in the land has been guilty of distortion, whatever be the reason. Realisti- cally, as to each of these matters, one hardly can expect the typical+ collegiate newspaper (manned as it usually is by undergraduate stu- dents who can work only part-+ time, and limited as to space) to match the high quality, say, of, the New York Times. To expect otherwise is to argue that such students have little to learn here or through experience, that an ex- tra-curricular effort can produce the quality attainable from full- time work, and that a story can be covered as fully in half a col- umn as in a whole column. paper, again if at all energetic, is more likely than a great commer- cial newspaper to generate antag- onism and counter antagonism, to the prejudice of rationality on all sides. ;No rule, no structure will neutralize completely these risks if first and foremost, in the great- er interest of seeking truth over a long period, each of the Univer- sity's major constituents actually Iis to- be provided, as we believe each should, with the opportunity to communicate its own perspec- tive in its own way. Given this, the aims then should be (i) to accomodate the requisite opportunities through a structure that tends not in itself to contri- bute further to suspicion, and (ii) to encourage each major constitu- ent to pursue deliberative prac- tices that tend to foster careful analysis while simultaneously re- flecting dissents within its own ranks - all in the interest of fos- tering truth. Our inquiry warrants one fur- ther acknowledgement. Whatever may be the personal view of any individual member of the Univer- sity family, attesting to the rela- tive excellence of the Michigan Daily-measured against the stan- dards of its own world-is the fact that the well known and highly respected professional journalists from whom we sought insight be- lieve the Daily is at least one of the New York Times' of the col- legiate world. Awards it has re- ceived in recent years further sub- stantiate this off-campus profes- sional view of the Daily. It also appears that the Daily has made a genuine attempt, giv- en the limitations inherent in a part-time operation, to use its more experienced staff members to train its neophytes. And we ap- plaud last year's contractual Gar- rangement pursuant to which the Daily subjected itself to criticisms offered by a member of Columbia University's journalism faculty who happens to have a keen pro- fessional interest in collegiate newspapers.E Nevertheless, in our view, the overall mission of communicating effectively the diverse, carefully developed perspectives of the pre- viously mentioned constituents re- quires serious consideration of changes proposed below. .Practices bearing peculiarly on communication of 'student pers- pectives. For reasons previously indicated, we start with the proposition that perspectives students bring to bear on University - wide problems should be known to all constitu- ents. There is, of course, no reason to assume that a profile of the news and editorial staffs of the Daily corresponds to that of the whole study body. The non-business staffs typically are composed en- tirely of undergraduates, the great majority of whom are enrolled in the College of Literature, Sciences, and the Arts, with the preponder- ence of them tending to major in just a few departments of that College. Typically, the senior edi- tors emerge from these while still undergraduates, having "worked their way to the top." Thus, even a consensus of their views may not coincide with a consensus of the whole student body or even of just those students who do have a real interest in the total Univer- sity. The future includes the prob- ability that the Daily will contin- ue to attract primarily persons with just such backgrounds. This is because the character of their particular academic commitment tends peculiarly either to be com- plemented by a significant inter- est in a writing experience for its values or to reflect a prime inter- est in the institutional world about them of which the total Univer- sity happens to be a part. On eith- er count, the Daily offers a chance for involvement. But this is not to say that the Daily, as an institution, has ig- nored the desirability of reflecting diversified student views, nor should we discount the great value of making known the perspective- 'of those students- who have the type of interest which leads to their personal involvement on the Daily. In the former connection, the Daily does afford each member of its editorial staff the opportunity to write individually signed editor- ials and, by publishing "Letters to the Editor," seeks to reflect on a representative basis such diversity ps exists in the letters it receives. the student body. We believe that both the Student Government Council and the Graduate Assem- bly deserve assurance that their deliberatively evolved positions will be prominently displayed and accurately reflected. Even now, in addition to inter- pretative articles, the Daily will- ingly and carefully records in the "D.O.B." all . resolutions in the exact form passed by the Student Government Council, and surely this is to the Daily's credit. We propose, however, that this prac- tice be extended to the Graduate Assembly. Further, in both cases, to accord greater emphasis to reso- lutions involving policy positions, we propose that these be separated from ordinary administrative-type resolutions (for example, SGC re- solutions approving various events on campus) by being printed in a section separate from, the D.O.B. Another set of suggestions bears on the work of the Daily's own staff. Some people have tended to treat all individually signed edi- torials as institutional editorials of the Daily. In the past, this re- action lacked justification, for the Daily-as an institution-has not tried to control the ultimate substantive position -expressed in these individually inspired com- ments. Nevertheless, such reac- tions appear to be unavoidable. Given this, and the desirability in any event to facilitate use of the deliberative process in developing substantive