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January 20, 1970 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-01-20

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snow flurries

Vol. LXXX, No. 91 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, January 20, 1970 Ten Cents
urveyds ncrease ininterracialcon
By LINDSAY CHANEY methods by the Kerner Commission, which blacks who called themselves segregation- The percentage of whites working in all- increase in the belief that blacks have a However, C
The results of a nationwide survey by were partly caused by the racial tensions at ists also dropped from 6 to 3 per cent. white establishments decreased from 54 to right to live wherever they can afford to. is the case.
the University Institute for Social Re- the time of its investigation. The response to another question which 42 per cent. At the same time, blacks The percentages for whites rose to 65 per "People no
search indicates that Americans of all The ISR survey conducted in 1968 and appears to indicate a move toward general working in all-black places of employment cent from 53 per cent, for blacks up to they were fou
ages and social groups are experiencing recently compiled asked blacks and whites integration shows the percentage of whites increased from 11 to 12 per cent. 94 per cent from 89 per cent. it's highly un
moree interracial contact now than four questions about their interracial contacts living in all-white neighborhoods dropped The percentage of whites who shop and Whites who believe the government sent purely in
years ago. at work, in their neighborhood, and where from 80 per cent to 75 per cent while the trade in all-white stores decreased from should support the right of blacks t" go Campbell a
Responses to the current ISR study were they shop. There were also questions con- percentage of blacks living in all-black 40 to 25 per cent, while that of blacks who to any hotel or restaurant they can afforU racial mixing'
compared with those to a survey taken in cerning racial attitudes. neighborhoods dropped from 33 to 23 per shop in all-black places increased negli- increased from 41 per cent to 48 per cent. rights legislat
1964 asking the same questions. The most "You have to assume that people are cent. gibly from 3 to 4 per cent. Black opinion on the same subject in- segregation de
recent results, which indicate that there interpreting the questions differently, or Because more whites than blacks were In 1964, 43 per cent of the whites said creased from 88 per cent to 92 per cent. He points o
has definitely been an increase in inter- that there has been real change," says interviewed, a change of four per cent in the high school nearest them was all-white. The results of the survey do not indicate legislation, an
racial contacts, are in direct opposition to Campbell. "I tend to believe that the long the response to any question by whites In 1968, this figure dropped to 27 per cent. whether the increased contact between fluences publi
the Kerner Commission Report. trend movement is teward integration." may be regarded as significant, while a Similarly, the percentage of blacks liv- whites and blacks has been accompanied more.
Th Kerner Commission Report stated Campbell's position on integration seems change of ten per cent in the attitudes of ing near an all-black high school at the by increased amity. "Stateways
in March, 1968, "Our niation is moving to be corroberated by the percentage blacks is considered significant, according same time dropped from 36 to 20 per cent. There is some speculation that increased to conclude, "
toward two societies, one black, one white change of whites who called themselves to the ISR study. Concerning attitudes on racial matters, contact between the races may reflect only The survey
-separate and unequal." strict segregationists from 24 per cent in The survey indicates that in areas such the survey indicates there has been a sig- a greater awareness because of publicity of respondents a
ISR director Angus Campbell attributes 1964 to 1 per cent in 1968. as work, schools and shopping places, there nificant movement toward integration. racial crises in the years between 1964 and the 1968 sam
the discrepancy to inadequate survey At the same time, the percentage of has been significant interracial mixing. Both whites and blacks have shown an 1968. whites and 26

Ten Pages
ampbell does not think this
w are more sensitive than
tr years ago." he says, "but
ikely that the figures repre-
naginary increased contact."
ttributes the greater inter-
in large part to federal civil
ion and Supreme Court de-
ut that public opinion causes-
d this legislation in turn in-
c opinion and attitudes even
do affect folkways." he likes
Sunmer to the contrary."
in 1964 included 1,399 white
and 15S black respondents;
iple was comprised of 1,387
5 blacks.

to Suprem

e ourt


WASHiNGTO)N (iP) --Presi-
dent Richard Nixon yesterday
~*nominated U.S. Circuit Judge
SGeorge Carswell to the Su-
preme Court.
Carswell, 50, if confirmed byf
the Senate, will fill the vacancy
on the high court created in May
by the resignation of Abe Fortas.
The nomination was sent to the
Senate in late afternoon. Hear-I
ings by the Judiciary Committee,
are expected to begin Jan. 27.