positions on the more important questions while still ac- commodating diversity, we suggest (i) that the Daily itself actually constitute an Editorial Board con- sisting of the Editor, Editorial Di- rector, and one Associate Editorial Director, (ii) that these three de- velop collectively and assume col- lective responsibility for institu- tional editorials which alone would be published on the traditional left side of the editorial page, and (iii) that the individual views of other staff members, whether by way of dissent or involving topics not covered by the Board, be published elsewhere on the editorial page under a -heading such as "Other Staff Views. " Of course the Letter-to-the- Editor's column should be contin- ued as is, modified only by a com- mendable practice followed in the interest of accuracy by the New York Times. Specifically, we sug- gest that the letters be dated, thereby avoiding any misconcep- tion by readers regarding the par- ticular point in time when a given writer actually responded to a giv- en problem the complexity of which may have been subject to rapid change. Practices bearing peculiarly on communication of administra- tion and faculty perspectives, At the moment, deliberative bo- dies representing the faculty have no control over any communica- tions media other than mimeo- graph machines. These are suffi- cient to enable SACUA, the As- sembly, and University-wide com- mittees to communicate their views in their own words to the faculty itself and to administra- tive officials. But these> bodies have no assurance over the years that their perspectives will be re- flected in their own way to the third and largest of the constitu- encies-the student body. True, interpretative articles bearing on many reports of these bodies do appear in the Daily, and the Daily has printed some of the reports in full. But these interpretative arti- cles are prepared by students; al- so, it is a student who decides whether a given faculty report should be run in full. Further, while the Daily publishes letters from each constituency in its Let- Vr-to-the-Editor column and spe- cifically solicits articles from f a- culty members, space limitations here may preclude publication of the carefully developed statements of the faculty's official representa- tive. Complementing these means is, a tentative, informal and not well' defined understanding that the administratively controlled Uni- versity Record ultimately will take over the function of the now mori- bund Senate Affairs. The former, together with the' President's monthly Letter and the ad hoc Re- ports 'to the University Commun- munity, also constitute the media through which the administration is' assured of an opportunity to disseminate its perspective in its own words. However, the distri- bution practices of these publica- ing that proportion of the student body ever will see the University Record. Some have proposed that the administration assure, exposure of the whole University family to its own self-expressed perspectives, and to those of the faculty, by publishing a professionally run newspaper which, in effect, would compete with the Daily. In short, it was recognized that, to be suc- cessful in attracting' actual read- ership among all segments, the publication probably would have to include most of the major- fea- tures now included in the Daily. No doubt such a move would be viewed in many quarters as a cal- culated and threatening divisive action. No doubt also, the Daily's own attitude toward both the fa- culty and administration would be adversely affected by the ensuing competitive struggle for survival. We believe the proper remedy points in precisely the opposite di- rection. The different constituents should be led, by their common in- terest in both the University's wel- fare and the truth, to combine their resources in a manner which preserves the Daily's financial in- tegrity while simultaneously assur- ing ,that individuals 'who regularly read the views of one constituency at least are exposed to the self- expressed perspectives of the other constituencies. This can be ac- complished without impinging in any way on the cherished and tra- ditional freedom of the Daily stu- dent editors. Specifically, we propose that there be added to the Daily an in- sert which carries its own name and masthead in a manner clearly indicating that the Daily's student staff is not in any way responsible for the insert's content. Among the various other devices which might emphasize the separate character of the insert, we at least discussed use of a different kind of type and quality of paper. A professional journalist, associ- ated with the University's news service, would be responsible for make-up of the insert. The con- tent would include, by way of sub- stitution, all matters now covered in the University Record, the Pre- sident's monthly Letter, and the ad hoc Reports to the University Community, insofar as they bear on University-wide affairs of com- mon interest to all of the Univer- sity's constituents. Further, on the faculty side, it should be under- stood that SACUA has the right to print therein statements originat- ing with it, full reports of faculty committees, etc., or summarized versions thereof-prepared by the committees in question. Since it is contemplated that the Daily, plus the insert, will serve as the device through which all of the principal constituents of the University will expose their views, not' only to members of their own respective constituen- cies, but also to members of the other constituencies, it is impor- tant that the combined readership include, apart from student sub- scribers, all members of the facul- ty and elected officials of SGC and GA. There is no assurance, of course, that any given student subscriber will read any or all of the mat- ters covered in the insert. Never- theless, assuming a student has an interest in the total University, it is important - both to him and to the University itself - that he be given this opportunity and, in any case, that copy be prepared in a manner which will tend to gen- erate and