High court bars punitive draft
-_,..-._®-_ WASHINGTON (' 1- Local draft boards yesterday were
barred by the Supreme Court from speeding the induction of
.: . " Vietnam war protesters.
t { The only punishment Selective Service law provides for
n :s< protesters is prosecution for resisting induction, said Justice
''William 0. Douglas in a 5-3 decision.
:. ::: .. -The law, he said, does not give the Selective Service
System "free-wheeling authority to rid herself of the regis-
trants using immediate induction as a disciplinary or vindic-
. jtive measure."
The ruling rejected the Justice Department's twin con-
tentions that the regulations were not being used to punish
and that they should be available to correct violations of draft

Judge Georg

State D1em
f or 18-yea
Michigan Democrats Saturd
calling for an 18-year-old vote, t
and property requirements, an
dents to vote in the communit
The recommendations, alo
the party's Political Reform C
state Democratic Party Conve:

A repeat of last year's struggle law.
over Nixon's first nomination of a "If federal or state laws are vio-
Fortas successor seems unlikely lated by registrants, they can be
Carswell, of Tallahassee, Fla. . prosecuted," Douglas said. "If in-
has been a federal judge since .:. duction is to be substituted for
1958. A Democrat turned Repub- these prosecutions, a vast rewrit-
lican, he was named chief judge °'ing of the act is needed."
for the Northern District Florida "The power under the regula-
by former President Dwight D tions to declare a registrant 'delin-
tsenhower and elevated to the quent' has no statutory standard
5th U.S. Circuit Court of New or even guidelines," he added.
's p^Orleans by Nixon. ' ~"The power is exercised entirely
-Asociated Press White House press secretary at the d xietion of the local
e Carswe1 Ronald Ziegler said Carswell's per- board."
ge aswe-sonal and judicial background, in- The ruling left unsettled t h e
~ ~cluding financial holdings and in- *.~ {. question of whether d r a f t
FIO come tax returns, were investi- boards have the power re
gated, and the judge received a classify war protesters IA. Indi-
complete clearance. . cations are strong, however, that
Ziegler was asked by a newsman . this power also is in serious jeo-
eaats ca'if it was a coincidence that the pardy
President had turned again to the "' ' ' Douglas, speaking for the ma-
South for a nominee. "It's a fact," :, jority, said they had searched
he said. Selective Service law "in vain for
olCarswell as a "strict construction- -Associated press the act to have tentative sanctions
JACOBS ist" with an outstanding personal tt!apart from the criminal pro-
i'JCB and judicial record. EnlvrOiiiieii lCriSIS! secutions specifically authorized."
lay endorsed recommendations There was no immediate in- The ruling upsets the four-year
he abolition of voter residency dication from Capitol Hill that the Sen. Gaylord Nelson (D-Wis) called yesterday for a constitutional amendment guaranteeing indi- sentence of David Earl Gutknecht,
Carswell nomination will draw viduals the "inalienable right to a decent environment." 22, of Gaylord, Minn., who turn-
d permission for college stu- substantial opposition in the Sen- --_____. . ed in his draft card during a 1967
ies where they attend school, ate which last year refused to con- anti-war demonstration in Min-
ng with others proposed by firm Circuit Judge Clement F. SUBPOENA POWER:neapolis.
ommission, were passed at a Haynsworth Jr. for the Fortes Gutknecht was already IA,
ation last weekend. seat. but, Douglas said, he was in only
enn , atekarty'snd. wly- In hat instance the Greenville, 0Othe third most available d r a f t
Meanwhile, the party's newly S.C., judge came under fire fromt h group, and was entitled to re-
formed youth-student caucus di civil rights groups, from labor- '5 Imain in this group rather than to
reefed its efforts at the passage union leaders and from senators Lit '.' 1 " ' ' '!be pushed up to first priority.
pf a recommendation for a pres: who felt that his extensive finan- J stcsBgean ewrvo-
dential primary, which was even- ialholdns had involved him in Justices Burger and Stewart vot-
tually rejected by the party. g "U ed to reverse the conviction on
conflicts of interest to which he the ground that Gutknecht was
To strengthen the recommenda- was not sufficiently sensitive. hnot given adequate opportunity to
tion to lower the voting age, the The Haynsworth nomination appal fomnhs erly nduc{on
delegates to the convention charg- was killed on a 55-45 vote with order.,'
ed party leaders with initiating a many senators who had opposed: Justice Harlan also voted .with
petition drive to gain the approx- Fortas' off-bench practices saying By CAROL HILDEBRAND alleged University discrimination. the subpoena of records and wit- the majority but said the draft law
imately 230,000 signatures need- they could not vote for Hayns- and RICK PERLOFF HRC members have long asked nesses formally only enforceable "may well authorize acceleration
ed to place the recommendation worth because they felt he had City Council last night enacted for jurisdiction over the Univer- in Washtenaw County Circuit to
on the November ballot. been involved to some degre* in a controversial human rights ordi- sity because they contend the Court. himself into compliance with rules
"Most of ths recommendations conflicts of interest. nance which creates a hearing University is the city's largest em-: Although the wording of the essential to the operation of the
the party passed are significant Among the positions taken by panel of human rights examiners ployer and, as a consequence, its ordinance previously gave the de- classification process."
only if they become law," says Carswell on the circuit court is who can issue cease and desist largest discriminator. partment authority to "order" Justices Hugo L. Blac, W i1-
Jerry De Grieck, vice president of that a freedom-of-choice school orders in cases of alleged dis- University officials say a mu-. subpoenas, Mayor Robert Harris,' J. Hugo .B, WByron R.
deergainplniLprisiliam J Brennan Jr., BrnR
the campus Young Democrats and desegregation plan is permissible crimination. nicipality such as Ann Arbor is who drafted much of the code White and Potter Stewart also sup-
one of the 20 University students when it will have the effect of The ordinance, passed unani- prevented from having jurisdiction explairied, "The change is in title ported the argument that Con-
who attended the convention. breaking down racially separate mously, abolishes the present Hu- over a state institution like itself. and not in substance." p ee argu, at Cn
"It's one thing to pass resolu- school systems. He took this view mand Relations Commission and However Lax claims this isaTeSeertIn,,hPage_ 6
one vew rmmiQion s a;The department, which is re- ___
tions calling for reforms, it's ano- in a July decision involving Bald- now creates a human rights de- matter of interpretation and sponsible to the city administra-
ther to work for those reforms," win County, Ga. I partment which, according to City something over which lawyers can tor, would file charges of discrimi- I TI)
says De Grieck. The Supreme Court has ruled Attorney Jerold Lax, will have disagree. nation with the examiners who VJ7 XtJ~I1
See DEMOCRATS, Page 6 See NIXON, Page 6 I jurisdiction to investigate cases of The department now can request would then hold an administrative 1"
- hearing and hand down a decision,
binding unless appealed in Circuit"
kAt pr...s.n....F Vir ncan uiuy rec-