sustain student interest. Nor can there be assurance that any given faculty member, even if provided with a copy, will read either the 'insert or any or all -of the news, editorials, and letters the Daily otherwise prints about the University. But it is in the University's own self-interest to encourage faculty members (and, indeed, even their sl5ouses) to keep abreast of University-wide devel- opments as seen through the eyes of all of the major constituents. Accordingly, we propose that the University itself finance subscrip- tions for each member of the fa- culty (instructors and above), .co- pies of the Daily' to be mailed to' their respective homes. While this would assure delivery to each home on the date of publication, departments and other units oth- erwise still would be free to sub- scribe for copies to be 'delivered on would be absorbed by the insrt and precisely when, to accomodte mechanical or clerical require- ments, the copy itself would need to be delivered to the printing plant. Finally, it is not our purpose to ! prejudice the financial position of the Daily. Our sole aim, with which we cannot believe the Daily would find fault, is to facilitate, economically, the opportunity for the whole University family to be exposed to the perspectives of all constituents in the overall interest of seeking truth and, thus, also in a manner which will not impinge on their respective freedoms of ex- pression. To this end, the Univer- sity itself should bear such actual costs as may be incurred in imr! plementing this overall proposal. This additional cost may be ac- commodated at least in part by the revenue generated by the ad- ditional subscriptions herein con- templated. for the faculty, etc. Be that as it may, no doubt account- ants representing the University and the subsequently discussed board, or an independent accoun- tant if need be, ,can calculate both this figure and such other amount, if any, as may be required to reimburse the board for actual costs. incurred by this proposal. Bulletin board of coming events It is extremely difficult for per- sons associated with the Univer- sity to plan wisely in advance with respect to the host of especial events held on this campus. News about coming special events Is widely. scattered and incomplete. The University itself publishes a University Calendar listing events sponsored by the University. But students do not receive this. Cur- rently also, the Daily-in "Across Campus"'--records some coming events. Certain others, such as lectures and recitals, are listed in the "D.O.B." We believe it would be useful to combine in one publication, avail- able to all constituents, a "Bulle- tin Board" 'listing coming events which are open (whether or not for an admission price) to more or less all members of the Univer- sity family. ' We further propose that this "Bulletin Board" be published in the Daily in its Sunday edition, and that it cover all special events which will take place during the ensuing week. We suggest the Sun- day edition in part because Sun- day tends to be a "lean" day from the standpoint of campus news and in part because student sub- scribers have a greater amount of time that day in which to read the Daily. The aim is to cover special events, not regularly recurring matters such as the topic a given minister may have for his regular Sunday sermon. Finally, the aim Is to serve the readership, not the sponsoring or- ganizations. In consequence, list- ings should not be handled on a "paid advertising" basis. However, should the arrAngement .prove to be burdensome financially, we would hope the hereinafter men- tioned board would subsidize the effort from its other resources. Clearly we do not anticipate that the Daily should suffer a drop in advertising revenue now derived from sponsoring organizations. Should such a drop occur, obvious- ly the plan would require re-ex- amination. IV. Board for Student Publications Introductory Note It previously was indicated that each of the primary constituents of the University has a great stake in the campus' primary means of communication-the Daily. Those students who devote their time to the Daily also have a legitimate interest in its welfare. The inter- ests of each should be reflected on the governing board but in a man- ner that tends not in itself to con- tribute to suspicion or friction. 1 Kno'w preciseiy noAw mLuen sparse sent need not be handled, nor is it ten, the Preside contemplated that it would be for three-year handled in a manner which would five from the deny space to news, etc., regularly from alumni, ea covered in the Daily. Further, the 'appointment for previously mentioned professional maining three a journalist and the Daily editors ed for one-year together can work out the regu- dent body. The larly recurring point in time when nates the board the Daily's editors would need to its membership. nt appoints seven staggered terms, faculty and two ach subject to re- one term. The re- re students, elect- terms by the stu- President desig- I's chairman from. 14 The board ought not suffer the serious handicaps generated by its own present structure. Surely proposals previously dis- cussed demonstrate that we do be- lieve the administration has a le- gitimate interest in the campus' primary means of communiation. However, to include on the board the two ex officio members (Vice Presidents) inevitably embarrass- es both them and the board's func- tion. Through no personal fault of their own, they are entrapped into what is tantamount to a conflict of interest. The plight of the Vice President for Student Affairs, or of any counterpart office the University might create, emerges from the fact that the Daily focuses sub- stantial attention on student mat- ters that come within the juris- diction of this official. Obviously, he needs. to be free, in his capacity as Vice President, to reflect his own perspectives to the Univer- sity family (through the previous- ly proposed insert to the Daily). But he ought not also be placed in the embarrassing; role of sitting on a board whih chooses or con- trols the promotion of those on the Daily who are critically ap- praising the actions or views of his office. For him to do so inevi- tably will invite suspicion, both as to him and the board, and creates an unnecessary and artificial cloud on freedom of expressionby the Daily's writers. It also is conceiv- able that the Vice President, in his role as a board member, may bend over backwards siiply to avoid the foregoing implications and be led to vote in a manner which, while certain to neutralize suspi- cion, is not truly responsive to his honestly held convictions. For all these reasons, this official ought not be expected to serve on this board. , The same ultimate impact is suffered in the case of the Vice President for University Relations, though the cause is a bit different. Among this official's many func- tions is the responsibility to build an attractive image of the Uni- versity. While he may try to ac- complish this with a proper meas- ure of honesty and candor, the very title of his office hardly sug- gests that its prime interest is in disseminating critical appraisals of the University. The Daily's mis- sion, on the other hand, is 'bot- tomed on free, hopefully objective, and sometimes critical commen- tary. Thus, his presence on its governing board places him, through no personal fault of his own, in a fairly inharmonious po- sition, with all of the consequent impacts previously ascribed to the presence of the Vice President for Student Affairs. For this reason, it is equally unfair both to this of- ficial and to the board to expect him to be one of its members To minimize the likelihood of suspicion and undesirable friction we believe the administration's own legitimate 'interest in the principal oncampus media can best be reflected by the same per- sons who also reflect the legiti- mate interest of those students who personally devote their time to student publications. Profes- sional journalists can best repre- sent the true interests of both, acting not in a representative ca- pacity as such, but instead by ref- erence to their understanding of the requirements or environment essential in striving to maintain a high quality newspaper. We suggest that the reconstitut- ed board include three such jour- nalists, to be named by the Presi- dent (for staggered terms of three years, renewable 'once) from a panel proposed by the three ap- pointed editors of the Daily acting jointly with the editors,' respec- tively, of the Ensian, Gargoyle, and Generation. We would hope that one of the three would have had magazine experience, and the other two newspaper experience. The panel of journalists submit- ted to the President 'should ,be -I t .. I I~~eqa nia1 size I7pto twrice the nuimbe'r Not to be forgotten is the fact Further the Daily generally tions differ radically from those of Furthderetheadailylygenemalhysso-' that, compared with great com- licits active participation by any the Daily. In consequence, looking mercial newspapers, a collegiate student. On dccasion it has sped- to the future, there now is dno as- newspaper-if at all eniergetic- fically encouraged graduate stu- urance that many of the indi- inevitably runs the greater risk of fclyecuaedgaut t-vidtuals who regularly read the, ineitaly unsthegreterris ofdents to participate. That it met generating and sustaining emo- views of one constituency will even tional reactions on all sides. Com- w e success i ese l r be exposed to the self-expressed parativelya universi instances is not surprising, givenbexpsdtth slf-prsd paratively speaking, a university s perspectives of the other two. And the academic burdens and other is a very small and intimately in this cuts both ways. Some will; terwoven world. Thus, in contrast read the University Record, but to the great commercial newspa- pical graduate student. While we not the Daily; for others, the sit- pers, a collegiate newspaper which considered the possibility of pro- uation will be reversed. To illus- focuses significantly on the con- posing a special subsidy to encour- trate, the previously mentioned! troversial issues of its much small- age graduate students to work on sample survey indicated that 311 - --1nI m il 1 AnaI Anly withfar -the Daily, we were not convinced r. of tefaulyradsthe7 campus, but presumably would The senior editors themselves he is to appoint in any given year. take a much smaller number of are interested in placing the Daily To illustrate, if in such year only subscriptions than now. We fur- within the framework of a fully one such appointment is to be ther propose that the above paid- independent private non-profit made, the panel should consist of subscription arrangement be ex- corporation which then would rent at least two professional journa- tended by the University to elected the facilities it now uses. Careful lists. Should the first of these to representatives and officials of examination indicates that cur- whom the President tenders an SGC and GA. rently such an arangement does appointment be unable to accept, We recognize that the Univer- not appear to be financially feas- the editors who made the' nomi- sity, on occasion, may need to ible. In consequence, we have not nations must substitute a new no- faculty sought to resolve the editors' pro- minee before the President pro- communicate with the posal in any ultimate sense. As to ceeds further. through another medium, but only it, we propose only that when the with respect to matters in which factual terrainrhas sufficiently We further propose that the fa- stuent hae n paticlarintr-changed to warrant a full ap- culty's representation be. reduced students have no particular inter- - from five to three members and, est. tion, the matter then be consider- thus, be equal in size to the pre- Also, with respect to the propos- ed with an open mind by a new sent student representation. Also, ed insert, it should be apparent committee in the lightlof the then to align fact and theory, board that without some base of exper- existing total facts and needs. members chosen from the faculty fence we cannnt nredict how much I--------*... _ should be selected from their own 1