Carole Leland, who last week
withdrew her naame from consid-
eration for the position of vice
president for student services, is
apparently not completely out of
the running.
Miss Leland, currently employ-
ed by the College Entrance Exam-
ination Board, met Saturday with
University President Robben Flem-
ing in Washington, D.C. to discuss
the job and student-administrator
Both Fleming and Miss Leland
said they believed the discussion
was worthwhile. However, t h e y
both declined to go into details.
Miss Leland said she does not
consider herself a "candidate" for
the job in a formal sense. "I don't
want to take the position of put-
ting myself in the running for the
job," she said.
Fleming pointed out that Miss
Leland, as well as the other four
candidates did not apply for the
job but rather were sought out by
the search committee.
The president said he and Miss
Leland ended their conversations
with an agreement to meet again.
He said a date has not been set
for this next talk, nor does he
forsee a time for making the final
Fleming yesterday also declined
to comment on a statement issued
last Thursday by-eStudent Go v-
ernment Council' member Darryl
Gorman in which he called the
candidacy of Hubert Locke for the
student services vice-presidency
"an insult to the integrity" of the
black community.

On today 's
Page Three
* Congress convenes its elec-
tion year session preparing
for a struggle between the
White House and the Sen-
ate centering around the
proposed health and educa-
tion appropriations bill.
* Guild House is forced to re-
duce programs because ofj
cuts in funding.
# East German leader Waltera
Ulbricht meets with west-
ern newsmen for the first
time since the construction
of the Berlin Wall some
nine years ago.

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. '


A . .....r n:-,+ VDf' nix ns^itcr ron_ i

Reportweakenscall forstudentvoice

Senate Assembly's Academic Affairs
Committee has released a position paper
on student participation in academic
affairs substantially less outspoken than
the preliminary draft of the paper re-
leased in September.
While the, earlier draft had urged

-Departments and colleges consider
using faculty-student committees to re-
view recruitment policies, and develop
plans for implementation;
-Departments and colleges consider
eliciting student input on policy in the
allocation of financial aid;
-Units not now provided with an

changes are not highly significant, and
adds that the earlier version had never
been intended as anything more than
a preliminary draft.
"We have no power as a committee,"
notes Buttrey. "No matter how strong
and specific our recommendations would
be, the outcome will depend on whe-

ship of students and faculty, far from
being adversary, derives from a re-
cognition of a community of interest."
The paper rejects parity in student
representation in academic decision-
making. "Since by definition we are
dealing with faculty committees," says
the paper, we do not envisage the pos-
c~h~it~vn h a iCirahili+ 'rarf ~ity in

At present, HRC can only rec-
ommend the city attorney file By STEVE KOPPMAN
criminal charges against alleged B TV OPA
discriminators in housing. Al- Vice President for Research A.
though HRC can hold a hearing Geoffrey Norman warned Senate
it does not have the subpoena Assembly yesterday that .govern-
authority. ment financial support for re-
The possibility of the city clerk search at the University is unlikely
acting as an escrow agent for ten- to increase significantly for the
I ant's damage deposits, was dis5 next four years.
sussed in publicdhearing earlier in "There is no likelihood that the
ast night's meeting. fiscal 1971 federal budget will be
According to the proposed or- significantly more generous than
dinance, the city clerk's office the current one," Norman told the
would serve as an arbitrator in University-wide faculty represent-:
the landlord-tenant relationship ative body. "In fact, it may be:

He noted overall federal sup-
port of research had reached a
plateau and wras declining in some
areas, after regular increases aver-
aging 14 per cent annually during
earlier years of the decade.
Norman discussed the problem
of the Willow Run laboratory,
which, he said, was suffering from
a decline in financial support as
well as a general lack of confi-
dence in University's as safe places
for defense research as a result
of student protests on other cam-

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